Texas Legislature
Bills Coauthored
Sen. Brian Birdwell
87th Legislature Second Called Session
Report Date: 2/17/2025

Number of Bills: 12

SB 1 Author: Hughes
Coauthor: Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | Creighton | et al.
Sponsor: Murr | Lozano | Clardy | White | Jetton
Last Action: 09/07/2021 E Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to election integrity and security, including by preventing fraud in the conduct of elections in this state; increasing criminal penalties; creating criminal offenses.

SB 2 Author: Perry
Coauthor: Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | Creighton | et al.
Last Action: 08/31/2021 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to requiring public school students to compete in interscholastic athletic competitions based on biological sex.

SB 3 Author: Hughes
Coauthor: Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | Creighton | Kolkhorst | et al.
Sponsor: Huberty | Toth | Metcalf | White
Last Action: 09/17/2021 E Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to civics training programs for certain public school social studies teachers and principals, parental access to certain learning management systems, and certain curriculum in public schools, including certain instructional requirements and prohibitions.

SB 4 Author: Lucio
Coauthor: Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | Creighton | et al.
Sponsor: Klick | Noble | Oliverson | Cook | Frank
Last Action: 09/17/2021 E Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to abortion complication reporting and the regulation of drug-induced abortion procedures, providers, and facilities; creating a criminal offense.

SB 5 Author: Hughes
Coauthor: Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | Creighton | et al.
Last Action: 08/19/2021 H Referred to Constitutional Rights & Remedies: Aug 19 2021 6:18PM
Caption: Relating to complaint procedures and disclosure requirements for, and to the censorship of users' expressions by, social media platforms.

SB 6 Author: Huffman
Coauthor: Bettencourt | Birdwell | Buckingham | Campbell | Creighton | et al.
Sponsor: Smith | Cook | Harless | Kacal
Last Action: 09/17/2021 E See remarks for effective date
Caption: Relating to rules for setting the amount of bail, to the release of certain defendants on a monetary bond or personal bond, to related duties of certain officers taking bail bonds and of a magistrate in a criminal case, to charitable bail organizations, and to the reporting of information pertaining to bail bonds.

SB 7 Author: Huffman
Coauthor: Alvarado | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Blanco | Buckingham | et al.
Sponsor: Rogers | Darby | Ashby | Parker | Bonnen
Last Action: 09/09/2021 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to a one-time supplemental payment of benefits under the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

SB 8 Author: Bettencourt
Coauthor: Alvarado | Birdwell | Blanco | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Sponsor: Meyer | Metcalf | Burrows | Noble | Shine
Last Action: 09/17/2021 E Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to the authority of a person who acquires a residence homestead to receive an ad valorem tax exemption for the homestead in the year in which the property is acquired and to the protection of school districts against the resulting loss in revenue.

SB 12 Author: Bettencourt | Kolkhorst
Coauthor: Alvarado | Birdwell | Blanco | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Sponsor: Meyer | Metcalf | Burrows | Button | Guillen
Last Action: 09/17/2021 E See remarks for effective date
Caption: Relating to the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homestead of an individual who is elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction from the preceding tax year in the district's maximum compressed rate and to the protection of school districts against the resulting loss in local revenue.

SB 91 Author: Bettencourt
Coauthor: Birdwell | Buckingham | Creighton | Hall | Hancock | et al.
Last Action: 09/02/2021 H Received from the Senate
Caption: Relating to a temporary reduction in the maximum compressed tax rate of a school district and the form of the ballot proposition to be used in an election to approve a tax rate adopted by a school district that exceeds the district's voter-approval tax rate; making an appropriation.

SB 97 Author: Bettencourt
Coauthor: Birdwell | Creighton | Hall | Huffman | Hughes | et al.
Last Action: 09/02/2021 H Received from the Senate
Caption: Relating to processes to address election irregularities; providing a civil penalty.

SJR 2 Author: Bettencourt | Kolkhorst
Coauthor: Alvarado | Birdwell | Blanco | Buckingham | Campbell | et al.
Sponsor: Meyer | Metcalf | Burrows | Noble | Sanford
Last Action: 08/30/2021 E Filed with the Secretary of State
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for general elementary and secondary public school purposes on the residence homestead of a person who is elderly or disabled to reflect any statutory reduction from the preceding tax year in the maximum compressed rate of the maintenance and operations taxes imposed for those purposes on the homestead.

Texas Legislature Online - Report