relating to including vehicles of certain prosecutors in the |
definition of authorized emergency vehicle. |
SECTION 1. Section 541.201(1), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(1) "Authorized emergency vehicle" means: |
(A) a fire department or police vehicle; |
(B) a public or private ambulance operated by a |
person who has been issued a license by the Department of State |
Health Services; |
(C) an emergency medical services vehicle: |
(i) authorized under an emergency medical |
services provider license issued by the Department of State Health |
Services under Chapter 773, Health and Safety Code; and |
(ii) operating under a contract with an |
emergency services district that requires the emergency medical |
services provider to respond to emergency calls with the vehicle; |
(D) a municipal department or public service |
corporation emergency vehicle that has been designated or |
authorized by the governing body of a municipality; |
(E) a county-owned or county-leased emergency |
management vehicle that has been designated or authorized by the |
commissioners court; |
(F) a vehicle that has been designated by the |
department under Section 546.0065; |
(G) a private vehicle of a volunteer firefighter |
or a certified emergency medical services employee or volunteer |
when responding to a fire alarm or medical emergency; |
(H) an industrial emergency response vehicle, |
including an industrial ambulance, when responding to an emergency, |
but only if the vehicle is operated in compliance with criteria in |
effect September 1, 1989, and established by the predecessor of the |
Texas Industrial Emergency Services Board of the State |
Firefighters' and Fire Marshals' Association of Texas; |
(I) a vehicle of a blood bank or tissue bank, |
accredited or approved under the laws of this state or the United |
States, when making emergency deliveries of blood, drugs, |
medicines, or organs; |
(J) a vehicle used for law enforcement purposes |
that is owned or leased by a federal governmental entity; [or] |
(K) a private vehicle of an employee or volunteer |
of a county emergency management division in a county with a |
population of more than 52,600 and less than 55,000 that is |
designated as an authorized emergency vehicle by the commissioners |
court of that county; or |
(L) a publicly or privately owned vehicle of: |
(i) a district attorney, criminal district |
attorney, or county attorney; or |
(ii) a prosecutor employed by a district |
attorney, criminal district attorney, county attorney, or the |
attorney general's office. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |