Texas Legislature
Bills Authored / Joint Authored
Rep. David Lowe
89th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 2/16/2025

Number of Bills: 5

Report Sections:

Author (5):
HB 2194 Author: Lowe
Last Action: 01/29/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance reform; imposing taxes.

HB 2291 Author: Lowe
Last Action: 01/30/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the required inclusion of a person's sex on a birth certificate and prohibited change of sex on the birth certificate of certain persons.

HB 2549 Author: Lowe
Last Action: 02/06/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the inclusion of a person's sex on driver's licenses, commercial driver's licenses, commercial learner's permits, and personal identification certificates.

HB 2796 Author: Lowe
Last Action: 02/13/2025 H Filed
Caption: Relating to the permissible uses of money received from the purchase of attendance credit by a school district.

HCR 57 Author: Lowe
Last Action: 01/30/2025 H Filed
Caption: Clarifying that the 1972 ratification by the 62nd Texas Legislature, 2nd Called Session, of the proposed 1972 Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was only valid through March 22, 1979.

Texas Legislature Online - Report