Texas Legislature
Bills Coauthored
Rep. Vikki Goodwin
88th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 2/19/2025

Number of Bills: 60

HB 9 Author: Ashby | Hunter | Hernandez | Bonnen | Longoria
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Bailes | et al.
Sponsor: Huffman
Last Action: 06/09/2023 E See remarks for effective date
Caption: Relating to the development and funding of broadband and telecommunications services.

HB 12 Author: Rose | Thompson, Senfronia | Walle | Thierry | Howard
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Bernal | Bhojani | Bowers | et al.
Sponsor: Kolkhorst
Last Action: 06/18/2023 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the duration of services provided under Medicaid to women following a pregnancy.

HB 15 Author: Thompson, Senfronia | Craddick | Buckley | Bonnen | Kuempel
Coauthor: Allen | Bowers | Bucy | Button | Campos | et al.
Last Action: 04/11/2023 S Received from the House
Caption: Relating to the creation of the Mental Health and Brain Research Institute of Texas.

HB 25 Author: Talarico | Frank | Burrows | Rose | Klick
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Bailes | et al.
Sponsor: Kolkhorst
Last Action: 06/12/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to wholesale importation of prescription drugs in this state; authorizing a fee.

HB 165 Author: Johnson, Ann | Bonnen | Kuempel | Landgraf | Ordaz
Coauthor: Bucy | Bumgarner | Cain | DeAyala | Frazier | et al.
Sponsor: Whitmire
Last Action: 06/10/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for an aggravated assault occurring as part of a mass shooting; increasing a criminal penalty.

HB 242 Author: Howard | Johnson, Julie | Slawson | Leach | Garcia
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Bernal | Bhojani | et al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini
Last Action: 05/24/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to liability for the donation and distribution of feminine hygiene products.

HB 300 Author: Howard | Button | Neave Criado | Thierry | Leach
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Bernal | et al.
Sponsor: Huffman
Last Action: 05/10/2023 S Co-sponsor authorized
Caption: Relating to an exemption from sales and use taxes for certain family care items.

HB 362 Author: Oliverson | Howard | Talarico | Cole | Leo-Wilson
Coauthor: Bernal | Bowers | Bumgarner | Button | Cain | et al.
Last Action: 04/12/2023 S Referred to Criminal Justice
Caption: Relating to the use, possession, delivery, or manufacture of testing equipment that identifies the presence of fentanyl, alpha-methylfentanyl, or any other derivative of fentanyl.

HB 459 Author: Hull | González, Mary | Cain | Moody | Lozano
Coauthor: Goodwin | Morales Shaw | Plesa
Last Action: 05/06/2023 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to prohibiting the use of certain restraints or chemical irritants on certain public school students.

HB 476 Author: Jones, Jolanda | Thompson, Senfronia | Allen
Coauthor: Bernal | Bryant | Collier | Cunningham | Dutton | et al.
Last Action: 05/03/2023 S Received from the House
Caption: Relating to the release of certain defendants detained in jail pending trial.

HB 567 Author: Bowers | Rose | Reynolds | Sherman, Sr. | Buckley
Coauthor: Allen | Anchía | Bernal | Bhojani | Bryant | et al.
Sponsor: Miles
Last Action: 05/27/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to discrimination on the basis of hair texture or protective hairstyle associated with race.

HB 590 Author: Bailes | Lambert | Kuempel | Cain | Thompson, Senfronia
Coauthor: Anderson | Goodwin | King, Ken | Lujan | Morales, Eddie | et al.
Last Action: 03/30/2023 S Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs
Caption: Relating to the labeling and sale of Texas honey.

HB 652 Author: Johnson, Julie
Coauthor: Bernal | Bryant | Bucy | Cole | Dutton | et al.
Last Action: 02/23/2023 H Referred to Health Care Reform, Select: Feb 23 2023 4:39PM
Caption: Relating to the development and implementation of the Live Well Texas program and the expansion of Medicaid eligibility to provide health benefit coverage to certain individuals; imposing penalties.

HB 821 Author: King, Ken | Capriglione
Coauthor: Bhojani | Bucy | Goodwin | Plesa | Wu
Sponsor: Zaffirini
Last Action: 05/23/2023 S Not again placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to the placement of electric vehicle charging equipment on state property.

HB 916 Author: Ordaz | Slawson | Frank | Rose | Howard
Coauthor: Allen | Anchía | Bailes | Bernal | Bumgarner | et al.
Sponsor: Paxton
Last Action: 06/09/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to health benefit plan coverage of prescription contraceptive drugs.

HB 1152 Author: Vo | Garcia | Neave Criado | Geren | Guillen
Coauthor: Allen | Anderson | Ashby | Button | Campos | et al.
Last Action: 05/08/2023 S Received from the House
Caption: Relating to the licensing of certain veterans by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and the hiring of those veterans by political subdivisions.

HB 1179 Author: Ramos | Plesa
Coauthor: Allen | Campos | Garcia | Goodwin | Johnson, Julie | et al.
Last Action: 05/16/2023 S Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to informing the public about the availability of provisions in protective orders, including provisions regarding pets and other companion animals.

HB 1275 Author: Plesa | Shaheen | Lalani | Johnson, Jarvis | Collier
Coauthor: Anchía | Bhojani | Bowers | Bryant | Dorazio | et al.
Sponsor: Hughes
Last Action: 06/12/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to procedures for the issuance of personal identification certificates to certain persons 65 years of age or older whose driver's licenses are surrendered.

HB 1548 Author: Talarico | Meza | Bernal | Hinojosa | Allen
Coauthor: Anchía | Bhojani | Bowers | Bryant | Bucy | et al.
Last Action: 03/03/2023 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2023 1:58PM
Caption: Relating to the salary and wages paid to public school employees.

HB 1613 Author: Shine | Martinez Fischer | Kuempel | Ordaz | Slawson
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Ashby | et al.
Sponsor: Flores
Last Action: 05/25/2023 S House appoints conferees-reported
Caption: Relating to the applicability of the law governing the provision of state aid to certain local governments disproportionately affected by the granting of ad valorem tax relief to disabled veterans.

HB 1704 Author: Walle | Garcia | Rose | Raney
Coauthor: Bernal | Flores | Goodwin | Lambert | Lopez, Janie | et al.
Last Action: 04/20/2023 S Referred to Local Government
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the workforce housing capital investment fund program to fund the development of workforce housing in this state; authorizing a fee.

HB 1806 Author: Morales Shaw
Coauthor: Bowers | Bryant | Goodwin | Jones, Venton | Meza
Last Action: 03/07/2023 H Referred to International Relations & Economic Development: Mar 7 2023 12:31PM
Caption: Relating to the prohibition of employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

HB 1973 Author: Harris, Caroline | Klick | Frank | Campos | Collier
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anderson | Ashby | Bailes | et al.
Last Action: 05/09/2023 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to itemized billing for health care services and supplies provided by health care providers; authorizing an administrative penalty.

HB 2055 Author: Jones, Venton | Harrison | González, Mary | Johnson, Julie | Johnson, Ann
Coauthor: Allen | Anchía | Bailes | Bernal | Bhojani | et al.
Last Action: 05/10/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the repeal of the offense of homosexual conduct.

HB 2235 Author: Jones, Venton | Oliverson | Rose | Anderson | Wu
Coauthor: Allen | Anchía | Bernal | Bhojani | Bowers | et al.
Last Action: 05/11/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to HIV and AIDS tests.

HB 2592 Author: Cole | Thierry | Plesa | Turner | Bernal
Coauthor: Bowers | Flores | Gamez | Goodwin | Johnson, Julie | et al.
Last Action: 03/13/2023 H Referred to Business & Industry: Mar 13 2023 3:37PM
Caption: Relating to a landlord's duty to provide and maintain a functioning air conditioning system or unit in an apartment.

HB 2604 Author: Morales Shaw | Howard | Plesa | Ordaz
Coauthor: Allen | Bernal | Bhojani | Bowers | Bumgarner | et al.
Last Action: 03/13/2023 H Referred to International Relations & Economic Development: Mar 13 2023 3:37PM
Caption: Relating to the establishment of a paid parental leave program administered by the Texas Workforce Commission; imposing an employer contribution.

HB 2647 Author: Sherman, Sr. | Talarico | Bhojani | Buckley | VanDeaver
Coauthor: Flores | Garcia | Goodwin | Lopez, Ray | Morales Shaw | et al.
Last Action: 05/12/2023 S Referred to Education
Caption: Relating to allowing the board of trustees of certain school districts to create a nonvoting student trustee position on the board.

HB 2744 Author: King, Tracy O.
Coauthor: Anchía | Bucy | Flores | Gamez | Goodwin | et al.
Last Action: 05/10/2023 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to prohibiting the transfer of certain semiautomatic rifles to certain recipients; creating a criminal offense; increasing a criminal penalty.

HB 2858 Author: Morales Shaw
Coauthor: Goodwin | Lopez, Janie
Last Action: 05/08/2023 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to state and local government disaster preparedness.

HB 2899 Author: Plesa | Frazier | Johnson, Ann | Manuel | Bowers
Coauthor: Cunningham | Goodwin | Lujan
Sponsor: Hall
Last Action: 06/02/2023 E Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the impoundment of a vehicle used in the commission of the offense of racing on a highway or in the commission of certain criminal conduct involving a reckless driving exhibition.

HB 3165 Author: Holland | Rose | González, Mary | Bell, Cecil | Zwiener
Coauthor: Anderson | Bailes | Bell, Keith | Bucy | Bumgarner | et al.
Last Action: 05/03/2023 S Received from the House
Caption: Relating to the establishment, administration, and use of the Texas land and water conservation fund.

HB 3377 Author: Jones, Venton | Oliverson | Rose | Anderson | Wu
Coauthor: Allen | Anchía | Bernal | Bhojani | Bowers | et al.
Last Action: 05/10/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to HIV and AIDS tests.

HB 3534 Author: Morales Shaw | Sherman, Sr. | Rose | Lujan | Frazier
Coauthor: Bowers | Bryant | Goodwin | Morales, Christina
Last Action: 05/01/2023 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the provision of information regarding suicide prevention and certain state laws applicable to handgun license holders.

HB 3535 Author: Morales Shaw
Coauthor: Bryant | Goodwin
Last Action: 03/16/2023 H Referred to Public Health: Mar 16 2023 11:39AM
Caption: Relating to the medical use of low-THC cannabis by patients with certain medical conditions.

HB 3547 Author: Anchía | Sherman, Sr. | Howard | Frazier | Martinez
Coauthor: Bowers | Campos | Gamez | González, Jessica | Goodwin | et al.
Last Action: 05/04/2023 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
Caption: Relating to the required approval of certain hospital visits as a condition of release on parole or to mandatory supervision for certain releasees and to the hospital's liability for damages resulting from those visits.

HB 3548 Author: Anchía | Sherman, Sr. | Jones, Venton | Lalani | Cook
Coauthor: Bowers | Buckley | Campos | Gamez | Garcia | et al.
Last Action: 05/06/2023 H Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for assault of certain hospital personnel.

HB 3549 Author: Anchía | Price | Buckley | Cook | Frazier
Coauthor: Allen | Bowers | Campos | Gamez | González, Jessica | et al.
Last Action: 03/21/2023 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to creating the criminal offense of tampering with an electronic monitoring device and to certain consequences on conviction of that offense.

HB 3568 Author: Gates | Howard | Wilson | Paul | Morales, Christina
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anderson | Ashby | Bailes | et al.
Last Action: 04/20/2023 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to certain public facilities used to provide affordable housing; authorizing a fee; authorizing a penalty.

HB 3586 Author: Cole
Coauthor: Flores | Goodwin | Howard | Meza
Last Action: 03/16/2023 H Referred to Human Services: Mar 16 2023 11:39AM
Caption: Relating to the coverage and provision of abortion and contraception under a health benefit plan and certain programs administered by this state.

HB 3733 Author: Guerra | Zwiener | Howard | Allen
Coauthor: Campos | Gamez | Goodwin | Leo-Wilson | Lopez, Ray | et al.
Last Action: 03/20/2023 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 20 2023 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to a fentanyl awareness program in public schools.

HB 3734 Author: Guerra | Allen
Coauthor: Campos | Gamez | Goodwin | Lopez, Ray | Morales, Eddie | et al.
Last Action: 03/20/2023 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 20 2023 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to an opioid-related drug overdose response protocol and training on the administration of an opioid antagonist for public school personnel.

HB 3735 Author: Guerra | Allen
Coauthor: Campos | Gamez | Goodwin | Lopez, Ray | Morales, Eddie | et al.
Last Action: 03/20/2023 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 20 2023 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to the administration of opioid antagonists by a school nurse at public school campuses.

HB 3771 Author: Johnson, Julie | Button | Buckley | Rose | Morrison
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Ashby | et al.
Last Action: 05/10/2023 S Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
Caption: Relating to the creation of the employer child-care contribution partnership program administered by the Texas Workforce Commission; authorizing a civil penalty.

HB 3780 Author: Allen | Wu | Thompson, Senfronia | Reynolds | Bailes
Coauthor: Bell, Keith | Bernal | Bowers | Bryant | Button | et al.
Last Action: 03/20/2023 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 20 2023 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to public school system accountability.

HB 3853 Author: Morales Shaw
Coauthor: Goodwin
Last Action: 03/20/2023 H Referred to Environmental Regulation: Mar 20 2023 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to authorizing a change in the amount of certain administrative, civil, and criminal penalties for violating certain statutes under the jurisdiction of, rules or orders adopted by, or licenses, permits, or certificates issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

HB 4306 Author: Dorazio | Capriglione | DeAyala | Cain | Hefner
Coauthor: Anchía | Bernal | Bumgarner | Campos | Cunningham | et al.
Last Action: 05/15/2023 S Received from the House
Caption: Relating to a study by the attorney general on the feasibility of linking debit card transactions to bullion in the Texas Bullion Depository.

HB 4320 Author: Morales Shaw
Coauthor: Goodwin
Last Action: 03/21/2023 H Referred to Energy Resources: Mar 21 2023 12:28PM
Caption: Relating to the disclosure of certain chemicals included in hydraulic fracturing treatments.

HB 4402 Author: Bell, Keith | Buckley | VanDeaver | Landgraf | Talarico
Coauthor: Allison | Ashby | Bailes | Burns | Button | et al.
Last Action: 05/11/2023 S Referred to Education
Caption: Relating to the administration of certain assessment instruments, the accountability rating system for assessing campus and district performance, public school career and technology education programs, and an extracurricular and cocurricular allotment under the Foundation School Program.

HB 4577 Author: Morales Shaw
Coauthor: Goodwin | Zwiener
Last Action: 03/22/2023 H Referred to Environmental Regulation: Mar 22 2023 11:54AM
Caption: Relating to a study regarding the use of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals in hydraulic fracturing.

HB 4645 Author: Flores | Troxclair | Cole | Hinojosa | Howard
Coauthor: Goodwin | Talarico
Sponsor: Zaffirini
Last Action: 06/13/2023 E Effective on 1/1/24
Caption: Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of certain property used to provide low-income or moderate-income housing.

HB 4656 Author: Thimesch | Cunningham | King, Ken | Harris, Cody | Hefner
Coauthor: Allison | Bell, Cecil | Bumgarner | Campos | Frazier | et al.
Sponsor: Parker
Last Action: 05/18/2023 S Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of a temporary educator certificate for educators certified by other states.

HB 4713 Author: Plesa | Rose | Price | Oliverson | Perez
Coauthor: Allison | Anchía | Bernal | Bowers | Bucy | et al.
Last Action: 05/11/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to group health benefit plan coverage for early treatment of first episode psychosis.

HB 4875 Author: Flores | Bowers
Coauthor: Goodwin | Meza
Last Action: 04/25/2023 H Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a law enforcement agency policy regarding drug and alcohol testing of peace officers involved in certain injuries or deaths.

HCR 71 Author: González, Jessica | Lozano | Neave Criado | Guillen | Flores
Coauthor: Allen | Anchía | Bowers | Bumgarner | Campos | et al.
Last Action: 05/06/2023 H Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Directing the Texas Facilities Commission to name the building being constructed in Phase Two of the Texas Capitol Complex Master Plan at the northwest corner of Congress Avenue and 15th Street the Irma Rangel Building.

HJR 75 Author: Raney | Allison | Morrison | Howard | Guerra
Coauthor: Allen | Anderson | Bailes | Bernal | Bowers | et al.
Last Action: 02/28/2023 H Referred to State Affairs: Feb 28 2023 4:13PM
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding certain organizational and procedural matters related to the legislature.

HJR 135 Author: Thompson, Senfronia | Craddick | Buckley | Bonnen | Kuempel
Coauthor: Allen | Bucy | Campos | Collier | Darby | et al.
Last Action: 04/11/2023 S Received from the House
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the establishment of the Mental Health and Brain Research Institute of Texas and establishing the Mental Health and Brain Institute Research Fund for the purposes of scientific research of all forms of mental health and human brain disease and disorders.

HJR 144 Author: Canales | Goldman | Cain | Lozano | Hunter
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Ashby | et al.
Last Action: 04/24/2023 S Referred to Transportation
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the use of money in the state highway fund for roadways for seaports, airports, spaceports, land ports of entry, and international bridges.

HR 155 Author: González, Mary | González, Jessica | Zwiener | Johnson, Julie | Johnson, Ann
Coauthor: Anchía | Bhojani | Bryant | Bucy | Campos | et al.
Last Action: 03/16/2023 H Reported enrolled: Mar 16 2023 2:13PM
Caption: Recognizing February 14, 2023, as Texas LGBTQ Chambers of Commerce Advocacy Day at the State Capitol.

HR 1167 Author: Bhojani | Thompson, Senfronia | Bonnen | Oliverson | Craddick
Coauthor: Allen | Allison | Anchía | Anderson | Ashby | et al.
Last Action: 04/20/2023 H Reported enrolled: Apr 20 2023 2:43PM
Caption: Recognizing April 20, 2023, as Texas Capitol Staff Appreciation Day.

Texas Legislature Online - Report