Texas Legislature
Bills Sponsored / Joint Sponsored
Rep. Lyle Larson
85th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 9/26/2024

Number of Bills: 9

Report Sections: Sponsored Bills | Joint Sponsored Bills

Sponsor (5):
SB 239 Author: Campbell
Sponsor: Larson
Last Action: 06/14/2017 E Effective on 9/1/17
Caption: Relating to a parent's right to view the body of a deceased child before an autopsy is performed.

SB 696 Author: Perry
Sponsor: Larson
Last Action: 05/20/2017 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to a requirement that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality obtain or develop updated water availability models for certain river basins.

SB 1009 Author: Perry
Sponsor: Larson
Last Action: 06/15/2017 E Effective on 9/1/17
Caption: Relating to administrative completeness requirements for permit and permit amendment applications for groundwater conservation districts.

SB 1440 Author: Campbell
Sponsor: Larson
Last Action: 06/15/2017 E Effective on 9/1/17
Caption: Relating to the attendance by a quorum of a governmental body at certain candidate events under the open meetings law.

SB 1525 Author: Perry
Sponsor: Larson
Last Action: 06/15/2017 E Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to studies by the Texas Water Development Board of water needs and availability in this state.

Joint Sponsor (4):
SB 21 Author: Birdwell | Bettencourt | Campbell | Creighton | Hancock | et al.
Sponsor: King, Phil | Workman | Phillips | Larson | Huberty
Last Action: 06/06/2017 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the United States Constitution.

SB 179 Author: Menéndez | Zaffirini
Sponsor: Minjarez | Faircloth | Moody | Larson | King, Ken
Last Action: 06/09/2017 E Effective on 9/1/17
Caption: Relating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty.

SB 715 Author: Campbell | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Creighton | et al.
Sponsor: Huberty | Larson | Workman | Bailes | Bell
Last Action: 05/29/2017 S Point of order sustained
Caption: Relating to municipal annexation.

SJR 2 Author: Birdwell | Bettencourt | Campbell | Creighton | Hancock | et al.
Sponsor: Miller | Zerwas | Burns | Larson | Price
Last Action: 05/11/2017 E Filed with the Secretary of State
Caption: Applying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress.

Texas Legislature Online - Report