Texas Legislature
Bills Coauthored
Rep. Jon E. Rosenthal
88th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 2/7/2025

Number of Bills: 43

HB 8 Author: VanDeaver | Kuempel | Buckley | Bonnen | Longoria
Coauthor: Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Ashby | Bailes | et al.
Sponsor: Creighton
Last Action: 06/09/2023 E See remarks for effective date
Caption: Relating to public higher education, including the public junior college state finance program.

HB 9 Author: Ashby | Hunter | Hernandez | Bonnen | Longoria
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Bailes | et al.
Sponsor: Huffman
Last Action: 06/09/2023 E See remarks for effective date
Caption: Relating to the development and funding of broadband and telecommunications services.

HB 25 Author: Talarico | Frank | Burrows | Rose | Klick
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Bailes | et al.
Sponsor: Kolkhorst
Last Action: 06/12/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to wholesale importation of prescription drugs in this state; authorizing a fee.

HB 45 Author: Morales, Christina | Allen | Wu | Cunningham
Coauthor: Anchía | Bernal | Bhojani | Bowers | Bucy | et al.
Last Action: 05/09/2023 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to ethnic studies instruction in public schools.

HB 51 Author: Johnson, Jarvis
Coauthor: Bhojani | Bowers | Bryant | Bucy | Campos | et al.
Last Action: 02/23/2023 H Referred to State Affairs: Feb 23 2023 4:39PM
Caption: Relating to abolishing Confederate Heroes Day.

HB 242 Author: Howard | Johnson, Julie | Slawson | Leach | Garcia
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Bernal | Bhojani | et al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini
Last Action: 05/24/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to liability for the donation and distribution of feminine hygiene products.

HB 300 Author: Howard | Button | Neave Criado | Thierry | Leach
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Bernal | et al.
Sponsor: Huffman
Last Action: 05/10/2023 S Co-sponsor authorized
Caption: Relating to an exemption from sales and use taxes for certain family care items.

HB 567 Author: Bowers | Rose | Reynolds | Sherman, Sr. | Buckley
Coauthor: Allen | Anchía | Bernal | Bhojani | Bryant | et al.
Sponsor: Miles
Last Action: 05/27/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to discrimination on the basis of hair texture or protective hairstyle associated with race.

HB 683 Author: Cole | Guillen | Turner | Dutton | Howard
Coauthor: Anchía | Bernal | Garcia | Gates | Johnson, Ann | et al.
Sponsor: LaMantia
Last Action: 05/12/2023 S Reported from s/c favorably w/o amendments
Caption: Relating to the exemption of tuition and laboratory fees at public institutions of higher education for certain paramedics.

HB 840 Author: Gates | Bonnen | Oliverson | Moody | Lalani
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anderson | Ashby | Bell, Cecil | et al.
Last Action: 05/11/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the establishment of a bundled-pricing program to reduce certain health care costs in the state employees group benefits program.

HB 968 Author: Gates | Rose | Frank | Capriglione | González, Mary
Coauthor: Allison | Anderson | Bell, Cecil | Bell, Keith | Bhojani | et al.
Sponsor: Kolkhorst
Last Action: 06/12/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to procedures in certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship filed by the Department of Family and Protective Services.

HB 1251 Author: Plesa | Thierry | Patterson | Guillen | Raymond
Coauthor: Allison | Bhojani | Bryant | Bumgarner | Campos | et al.
Last Action: 03/03/2023 H Referred to Ways & Means: Mar 3 2023 1:58PM
Caption: Relating to eligibility for the exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of certain first responders.

HB 1475 Author: Ramos | Plesa | Johnson, Julie | Flores | Leach
Coauthor: Allen | Anchía | Bowers | Campos | Collier | et al.
Last Action: 03/03/2023 H Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence: Mar 3 2023 1:58PM
Caption: Relating to continuing judicial training regarding family violence victims.

HB 1548 Author: Talarico | Meza | Bernal | Hinojosa | Allen
Coauthor: Anchía | Bhojani | Bowers | Bryant | Bucy | et al.
Last Action: 03/03/2023 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2023 1:58PM
Caption: Relating to the salary and wages paid to public school employees.

HB 1569 Author: Allison | Lambert | Capriglione
Coauthor: Garcia | Rosenthal
Last Action: 03/03/2023 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2023 1:58PM
Caption: Relating to the establishment of a computer science strategic advisory committee and a grant program for the professional development and training of computer science classroom teachers.

HB 1708 Author: Canales | Leach | Sherman, Sr. | Burrows | Moody
Coauthor: Garcia | Rosenthal
Last Action: 05/01/2023 S Referred to Finance
Caption: Relating to the temperature at which a facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is maintained.

HB 1882 Author: Bhojani | Jetton | Hull | Lalani | Oliverson
Coauthor: Anchía | Bernal | Bowers | Bryant | Bucy | et al.
Last Action: 05/05/2023 H Reported favorably as substituted
Caption: Relating to the designation of certain religious holy days as optional holidays.

HB 1883 Author: Bhojani | Cunningham | Allen | Hinojosa | Jetton
Coauthor: Allison | Anchía | Bernal | Bowers | Bryant | et al.
Sponsor: Kolkhorst
Last Action: 06/18/2023 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the administration of assessment instruments to public school students on religious holy days.

HB 1884 Author: Bhojani | Lujan | Moody | Talarico | Leach
Coauthor: Anchía | Bernal | Bowers | Bucy | Button | et al.
Last Action: 05/05/2023 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to persons authorized to conduct a marriage ceremony.

HB 1931 Author: Rogers | Guillen | Harris, Cody | Slawson | Raymond
Coauthor: Buckley | Lambert | Rosenthal
Last Action: 03/08/2023 H Referred to State Affairs: Mar 8 2023 12:09PM
Caption: Relating to authorizing a statewide referendum allowing voters to indicate a preference for observing standard time year-round or observing daylight saving time year-round.

HB 1973 Author: Harris, Caroline | Klick | Frank | Campos | Collier
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anderson | Ashby | Bailes | et al.
Last Action: 05/09/2023 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to itemized billing for health care services and supplies provided by health care providers; authorizing an administrative penalty.

HB 2055 Author: Jones, Venton | Harrison | González, Mary | Johnson, Julie | Johnson, Ann
Coauthor: Allen | Anchía | Bailes | Bernal | Bhojani | et al.
Last Action: 05/10/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the repeal of the offense of homosexual conduct.

HB 2205 Author: Walle | Leach | Hull
Coauthor: Allen | Bumgarner | Cunningham | Dutton | Harless | et al.
Last Action: 05/06/2023 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the designation of a portion of United States Highway 59 in Harris County as the Deputy Sheriff Darren Almendarez Memorial Highway.

HB 2235 Author: Jones, Venton | Oliverson | Rose | Anderson | Wu
Coauthor: Allen | Anchía | Bernal | Bhojani | Bowers | et al.
Last Action: 05/11/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to HIV and AIDS tests.

HB 2592 Author: Cole | Thierry | Plesa | Turner | Bernal
Coauthor: Bowers | Flores | Gamez | Goodwin | Johnson, Julie | et al.
Last Action: 03/13/2023 H Referred to Business & Industry: Mar 13 2023 3:37PM
Caption: Relating to a landlord's duty to provide and maintain a functioning air conditioning system or unit in an apartment.

HB 2604 Author: Morales Shaw | Howard | Plesa | Ordaz
Coauthor: Allen | Bernal | Bhojani | Bowers | Bumgarner | et al.
Last Action: 03/13/2023 H Referred to International Relations & Economic Development: Mar 13 2023 3:37PM
Caption: Relating to the establishment of a paid parental leave program administered by the Texas Workforce Commission; imposing an employer contribution.

HB 2744 Author: King, Tracy O.
Coauthor: Anchía | Bucy | Flores | Gamez | Goodwin | et al.
Last Action: 05/10/2023 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to prohibiting the transfer of certain semiautomatic rifles to certain recipients; creating a criminal offense; increasing a criminal penalty.

HB 3377 Author: Jones, Venton | Oliverson | Rose | Anderson | Wu
Coauthor: Allen | Anchía | Bernal | Bhojani | Bowers | et al.
Last Action: 05/10/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to HIV and AIDS tests.

HB 3568 Author: Gates | Howard | Wilson | Paul | Morales, Christina
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anderson | Ashby | Bailes | et al.
Last Action: 04/20/2023 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to certain public facilities used to provide affordable housing; authorizing a fee; authorizing a penalty.

HB 3771 Author: Johnson, Julie | Button | Buckley | Rose | Morrison
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Ashby | et al.
Last Action: 05/10/2023 S Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
Caption: Relating to the creation of the employer child-care contribution partnership program administered by the Texas Workforce Commission; authorizing a civil penalty.

HB 3833 Author: Lopez, Janie | Bowers | Flores | Lozano | Cunningham
Coauthor: Guillen | Plesa | Rosenthal
Last Action: 05/10/2023 S Referred to Education
Caption: Relating to the duties of a public school counselor.

HB 3835 Author: Lopez, Janie | Ashby | Flores | Holland | Troxclair
Coauthor: Allison | Bernal | Bowers | Campos | Dorazio | et al.
Last Action: 05/02/2023 H Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm.
Caption: Relating to the operation and management of the Iwo Jima monument and museum by the Texas Historical Commission.

HB 4177 Author: Walle | Bonnen | Hernandez
Coauthor: González, Mary | Herrero | Johnson, Ann | Moody | Rosenthal | et al.
Last Action: 04/20/2023 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the acquisition of park land by the Texas parks and wildlife department: making an appropriation

HB 4306 Author: Dorazio | Capriglione | DeAyala | Cain | Hefner
Coauthor: Anchía | Bernal | Bumgarner | Campos | Cunningham | et al.
Last Action: 05/15/2023 S Received from the House
Caption: Relating to a study by the attorney general on the feasibility of linking debit card transactions to bullion in the Texas Bullion Depository.

HB 4342 Author: Plesa | Allen | Cunningham | Hefner | King, Ken
Coauthor: Campos | Gamez | Garcia | Lopez, Ray | Manuel | et al.
Last Action: 05/05/2023 S Referred to Education
Caption: Relating to courses in personal finance literacy and economics for high school students in public schools.

HB 4713 Author: Plesa | Rose | Price | Oliverson | Perez
Coauthor: Allison | Anchía | Bernal | Bowers | Bucy | et al.
Last Action: 05/11/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to group health benefit plan coverage for early treatment of first episode psychosis.

HB 4757 Author: Orr | Ashby | Harris, Cody | Bonnen | Burrows
Coauthor: Allison | Bell, Cecil | Bhojani | Bryant | Bumgarner | et al.
Sponsor: Perry
Last Action: 05/01/2023 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the regulatory authority over certain water bodies.

HB 4777 Author: Plesa | Lozano | Dutton | Johnson, Ann | Allison
Coauthor: Bumgarner | Cunningham | Frazier | Garcia | Jones, Jolanda | et al.
Last Action: 05/01/2023 S Referred to Education
Caption: Relating to the model training curriculum for school district peace officers and school resource officers.

HB 4932 Author: Lopez, Janie | Isaac | Guerra | Landgraf
Coauthor: Leo-Wilson | Plesa | Rosenthal
Sponsor: Sparks
Last Action: 06/11/2023 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the amount of foreign emissions of air contaminants in nonattainment areas and the revision of the state implementation plan to account for those emissions.

HCR 71 Author: González, Jessica | Lozano | Neave Criado | Guillen | Flores
Coauthor: Allen | Anchía | Bowers | Bumgarner | Campos | et al.
Last Action: 05/06/2023 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Directing the Texas Facilities Commission to name the building being constructed in Phase Two of the Texas Capitol Complex Master Plan at the northwest corner of Congress Avenue and 15th Street the Irma Rangel Building.

HJR 144 Author: Canales | Goldman | Cain | Lozano | Hunter
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Ashby | et al.
Last Action: 04/24/2023 S Referred to Transportation
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the use of money in the state highway fund for roadways for seaports, airports, spaceports, land ports of entry, and international bridges.

HJR 185 Author: Walle | Bonnen
Coauthor: González, Mary | Herrero | Johnson, Ann | Moody | Rosenthal | et al.
Last Action: 03/23/2023 H Referred to Appropriations: Mar 23 2023 12:03PM
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the appropriation of the net revenue received from the imposition of state sales and use taxes on sporting goods.

HR 1167 Author: Bhojani | Thompson, Senfronia | Bonnen | Oliverson | Craddick
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Ashby | et al.
Last Action: 04/20/2023 H Reported enrolled: Apr 20 2023 2:43PM
Caption: Recognizing April 20, 2023, as Texas Capitol Staff Appreciation Day.

Texas Legislature Online - Report