H.B. No. 301
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to judicial review of certain ad valorem tax
    1-3  determinations.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Section 42.22, Tax Code, is amended to read as
    1-6  follows:
    1-7        Sec. 42.22.  VENUE.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsections
    1-8  (b) and (c), and by Section 42.221, venue <Venue> is in the county
    1-9  in which the appraisal review board that issued the order appealed
   1-10  is located.
   1-11        (b)  Venue of an action brought under Section 42.01(1) is in
   1-12  the county in which the property is located or in the county in
   1-13  which the appraisal review board that issued the order is located.
   1-14        (c)  Venue is in Travis County if the order appealed was
   1-15  issued by the comptroller.
   1-16        SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 42, Tax Code, is amended by
   1-17  adding Section 42.221 to read as follows:
   1-19  (a)  The owner of an oil or gas pipeline that runs through more
   1-20  than one county and is appraised by more than one appraisal
   1-21  district may appeal an order of an appraisal review board relating
   1-22  to the pipeline, to property attached to or connected with the
   1-23  pipeline, or to an easement or other real property on which the
   1-24  pipeline is located to the district court of any county in which a
    2-1  portion of the pipeline is located if the order relating to that
    2-2  portion of the pipeline is appealed.
    2-3        (b)  A petition for review of each appraisal review board
    2-4  order under this section must be filed with the court as provided
    2-5  by Section 42.21.  The fee for filing each additional petition for
    2-6  review relating to a pipeline after the first petition for review
    2-7  relating to the same pipeline is filed for a tax year is $5.
    2-8        (c)  If only one appeal by the owner of an oil or gas
    2-9  pipeline is pending before the court in an appeal from the decision
   2-10  of an appraisal review board of a district other than the appraisal
   2-11  district for that county, any party to the suit may, not earlier
   2-12  than the 30th day before and not later than the 10th day before the
   2-13  date set for the hearing, make a motion to transfer the suit to a
   2-14  district court of the county in which the appraisal review board
   2-15  from which the appeal is taken is located.  In the absence of a
   2-16  showing that further appeals under this section will be filed, the
   2-17  court shall transfer the suit.
   2-18        (d)  When the owner files the first petition for review under
   2-19  this section for a pipeline for a tax year, the owner shall include
   2-20  with the petition a list of each appraisal district in which the
   2-21  pipeline is appraised for taxation in that tax year.
   2-22        (e)  The court shall consolidate all the appeals for a tax
   2-23  year relating to a single pipeline for which a petition for review
   2-24  is filed with the court and may consolidate other appeals relating
   2-25  to other pipelines of the same owner if the pipelines are located
   2-26  in one or more of the counties on the list required by Subsection
   2-27  (d).  Except as provided by this subsection, on the motion of the
    3-1  pipeline owner the court shall grant a continuance to provide the
    3-2  owner with an opportunity to include in the proceeding appeals of
    3-3  appraisal review board orders from additional appraisal districts.
    3-4  The court may not grant a continuance to include an appeal of an
    3-5  appraisal review board order that relates to the pipeline in that
    3-6  tax year after the time for filing a petition for review of that
    3-7  order has expired.
    3-8        (f)  This section does not affect the property owner's right
    3-9  to file a petition for review of an individual appraisal district's
   3-10  order relating to a pipeline in the district court in the county in
   3-11  which the appraisal review board is located.
   3-12        (g)  On a joint motion or the separate motions of at least 60
   3-13  percent of the appraisal districts that are defendants in a
   3-14  consolidated suit filed before the 45th day after the date on which
   3-15  the property owner's petitions for review of the appraisal review
   3-16  board orders relating to a pipeline for that tax year must be
   3-17  filed, the court shall transfer the suit to a district court of the
   3-18  county named in the motion or motions if that county is one in
   3-19  which one of the appraisal review boards from which an appeal was
   3-20  taken is located.
   3-21        SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.  The
   3-22  changes in law made by this Act apply to any petition for review
   3-23  filed under Chapter 42, Tax Code, as amended by this Act, on or
   3-24  after the effective date of this Act and to any petition for review
   3-25  filed under that chapter that is pending before a district court on
   3-26  that date.
   3-27        SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
    4-1  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    4-2  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    4-3  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    4-4  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.