By: Kubiak H.B. No. 287 73R1999 DLF-D A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1-1 AN ACT 1-2 relating to a risk management and insurance program for fire 1-3 departments. 1-4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-5 SECTION 1. Chapter 419, Government Code, is amended by 1-6 adding Subchapter F to read as follows: 1-7 SUBCHAPTER F. RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE PROGRAM 1-8 Sec. 419.101. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: 1-9 (1) "Administrator" means the risk management 1-10 administrator employed under Section 419.104. 1-11 (2) "Fire department" means: 1-12 (A) a department of a municipality, county, or 1-13 special district or authority organized to prevent or suppress 1-14 fires; or 1-15 (B) a volunteer fire department organized to 1-16 prevent or suppress fires without compensation. 1-17 (3) "Fund" means the fire department risk management 1-18 fund established under Section 419.110. 1-19 (4) "Program" means the fire department risk 1-20 management and insurance program established under Section 419.103. 1-21 Sec. 419.102. SCOPE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED UNDER 1-22 SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter applies to property and casualty 1-23 insurance for fire departments. This subchapter does not apply to 1-24 the provision of: 2-1 (1) insurance that provides health benefits to fire 2-2 department employees; 2-3 (2) life insurance for fire department employees; or 2-4 (3) workers' compensation insurance for fire 2-5 departments. 2-6 Sec. 419.103. FIRE DEPARTMENT RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE 2-7 PROGRAM. (a) The Commissioner of Insurance shall establish a fire 2-8 department risk management and insurance program to: 2-9 (1) identify and evaluate risks for fire departments; 2-10 (2) maintain a loss-prevention and loss-control 2-11 program to eliminate or reduce risks for fire departments; 2-12 (3) assist fire departments to transfer risk through 2-13 insurance and contractual assignment of liability, or by other 2-14 means, in cases in which it is economical to do so; 2-15 (4) consolidate and administer fire department risk 2-16 management and self-insurance programs; 2-17 (5) supervise the purchase of property and casualty 2-18 insurance by fire departments; and 2-19 (6) provide insurance coverage in accordance with 2-20 Sections 419.107 and 419.108. 2-21 (b) The State Board of Insurance may adopt rules to 2-22 implement and administer the program. 2-23 Sec. 419.104. RISK MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATOR. The 2-24 Commissioner of Insurance shall employ a risk management 2-25 administrator who shall implement and administer the risk 2-26 management and insurance program required by this subchapter. 2-27 Sec. 419.105. CONTINUING EVALUATION OF INSURANCE. The 3-1 administrator shall continually evaluate the insurance coverage 3-2 needed by fire departments. A fire department shall submit any 3-3 information requested by the administrator that the administrator 3-4 considers necessary to perform this duty. 3-5 Sec. 419.106. APPROVAL OF PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE. 3-6 Before a fire department purchases property and casualty insurance, 3-7 the fire department must submit the terms of the policy and other 3-8 relevant information requested by the administrator to the 3-9 administrator for approval. 3-10 Sec. 419.107. INSURANCE FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT. (a) 3-11 The administrator may provide insurance coverage for a vehicle, 3-12 vessel, aircraft, or building used for fire fighting by a fire 3-13 department. 3-14 (b) The administrator may establish: 3-15 (1) eligibility requirements for participation in 3-16 insurance coverage under this section; and 3-17 (2) equipment and safety standards for the vehicles, 3-18 vessels, aircraft, or buildings to be covered by insurance under 3-19 this section. 3-20 (c) To participate in insurance provided under this section, 3-21 a fire department must submit a written request to the 3-22 administrator. The administrator shall approve the request if the 3-23 vehicles, vessels, aircraft, or buildings to be covered meet the 3-24 eligibility requirements and equipment and safety standards 3-25 established under Subsection (b). 3-26 Sec. 419.108. INSURANCE FOR CERTAIN FIRE DEPARTMENT 3-27 PERSONNEL. (a) The administrator may provide insurance coverage 4-1 to indemnify a member of the governing body, official, employee, or 4-2 volunteer of a fire department for liability for an error or 4-3 omission arising from the performance of the duties of the member 4-4 of the governing body, official, employee, or volunteer. 4-5 (b) The administrator may establish eligibility requirements 4-6 for participation in insurance coverage under this section. 4-7 (c) To participate in insurance coverage provided under this 4-8 section, a fire department must submit a written request to the 4-9 administrator. The administrator shall approve the request if the 4-10 members of the governing body, officers, employees, and volunteers 4-11 to be covered meet the eligibility requirements established under 4-12 Subsection (b). 4-13 (d) Insurance provided under this section may provide 4-14 indemnity only for an error or omission that occurs on or after 4-15 January 1, 1994. 4-16 Sec. 419.109. INSURANCE OR SELF-INSURANCE. The 4-17 administrator may provide insurance coverage under Sections 419.107 4-18 and 419.108 through the purchase of insurance, self-insurance, or a 4-19 combination of purchased insurance and self-insurance. 4-20 Sec. 419.110. RISK MANAGEMENT FUND. (a) The fire 4-21 department risk management fund is a fund in the state treasury. 4-22 (b) The fund is composed of: 4-23 (1) money appropriated to the fund; 4-24 (2) money collected under Section 419.112; and 4-25 (3) interest accruing on money in the fund. 4-26 (c) Money in the fund may be expended in accordance with 4-27 legislative appropriation only for: 5-1 (1) administration of this subchapter, including the 5-2 salaries and administrative expenses of staff administering the 5-3 program and the fund; or 5-4 (2) funding self-insurance or the purchase of 5-5 insurance under the program. 5-6 (d) Interest on money in the fund shall be credited to the 5-7 fund. 5-8 (e) An appropriation to the fund becomes part of the fund. 5-9 Sec. 419.111. PAYMENT FROM FUND. (a) Insurance coverage 5-10 provided under Sections 419.107 and 419.108 may be funded only from 5-11 money available from the fund. 5-12 (b) Coverage limits of self-insurance provided under 5-13 Sections 419.107 and 419.108 must be based on the liquidity of the 5-14 fund after deduction of the cost of purchased insurance, if any, 5-15 and the cost of administration of this subchapter. 5-16 (c) The state's liability for a loss covered by 5-17 self-insurance provided under this subchapter is limited to the 5-18 assets of the fund and the state is not otherwise liable for that 5-19 loss. 5-20 Sec. 419.112. INSURANCE FEE. (a) The Commissioner of 5-21 Insurance may levy and collect a reasonable fee from participating 5-22 fire departments to provide insurance coverage under this 5-23 subchapter. 5-24 (b) Fees collected under this section shall be deposited to 5-25 the credit of the fund. 5-26 SECTION 2. (a) This Act takes effect September 1, 1993. 5-27 (b) The risk management administrator employed under Section 6-1 419.104, Government Code, as added by this Act, may not provide 6-2 insurance coverage under Sections 419.107 and 419.108, Government 6-3 Code, as added by this Act, before January 1, 1994. 6-4 SECTION 3. The importance of this legislation and the 6-5 crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an 6-6 emergency and an imperative public necessity that the 6-7 constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several 6-8 days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.