Texas Legislature
Bills Authored / Joint Authored
Rep. Briscoe Cain
87th Legislature First Called Session
Report Date: 2/14/2025

Number of Bills: 4

Report Sections: Authored Bills | Joint Authored Bills

Author (1):
HB 20 Author: Cain | Burrows | Harris | Krause | White
Last Action: 07/13/2021 H Filed
Caption: Relating to complaint procedures and disclosure requirements for and censorship of users' expressions by social media platforms.

Joint Author (3):
HB 100 Author: Paul | Anderson | Vasut | Cain | Holland
Last Action: 07/08/2021 H Referred to Constitutional Rights & Remedies: Jul 8 2021 10:31AM
Caption: Relating to practices and procedures for an early voting ballot voted by mail.

HB 241 Author: Toth | Oliverson | White | Cain | Wilson
Last Action: 07/12/2021 H Filed
Caption: Relating to a forensic audit of 2020 election results in certain counties.

HJR 23 Author: Vasut | Middleton | Gates | Rogers | Cain
Last Action: 07/13/2021 H Filed
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to reduce the number of members of each House required to constitute a quorum to a majority.

Texas Legislature Online - Report