Texas Legislature
Bills Authored / Joint Authored
Rep. Gina Calanni
86th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 3/28/2025

Number of Bills: 45

Report Sections: Authored Bills | Joint Authored Bills

Author (35):
HB 880 Author: Calanni | Dominguez | Toth | Sherman, Sr.
Last Action: 03/13/2019 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a severance payment to a superintendent of a school district.

HB 992 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 03/27/2019 H Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to the women's health advisory committee.

HB 1308 Author: Calanni | Zerwas | Longoria
Last Action: 05/08/2019 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the enforcement of commercial motor vehicle safety standards in certain municipalities.

HB 1509 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 03/04/2019 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 4 2019 5:43PM
Caption: Relating to consent instruction and instruction on the prevention of sexual abuse and sex trafficking for certain public school students.

HB 1672 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 05/07/2019 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 375; providing authority to issue bonds.

HB 1673 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 05/07/2019 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 376; providing authority to issue bonds.

HB 1674 Author: Calanni
Sponsor: Kolkhorst
Last Action: 06/10/2019 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 377; providing authority to issue bonds.

HB 1676 Author: Calanni
Sponsor: Kolkhorst
Last Action: 06/10/2019 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 378; providing authority to issue bonds.

HB 1677 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 05/07/2019 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 379; providing authority to issue bonds.

HB 1678 Author: Calanni
Sponsor: Kolkhorst
Last Action: 06/10/2019 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 380; providing authority to issue bonds.

HB 1881 Author: Calanni | Morales
Last Action: 04/18/2019 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to application requirements for low income housing tax credits for developments financed through the private activity bond program.

HB 2170 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 03/25/2019 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to human trafficking awareness training for members of the legislature.

HB 2637 Author: Calanni | Leach | Johnson, Julie | Moody | Smith
Last Action: 04/30/2019 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to supreme court orders for conducting court proceedings during a disaster.

HB 2638 Author: Calanni | Leach | Johnson, Julie | Moody | Smith
Last Action: 04/25/2019 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to locations for conducting certain court proceedings.

HB 2660 Author: Calanni
Sponsor: Kolkhorst
Last Action: 06/10/2019 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the creation of the Richfield Ranch Water Control and Improvement District of Harris County, Texas; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.

HB 2671 Author: Calanni
Sponsor: Kolkhorst
Last Action: 06/10/2019 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the creation of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 569; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.

HB 2725 Author: Calanni | Deshotel | Howard | Metcalf | Harris
Last Action: 05/09/2019 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to birth records of adopted persons; authorizing a fee.

HB 3031 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 04/29/2019 H Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to sex offender registration for certain offenses involving a child victim.

HB 3199 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 03/13/2019 H Referred to Elections: Mar 13 2019 12:36PM
Caption: Relating to the cancellation of a ballot to be voted early by mail by voting by personal appearance at a polling place that uses an electronic signature roster.

HB 3200 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 03/13/2019 H Referred to Elections: Mar 13 2019 12:36PM
Caption: Relating to the submission by telephonic facsimile machine or electronic transmission of an application for a ballot to be voted by mail.

HB 3201 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 03/13/2019 H Referred to Elections: Mar 13 2019 12:36PM
Caption: Relating to affiliation with a political party by voting by mail in a primary election.

HB 3202 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 03/13/2019 H Referred to Elections: Mar 13 2019 12:36PM
Caption: Relating to the authority of a county to issue bonds to purchase a voting system or voting system equipment.

HB 3375 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 03/18/2019 H Referred to Human Services: Mar 18 2019 4:58PM
Caption: Relating to an annual medical examination for foster children.

HB 3845 Author: Calanni | Howard | Goodwin | Clardy | Tinderholt
Last Action: 04/26/2019 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
Caption: Relating to the use of video teleconferencing for testimony of a forensic analyst in a criminal proceeding.

HB 3847 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 04/08/2019 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to requiring reasonable workplace accommodations for and prohibiting discrimination against employees or applicants for employment with limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition.

HB 3915 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 03/21/2019 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 21 2019 12:30PM
Caption: Relating to the guaranteed yield and the school facilities allotment under the Foundation School Program and to a school district's rollback tax rate for the 2019 tax year.

HB 4016 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 03/21/2019 H Referred to Human Services: Mar 21 2019 12:30PM
Caption: Relating to demonstration projects to coordinate eligibility renewal and eligibility recertification for certain children in the Medicaid and child health plan programs.

HB 4017 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 05/01/2019 H No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the eligibility for a handgun license of a person who is identified as a member of a criminal street gang.

HB 4662 Author: Calanni
Sponsor: Kolkhorst
Last Action: 06/14/2019 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the creation of the Richfield Ranch Management District of Harris County, Texas; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.

HR 181 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 02/13/2019 H Reported enrolled: Feb 13 2019 6:29PM
Caption: Commemorating the opening of the Katy ISD Gerald D. Young Agricultural Sciences Center.

HR 680 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 03/13/2019 H Reported enrolled: Mar 13 2019 10:34AM
Caption: Recognizing March 11, 2019, as Texas Adoptee Rights Day at the State Capitol.

HR 718 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 03/22/2019 H Reported enrolled: Mar 22 2019 11:20AM
Caption: Congratulating Katy Christian Ministries on its 35th anniversary.

HR 1398 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 05/08/2019 H Reported enrolled: May 8 2019 10:37AM
Caption: Congratulating Maria D. Seng on her retirement from Jack and Sharon Rhoads Elementary School in Katy.

HR 1595 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 05/17/2019 H Reported enrolled: May 17 2019 1:46PM
Caption: Commending Jessica Rubio for her service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Gina Calanni during the 86th Legislative Session.

HR 1596 Author: Calanni
Last Action: 05/17/2019 H Reported enrolled: May 17 2019 1:42PM
Caption: Commending Arielle Declouette on her service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Gina Calanni.

Joint Author (10):
HB 292 Author: Thompson, Senfronia | Landgraf | Calanni | Johnson, Julie
Sponsor: Huffman
Last Action: 06/10/2019 E Effective on 9/1/19
Caption: Relating to inclusion of instruction on the trafficking of persons in the basic training curriculum for peace officers.

HB 545 Author: Nevárez | Calanni
Last Action: 05/09/2019 H Postponed
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of unlawful transfer of a firearm.

HB 769 Author: Davis, Sarah | Bell, Keith | Calanni
Sponsor: Campbell
Last Action: 05/20/2019 S Placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to the termination of the contract of a superintendent of a school district based on malfeasance.

HB 1363 Author: Wu | Murphy | Morales | Calanni | Vo
Last Action: 05/10/2019 H Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm.
Caption: Relating to the civil prosecution of offenses involving certain municipal parking ordinances; authorizing a civil fine.

HB 2195 Author: Meyer | Rosenthal | Calanni | Leach | Burrows
Sponsor: Zaffirini
Last Action: 06/14/2019 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to an active shooter emergency policy for school districts and required active shooter training for school district peace officers and school resource officers.

HB 2340 Author: Dominguez | Murphy | Calanni | Bucy | Guillen
Sponsor: Johnson
Last Action: 05/29/2019 E Effective on 9/1/19
Caption: Relating to emergency and disaster management, response, and recovery.

HB 3421 Author: González, Mary | Calanni
Last Action: 04/04/2019 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the Independent Citizen Redistricting Commission.

HR 270 Author: Rosenthal | Bohac | Harless | Calanni
Last Action: 03/14/2019 H Reported enrolled: Mar 14 2019 3:53PM
Caption: Congratulating Darynda Klein on her selection as the 2018-2019 Elementary Principal of the Year by the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District.

HR 271 Author: Rosenthal | Bohac | Harless | Calanni
Last Action: 03/14/2019 H Reported enrolled: Mar 14 2019 4:44PM
Caption: Congratulating Stephanie Meshell on her selection as the 2018-2019 Secondary Principal of the Year by the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District.

HR 320 Author: Rosenthal | Bohac | Harless | Calanni
Last Action: 03/14/2019 H Reported enrolled: Mar 14 2019 3:56PM
Caption: Congratulating Cypress Ranch High School baseball coach Corey Cephus on being named the 2017-2018 Texas Coach of the Year for boys' baseball by the National Federation of State High School Associations.

Texas Legislature Online - Report