Texas Legislature
Bills Authored / Joint Authored
Rep. Ken Paxton
81st Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 3/28/2025

Number of Bills: 103

Report Sections: Authored Bills | Joint Authored Bills

Author (63):
HB 464 Author: Paxton | Hughes | Taylor | Laubenberg
Sponsor: Nelson
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective on 9/1/09
Caption: Relating to the preparation by the Legislative Budget Board of a dynamic fiscal impact statement for certain bills and joint resolutions affecting taxes and fees.

HB 465 Author: Paxton | Brown, Betty | Hancock
Last Action: 02/18/2009 H Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the number of charters the State Board of Education may grant for open-enrollment charter schools.

HB 466 Author: Paxton
Sponsor: West
Last Action: 05/21/2009 S No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to procedures relating to placement of a public school student in a disciplinary alternative education program.

HB 467 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 03/10/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to authorization for a school district board of trustees to adopt term limits.

HB 468 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 02/18/2009 H Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for certain telecommunications equipment.

HB 994 Author: Paxton | Christian | King, Phil | Hughes | Howard, Charlie
Last Action: 02/23/2009 H Referred to Appropriations
Caption: Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations from state tax revenues.

HB 1036 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 04/15/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the method of computing the franchise tax and the rates of the tax.

HB 1037 Author: Paxton | Keffer | Zerwas | Truitt
Last Action: 05/11/2009 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to allowing persons acquiring a new residence homestead to receive an ad valorem tax exemption on the homestead in the year in which the property is acquired.

HB 1038 Author: Paxton | Zerwas | Harless | Gattis | Truitt
Sponsor: Patrick, Dan
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective on 1/1/10
Caption: Relating to the determination of the market value of a residence homestead for purposes of ad valorem taxation.

HB 1039 Author: Paxton | Hughes
Last Action: 02/23/2009 H Referred to County Affairs
Caption: Relating to the creation of county databases containing information on county expenditures.

HB 1460 Author: Paxton
Sponsor: Wentworth
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective on 9/1/09
Caption: Relating to the contents of an application for probate of a written will.

HB 1461 Author: Paxton
Sponsor: Wentworth
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective on 9/1/09
Caption: Relating to the contents of an application for probate of a will as a muniment of title.

HB 1465 Author: Paxton
Sponsor: Wentworth
Last Action: 05/23/2009 E Effective on 9/1/09
Caption: Relating to the joinder of a tax lien transferee in a suit to collect a delinquent ad valorem tax.

HB 1824 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 03/30/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to foreclosure of a property owners' association's assessment lien.

HB 1825 Author: Paxton | Edwards | Howard, Charlie
Last Action: 04/15/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the computation of the franchise tax.

HB 2563 Author: Paxton | Christian | Hughes
Last Action: 04/14/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to determination of and notification regarding the state compression percentage under the public school finance system and the elimination of property taxes for school district maintenance and operations.

HB 2684 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 03/16/2009 H Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Caption: Relating to the purchase and transport of alcoholic beverages by the holder of a mixed beverage permit.

HB 2743 Author: Paxton | Hughes
Last Action: 05/11/2009 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the availability of certain county financial information on certain counties' Internet websites.

HB 2907 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 03/17/2009 H Referred to Insurance
Caption: Relating to the potential effect of certain convictions on automobile insurance rates.

HB 2908 Author: Paxton
Sponsor: Wentworth
Last Action: 05/30/2009 H Senate appoints conferees-reported
Caption: Relating to the regulation of property tax lenders and the confidentiality of certain information obtained or compiled by the consumer credit commissioner on examination of property tax lenders and certain other license holders or registrants.

HB 2941 Author: Paxton
Sponsor: Williams
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the disclosure of certain ad valorem tax appraisal information and other confidential information.

HB 3104 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 05/11/2009 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the ad valorem taxation of property used to provide low-income or moderate-income housing.

HB 3242 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 03/18/2009 H Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to the sales tax on computer program services.

HB 3601 Author: Paxton
Sponsor: Hegar
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the authority of a county clerk to post official and legal notices by electronic display.

HB 3602 Author: Paxton
Sponsor: Hegar
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the authority of a county clerk to electronically send certain financial statement forms.

HB 3603 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 04/28/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a study of fire flow service by water supply corporations in semi-urban areas.

HB 3764 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 03/19/2009 H Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to the application of the franchise tax to banking corporations.

HB 3765 Author: Paxton
Sponsor: Averitt
Last Action: 05/23/2009 E Effective on 9/1/09
Caption: Relating to the use of hazardous and solid waste remediation fee funds for lead-acid battery recycling activities.

HB 3766 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 04/20/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to municipal regulation of the discharge of firearms and certain other weapons.

HB 3767 Author: Paxton
Sponsor: Wentworth
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective on 9/1/09
Caption: Relating to homestead property transferred to a trustee of certain trusts.

HB 3768 Author: Paxton
Sponsor: Wentworth
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective on 9/1/09
Caption: Relating to continuation of title insurance coverage of transferred property.

HB 3904 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 03/23/2009 H Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to personal confidential information accessed by an employee of a state governmental body; imposing penalties.

HB 3997 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 03/23/2009 H Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to an election requirement for imposing new taxes and fees and increasing existing taxes and fees by local governments.

HB 4003 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 04/15/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the rates and computation of the franchise tax.

HB 4076 Author: Paxton | Pitts | McCall | Oliveira | Raymond
Last Action: 05/14/2009 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the Texas Power Source.

HCR 35 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 02/18/2009 H Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Urging the institution of a playoff system to decide the NCAA football national championship in place of the current Bowl Championship Series.

HJR 52 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 03/09/2009 H Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to require a four-fifths vote of the legislature to enact and submit to the voters a law imposing an income tax or increasing that tax.

HJR 89 Author: Paxton | Flynn | Christian
Last Action: 05/04/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment dedicating certain revenue derived from motor fuel taxes to the construction of public highways.

HJR 130 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 04/27/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing the Texas power source fund.

HR 63 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 01/14/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jan 14 2009 4:10PM
Caption: Honoring C. T. Eddins Elementary School on its selection as a 2007 No Child Left Behind--Blue Ribbon School.

HR 64 Author: Paxton | Laubenberg | McCall | Madden
Last Action: 01/22/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jan 22 2009 3:48PM
Caption: Congratulating the Allen High School football team on winning the 2008 UIL 5A Division 1 state championship.

HR 65 Author: Paxton | Laubenberg
Last Action: 01/14/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jan 14 2009 4:10PM
Caption: Honoring Frances Elizabeth Norton Elementary School on its selection as a 2007 No Child Left Behind--Blue Ribbon School.

HR 132 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 01/22/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jan 22 2009 3:48PM
Caption: Congratulating the Prosper Eagles on winning the 3A Division 1 state football championship for 2008.

HR 134 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 01/28/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jan 28 2009 8:38AM
Caption: Honoring Austin Browning for his heroic actions during an emergency.

HR 196 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 02/03/2009 H Reported enrolled: Feb 3 2009 9:09AM
Caption: Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Samaritan Inn in Collin County.

HR 266 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 02/05/2009 H Filed
Caption: Recognizing February 9-10, 2009, as Collin County Days at the State Capitol.

HR 280 Author: Paxton | McCall
Last Action: 02/11/2009 H Reported enrolled: Feb 11 2009 8:13AM
Caption: Honoring Phil Taylor of Frisco and the American Fallen Soldiers Project.

HR 295 Author: Paxton | McCall | Madden | Laubenberg
Last Action: 02/12/2009 H Reported enrolled: Feb 12 2009 8:10AM
Caption: Recognizing February 9-10, 2009, as Collin County Days at the State Capitol.

HR 1399 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 04/30/2009 H Reported enrolled: Apr 30 2009 7:53AM
Caption: Commemorating the Ride for Relief Nursery of Collin County on April 25, 2009.

HR 2756 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the 2009 graduating class of Allen High School.

HR 2757 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Commending Allen Community Outreach for its contributions to the community.

HR 2758 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the 2009 graduating class of Prosper High School.

HR 2759 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the 2009 graduating class of McKinney Boyd High School.

HR 2760 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the 2009 graduating class of McKinney North High School.

HR 2761 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the 2009 graduating class of McKinney High School.

HR 2762 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the 2009 graduating class of Wakeland High School in Frisco.

HR 2763 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the 2009 graduating class of Liberty High School in Frisco.

HR 2764 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the 2009 graduating class of Frisco High School.

HR 2765 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring the 2009 graduating class of Legacy Christian Academy in Frisco.

HR 2816 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Honoring Dario Jackson of McKinney High School for his achievements as a track athlete.

HR 2817 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Commemorating the first annual Frisco Arts Festival.

HR 2924 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 06/04/2009 H Reported enrolled: Jun 4 2009 2:00PM
Caption: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 1742.

HR 2991 Author: Paxton
Last Action: 05/31/2009 H Filed
Caption: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 1742.

Joint Author (40):
HB 76 Author: Flynn | Hardcastle | Hopson | Pena | Paxton
Last Action: 04/01/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the comptroller's electronic funds transfer system and the use of electronic paycards.

HB 109 Author: Phillips | Olivo | Paxton | Martinez, "Mando"
Last Action: 04/15/2009 H Recalled from subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the issuance of "Choose Life" license plates and the creation of the Choose Life account in the general revenue fund.

HB 140 Author: Gonzalez Toureilles | Homer | Hughes | Kleinschmidt | Paxton
Sponsor: Hinojosa
Last Action: 05/27/2009 S Removed from local & uncontested calendar
Caption: Relating to the use or display under certain circumstances of an expired license to carry a concealed handgun.

HB 156 Author: Woolley | Paxton | Crabb
Last Action: 03/11/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to eliminating automatic admission to certain public institutions of higher education based on high school grade point average.

HB 208 Author: Jackson, Jim | Brown, Betty | Legler | Flynn | Paxton
Last Action: 04/30/2009 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
Caption: Relating to the cancellation of the voter registration and to the eligibility to vote of persons who are deceased or not citizens of the United States.

HB 418 Author: Brown, Betty | Paxton
Last Action: 03/11/2009 H Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the determination of resident status of students by public institutions of higher education.

HB 598 Author: Hughes | Paxton | Madden | Lewis | Eiland
Sponsor: Whitmire
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective on 9/1/09
Caption: Relating to the information displayed on certain licenses.

HB 720 Author: Creighton | Parker | Lucio III | Paxton | Guillen
Last Action: 04/15/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax.

HB 794 Author: King, Phil | Paxton | Taylor | Hilderbran | Guillen
Last Action: 04/20/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the exemption of volunteer fire departments from certain motor fuel taxes.

HB 832 Author: Hughes | Paxton | Bonnen | Lewis | Callegari
Last Action: 04/20/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the computation of taxable margin for purposes of the franchise tax by certain taxable entities.

HB 1047 Author: Deshotel | Paxton | Phillips
Last Action: 05/12/2009 H Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to the permissible uses of the state highway fund.

HB 1105 Author: Laubenberg | Paxton
Last Action: 02/25/2009 H Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to procuring contracts for certain professional services by a governmental entity.

HB 1314 Author: Strama | Paxton
Last Action: 03/24/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the availability of certain financial information on Internet websites of school districts and open-enrollment charter schools.

HB 1575 Author: Isett | Paxton | Crabb | Christian
Last Action: 04/06/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to ad valorem tax relief.

HB 2268 Author: Corte | Paxton | Hughes
Last Action: 03/09/2009 H Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the use by a political subdivision of public money for lobbying activities or payment of fees and dues of a state association or organization.

HB 2291 Author: Gattis | Oliveira | Paxton | Pena | Harper-Brown
Sponsor: Ogden
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the procedure to be used by a taxing unit in adopting an ad valorem tax rate.

HB 2828 Author: Menendez | Paxton | Hilderbran | Villarreal | Oliveira
Sponsor: Lucio
Last Action: 05/23/2009 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the ad valorem taxation of property used to provide low-income or moderate-income housing.

HB 3613 Author: Otto | Oliveira | Paxton | Taylor | Pena
Sponsor: Williams
Last Action: 06/19/2009 E See remarks for effective date
Caption: Relating to the determination of the market value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes on the basis of the property's value as a residence homestead and to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homesteads of certain totally disabled veterans and to the amount of the exemption from ad valorem taxation to which a disabled veteran is entitled based on disability rating.

HB 4184 Author: Christian | Paxton | King, Phil
Last Action: 05/04/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the abolition of all political subdivision ad valorem taxes.

HB 4264 Author: Howard, Charlie | Paxton
Last Action: 04/20/2009 H No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the determination of cost of goods sold for purposes of computing the franchise tax.

HB 4265 Author: Howard, Charlie | Paxton
Sponsor: Averitt
Last Action: 05/26/2009 S Placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to the definition of controlling interest for purposes of the franchise tax.

HB 4266 Author: Howard, Charlie | Paxton
Last Action: 04/20/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the computation of taxable margin for purposes of the franchise tax by tier partnerships.

HB 4267 Author: Howard, Charlie | Paxton
Last Action: 04/20/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the determination of ownership of goods for the purpose of deducting the cost of goods sold under the franchise tax.

HB 4268 Author: Howard, Charlie | Paxton
Last Action: 04/20/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the determination of cost of goods sold for purposes of computing the franchise tax.

HB 4269 Author: Howard, Charlie | Paxton
Last Action: 04/15/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the definition of passive entity for purposes of the franchise tax.

HB 4270 Author: Howard, Charlie | Paxton
Sponsor: Averitt
Last Action: 05/22/2009 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the computation of cost of goods sold for purposes of the franchise tax by certain affiliated taxable entities.

HB 4765 Author: Oliveira | Paxton | Hopson | Callegari | Creighton
Sponsor: Patrick, Dan
Last Action: 06/16/2009 E See remarks for effective date
Caption: Relating to the computation of the franchise tax.

HCR 37 Author: Laubenberg | Paxton | Madden | Jackson, Jim
Sponsor: Shapiro
Last Action: 02/20/2009 E Signed by the Governor
Caption: Honoring Olympic gymnastics champion Nastia Liukin of Parker.

HJR 14 Author: Corte | Hilderbran | Anderson | Paxton | Hughes
Sponsor: Duncan
Last Action: 06/03/2009 E Filed with the Secretary of State
Caption: Proposing constitutional amendments limiting the public taking of private property, establishing the national research university fund to fund emerging research universities, and eliminating the higher education fund.

HJR 30 Author: Anderson | Paxton
Last Action: 05/04/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring any increase in a rate of the franchise tax be approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house of the legislature.

HJR 38 Author: King, Phil | Bohac | Flynn | Paxton | Christian
Last Action: 05/04/2009 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the rainy day fund and dedicating certain surplus revenues to property tax reduction.

HJR 54 Author: Deshotel | Paxton | Phillips
Last Action: 05/12/2009 H Considered in Calendars
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the purposes for which revenues from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants, and certain revenues received from the federal government may be used.

HJR 101 Author: Callegari | Paxton | Hughes
Last Action: 03/18/2009 H Referred to Appropriations
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth of state appropriations and the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to provide a rebate of state franchise taxes, to reduce public school district property taxes, and to fund the state's rainy day fund.

HJR 133 Author: Christian | Paxton | King, Phil
Last Action: 03/24/2009 H Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment abolishing all political subdivision ad valorem taxes.

HR 59 Author: Madden | McCall | Paxton | Laubenberg
Last Action: 02/12/2009 H Reported enrolled: Feb 12 2009 8:10AM
Caption: Congratulating Officer Andrae Smith on being named the 2007 Plano Police Department Officer of the Year.

HR 174 Author: Madden | McCall | Laubenberg | Paxton
Last Action: 03/16/2009 H Reported enrolled: Mar 16 2009 2:53PM
Caption: In memory of Collin County Commissioner Jack Hatchell.

HR 175 Author: Madden | McCall | Paxton | Laubenberg
Last Action: 02/11/2009 H Reported enrolled: Feb 11 2009 8:13AM
Caption: Honoring Catherine Rohr and the Prison Entrepreneurship Program for being named to the Philanthropy World Hall of Fame.

HR 208 Author: Laubenberg | Paxton
Last Action: 03/16/2009 H Reported enrolled: Mar 16 2009 2:53PM
Caption: Congratulating the Celina High School Bobcats on winning the 3A Division 2 football championship for 2007.

HR 244 Author: Madden | McCall | Paxton | Laubenberg
Last Action: 02/11/2009 H Reported enrolled: Feb 11 2009 8:13AM
Caption: Honoring Collin County probation, parole, and community supervision employees.

HR 245 Author: Madden | McCall | Paxton | Laubenberg
Last Action: 02/11/2009 H Reported enrolled: Feb 11 2009 8:13AM
Caption: Honoring Dr. Rosemary Karr of Collin College for her professional achievements.

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