relating to prohibiting a school district from using interest and |
sinking tax revenue to pay for deferred maintenance. |
SECTION 1. Section 45.001, Education Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (a) to read as follows: |
Sec. 45.001. BONDS AND BOND TAXES. (a) The governing board |
of an independent school district, including the city council or |
commission that has jurisdiction over a municipally controlled |
independent school district, the governing board of a rural high |
school district, and the commissioners court of a county, on behalf |
of each common school district under its jurisdiction, may: |
(1) issue bonds for: |
(A) the construction, acquisition, and equipment |
of school buildings in the district; |
(B) the acquisition of property or the |
refinancing of property financed under a contract entered under |
Subchapter A, Chapter 271, Local Government Code, regardless of |
whether payment obligations under the contract are due in the |
current year or a future year; |
(C) the purchase of the necessary sites for |
school buildings; |
(D) the purchase of new school buses; |
(E) the retrofitting of school buses with |
emergency, safety, or security equipment; and |
(F) the purchase or retrofitting of vehicles to |
be used for emergency, safety, or security purposes; and |
(2) levy, pledge, assess, and collect annual ad |
valorem taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the |
bonds as or before the principal and interest become due, subject to |
Section 45.003. |
(b) The bonds must mature serially or otherwise not more |
than 40 years from their date. The bonds may be made redeemable |
before maturity. |
(c) Bonds may be sold at public or private sale as |
determined by the governing board of the district. |
(d) Bonds may not be issued to pay for: |
(1) any item or asset with less than a 10-year useful |
life span; or |
(2) the maintenance of school facilities including |
preventive maintenance; replacement of parts, systems, or |
components; and other activities needed to preserve or maintain the |
asset. |
SECTION 2. Section 45.0031, Education Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows: |
BONDS. (a) Before issuing bonds described by Section 45.001, a |
school district must demonstrate to the attorney general under |
Subsection (b) or (c) that, with respect to the proposed issuance, |
the district has a projected ability to pay the principal of and |
interest on the proposed bonds and all previously issued bonds |
other than bonds authorized to be issued at an election held on or |
before April 1, 1991, and issued before September 1, 1992, from a |
tax at a rate not to exceed $0.50 per $100 of valuation. |
(a-1) In addition to Subsection (a), a school district must |
demonstrate the bonds are not in violation of Section 45.001(d). |
(b) A district may demonstrate the ability to comply with |
Subsection (a) by using the most recent taxable value of property in |
the district, combined with state assistance to which the district |
is entitled under Chapter 46 or 48 that may be lawfully used for the |
payment of bonds. |
(c) A district may demonstrate the ability to comply with |
Subsection (a) by using a projected future taxable value of |
property in the district anticipated for the earlier of the tax year |
five years after the current tax year or the tax year in which the |
final payment is due for the bonds submitted to the attorney |
general, combined with state assistance to which the district is |
entitled under Chapter 46 or 48 that may be lawfully used for the |
payment of bonds. The district must submit to the attorney general |
a certification of the district's projected taxable value of |
property that is prepared by a registered professional appraiser |
certified under Chapter 1151, Occupations Code, who has |
demonstrated professional experience in projecting taxable values |
of property or who can by contract obtain any necessary assistance |
from a person who has that experience. To demonstrate the |
professional experience required by this subsection, a registered |
professional appraiser must provide to the district written |
documentation relating to two previous projects for which the |
appraiser projected taxable values of property. Until the bonds |
submitted to the attorney general are approved or disapproved, the |
district must maintain the documentation and on request provide the |
documentation to the attorney general or comptroller. The |
certification of the district's projected taxable value of property |
must be signed by the district's superintendent. The attorney |
general must base a determination of whether the district has |
complied with Subsection (a) on a taxable value of property that is |
equal to 90 percent of the value certified under this subsection. |
(d) A district that demonstrates to the attorney general |
that the district's ability to comply with Subsection (a) is |
contingent on receiving state assistance may not adopt a tax rate |
for a year for purposes of paying the principal of and interest on |
the bonds unless the district credits to the account of the interest |
and sinking fund of the bonds the amount of state assistance equal |
to the amount needed to demonstrate compliance and received or to be |
received in that year. |
(e) If a district demonstrates to the attorney general the |
district's ability to comply with Subsection (a) using a projected |
future taxable value of property under Subsection (c) and |
subsequently imposes a tax to pay the principal of and interest on |
bonds to which Subsection (a) applies at a rate that exceeds the |
limit imposed by Subsection (a), the attorney general may not |
approve a subsequent issuance of bonds unless the attorney general |
finds that the district has a projected ability to pay the principal |
of and interest on the proposed bonds and all previously issued |
bonds to which Subsection (a) applies from a tax at a rate not to |
exceed $0.45 per $100 of valuation. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |