Texas Legislature
Bills Authored / Joint Authored
Rep. Steve Toth
89th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 2/15/2025

Number of Bills: 58

Report Sections: Authored Bills | Joint Authored Bills

Author (57):
HB 194 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the establishment of faith-based child-care facilities.

HB 938 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to a cause of action for drag performances performed in the presence of a minor.

HB 942 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to a public school classroom safety review and referral program for students who engage in violent criminal conduct; creating a criminal offense.

HB 947 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to affirmative defenses to prosecution for certain offenses involving material or conduct that is obscene or otherwise harmful to children.

HB 949 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to an employee's right to privacy of personal health information; providing a civil penalty.

HB 952 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to identification of early voting ballots voted by mail by electronic code.

HB 955 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to a requirement that an election for a member of a board of trustees of an independent school district is partisan.

HB 957 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to requirements for the physical presence of a borrower for signing certain documents related to a home equity loan.

HB 958 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to a district or county attorney participating as counsel in certain proceedings in federal court.

HB 960 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance reform; imposing taxes.

HB 962 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to required submission of vaccine injury reports to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

HB 963 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.

HB 966 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to notice regarding certain benefits for which a representative payee or fiduciary has been appointed for a child in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services.

HB 967 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to a study on the prevalence of the use of psychoactive or psychotropic medication by persons who have committed suicide.

HB 968 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to processes to address election irregularities; providing a civil penalty.

HB 971 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the use of a high occupancy vehicle lane to pass certain vehicles.

HB 976 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to parental rights in public education and prohibiting certain instruction regarding sexual orientation or gender identity; authorizing a civil penalty.

HB 980 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the required inclusion of a person's sex on a birth certificate.

HB 984 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the establishment of an empowerment scholarship account program.

HB 986 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to state savings achieved through a budget savings program administered by the comptroller of public accounts making an appropriation of a portion of those savings.

HB 987 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the time for issuance of a municipal building permit.

HB 989 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to processes to address election irregularities; providing a civil penalty.

HB 991 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to abortion, including civil liability for distribution of abortion-inducing drugs and duties of Internet service providers; creating a criminal offense; authorizing a private civil right of action.

HB 993 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the time for processing a municipal building permit application.

HB 995 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to defenses to prosecution for certain criminal offenses involving material or conduct that may be obscene or is otherwise harmful to children.

HB 998 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the authority of an individual, before purchasing real property to be used as the individual's residence homestead, to request from the chief appraiser of the applicable appraisal district a preliminary determination of whether the property would qualify for a disabled veteran exemption if purchased by the individual and used for that purpose.

HB 999 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the public inspection of election records.

HB 1001 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the use of paper ballots and certain electronic devices in conducting an election.

HB 1002 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the disposition of certain election records.

HB 1004 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the duty of the attorney general to prosecute certain criminal offenses.

HB 1005 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the process of canvassing elections.

HB 1007 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the security of election systems.

HB 1008 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the systems used in a central counting station.

HB 1010 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to measures for ensuring safety and security in public schools, including measures related to certain student records and conduct.

HB 1012 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of the criminal offense of sale, distribution, or display of harmful material to a minor.

HB 1013 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to election integrity and security, including by preventing fraud in the conduct of elections in this state; authorizing a penalty, increasing a penalty.

HB 1014 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility in a public school; authorizing a civil penalty, authorizing a private civil right of action.

HB 1015 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility in a public school.

HB 1016 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to a public school policy regarding multi-occupancy bathrooms or changing facilities.

HB 1017 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to creation of the criminal offense of improper entry from foreign nation.

HB 1097 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the duty of certain professionals to report child abuse or neglect.

HB 1255 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for certain offenses committed by a professional who is required to report child abuse or neglect and against a child under the care of that professional.

HB 1553 Author: Toth
Last Action: 12/09/2024 H Filed
Caption: Relating to reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes through the use of certain surplus state revenue.

HB 2004 Author: Toth
Last Action: 01/22/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to a school district professional employee's liability for certain criminal conduct against a student.

HB 2005 Author: Toth
Last Action: 01/22/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to a limitation on the salary paid to officers and employees of this state and political subdivisions of this state.

HB 2008 Author: Toth
Last Action: 01/22/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to courses in personal financial literacy and economics for high school students in public schools.

HB 2059 Author: Toth
Last Action: 01/24/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to references to "taxpayer money" in state documents, publications, and notices.

HB 2258 Author: Toth
Last Action: 01/30/2025 H Filed
Caption: Imposing private civil liability on anyone who causes or contributes to the social transitioning of a minor.

HB 2454 Author: Toth
Last Action: 02/05/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the unauthorized entry, occupancy, sale, rental, lease, advertisement for sale, rental, or lease, or conveyance of real property, including the removal of certain unauthorized occupants of a dwelling; creating criminal offenses; increasing a criminal penalty; authorizing a fee.

HB 2670 Author: Toth
Last Action: 02/11/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the administration of an election for a member of a board of trustees of an independent school district.

HB 2671 Author: Toth
Last Action: 02/11/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the date of an automatic election to approve the tax rate of a school district.

HB 2672 Author: Toth
Last Action: 02/11/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to a proposition to approve the issuance of bonds or other debt by a school district.

HB 2721 Author: Toth
Last Action: 02/12/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the installation and maintenance by the Texas Department of Transportation of highway signs for certain cultural attractions.

HB 2829 Author: Toth
Last Action: 02/13/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to certain outdoor signs regulated by the Texas Department of Transportation.

HJR 74 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide that the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes for the first tax year that the owner of the property qualifies the property for a residence homestead exemption is the market value of the property and that, if the owner purchased the property, the purchase price of the property is considered to be the market value of the property for that tax year and to limit increases in the appraised value of the homestead for subsequent tax years based on the inflation rate.

HJR 75 Author: Toth
Last Action: 11/12/2024 H Filed
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for exceptions to the requirement that a home equity loan be closed only at the office of the lender, an attorney at law, or a title company.

HJR 118 Author: Toth
Last Action: 01/22/2025 H Filed
Caption: Applying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing an amendment to the constitution to limit the terms of office of members of Congress.

Joint Author (1):
HR 72 Author: Oliverson | Toth
Last Action: 01/29/2025 H Reported enrolled: Jan 29 2025 11:21AM
Caption: Recognizing January 29, 2025, as Shen Yun Day at the State Capitol.

Texas Legislature Online - Report