Estimated Two-year Net Impact to General Revenue Related Funds for SB267, As Passed 2nd House : a negative impact of ($24,540,000) through the biennium ending August 31, 2025.
This analysis assumes all eligible law enforcement agencies will pursue the grant under the program established by the bill, and that each will receive the maximum amount. However, the cost is dependent on the level of funding provided by the Legislature for this purpose.
The bill would make no appropriation but could provide the legal basis for an appropriation of funds to implement the provisions of the bill.
The bill would establish the Law Enforcement Agency Accreditation Grant Program (Program) administered by the Comptroller, which would provide financial assistance to law enforcement agencies, including school district police departments, in order to obtain accreditation if accreditation is required under Section 1701.165, Occupations Code, and the agency employs fewer than 250 peace officers.
The bill would authorize eligible law enforcement agencies to request grant funding to reimburse an accreditation fee, or for staffing and overtime necessary to become accredited. The grant may not exceed $30,000.
The bill would require the Comptroller to establish certain administrative procedures, including prioritizing law enforcement agencies that employ fewer than 100 peace officers, monitoring for compliance, and revoking grants awarded if the law enforcement agency is not accredited within a specified period of time.
The bill would require the Comptroller to submit an annual report before December 1st that details the name of each law enforcement agency that applied for a grant through the Program and the amount of money distributed to each law enforcement agency that received a grant through the Program.
The bill would enable the Comptroller to use any revenue available for the purposes of the Program.
The bill would require law enforcement agencies to be accredited in order to receive any grant supporting operations or equipment acquisition administered by the comptroller other than the grant program detailed by this bill.
The bill would require the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) to adopt rules requiring each law enforcement agency that employs at least 20 peace officers, and school district police department of any size, to become accredited and maintain accreditation through four specified accreditation entities or any other association or organization designated by TCOLE. Law enforcement agencies that are not already accredited would be required to execute a contract with an approved accrediting entity by September 21, 2027, and become accredited by September 1, 2029.
The bill would require TCOLE to implement a program to assist law enforcement agencies in becoming accredited.
The bill would direct TCOLE to periodically review associations and organizations that establish standards of practice for law enforcement agencies and that offer accreditation to agencies that meet those standards.
The bill would require an agency that receives a grant award under the Program to submit an annual report concerning the agency's accreditation status.
The bill would require TCOLE to post a list on their website of all law enforcement agencies that are currently accredited or under contract with an accrediting entity by an entity recognized by TCOLE.