Texas Legislature
Bills Coauthored
Rep. Art Fierro
87th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 3/15/2025

Number of Bills: 75

HB 4 Author: Price | Oliverson | Coleman | Ashby | Guillen
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anderson | Beckley | Bell, Keith | et al.
Sponsor: Buckingham
Last Action: 06/15/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the provision and delivery of certain health care services in this state, including services under Medicaid and other public benefits programs, using telecommunications or information technology and to reimbursement for some of those services.

HB 5 Author: Ashby | Anderson | Paddie | Price | Canales
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Bailes | Beckley | Bell, Cecil | et al.
Sponsor: Nichols
Last Action: 06/15/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the expansion of broadband services to certain areas.

HB 8 Author: Pacheco | White | Dean | Guillen | Collier
Coauthor: Allison | Beckley | Bonnen | Bowers | Campos | et al.
Last Action: 05/04/2021 S Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to access by a hiring law enforcement agency to an applicant's employment records.

HB 21 Author: Neave | Button | Hunter | Swanson | Minjarez
Coauthor: Cole | Fierro | Moody | Morales Shaw | Ramos | et al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini
Last Action: 06/09/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the statute of limitations applicable to a sexual harassment complaint filed with the Texas Workforce Commission.

HB 33 Author: Dominguez | Tinderholt | Morales, Eddie | Ellzey | Cortez
Coauthor: Biedermann | Fierro | Guillen | Huberty | Lambert | et al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini
Last Action: 05/26/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to measures to facilitate the award of postsecondary course credit leading to workforce credentialing based on military experience, education, and training and to prepare veterans for employment in certain industries.

HB 36 Author: Johnson, Jarvis | Holland | Shaheen | Thompson, Senfronia | Anchia
Coauthor: Allen | Beckley | Bernal | Bowers | Bucy | et al.
Last Action: 02/25/2021 H Referred to State Affairs: Feb 25 2021 2:07PM
Caption: Relating to abolishing Confederate Heroes Day.

HB 40 Author: Talarico | Price | Lucio III | Thompson, Senfronia | Meyer
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchia | Anderson | Beckley | et al.
Last Action: 04/06/2021 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a cap on the monthly price of insulin and insulin supplies.

HB 82 Author: Lucio III | Talarico
Coauthor: Anchia | Anderson | Ashby | Bailes | Beckley | et al.
Last Action: 02/25/2021 H Referred to Insurance: Feb 25 2021 2:07PM
Caption: Relating to pricing of and health benefit plan cost-sharing requirements for prescription insulin.

HB 88 Author: Thompson, Senfronia | Dutton | Davis | Coleman | Collier
Coauthor: Allen | Cole | Fierro | González, Jessica | Goodwin | et al.
Last Action: 03/25/2021 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, witnesses to the commission of those offenses, and other members of the public, to peace officer liability for those interactions, and to the confinement, conviction, or release of detained or arrested individuals.

HB 103 Author: Landgraf | Meyer | Guillen | Kuempel | González, Mary
Coauthor: Ashby | Darby | Fierro | Johnson, Julie | Leach | et al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini
Last Action: 05/24/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to establishment of the Texas Active Shooter Alert System.

HB 133 Author: Rose | Thompson, Senfronia | Walle | Thierry | Reynolds
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Bucy | Button | Canales | et al.
Sponsor: Kolkhorst
Last Action: 06/15/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the provision of certain benefits under Medicaid and the Healthy Texas Women program, including the transition of case management for children and pregnant women program services and Healthy Texas Women program services to a managed care program.

HB 139 Author: Buckley | Wilson | Slawson | Bowers | Goldman
Coauthor: Ashby | Fierro | Guillen | Lambert | Lopez | et al.
Sponsor: Powell
Last Action: 05/18/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to state occupational licensing of certain military veterans and military spouses.

HB 158 Author: Thierry | Hull | Rose | Walle
Coauthor: Anderson | Button | Cortez | Davis | Dominguez | et al.
Last Action: 05/13/2021 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to a pilot program to provide Medicaid coverage of doula services.

HB 166 Author: Thierry
Coauthor: Fierro
Last Action: 03/24/2021 H Referred directly to subcommittee by chair
Caption: Relating to restrictions on the age of persons employed by or allowed on the premises of a sexually oriented business; creating a criminal offense.

HB 290 Author: Cortez | Rose | Oliverson | Johnson, Ann | Frank
Coauthor: Allison | Anderson | Ashby | Bucy | Button | et al.
Sponsor: Kolkhorst
Last Action: 05/26/2021 S Not again placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to the period of continuous eligibility and a periodic eligibility review for a child for Medicaid.

HB 321 Author: Howard | Thierry | Cole | Button | Minjarez
Coauthor: Anchia | Beckley | Clardy | Fierro | González, Jessica | et al.
Last Action: 05/10/2021 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to a sales and use tax exemption for certain feminine hygiene products.

HB 359 Author: Geren | Hunter | Burrows | Clardy | Johnson, Julie
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchia | Ashby | Bailes | et al.
Last Action: 05/10/2021 S Received from the House
Caption: Relating to recovery under uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance coverage.

HB 390 Author: Thompson, Senfronia | Shine | Morales, Eddie | González, Jessica
Coauthor: Bonnen | Fierro | Guillen | Martinez | Neave | et al.
Sponsor: Huffman
Last Action: 05/18/2021 E See remarks for effective date
Caption: Relating to requirements for human trafficking awareness and prevention in commercial lodging establishments; authorizing a civil penalty.

HB 392 Author: Bowers | Reynolds | Rose | Sherman, Sr. | Buckley
Coauthor: Allen | Anchia | Beckley | Bernal | Bucy | et al.
Last Action: 05/12/2021 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to discrimination on the basis of hair texture or protective hairstyle associated with race.

HB 441 Author: Zwiener | Collier | White | Dutton | Toth
Coauthor: Beckley | Cain | Fierro | González, Jessica | Johnson, Julie | et al.
Last Action: 05/03/2021 S Received from the House
Caption: Relating to the criminal and licensing consequences of certain marihuana possession and drug paraphernalia possession offenses; imposing a fee.

HB 614 Author: Thompson, Senfronia
Coauthor: Fierro | Morales Shaw
Last Action: 03/01/2021 H Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence: Mar 1 2021 5:05PM
Caption: Relating to a cause of action for deprivation of certain rights, privileges, or immunities under color of law.

HB 636 Author: Thompson, Senfronia | Paddie | Lambert | Hernandez | Geren
Coauthor: Allen | Anchia | Anderson | Ashby | Bailes | et al.
Sponsor: Whitmire
Last Action: 05/26/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners; authorizing a fee.

HB 678 Author: Cortez | Clardy | Price | Guillen
Coauthor: Cole | Fierro | Jetton | Minjarez | Zwiener
Last Action: 05/10/2021 S Received from the House
Caption: Relating to the administration of a medication and the ordering and administration of an immunization or vaccination by a pharmacist.

HB 764 Author: Krause | Landgraf | Burns | Slawson | Patterson
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchia | Anderson | Ashby | et al.
Last Action: 05/10/2021 S Referred to Education
Caption: Relating to the academic assessment of public school students.

HB 784 Author: Guerra | Allison | Guillen
Coauthor: Fierro | Morales, Eddie
Last Action: 05/12/2021 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to a local agreement with the Department of State Health Services to improve laboratory capabilities in border counties.

HB 785 Author: Allen | Reynolds | Johnson, Jarvis
Coauthor: Bucy | Crockett | Fierro | Minjarez | Morales Shaw | et al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini
Last Action: 06/04/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to behavior improvement plans and behavioral intervention plans for certain public school students and notification and documentation requirements regarding certain behavior management techniques.

HB 802 Author: Morales, Christina
Coauthor: Bucy | Fierro
Last Action: 03/01/2021 H Referred to Elections: Mar 1 2021 5:05PM
Caption: Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter.

HB 829 Author: Thompson, Senfronia | Reynolds | Collier | Johnson, Jarvis
Coauthor: Allen | Crockett | Fierro | Meza | Moody | et al.
Last Action: 05/14/2021 S Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to a progressive disciplinary matrix for police officer misconduct in certain municipalities.

HB 830 Author: Thompson, Senfronia | White | Krause | Cain | Bowers
Coauthor: Allen | Crockett | Fierro | Meza | Moody | et al.
Last Action: 05/14/2021 S Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to law enforcement policies regarding the issuance of citations for misdemeanors punishable by fine only and to a limitation on the authority to arrest a person for certain fine-only misdemeanors.

HB 831 Author: Thompson, Senfronia | Reynolds | Johnson, Ann | Wu | Collier
Coauthor: Crockett | Fierro | Ortega | Rosenthal
Last Action: 05/13/2021 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the basic peace officer training course, including training for peace officers on the prohibition against the intentional use of certain neck restraints.

HB 832 Author: Thompson, Senfronia | Reynolds | Walle
Coauthor: Fierro | Ortega | Rosenthal
Last Action: 04/23/2021 H Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm.
Caption: Relating to the duties and powers of peace officers.

HB 833 Author: Thompson, Senfronia | Reynolds | Collier
Coauthor: Fierro | Ortega | Rosenthal
Last Action: 04/08/2021 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the use of force to make an arrest or search and to law enforcement policies regarding de-escalation and proportionate response.

HB 834 Author: Thompson, Senfronia | Toth | Collier | Cason | Sherman, Sr.
Coauthor: Allen | Crockett | Fierro | Lopez | Meza | et al.
Sponsor: Hinojosa
Last Action: 05/21/2021 S No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to requiring the corroboration of certain testimony in a criminal case involving a controlled substance.

HB 846 Author: Morales, Christina
Coauthor: Bucy | Fierro
Last Action: 03/01/2021 H Referred to Elections: Mar 1 2021 5:05PM
Caption: Relating to the length of the early voting period.

HB 859 Author: Collier | Sherman, Sr. | Moody
Coauthor: Fierro | Gervin-Hawkins | González, Jessica | Meza | Minjarez | et al.
Last Action: 05/14/2021 S Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the expunction of all records and files related to arrests for certain decriminalized misdemeanor offenses.

HB 873 Author: Collier | Pacheco | Shaheen | Stucky | Ordaz Perez
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchia | Ashby | Beckley | et al.
Last Action: 05/13/2021 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the unlawful restraint of a dog; creating a criminal offense.

HB 911 Author: Patterson | Buckley | Schaefer | Ellzey | Morales, Eddie
Coauthor: Fierro
Sponsor: Blanco
Last Action: 06/16/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the issuance of specially marked driver's licenses and personal identification certificates to veterans.

HB 929 Author: Sherman, Sr. | Krause | Jetton | Rodriguez | Reynolds
Coauthor: Allen | Anchia | Campos | Cason | Fierro | et al.
Sponsor: West
Last Action: 06/16/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to law enforcement policies and procedures regarding body worn cameras.

HB 1024 Author: Geren | Holland | Thompson, Senfronia | Parker | Pacheco
Coauthor: Ashby | Bailes | Cain | Canales | Clardy | et al.
Sponsor: Hancock
Last Action: 05/12/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the pickup and delivery of alcoholic beverages from certain premises for off-premises consumption.

HB 1037 Author: Beckley | Johnson, Ann
Coauthor: Fierro
Last Action: 03/04/2021 H Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence: Mar 4 2021 4:17PM
Caption: Relating to certain statutory changes to reflect and address same-sex marriages and parenting relationships and to the removal of provisions regarding the criminality or unacceptability of homosexual conduct.

HB 1250 Author: Ramos | Herrero | Burns | Clardy | Frullo
Coauthor: Allen | Beckley | Bernal | Biedermann | Bowers | et al.
Last Action: 03/04/2021 H Referred to Culture, Recreation & Tourism: Mar 4 2021 4:17PM
Caption: Relating to designating April 16 as Selena Quintanilla Pérez Day.

HB 1272 Author: Crockett | Reynolds | Cason | Talarico
Coauthor: Allen | Beckley | Bowers | Campos | Cole | et al.
Last Action: 04/20/2021 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the issuance of a warrant authorizing the use of a no-knock entry by a peace officer.

HB 1371 Author: Guerra | Guillen | King, Tracy O. | Muñoz, Jr. | Morales, Eddie
Coauthor: Campos | Fierro | Lopez
Sponsor: Lucio
Last Action: 06/15/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the continuation of the Trade Agricultural Inspection Grant Program.

HB 1402 Author: Johnson, Ann | Coleman | Reynolds | Rosenthal
Coauthor: Fierro
Last Action: 03/15/2021 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a criminal offense committed against a person because of bias or prejudice on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

HB 1415 Author: Morales, Christina
Coauthor: Fierro
Last Action: 03/05/2021 H Referred to Elections: Mar 5 2021 1:21PM
Caption: Relating to an application for an early voting ballot by mail.

HB 1463 Author: Goodwin
Coauthor: Allen | Beckley | Bernal | Bowers | Bucy | et al.
Last Action: 05/04/2021 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to voting by mail due to childbirth or expected childbirth.

HB 1510 Author: Metcalf | Moody | Burrows | Paddie | Hefner
Coauthor: Bailes | Bell, Cecil | Deshotel | Fierro | Frullo | et al.
Sponsor: Creighton
Last Action: 06/01/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the response and resilience of certain electricity service providers to major weather-related events or other natural disasters; granting authority to issue bonds.

HB 1585 Author: Lambert | Canales | Paddie | Goldman | Cyrier
Coauthor: Dean | Fierro | Guillen | Ordaz Perez | Ramos | et al.
Sponsor: Lucio
Last Action: 05/26/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the operations and functions of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

HB 1607 Author: Darby | Lucio III | King, Phil | Hernandez | Hunter
Coauthor: Anchia | Anderson | Ashby | Bailes | Bell, Cecil | et al.
Last Action: 05/03/2021 S Received from the House
Caption: Relating to certificates of public convenience and necessity for certain transmission projects.

HB 1655 Author: Thierry | Thompson, Senfronia | Darby | Hunter | Patterson
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchia | Anderson | Bernal | et al.
Last Action: 04/30/2021 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to restrictions on the age of persons employed by or allowed on the premises of a sexually oriented business; creating a criminal offense.

HB 1783 Author: White | Wu
Coauthor: Fierro | Zwiener
Last Action: 04/27/2021 S Received from the House
Caption: Relating to the age of a child at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over the child and to the minimum age of criminal responsibility.

HB 1802 Author: Dominguez | Klick | Burrows | Price | Moody
Coauthor: Anderson | Bowers | Buckley | Bucy | Campos | et al.
Sponsor: Campbell
Last Action: 06/18/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to a study on the use of alternative therapies for treating post-traumatic stress disorder.

HB 1912 Author: Wilson | Murr | Walle | Martinez | Parker
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anderson | Beckley | Bell, Cecil | et al.
Last Action: 04/19/2021 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to air quality permits for aggregate production operations and concrete batch plants.

HB 2070 Author: Huberty | Rodriguez | Leach | Larson | Lucio III
Coauthor: Bucy | Cortez | Fierro | Harless | Stephenson | et al.
Last Action: 04/14/2021 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the regulation of sports wagering; requiring an occupational permit; authorizing a fee; imposing a tax; creating criminal offenses; decriminalizing wagering on sports events.

HB 2087 Author: Perez | Cain | Huberty | Johnson, Jarvis | Oliverson
Coauthor: Allison | Bailes | Bell, Cecil | Bernal | Biedermann | et al.
Last Action: 05/12/2021 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to mandatory arbitration for certain municipal fire departments and employee bargaining agents.

HB 2256 Author: Guerra | Guillen | González, Mary | Rodriguez
Coauthor: Fierro | Minjarez | Morales Shaw | Morales, Eddie | Muñoz, Jr. | et al.
Sponsor: Creighton
Last Action: 06/15/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to creating a bilingual special education certification to teach students of limited English proficiency with disabilities.

HB 2275 Author: Zwiener | Huberty | Oliverson | Frank | Paddie
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchia | Bailes | Beckley | et al.
Last Action: 05/14/2021 S Received from the House
Caption: Relating to the creation and uses of the critical infrastructure resiliency fund and the eligibility of certain water-related projects for state financial assistance.

HB 2366 Author: Buckley | Harless | Ellzey | Murr
Coauthor: Allison | Anderson | Ashby | Bailes | Bell, Cecil | et al.
Sponsor: Hughes
Last Action: 06/01/2021 E Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to criminal conduct that endangers law enforcement; creating a criminal offense and increasing a criminal penalty.

HB 2510 Author: Noble | Meyer | Buckley | Turner, Chris | Rodriguez
Coauthor: Button | Canales | Cook | Fierro | Goldman | et al.
Last Action: 05/10/2021 S Referred to Finance
Caption: Relating to a sales and use tax exemption for animals adopted from or sold by nonprofit animal welfare organizations.

HB 2637 Author: Cook | Anchia | Thompson, Senfronia | Rose | Goldman
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anderson | Ashby | Bailes | et al.
Last Action: 05/11/2021 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the creation of the urban air mobility advisory committee.

HB 3214 Author: Capriglione | Rogers | Lambert | Allison | Herrero
Coauthor: Allen | Anchia | Ashby | Bailes | Beckley | et al.
Last Action: 04/22/2021 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to a cost-of-living adjustment applicable to certain benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

HB 3271 Author: Ordaz Perez | Button | Paddie | Johnson, Jarvis
Coauthor: Bell, Cecil | Biedermann | Canales | Crockett | Fierro | et al.
Sponsor: Blanco
Last Action: 06/18/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to establishing loan programs to assist certain micro-businesses by increasing access to capital; authorizing fees.

HB 3367 Author: Turner, Chris | Bonnen | Thompson, Senfronia | Shine | Hefner
Coauthor: Anchia | Cole | Cook | Dean | Ellzey | et al.
Last Action: 05/11/2021 H Companion considered in lieu of
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of certain property owners' associations.

HB 3507 Author: Rogers | Capriglione | Guillen | Stephenson | Perez
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchia | Anderson | Ashby | et al.
Last Action: 04/22/2021 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to a one-time supplemental payment of benefits under the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

HB 3871 Author: Johnson, Julie | Larson | Allison | Kacal | Huberty
Coauthor: Allen | Anchia | Bailes | Beckley | Bernal | et al.
Last Action: 03/24/2021 H Referred to Human Services: Mar 24 2021 11:23AM
Caption: Relating to the development and implementation of the Live Well Texas program to provide health benefit coverage to certain individuals; imposing penalties.

HB 3917 Author: Johnson, Ann | Thompson, Senfronia | Allen | Hull | Morales Shaw
Coauthor: Bowers | Bucy | Campos | Cole | Collier | et al.
Last Action: 04/28/2021 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the rights of victims of sexual assault.

HB 4554 Author: Cain | Krause | Anderson | Sanford | Shaheen
Coauthor: Bell, Keith | Campos | Fierro | Israel | Schaefer | et al.
Last Action: 05/12/2021 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the designation of Dr Pepper as the state soft drink.

HB 4671 Author: Johnson, Ann | Oliverson | Klick | Walle | Bonnen
Coauthor: Anderson | Ashby | Bernal | Campos | Cyrier | et al.
Last Action: 05/06/2021 H Referred to Public Health: May 6 2021 11:46AM
Caption: Relating to the establishment of a pilot program to provide telemedicine medical services to certain cancer patients receiving pain management services and supportive palliative care.

HCR 51 Author: Morales, Christina | Neave | Minjarez | Romero, Jr. | Perez
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchia | Anderson | Ashby | et al.
Sponsor: Alvarado
Last Action: 06/14/2021 E Signed by the Governor
Caption: Urging the United States Congress to pass the I am Vanessa Guillén Act.

HCR 66 Author: Wu | Vo | Button | Jetton
Coauthor: Anchia | Beckley | Bowers | Bucy | Campos | et al.
Last Action: 05/17/2021 S Referred to Administration
Caption: Condemning racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

HCR 71 Author: Lopez | Anchia | Minjarez | Raymond | Martinez Fischer
Coauthor: Cortez | Dominguez | Fierro | González, Mary | Ordaz Perez | et al.
Sponsor: Blanco
Last Action: 05/26/2021 S Removed from local & uncontested calendar
Caption: Urging Congress to bestow on Marcelino Serna the Congressional Medal of Honor.

HJR 97 Author: Huberty | Larson | Ordaz Perez | Leach | Rodriguez
Coauthor: Biedermann | Darby | Dutton | Fierro | Harless | et al.
Last Action: 04/14/2021 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to legalize sports wagering in this state.

HJR 99 Author: Canales | Ashby | Kuempel | King, Ken | Geren
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchia | Bailes | Beckley | et al.
Sponsor: Nichols
Last Action: 06/01/2021 E Filed with the Secretary of State
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing a county to finance the development or redevelopment of transportation or infrastructure in unproductive, underdeveloped, or blighted areas in the county; authorizing the issuance of bonds and notes.

HJR 152 Author: Raney | Morrison | King, Phil | Howard | Guerra
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anderson | Beckley | Bowers | et al.
Last Action: 05/05/2021 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding certain organizational and procedural matters related to the legislature.

HR 538 Author: Vo | Harless | Howard | Thompson, Senfronia | Shine
Coauthor: Allen | Anchia | Bernal | Bucy | Button | et al.
Last Action: 05/14/2021 H Reported enrolled: May 14 2021 7:52PM
Caption: Condemning racism against Asian Americans.

Texas Legislature Online - Report