Texas Legislature
Bills Authored / Joint Authored
Sen. Dawn Buckingham
87th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 3/25/2025

Number of Bills: 148

Report Sections: Authored Bills | Additional Primary Authored Bills

Author (93):
SB 4 Author: Buckingham | Bettencourt | Campbell | Creighton | Hinojosa | et al.
Sponsor: Burrows
Last Action: 06/16/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to provisions in agreements between governmental entities and professional sports teams requiring the United States national anthem to be played at team events.

SB 412 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/23/2021 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to telemedicine, telehealth, and technology-related health care services.

SB 413 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/09/2021 S Referred to Finance
Caption: Relating to state programs not funded by appropriations.

SB 497 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/09/2021 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to the issuance of an anesthesiologist assistant certificate by the Texas Medical Board; providing an administrative penalty.

SB 498 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/09/2021 S Referred to Finance
Caption: Relating to the rate of interest on certain tax refunds.

SB 523 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/09/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to the effect of certain reductions in a health benefit plan enrollee's out-of-pocket expenses for prescription drugs on enrollee cost-sharing requirements.

SB 524 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/09/2021 S Referred to Finance
Caption: Relating to the applicability of the law governing the provision of state aid to certain local governments disproportionately affected by the granting of ad valorem tax relief to disabled veterans.

SB 525 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/09/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to an emergency rule adopted by a state agency during certain periods of disaster.

SB 565 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/11/2021 S Referred to Local Government
Caption: Relating to use of project funds of municipal development districts.

SB 566 Author: Buckingham
Sponsor: Cain
Last Action: 05/24/2021 H Postponed
Caption: Relating to electricity service provided by certain municipally owned utilities.

SB 631 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/11/2021 S Referred to Local Government
Caption: Relating to municipal board of adjustment zoning variances based on unnecessary hardship.

SB 632 Author: Buckingham
Sponsor: Buckley | Ashby | Leman | Anderson
Last Action: 04/30/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to provision of broadband infrastructure and connectivity by the Lower Colorado River Authority.

SB 659 Author: Buckingham
Sponsor: Craddick
Last Action: 05/06/2021 H Point of order sustained
Caption: Relating to disannexation of certain areas that do not receive full municipal services.

SB 672 Author: Buckingham | Campbell | Nelson | Schwertner
Sponsor: Bonnen | Guillen
Last Action: 06/07/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to Medicaid coverage of certain collaborative care management services.

SB 673 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/11/2021 S Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs
Caption: Relating to the provision of technical assistance by the Texas Water Development Board to an interregional planning council.

SB 674 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/11/2021 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to the availability of antipsychotic prescription drugs under the vendor drug program and Medicaid managed care.

SB 700 Author: Buckingham | Hall | Lucio | Paxton
Sponsor: Cyrier
Last Action: 05/30/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

SB 701 Author: Buckingham | Hall | Lucio | Paxton
Last Action: 03/16/2021 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the continuation and transfer of the regulation of willed body programs to the Texas Funeral Service Commission and to the creation of the State Anatomical Advisory Committee; authorizing a fee.

SB 703 Author: Buckingham | Hall | Lucio | Paxton
Sponsor: Canales
Last Action: 06/16/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Department of Agriculture, the Prescribed Burning Board, and the Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation and the abolishment of the Early Childhood Health and Nutrition Interagency Council.

SB 704 Author: Buckingham | Hall | Lucio | Paxton
Last Action: 05/06/2021 H Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures: May 6 2021 10:33AM
Caption: Relating to the transfer of the regulation of racing to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, the abolishment of the Texas Racing Commission, and the creation of the Texas Racing Advisory Board, following recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission.

SB 712 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/06/2021 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to certain provisions applicable to state agencies subject to review by the Sunset Advisory Commission.

SB 713 Author: Buckingham
Sponsor: Cyrier
Last Action: 06/16/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process.

SB 714 Author: Buckingham | Hall | Lucio | Paxton
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.

SB 814 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/11/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to the amount of wine certain wineries may sell directly to consumers.

SB 815 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/11/2021 S Referred to Finance
Caption: Relating to a biennial report on state programs not funded by certain appropriations.

SB 816 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/11/2021 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to the possession and administration of certain vaccines by a home and community support services agency or its employees.

SB 823 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/11/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to the sale of distilled spirits at a temporary location by the holder of a distiller's and rectifier's permit.

SB 912 Author: Buckingham
Sponsor: Slawson
Last Action: 05/25/2021 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for certain conduct engaged in while participating in a riot and to restitution for property damage resulting from participating in a riot.

SB 913 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/11/2021 S Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the ineligibility of certain local governments for certain criminal justice grants as a result of budget reductions affecting local law enforcement agencies.

SB 941 Author: Buckingham
Sponsor: Morales, Eddie
Last Action: 05/28/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the adoption of a state scenic byways program.

SB 985 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/28/2021 H Referred to State Affairs: Apr 28 2021 2:02PM
Caption: Relating to reports by the Public Utility Commission of Texas on the ability of electric generators to respond to abnormal weather conditions.

SB 987 Author: Buckingham | Bettencourt | Schwertner
Last Action: 04/12/2021 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to prohibitions on camping in a public place; creating a criminal offense.

SB 989 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/20/2021 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to prohibiting certain limitations on the operation of certain alcoholic beverage businesses and organizations that benefit veterans during a declared state of disaster.

SB 1013 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 05/11/2021 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a local option election to allow the sale of certain alcoholic beverages on Sunday.

SB 1014 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to performance and payment bonds for public work contracts on public property leased to a nongovernmental entity.

SB 1089 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 05/11/2021 S Not again placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to increasing the maximum reference base amount for certain consumer loans.

SB 1090 Author: Buckingham
Sponsor: Murr
Last Action: 06/14/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to certain regulations adopted by governmental entities regarding land use restrictions and building products, materials, or methods used in the construction or renovation of residential or commercial buildings.

SB 1189 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Local Government
Caption: Relating to the authority of a municipality to remove territory from an emergency services district following annexation.

SB 1190 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to a direct primary care model pilot program for Medicaid.

SB 1215 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to election practices and procedures; creating a criminal offense; creating a civil penalty.

SB 1239 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs
Caption: Relating to the taking of wildlife by a person on the person's property for purposes of disease diagnosis, management, or prevention.

SB 1240 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs
Caption: Relating to the ownership of certain wildlife resources of this state.

SB 1241 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs
Caption: Relating to the terms and renewal of oyster certificates of location.

SB 1242 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to the issuance of a certificate of convenience and necessity for providing electric service in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality.

SB 1340 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/29/2021 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to voter qualification and registration.

SB 1402 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/23/2021 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the labeling of wine as originating from an area of this state.

SB 1403 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to the award of health plan provider contracts under the Medicaid managed care program.

SB 1404 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
Caption: Relating to the certification of live music venues by and other duties of the Texas Music Office.

SB 1405 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the prohibition of certain police force reductions in certain populous municipalities.

SB 1406 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to police cadet training in certain municipalities.

SB 1407 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Local Government
Caption: Relating to referenda on county property matters in certain counties.

SB 1408 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Transportation
Caption: Relating to the designation of a portion of State Highway Loop 121 in Bell County as the Deputy Sheriff John Rhoden Memorial Highway.

SB 1409 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
Caption: Relating to the adoption of a certain plumbing code by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners.

SB 1469 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/24/2021 S Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
Caption: Relating to the use by certain municipalities of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue for the enhancement and maintenance of public parks.

SB 1470 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/06/2021 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to chilled water service and district cooling systems.

SB 1499 Author: Buckingham
Sponsor: Wilson
Last Action: 05/07/2021 H Point of order sustained
Caption: Relating to the municipal disannexation of certain areas formerly designated as a census designated place.

SB 1500 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/24/2021 S Referred to Local Government
Caption: Relating to municipal release of extraterritorial jurisdiction and disannexation involving certain areas.

SB 1501 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/24/2021 S Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
Caption: Relating to monuments, markers, and medallions controlled by the Texas Historical Commission.

SB 1502 Author: Buckingham
Sponsor: Bonnen
Last Action: 05/23/2021 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to a determination by the Texas Medical Board of a physician's specialty board certification.

SB 1503 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/24/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to the authority of a physician to provide and dispense and to delegate authority to provide and dispense certain drugs.

SB 1533 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/24/2021 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to the reimbursement of certain urban teaching hospitals for the provision of inpatient hospital care under Medicaid.

SB 1534 Author: Buckingham
Sponsor: Campos
Last Action: 06/07/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to remedial plans issued by the State Board of Dental Examiners to address complaints against dentists and dental hygienists.

SB 1535 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/24/2021 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the practices and procedures related to early voting by mail, including the participation of watchers; modifying and increasing criminal penalties.

SB 1594 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/24/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to the release of a judgment lien on homestead property.

SB 1677 Author: Buckingham
Sponsor: Frullo
Last Action: 06/07/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to eliminating certain reporting and posting requirements for public institutions of higher education and other state agencies and the requirement for a plan by certain school districts to increase enrollment in public institutions of higher education.

SB 1748 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/26/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to operating requirements for farm mutual insurance companies related to insurance in force on rural property.

SB 1881 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/26/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to the applicability of the prohibition on governmental entities adopting certain regulations governing the use of certain building products, materials, or methods.

SB 1882 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/26/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to the applicability of the prohibition on governmental entities adopting certain regulations governing the use of certain building products, materials, or methods.

SB 1883 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/26/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to preauthorization and utilization review for certain health benefit plans.

SB 1987 Author: Buckingham
Sponsor: Shine
Last Action: 05/24/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the creation of the River Farm Municipal Utility District No. 1 of Bell County; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.

SB 2009 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/01/2021 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to the designation of centers of excellence for the management and treatment of placenta accreta spectrum disorder.

SB 2014 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/01/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to a health care entity's disclosure to patients and prospective patients of charges for certain health care services, goods, or procedures; authorizing administrative penalties.

SB 2015 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/01/2021 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to neglect of a child and the grounds for termination of the parent-child relationship and possession of a child by the Department of Family and Protective Services.

SB 2148 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 05/03/2021 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the election of members of the board of directors of the Travis County Water Control and Improvement District No. 17.

SB 2193 Author: Buckingham
Sponsor: King, Tracy O.
Last Action: 06/16/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the creation of the Matthews Ranch Water Control and Improvement District No. 1 of Blanco County; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.

SB 2199 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/12/2021 S Referred to Administration
Caption: Relating to electricity service provided by certain municipally owned utilities.

SB 2200 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/12/2021 S Referred to Administration
Caption: Relating to certain regulations adopted by governmental entities regarding building products, materials, or methods used in the construction or renovation of residential or commercial buildings.

SB 2201 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/12/2021 S Referred to Administration
Caption: Relating to prohibiting certain limitations on the operation of certain alcoholic beverage businesses and organizations that benefit veterans during a declared state of disaster.

SB 2223 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/27/2021 S Referred to Local Government
Caption: Relating to the creation of the Travis County Municipal Utility District No. 27; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.

SR 55 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 02/09/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor on the occasion of its 175th anniversary.

SR 61 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/02/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Steve Ellis on the occasion of his retirement.

SR 82 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 02/23/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the state's grocery store employees for their efforts during the February 2021 winter storm.

SR 124 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/09/2021 S Printed in full
Caption: In memory of William L. Warmuth.

SR 205 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 03/30/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring members of the Texas medical community who died serving on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

SR 219 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/06/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing April 9, 2021, as Realtor Day.

SR 293 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 04/21/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Patrick Michael Bergman.

SR 431 Author: Buckingham | Campbell | Kolkhorst | Schwertner
Last Action: 05/19/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing May 2021 as Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month.

SR 432 Author: Buckingham | Perry
Last Action: 05/18/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Robert Otto Dittmar II.

SR 433 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 05/18/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Texas Ambulatory Surgery Center Day.

SR 434 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 05/18/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Lee Hamilton on the occasion of his retirement.

SR 467 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 05/26/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the Westlake High School boys' golf team for winning a state championship.

SR 518 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 05/28/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Janice Mavie Rees Wilcox.

SR 558 Author: Buckingham
Last Action: 05/30/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on SB 713.

Additional Primary Authors (55):
SB 7 Author: Hughes | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Sponsor: Cain | Schofield | Jetton | Klick | Oliverson
Last Action: 05/30/2021 H Point of order overruled
Caption: Relating to election integrity and security, including by preventing fraud in the conduct of elections in this state; increasing criminal penalties; creating criminal offenses.

SB 8 Author: Hughes | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Sponsor: Slawson | Burrows | Klick | Cain | Leach
Last Action: 05/19/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to abortion, including abortions after detection of an unborn child's heartbeat; authorizing a private civil right of action.

SB 9 Author: Paxton | Bettencourt | Buckingham | Campbell | Hall | et al.
Last Action: 04/06/2021 H Referred to Public Health: Apr 6 2021 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to prohibition of abortion; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense.

SB 14 Author: Creighton | Bettencourt | Buckingham | Campbell | Hall | et al.
Sponsor: King, Phil | Paddie | Metcalf | Burrows | Lucio III
Last Action: 05/30/2021 H Senate adopts conf. comm. report-reported
Caption: Relating to the regulation by a municipality or county of certain employment benefits and policies.

SB 16 Author: Nelson | Alvarado | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Blanco | et al.
Last Action: 03/03/2021 S Referred to Finance
Caption: Relating to prohibitions on the dissemination by a state agency of an individual's personal data.

SB 20 Author: Campbell | Bettencourt | Buckingham | Creighton | Gutierrez | et al.
Sponsor: Hefner
Last Action: 06/18/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to carrying and storing a handgun or handgun ammunition by a hotel guest.

SB 25 Author: Kolkhorst | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Blanco | Buckingham | et al.
Sponsor: Frank | Sanford | Hernandez | Metcalf
Last Action: 06/14/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the right of certain residents to designate an essential caregiver for in-person visitation.

SB 26 Author: Paxton | Buckingham | Campbell | Creighton | Hall | et al.
Last Action: 04/06/2021 H Referred to State Affairs: Apr 6 2021 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to the prohibited suspension of laws protecting religious freedom and prohibited closure of places of worship.

SB 28 Author: Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | Creighton | et al.
Last Action: 05/11/2021 H Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm.
Caption: Relating to the approval of open-enrollment charter schools and the applicability of certain state and local laws to open-enrollment charter schools.

SB 29 Author: Perry | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Sponsor: Dutton | King, Ken
Last Action: 05/25/2021 H Postponed
Caption: Relating to requiring public school students to compete in interscholastic athletic competitions based on sex and a study conducted by the University Interscholastic League on the effects of allowing a student to participate in an athletic competition designated for the sex opposite to the student's sex.

SB 30 Author: West | Alvarado | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Blanco | et al.
Sponsor: Leach | Thompson, Senfronia | Wu | Johnson, Jarvis | Button
Last Action: 06/14/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the removal of certain discriminatory provisions from a recorded conveyance instrument.

SB 207 Author: Schwertner | Buckingham | Campbell
Sponsor: Bonnen | Leach
Last Action: 05/13/2021 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to recovery of medical or health care expenses in civil actions.

SB 391 Author: Paxton | Bettencourt | Buckingham | Campbell | Hancock | et al.
Last Action: 03/09/2021 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to prohibition of abortion; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense.

SB 528 Author: Hughes | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Blanco | Buckingham | et al.
Last Action: 05/04/2021 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the contractual relationship between a pharmacist or pharmacy and a health benefit plan issuer or pharmacy benefit manager.

SB 540 Author: Springer | Buckingham
Last Action: 03/11/2021 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to authorizing certain person to carry a handgun.

SB 646 Author: Schwertner | Bettencourt | Buckingham
Last Action: 05/21/2021 H Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm.
Caption: Relating to county approval of certain proposed purchases or conversions of properties to house homeless individuals.

SB 655 Author: Schwertner | Buckingham | Springer
Last Action: 05/13/2021 H Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm.
Caption: Relating to the sale of distilled spirits to ultimate consumers by the holder of a distiller's and rectifier's permit.

SB 702 Author: Paxton | Buckingham | Hall | Lucio
Sponsor: Paddie
Last Action: 06/04/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board.

SB 705 Author: Lucio | Buckingham | Hall | Paxton
Sponsor: Cyrier
Last Action: 06/16/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Animal Health Commission.

SB 706 Author: Lucio | Buckingham | Hall | Paxton
Last Action: 04/13/2021 S Committee report printed and distributed: Apr 13 2021 12:28PM
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

SB 707 Author: Paxton | Buckingham | Hall | Lucio
Sponsor: Lambert | Canales | Paddie | Goldman | Cyrier
Last Action: 06/04/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Credit Union Department and the Credit Union Commission.

SB 709 Author: Hall | Blanco | Buckingham | Hinojosa | Paxton | et al.
Sponsor: Canales | Cortez
Last Action: 06/14/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection.

SB 711 Author: Paxton | Buckingham | Hall | Lucio
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.

SB 721 Author: Schwertner | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Sponsor: Leman
Last Action: 05/18/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the disclosure of appraisal reports in connection with the use of eminent domain authority.

SB 722 Author: Schwertner | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Last Action: 03/11/2021 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the failure to disclose certain appraisal reports by an entity with eminent domain authority in connection with an offer to acquire real property.

SB 723 Author: Schwertner | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | Hall | et al.
Last Action: 04/26/2021 H Referred to Land & Resource Management: Apr 26 2021 3:51PM
Caption: Relating to certain requirements in connection with the acquisition of real property for public use by an entity with eminent domain authority.

SB 724 Author: Schwertner | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Last Action: 03/11/2021 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the award of attorney's fees and other costs in an eminent domain proceeding.

SB 725 Author: Schwertner | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Sponsor: Leman
Last Action: 05/18/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the qualification of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural land and the liability for the additional tax imposed on such land if the use of the land changes as a result of a condemnation.

SB 726 Author: Schwertner | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Sponsor: Leman
Last Action: 05/24/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity.

SB 796 Author: Schwertner | Bettencourt | Buckingham
Last Action: 05/21/2021 H Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm.
Caption: Relating to hearing and public notice requirements regarding the conversion by a municipality of certain properties to house homeless individuals.

SB 809 Author: Kolkhorst | Bettencourt | Buckingham | Campbell | Creighton | et al.
Sponsor: Oliverson
Last Action: 06/14/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to health care institution reporting of federal money received for the coronavirus disease public health emergency.

SB 871 Author: Nichols | Buckingham
Last Action: 03/11/2021 S Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners; requiring an occupational license; authorizing a fee.

SB 1025 Author: Birdwell | Bettencourt | Blanco | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Last Action: 04/16/2021 H Referred to State Affairs: Apr 16 2021 11:13AM
Caption: Relating to the authority of the legislature, governor, and certain political subdivisions with respect to disasters and emergencies.

SB 1161 Author: Schwertner | Buckingham
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to patient choice in the dispensing of clinician-administered drugs.

SB 1336 Author: Hancock | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Sponsor: Bonnen | Oliverson | Paul | Krause | Schofield
Last Action: 06/08/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to a limit on the rate of growth of certain appropriations.

SB 1392 Author: Perry | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Blanco | Buckingham | et al.
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the authority to limit or prohibit medical procedures during a declared state of disaster.

SB 1416 Author: Creighton | Bettencourt | Buckingham | Campbell | Hall | et al.
Last Action: 03/18/2021 S Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
Caption: Relating to the removal, relocation, alteration, or construction of certain monuments, memorials, or designations located on public property; authorizing a civil penalty.

SB 1484 Author: Paxton | Bettencourt | Buckingham | Creighton | Hall | et al.
Last Action: 03/24/2021 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to certain Department of State Health Services procurements for communicable disease data collection and investigations.

SB 1606 Author: Hall | Alvarado | Bettencourt | Blanco | Buckingham | et al.
Last Action: 05/13/2021 H Referred to State Affairs: May 13 2021 10:39AM
Caption: Relating to the resilience of the electric grid and certain municipalities.

SB 1646 Author: Perry | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Last Action: 05/03/2021 H Referred to Public Health: May 3 2021 4:14PM
Caption: Relating to the definition of abuse of a child.

SB 1675 Author: Campbell | Bettencourt | Buckingham | Hall | Hancock | et al.
Sponsor: Paddie
Last Action: 05/25/2021 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to procedures for early voting by mail.

SB 2233 Author: Menéndez | Alvarado | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Blanco | et al.
Sponsor: Howard | Thompson, Senfronia | Minjarez
Last Action: 05/30/2021 H Senate adopts conf. comm. report-reported
Caption: Relating to the completion of sexual harassment prevention training and ethics training to register as a lobbyist.

SB 2255 Author: Alvarado | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Blanco | Buckingham | et al.
Last Action: 05/11/2021 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to the establishment of a pilot program to provide telemedicine medical services to certain cancer patients receiving pain management services and supportive palliative care.

SCR 41 Author: Springer | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Sponsor: Middleton
Last Action: 06/07/2021 E Signed by the Governor
Caption: Urging Congress to propose and submit to the states for ratification the "Keep Nine" amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

SCR 51 Author: Hughes | Alvarado | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Blanco | et al.
Sponsor: Hefner
Last Action: 06/07/2021 E Signed by the Governor
Caption: In memory of Sara "Sally" Sandlin Ratliff of Mount Pleasant.

SJR 45 Author: Birdwell | Bettencourt | Blanco | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Last Action: 04/16/2021 H Referred to State Affairs: Apr 16 2021 11:13AM
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the powers of the governor, the legislature, and the supreme court following certain disaster or emergency declarations.

SJR 61 Author: Campbell | Bettencourt | Buckingham | Hall | Hancock | et al.
Last Action: 04/26/2021 S Not again placed on intent calendar
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting temporary suspension of absentee voting procedures.

SR 35 Author: Nelson | Buckingham | Campbell | Huffman | Kolkhorst | et al.
Last Action: 02/09/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the members of the Texas Federation of Republican Women.

SR 84 Author: Hughes | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Hinojosa | et al.
Last Action: 02/23/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing February 21 through 26, 2021, as Texas FFA Week.

SR 242 Author: Zaffirini | Alvarado | Buckingham | Campbell | Creighton | et al.
Last Action: 04/13/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing April 13, 2021, as Texas Women Judges' Day.

SR 342 Author: Schwertner | Alvarado | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Blanco | et al.
Last Action: 05/03/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Urging the Public Utility Commission of Texas to significantly reduce the high system-wide offer cap and evaluate changes to the market structure.

SR 362 Author: Menéndez | Alvarado | Bettencourt | Blanco | Buckingham | et al.
Last Action: 05/05/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Drew Pearson on his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame as a member of the Class of 2021.

SR 394 Author: Campbell | Buckingham | Schwertner
Last Action: 05/12/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the Texas Pediatric Society on the occasion of its 100th anniversary.

SR 515 Author: Campbell | Alvarado | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Blanco | et al.
Last Action: 05/31/2021 S Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Memorial Day 2021.

SR 539 Author: Perry | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Last Action: 05/28/2021 S Received by the Secretary of the Senate
Caption: Urging the federal government to immediately declare violent foreign drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations and encouraging the Texas Military Department and all state resources to use authority under Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution to repel this violent foreign drug cartel-facilitated invasion in the least lethal manner possible consistent with bringing this facilitated invasion to a conclusion at the earliest possible moment.

Texas Legislature Online - Report