relating to prosecution and punishment of certain criminal offenses |
prohibiting sexually explicit visual material involving depictions |
of children, computer-generated children, or other persons; |
creating criminal offenses; increasing criminal penalties. |
SECTION 1. Section 43.26, Penal Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a), (e), (g), and (h) and adding Subsections |
(a-1), (a-2), (c-1), (c-2), (c-3), (c-4), (e-1), (f), (g-1), (h-1), |
and (h-2) to read as follows: |
(a) In this section: |
(1) "Depiction of a child" means, with respect to an |
image of a child contained in visual material: |
(A) a depiction of a child who was younger than 18 |
years of age at the time the image of the child was made; or |
(B) a depiction of a child: |
(i) who is recognizable as an actual person |
by the person's face, likeness, or other distinguishing |
characteristic, such as a unique birthmark or other recognizable |
feature; and |
(ii) whose image as a child younger than 18 |
years of age was used in creating, adapting, or modifying the visual |
material, including computer-generated visual material that was |
created, adapted, or modified using an artificial intelligence |
application or other computer software. |
(2) "Depiction of a computer-generated child" means, |
with respect to an image of a child contained in visual material, a |
depiction: |
(A) appearing to be a child younger than 18 years |
of age; |
(B) created using an artificial intelligence |
application or other computer software; and |
(C) that to a reasonable person is virtually |
indistinguishable from an actual child younger than 18 years of |
age. |
(3) "Promote" and "sexual conduct" have the meanings |
assigned by Section 43.25. |
(4) "School library" means a library of a public or |
private primary or secondary school. |
(5) "Visual material" means: |
(A) any film, photograph, videotape, negative, |
or slide or any photographic reproduction that contains or |
incorporates in any manner any film, photograph, videotape, |
negative, or slide; or |
(B) any disk, diskette, or other physical medium, |
or a file in any digital format, that allows an image to be |
displayed on a computer or other video screen and any image |
transmitted to a computer or other video screen by telephone line, |
cable, satellite transmission, or other method. |
(a-1) A person commits an offense if: |
(1) the person intentionally or knowingly [or |
intentionally] possesses, or [knowingly or] intentionally or |
knowingly accesses with intent to view, visual material that |
contains a visual depiction of [visually depicts] a child [younger |
than 18 years of age at the time the image of the child was made who |
is] engaging in sexual conduct, including a depiction of a child |
engaging [who engages] in sexual conduct as a victim of an offense |
under Section 20A.02(a)(5), (6), (7), or (8); and |
(2) the person knows or should have known that the |
depiction [material depicts the child as] described by Subdivision |
(1) is of a child younger than 18 years of age at the time the image |
of the child was made. |
(a-2) A person commits an offense if the person: |
(1) intentionally or knowingly possesses, or |
intentionally or knowingly accesses with intent to view, visual |
material that contains a visual depiction of a computer-generated |
child engaging in sexual conduct; and |
(2) either: |
(A) knows or should have known that the depiction |
described by Subdivision (1) appears to be of a child younger than |
18 years of age; or |
(B) believes that the depiction is of an actual |
child younger than 18 years of age at the time the image of the child |
was made. |
(c-1) An offense under Subsection (a-1) is a felony of the |
third degree, except that the offense is: |
(1) a felony of the second degree if it is shown on the |
trial of the offense that the actor: |
(A) has been previously convicted one time of an |
offense: |
(i) under this chapter; or |
(ii) described by Article 62.001(5), Code |
of Criminal Procedure; or |
(B) possesses visual material that contains 10 or |
more visual depictions of a child engaging in sexual conduct as |
described by Subsection (a-1)(1) but fewer than 50 such depictions; |
(2) a felony of the first degree if it is shown on the |
trial of the offense that the actor: |
(A) has been previously convicted two or more |
times of an offense, or any combination of offenses: |
(i) under this chapter; or |
(ii) described by Article 62.001(5), Code |
of Criminal Procedure; or |
(B) possesses visual material that contains: |
(i) 50 or more visual depictions of a child |
engaging in sexual conduct as described by Subsection (a-1)(1); or |
(ii) a videotape or film that visually |
depicts conduct constituting an offense under Section |
22.011(a)(2); or |
(3) a felony of the first degree punishable by |
imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for life |
or for any term of not more than 99 years or less than 25 years if it |
is shown on the trial of the offense that: |
(A) at the time of the offense, the actor was: |
(i) an employee at a child-care facility or |
a residential child-care facility, as those terms are defined by |
Section 42.002, Human Resources Code; |
(ii) an employee at a residential treatment |
facility established under Section 221.056, Human Resources Code; |
(iii) an employee at a shelter or facility |
that serves youth and that receives state funds; or |
(iv) receiving state funds for the care of a |
child depicted by the visual material; or |
(B) the actor displayed the visual material or |
caused the visual material to be displayed in a school library. |
(c-2) If it is shown on the trial of an offense under |
Subsection (a-1) that the visual material contained a depiction of |
a child younger than 10 years of age at the time the image of the |
child was made engaging in sexual conduct as described by Section |
(a-1)(1): |
(1) an offense punishable under Subsection (c-1) as a |
felony of the second or third degree is increased to the next higher |
category of offense; or |
(2) the minimum term of confinement for an offense |
described for purposes of punishment by Subsection (c-1)(2) is |
increased to 15 years. |
(c-3) An offense under Subsection (a-2) is a state jail |
felony, except that the offense is: |
(1) a felony of the third degree if it is shown on the |
trial of the offense that the actor: |
(A) has been previously convicted one time of an |
offense: |
(i) under this chapter; or |
(ii) described by Article 62.001(5), Code |
of Criminal Procedure; or |
(B) possesses visual material that contains 10 or |
more visual depictions of a computer-generated child engaging in |
sexual conduct as described by Subsection (a-2)(1) but fewer than |
50 such depictions; |
(2) a felony of the second degree if it is shown on the |
trial of the offense that the actor: |
(A) has been previously convicted two or more |
times of an offense, or any combination of offenses: |
(i) under this chapter; or |
(ii) described by Article 62.001(5), Code |
of Criminal Procedure; or |
(B) possesses visual material that contains 50 or |
more visual depictions of a computer-generated child engaging in |
sexual conduct as described by Subsection (a-2)(1); or |
(3) a felony of the second degree with a minimum term |
of imprisonment of 10 years if it is shown on the trial of the |
offense that: |
(A) at the time of the offense, the actor was an |
employee described by Subsection (c-1)(3)(A)(i), (ii), or (iii); or |
(B) the actor displayed the visual material or |
caused the visual material to be displayed in a school library. |
(c-4) If it is shown on the trial of an offense under |
Subsection (a-2) that the visual material contained a depiction of |
a computer-generated child who appears to be younger than 10 years |
of age and is engaging in sexual conduct as described by Subsection |
(a-2)(1), the punishment for the offense is increased to the |
punishment for the next higher category of offense, provided that |
the minimum term of imprisonment for an offense described for |
purposes of punishment by Subsection (c-3)(3) is 10 years. |
(e) A person commits an offense if: |
(1) the person intentionally or knowingly [or |
intentionally] promotes or possesses with intent to promote visual |
material described by Subsection (a-1)(1) [(a)(1)]; and |
(2) the person knows or should have known that the |
depiction [material depicts the child as] described by Subsection |
(a-1)(1) is of a child younger than 18 years of age at the time the |
image of the child was made [(a)(1)]. |
(e-1) A person commits an offense if the person: |
(1) intentionally or knowingly promotes or possesses |
with intent to promote visual material described by Subsection |
(a-2)(1); and |
(2) either: |
(A) knows or should have known that the depiction |
described by Subsection (a-2)(1) appears to be of a child younger |
than 18 years of age; or |
(B) believes that the depiction is of an actual |
child younger than 18 years of age at the time the image of the child |
was made. |
(f) In the prosecution of an offense under Subsection (a-1) |
or (e): |
(1) the state is not required to prove the identity of |
the child in the depiction described by Subsection (a-1)(1); and |
(2) there is a rebuttable presumption that the |
depiction is of an actual child, as described by Subsection |
(a)(1)(A) or (B), and not of a computer-generated child, as |
described by Subsection (a)(2). |
(g) An offense under Subsection (e) is a felony of the |
second degree, except that the offense is: |
(1) a felony of the first degree if it is shown on the |
trial of the offense that the actor: |
(A) [person] has been previously convicted one or |
more times of an offense: |
(i) under this chapter; or |
(ii) described by Article 62.001(5), Code |
of Criminal Procedure; |
(B) promotes or possesses with intent to promote |
visual material that contains 10 or more visual depictions of a |
child engaging in sexual conduct as described by Subsection |
(a-1)(1) but fewer than 50 such depictions; or |
(C) promotes or possesses with intent to promote |
visual material that contains one or more visual depictions of a |
child who appears to be younger than 10 years of age and is engaging |
in sexual conduct as described by Subsection (a-1)(1); or |
(2) a felony of the first degree with a minimum term of |
imprisonment of 15 years if it is shown on the trial of the offense |
that the actor promotes or possesses with intent to promote visual |
material that contains: |
(A) 50 or more visual depictions of a child |
engaging in sexual conduct as described by Subsection (a-1)(1); or |
(B) a videotape or film that visually depicts |
conduct constituting an offense under Section 22.011(a)(2) with |
respect to a depiction of a child [that subsection]. |
(g-1) An offense under Subsection (e-1) is a felony of the |
third degree, except that the offense is: |
(1) a felony of the second degree if it is shown on the |
trial of the offense that the person: |
(A) has been previously convicted one or more |
times of an offense: |
(i) under this chapter; or |
(ii) described by Article 62.001(5), Code |
of Criminal Procedure; |
(B) promotes or possesses with intent to promote |
visual material that contains 10 or more visual depictions of a |
computer-generated child engaging in sexual conduct as described by |
Subsection (a-2)(1); or |
(C) promotes or possesses with intent to promote |
visual material that contains one or more visual depictions of a |
computer-generated child who appears to be younger than 10 years of |
age and is engaging in sexual conduct as described by Subsection |
(a-2)(1); or |
(2) a felony of the second degree with a minimum term |
of imprisonment of 10 years if it is shown on the trial of the |
offense that the person promotes or possesses with intent to |
promote visual material that contains 50 or more visual depictions |
of a computer-generated child engaging in sexual conduct as |
described by Subsection (a-2)(1). |
(h) It is a defense to prosecution under this section |
[Subsection (a) or (e)] that the actor is a law enforcement officer |
or a school administrator who: |
(1) possessed or accessed the visual material in good |
faith solely as a result of an allegation of a violation of Section |
43.261; |
(2) allowed other law enforcement or school |
administrative personnel to possess or access the material only as |
appropriate based on the allegation described by Subdivision (1); |
and |
(3) took reasonable steps to destroy the material |
within an appropriate period following the allegation described by |
Subdivision (1). |
(h-1) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this |
section that the conduct was for a bona fide educational, medical, |
psychological, psychiatric, judicial, law enforcement, or |
legislative purpose. |
(h-2) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under |
Subsection (a-2) or (e-1) that the actor is not more than two years |
older than the depicted child. |
SECTION 2. Article 38.45(a), Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) During the course of a criminal hearing or proceeding, |
the court may not make available or allow to be made available for |
copying or dissemination to the public property or material: |
(1) that constitutes child pornography, as described |
by Section 43.26(a-1)(1) or (a-2)(2) [43.26(a)(1)], Penal Code; |
(2) the promotion or possession of which is prohibited |
under Section 43.261, Penal Code; or |
(3) that is described by Section 2 or 5, Article |
38.071, of this code. |
SECTION 3. Article 39.15(a), Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) In the manner provided by this article, a court shall |
allow discovery under Article 39.14 of property or material: |
(1) that constitutes child pornography, as described |
by Section 43.26(a-1)(1) or (a-2)(2) [43.26(a)(1)], Penal Code; |
(2) the promotion or possession of which is prohibited |
under Section 43.261, Penal Code; or |
(3) that is described by Section 2 or 5, Article |
38.071, of this code. |
SECTION 4. Section 21.16(a)(5), Penal Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(5) "Visual material" means: |
(A) any film, photograph, videotape, negative, |
or slide or any photographic reproduction that contains or |
incorporates in any manner any film, photograph, videotape, |
negative, or slide; or |
(B) any disk, diskette, or other physical medium, |
or a file in any digital format, that allows an image to be |
displayed on a computer or other video screen and any image |
transmitted to a computer or other video screen by telephone line, |
cable, satellite transmission, or other method. |
SECTION 5. Section 43.261(b-1), Penal Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b-1) For purposes of conduct prohibited under Subsection |
(b), visual material to which that conduct applies includes: |
(1) a depiction of a minor: |
(A) [(1)] who is recognizable as an actual person |
by the person's face, likeness, or other distinguishing |
characteristic, such as a unique birthmark or other recognizable |
feature; and |
(B) [(2)] whose image as a minor was used in |
creating, adapting, or modifying the visual material, including |
computer-generated visual material that was created, adapted, or |
modified using an artificial intelligence application or other |
computer software; or |
(2) a depiction of a minor, created using an |
artificial intelligence application or other computer software, |
that to a reasonable person is virtually indistinguishable from an |
actual minor. |
SECTION 6. Section 43.262(b-1), Penal Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b-1) For purposes of conduct prohibited under Subsection |
(b), visual material to which that conduct applies includes: |
(1) a depiction of a child: |
(A) [(1)] who is recognizable as an actual person |
by the person's face, likeness, or other distinguishing |
characteristic, such as a unique birthmark or other recognizable |
feature; and |
(B) [(2)] whose image as a child younger than 18 |
years of age was used in creating, adapting, or modifying the visual |
material, including computer-generated visual material that was |
created, adapted, or modified using an artificial intelligence |
application or other computer software; or |
(2) a depiction of a child, created using an |
artificial intelligence application or other computer software, |
that to a reasonable person is virtually indistinguishable from an |
actual child younger than 18 years of age. |
SECTION 7. The following provisions of the Penal Code are |
repealed: |
(1) Sections 43.26(b), (c), (d), (d-2), and (i); |
(2) Section 43.26(d-1), as added by Chapter 93 (S.B. |
1527), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023; and |
(3) Section 43.26(d-1), Penal Code, as added by |
Chapter 1041 (S.B. 129), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023. |
SECTION 8. The changes in law made by this Act apply only to |
an offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act. An |
offense committed before the effective date of this Act is governed |
by the law in effect on the date the offense was committed, and the |
former law is continued in effect for that purpose. For purposes |
of this section, an offense was committed before the effective date |
of this Act if any element of the offense was committed before that |
date. |
SECTION 9. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |
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