
            January 30, 2025 9:00 AM

            SB 1


                                 Boyd, Erika  President & CEO  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Travel Alliance),

                                 Austin, TX


                                 Adkins, Christina  Director of Elections  (also providing written testimony) (Texas

                                 Secretary of State)

                                 Atkinson, Billy  Chairman of the Board  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Public

                                 Finance Authority), Hunt, TX

                                 Avini, Mitrah  Policy Advisor (Texas 2036)

                                 Baker, Toby  Deputy Chief of Staff  (also providing written testimony) (Office of the


                                 Black, Robert  Chief of State  (also providing written testimony) (Office of the Governor)

                                 Brown, Thomas  Chief Financial Officer  (also providing written testimony) (Texas

                                 Facilities Commission), Austin, TX

                                 Crawford, Amanda  Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (Department of

                                 Information Resources), Austin, TX

                                 Cruz, Adriana  Executive Director, Economic Development & Tourism (Office of the


                                 Curtiss, KJ  Budget Analyst  (also providing written testimony) (Legislative Budget Board),

                                 Austin, TX

                                 Deviney, Lee  Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Public Finance

                                 Authority), Austin, TX

                                 Erben, Randy  Chair  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Ethics Commission),

                                 Austin, TX

                                 Green, Christina  Chief Advancement and External Relations Officer  (also providing

                                 written testimony) (Children's Advocacy Centers of Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Johnson, J.R.  Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Ethics


                                 Kesler, James  Budget Analyst  (also providing written testimony) (Legislative Budget

                                 Board), Austin, TX

                                 Ladner, Gerald  Board Chair  (also providing written testimony) (State Office of Risk

                                 Management), Austin, TX

                                 Latsha, Rob  Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (Bond Review Board)

                                 Lindsey, Julie  Assistant Director  (also providing written testimony) (Legislative Budget

                                 Board), Austin, TX

                                 McMichael, Chara  Exec Dir of Human Trafficking Interdiction  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (BCFS Health and Human Services), San Antonio, TX

                                 Nelson, Dave  Deputy Secretary of State  (also providing written testimony) (Secretary of


                                 Nelson, Jane  Secretary of State  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Secretary of


                                 Novak, Mike  Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Facilities

                                 Commission), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST


            January 30, 2025 9:00 AM

                                 Purcell, George  Budget Analyst  (also providing written testimony) (Legislative Budget

                                 Board), Austin, TX

                                 Smith, Charles  Budget Analyst  (also providing written testimony) (Legislative Budget

                                 Board), Austin, TX

                                 Sreenivasan, Rahul  Director, Government Performance and Fiscal Policy  (also providing

                                 written testimony) (Texas 2036), Austin, TX

                                 Villalpando, Nick  Chief Financial Officer  (also providing written testimony) (Department

                                 of Information Resources), Austin, TX

                                 Vollbrecht, Stephen  Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (State Office of

                                 Risk Management), Austin, TX

                                 Welsh, Rod  Executive Director, State Preservation Board  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (State Preservation Board)

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Ahlschwede, Tonya  452nd Judicial District Attorney (Border Prosecuting Unit), Mason, TX

                                 Bitter, Adam  General Counsel (Office of the Secretary of State), Austin, TX

                                 Burnett, Christopher  Director of Government Filings (Secretary of State Jane Nelson)

                                 Felan, Michael  CFO (Texas Bond Review Board), Austin, Tx, TX

                                 Glancey, Rick  Director of Government Relations (Texas Facilities Commission), Austin,


                                 Graf, Keith  Executive Director - TMPC (Office of the Governor), Austin, TX

                                 Gregg, Harrison  Budget Director (Texas Facilities Commission), Austin, TX

                                 Groll, Justin  Director of Finance (Texas Bond Review Board), Austin, TX

                                 Hoffman, John  Chief Technology Officer (Department of Information Resources), Austin,


                                 Johnson, Suzanne  Director of Administration (Office of the Governor)

                                 Larson, Andy  Government Relations Specialist (Texas Facilities Commission), Austin, TX

                                 McKerall, Will  Deputy Executive Director (Texas Facilities Commission), Austin, TX

                                 Royal III, Alfonso  State Employee - Secretary of State (Office of Secretary of State)

                                 Scranton, Lydia  Chief Financial Officer (State Office of Risk Management), Austin, TX

                                 Snoddy, Aimee  Executive Director, Public Safety Office (Office of the Governor)

                                 Teczar, Dan  State Employee - Secretary of State (Office of the Secretary of State)

                                 Warms, Veronikah  (Texas Civil Rights Project), Austin, TX

                                 Western, Deea  General Counsel (State Office of Risk Management), Austin, TX

                  Providing written testimony:


                                 West, Paige  VP Government Relations (Entertainment Software Association), Austin, TX