WHEREAS, Residents of Austin lost a visionary civic leader |
with the passing of former city council member Chris Riley on July |
28, 2024, at the age of 60; and |
WHEREAS, The son of Eva and Peter Riley, Chris Riley was born |
in Austin in 1964; he worked as a congressional page in Washington, |
D.C., as an Austin High School student; after receiving a |
bachelor's degree in economics from Harvard University, he |
completed his law degree at The University of Texas at Austin; he |
was employed by the Texas Supreme Court before entering private |
practice; a dedicated urbanist, he made his home in downtown Austin |
when the residential population was in decline, and in 1997 he |
cofounded the Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association, which he |
later served as president; preferring to commute by bike, he got rid |
of his car, and he encouraged greater use of Wooldridge Square Park |
by picking up trash and bringing a giant chess set to the park for |
weekly games; he also led Bike Austin before facilitating its |
merger with other groups to form Safe Streets Austin; and |
WHEREAS, Mr. Riley served for seven years on the Planning |
Commission and won election to the city council in 2009; during two |
terms in office, he championed greater density to provide more |
housing; he was instrumental in the city's adoption of its Bicycle |
Master Plan and the National Association of City Transportation |
Officials' street design standards, recognizing the need for better |
infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists; moreover, his |
passionate advocacy eventually led the city to embrace such |
concepts as parking reform, accessory dwelling units, and mass |
transit-adjacent density; continuing his mission in private life, |
he earned a master's degree in urban placemaking and management |
from the Pratt Institute in New York; and |
WHEREAS, Chris Riley helped guide Austin's progress as a |
vibrant, well-connected city, and his kindness, integrity, and |
devotion to his community will remain a source of inspiration to all |
who were privileged to know him; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas |
Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Chris Riley and extend |
sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife, Denise |
Brady; to his parents, Eva and Peter Riley; to his siblings, Joan |
Laves Reitblatt and her husband, David, Ken Riley, and Michael |
Riley and his wife, Virginia; and to his many other relatives and |
friends; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of |
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Chris |
Riley. |