By Jones of Lubbock                                    H.B. No. 466
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the operation of the Texas Funeral Service Commission.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Subdivision 1, Subsection A, Section 1, Chapter
    1-5  251, Acts of the 53rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article
    1-6  4582b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
    1-7  follows:
    1-8              1.  A "funeral director," as that term is used herein,
    1-9  is a person who for compensation engages in or conducts, or who
   1-10  holds himself out as being engaged, for compensation, in preparing,
   1-11  other than by embalming, for the burial or disposition of dead
   1-12  human bodies<, and maintaining or operating a funeral establishment
   1-13  for the preparation and disposition, or for the care of dead human
   1-14  bodies>.
   1-15        SECTION 2.  Subsections D, E, F, G, H, and M, Section 1,
   1-16  Chapter 251, Acts of the 53rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1953
   1-17  (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to read
   1-18  as follows:
   1-19        D.  The term "embalmer" as herein used is a person who for
   1-20  compensation disinfects or preserves a dead human body, entire or
   1-21  in part by the use of chemical substances, fluids, or gases in the
   1-22  body, or by the introduction of the same into the body by vascular
   1-23  or hypodermic injection, or by direct application into the organs
   1-24  or cavities, or by any other method intended to disinfect or
    2-1  preserve a dead human body, or restore body tissues and structures.
    2-2  The placing of any such chemicals or substances on or in a dead
    2-3  human body by any person who is not a licensed embalmer shall be
    2-4  deemed a violation of this Act, provided that this shall not apply
    2-5  to a provisional licensee <registered apprentice> working under the
    2-6  supervision of a licensed embalmer.  All persons who are engaged in
    2-7  the business of embalming or who profess to be engaged in such
    2-8  business, or hold themselves out to the public as embalmers, shall
    2-9  be licensed embalmers.
   2-10        E.  The term "provisional licensee" <"apprentice"> as herein
   2-11  used is a person engaged in learning the practice of funeral
   2-12  directing and/or embalming under the instruction, direction, and
   2-13  personal supervision of a duly licensed funeral director and/or
   2-14  embalmer of and in the State of Texas in accordance with the
   2-15  provisions of this Act, and having been duly issued a provisional
   2-16  license <registered as such> by the commission prior thereto.
   2-17        F.  The term "provisional license program" or "program"
   2-18  <"apprenticeship"> as used herein shall be construed as diligent
   2-19  attention to assigned duties and other matters performed in a
   2-20  licensed funeral establishment in this state.  The commission by
   2-21  rule shall define the terms of employment of a provisional licensee
   2-22  <an apprentice>, which must include service by the provisional
   2-23  licensee <apprentice> under actual working conditions and under the
   2-24  personal supervision of a licensed funeral director and/or
   2-25  embalmer.
   2-26        G.  The term "funeral establishment" as herein used is a
   2-27  place of business used in the care and preparation for burial or
    3-1  transportation of dead human bodies, or any place where one or more
    3-2  persons, either as sole owner, in co-partnership, or through
    3-3  corporate status, represent themselves to be engaged in the
    3-4  business of embalming and/or funeral directing, or are <as> so
    3-5  engaged.  Such funeral directing and embalming shall be performed
    3-6  only by a licensed funeral director, a licensed embalmer, a
    3-7  provisional licensee, or a qualified mortuary student under the
    3-8  supervision and direction of a licensed funeral director and/or
    3-9  embalmer.
   3-10        H.  The term "due notice" as herein used shall mean published
   3-11  notice of the time and place of regular meetings of the commission.
   3-12  Notice of time, place, and purpose of any meeting of the commission
   3-13  filed with the Texas Register<,> at least seven (7) days prior
   3-14  thereto<,> shall be adequate notice for any regular meeting,
   3-15  including the giving of examinations<; however, a notice of a
   3-16  meeting wherein a change in the rules and regulations of the
   3-17  commission is to be considered, shall be given by written notice in
   3-18  the Texas Register at least thirty (30) days in advance of any
   3-19  hearing thereon>.
   3-20        M.  "Solicitation" means any <a> direct or indirect contact
   3-21  by a licensed funeral director, a licensed embalmer, or an
   3-22  employee, agent, or representative of a licensed funeral
   3-23  establishment or any other entity with a person near death or the
   3-24  family, next of kin, or person responsible for making funeral
   3-25  arrangements for <one who has custody of> a person who is deceased
   3-26  or near death if the contact is not initiated by the person near
   3-27  death or the family, next of kin, or person responsible for making
    4-1  funeral arrangements for a person who is deceased or near death and
    4-2  the contact is for the purpose of securing the right to provide
    4-3  funeral services or merchandise or is in a situation that might
    4-4  influence the person contacted to choose a particular funeral
    4-5  establishment <for the deceased or the person near death>.
    4-6  Provided, however, that the term "solicitation" shall not be deemed
    4-7  to include, except in the case of contact with a person near death
    4-8  or the person responsible  for making funeral arrangements for a
    4-9  person near death, any attempt to secure funeral business pursuant
   4-10  to a permit issued under the provisions of Chapter 512, Acts of the
   4-11  54th Legislature, Regular Session, 1955, as amended (Article 548b,
   4-12  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), or to include any method of
   4-13  advertising by publication or broadcasting.
   4-14        SECTION 3.  Subdivision (5), Subsection A, Section 2, Chapter
   4-15  251, Acts of the 53rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article
   4-16  4582b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
   4-17  follows:
   4-18              (5)  Two commissioners <A commissioner> may <not>
   4-19  participate in any informal conference <commission proceeding>
   4-20  relating to a case that awaits a hearing as described by Section 6C
   4-21  of this Act.  One of the two commissioners must be a licensed
   4-22  funeral director or embalmer and one must be a public member of the
   4-23  commission.
   4-24        SECTION 4.  Section 2, Chapter 251, Acts of the 53rd
   4-25  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas
   4-26  Civil Statutes), is amended by amending Subsections H and L and
   4-27  adding Subsections S and T to read as follows:
    5-1        H.  The commission may employ such inspectors, <and> clerical
    5-2  and technical assistants, legal counsel other than the attorney
    5-3  general, and <including> an Executive Director, as may be
    5-4  determined by it to be necessary to carry out the provisions of
    5-5  this Act, and the terms, conditions and expenses of such employment
    5-6  shall be determined by the commission.
    5-7        L.  The commission may issue, or delegate to the executive
    5-8  director the power to issue, subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum.
    5-9  A subpoena or subpoena duces tecum issued under this subsection
   5-10  must be served either by personal service or by certified mail,
   5-11  return receipt requested <shall prescribe the form of the official
   5-12  application blank.  It shall notify the proprietor of each licensed
   5-13  funeral establishment in this state that any person who seeks
   5-14  employment as a funeral director or embalmer must fill in this
   5-15  application blank, and that the person receiving the application
   5-16  must mail a copy of the official form to the commission.  The
   5-17  commission shall inform the prospective employer of the status of
   5-18  the applicant's license to engage in the activity he proposes>.
   5-19        S.  The commission may appoint committees from the commission
   5-20  to consider and make recommendations on matters referred to them by
   5-21  the commission.
   5-22        T.  The commission may institute an action in its own name to
   5-23  enjoin the violation of this Act.  An action under this subsection
   5-24  is in addition to any other action, proceeding, or remedy
   5-25  authorized by law.  In an action under this subsection, the
   5-26  commission shall be represented by the attorney general, a county
   5-27  or district attorney, or counsel designated and authorized by the
    6-1  commission.
    6-2        SECTION 5.  Section 3, Chapter 251, Acts of the 53rd
    6-3  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas
    6-4  Civil Statutes), is amended by amending Subsections A, B, C, D, E,
    6-5  and H and adding Subsection J to read as follows:
    6-6        A.  The commission is hereby authorized and empowered and it
    6-7  shall be its duty to prescribe and maintain a standard of
    6-8  proficiency, professionalism, <character> and qualifications of
    6-9  those engaged or who may engage in the practice of a funeral
   6-10  director or embalmer and to determine the qualifications necessary
   6-11  to enable any person to lawfully practice as a funeral director, to
   6-12  embalm dead human bodies, and to collect the fees therefor.  The
   6-13  commission shall examine all applicants for funeral directors' and
   6-14  embalmers' licenses and for provisional <apprenticeship> licenses
   6-15  and shall issue the proper license to all persons qualified and who
   6-16  meet the requirements herein prescribed.
   6-17        B.  (1)  To be eligible for a license to practice funeral
   6-18  directing, an applicant must:
   6-19                    (a)  be 18 years of age or older;
   6-20                    (b)  have graduated from an accredited high
   6-21  school or passed an examination prescribed by the Central Education
   6-22  Agency;
   6-23                    (c)  have graduated from an accredited school or
   6-24  college of mortuary science;
   6-25                    (d)  have served as a provisional licensee <an
   6-26  apprentice> for not less than one year under the personal
   6-27  supervision and instruction of a licensed funeral director; and
    7-1                    (e)  successfully complete written examinations
    7-2  as described by Subdivision (2) of this subsection.
    7-3              (2)  The commission shall administer or arrange for the
    7-4  administration of:
    7-5                    (a)  a written professionally prepared
    7-6  examination on the subjects of:
    7-7                          (i)  the art and technique of funeral
    7-8  directing;
    7-9                          (ii)  the signs of death;
   7-10                          (iii)  the manner by which death may be
   7-11  determined;
   7-12                          (iv)  sanitation;
   7-13                          (v)  hygiene;
   7-14                          (vi)  mortuary management and mortuary law;
   7-15                          (vii)  business and professional ethics;
   7-16  and
   7-17                          (viii)  other subjects that may be taught
   7-18  in a recognized school or college of mortuary science; and
   7-19                    (b)  a written examination developed by the
   7-20  commission or developed for the commission by contract on:
   7-21                          (i)  laws applicable to vital statistics
   7-22  pertaining to dead human bodies; and
   7-23                          (ii)  local and state rules and laws
   7-24  relating to the preparation, transportation, care, and disposition
   7-25  of dead human bodies.
   7-26              (3)  Not later than the 30th day after the date on
   7-27  which a funeral director licensing examination is administered
    8-1  under this Act, the commission shall notify each examinee of the
    8-2  results of the examination.  However, if an examination is graded
    8-3  or reviewed by a national testing service, the commission shall
    8-4  notify examinees of the results of the examination not later than
    8-5  the 14th day after the date on which the commission receives the
    8-6  results from the testing service.  If the notice of examination
    8-7  results graded or reviewed by a national testing service will be
    8-8  delayed for longer than 90 days after the examination date, the
    8-9  commission shall notify the examinee of the reason for the delay
   8-10  before the 90th day.  If requested in writing by a person who fails
   8-11  a licensing examination administered under this Act, the commission
   8-12  shall furnish the person with an analysis of the person's
   8-13  performance on the examination.
   8-14        C.  (1)  To be eligible for a license to practice embalming,
   8-15  an applicant must:
   8-16                    (a)  be 18 years of age or older;
   8-17                    (b)  have graduated from an accredited high
   8-18  school or passed an examination prescribed by the Central Education
   8-19  Agency;
   8-20                    (c)  have graduated from an accredited school or
   8-21  college of mortuary science;
   8-22                    (d)  have served as a provisional licensee <an
   8-23  apprentice> for one year under the personal supervision of a
   8-24  licensed embalmer; and
   8-25                    (e)  successfully complete written examinations
   8-26  as described by Subdivision (2) of this subsection.
   8-27              (2)  The commission shall administer or arrange for the
    9-1  administration of:
    9-2                    (a)  a written professionally prepared
    9-3  examination on the subjects of:
    9-4                          (i)  the anatomy of the human body;
    9-5                          (ii)  the cavities of the human body;
    9-6                          (iii)  the arterial and venous system of
    9-7  the human body;
    9-8                          (iv)  blood and discoloration;
    9-9                          (v)  bacteriology and hygiene;
   9-10                          (vi)  pathology;
   9-11                          (vii)  chemistry and embalming;
   9-12                          (viii)  arterial and cavity embalming;
   9-13                          (ix)  restorative art;
   9-14                          (x)  disinfecting;
   9-15                          (xi)  embalming special cases;
   9-16                          (xii)  contagious and infectious diseases;
   9-17                          (xiii)  mortuary management;
   9-18                          (xiv)  care, preservation, transportation,
   9-19  and disposition of dead human bodies;
   9-20                          (xv)  sanitary science; and
   9-21                          (xvi)  other subjects as may be taught in a
   9-22  recognized school or college of mortuary science; and
   9-23                    (b)  a written examination developed by the
   9-24  commission or developed for the commission by contract on:
   9-25                          (i)  laws applicable to vital statistics
   9-26  pertaining to dead human bodies; and
   9-27                          (ii)  local and state rules and laws
   10-1  relating to the care and disposition of dead human bodies.
   10-2              (3)  Not later than the 30th day after the date on
   10-3  which an embalmer licensing examination is administered under this
   10-4  Act, the commission shall notify each examinee of the results of
   10-5  the examination.  However, if an examination is graded or reviewed
   10-6  by a national testing service, the commission shall notify
   10-7  examinees of the results of the examination not later than the 14th
   10-8  day after the date on which the commission receives the results
   10-9  from the testing service.  If the notice of examination results
  10-10  graded or reviewed by a national testing service will be delayed
  10-11  for longer than 90 days after the examination date, the commission
  10-12  shall notify the examinee of the reason for the delay before the
  10-13  90th day.  If requested in writing by a person who fails a
  10-14  licensing examination administered under this Act, the commission
  10-15  shall furnish the person with an analysis of the person's
  10-16  performance on the examination.
  10-17        D.  It shall be the duty of the commission to prescribe and
  10-18  supervise the course of instruction received by a provisional
  10-19  licensee <an apprentice> while participating in a provisional
  10-20  license program <serving his or her apprenticeship>, consistent
  10-21  with the following requirements <to establish such an
  10-22  apprenticeship registration procedure>:
  10-23              1.  Provisional license <Apprenticeship> for embalmer:
  10-24  A license to practice the science of embalming shall not be issued
  10-25  unless and until the applicant therefor has served a provisional
  10-26  license program <an apprenticeship period> of not less than twelve
  10-27  (12) consecutive months under the personal supervision and
   11-1  instruction of a licensed embalmer and has successfully completed
   11-2  all requirements of the program <apprenticeship>.  The only
   11-3  exception to this requirement shall be in the case of an applicant
   11-4  under reciprocity.
   11-5                    (a)  Any person, eighteen (18) years of age or
   11-6  more, who desires to practice the science of embalming in this
   11-7  state, files application therefor, meets the requirements of the
   11-8  law and this commission, and possesses such qualification to enter
   11-9  into the provisional license program <apprenticeship training>, may
  11-10  be registered as a provisional licensee <an apprentice>.  A
  11-11  provisional license program for <Apprenticeship for a license to
  11-12  practice the science of> embalming must be served by the person
  11-13  after graduation from a school or college of mortuary science.  An
  11-14  applicant shall pay a license <registration> fee at the time he
  11-15  requests to enter the program <such apprenticeship registration>.
  11-16                    (a-1)  An applicant for a license to practice
  11-17  <the science of> embalming must make <who attains> a grade of 75
  11-18  percent <70%> or higher on the written examination used <given> by
  11-19  the commission.  The commission may require an applicant to appear
  11-20  before at least one member of the commission for approval of the
  11-21  person's application.  The approval is subject to review by the
  11-22  entire commission.  An applicant who has not entered the
  11-23  provisional license program before the second anniversary of the
  11-24  date the applicant took the examination must pass the examination
  11-25  again before receiving a provisional license <upon payment of a
  11-26  registration fee shall be registered as an apprentice within six
  11-27  (6) months of such examination>.
   12-1                    (b)  Each provisional <registered apprentice>
   12-2  embalmer shall be issued a provisional license <certificate of
   12-3  apprenticeship or other means of apprenticeship identification> by
   12-4  the commission for a provisional license program to be served in
   12-5  the State of Texas.  During the course of the program
   12-6  <apprenticeship>, a provisional licensee <an apprentice> shall work
   12-7  on a minimum of sixty (60) <forty (40)> cases.  No more than two
   12-8  (2) provisional licensees <apprentices> may receive credit <due>
   12-9  for work on any one body.  The commission by rule shall define the
  12-10  standards for a case and shall establish the minimum number of
  12-11  complete cases a provisional licensee <an apprentice> is required
  12-12  to execute during the provisional license program <apprenticeship>.
  12-13  The standards required for a complete case shall include all the
  12-14  duties and activities necessary for embalming.  The commission by
  12-15  rule also shall establish guidelines for provisional licensee
  12-16  supervision <apprentice supervisors> under which a provisional
  12-17  licensee <an apprentice> is granted increased responsibilities
  12-18  during the course of the program <apprenticeship>.
  12-19                    (c)  A provisional <An apprentice> embalmer must
  12-20  report to the commission within ten (10) days after the end of each
  12-21  month each <separate> case handled by the provisional embalmer
  12-22  <him> or with which the provisional embalmer <he has> assisted in
  12-23  handling during that month.  Each such report shall be certified by
  12-24  the licensee under whose personal supervision <whom> the
  12-25  provisional embalmer <apprentice> performed the <his> work.  For
  12-26  <Throughout the period of apprenticeship, the apprentice shall
  12-27  report on at least one (1) such case of embalming each calendar
   13-1  month, within the month.  In> any month in which the provisional
   13-2  embalmer <he> did not embalm at least one (1) case under the
   13-3  personal supervision <direction> of a licensed embalmer, a report
   13-4  shall be made to the commission notwithstanding.
   13-5                    (d)  The commission shall set the license
   13-6  <registration> and examination fees in an amount that is reasonable
   13-7  and necessary for the administration of the program <registration
   13-8  and examination>.
   13-9              2.  Provisional License <Apprentice> for Funeral
  13-10  Director:  The term of the provisional license program
  13-11  <apprenticeship> for a funeral director's license shall be a period
  13-12  of not less than twelve (12) months, and may be served concurrently
  13-13  with the provisional license program <apprenticeship> for an
  13-14  embalmer's license; however, the provisional license program
  13-15  <apprenticeship> must be served in twelve (12) consecutive months.
  13-16  A person desiring to become a provisional <an apprentice> funeral
  13-17  director shall make application to the commission on a form
  13-18  provided by the commission, <and if the commission desires, he
  13-19  shall appear before at least one (1) member of the commission, or a
  13-20  designated representative thereof, for approval of his application,
  13-21  subject to review of it by the entire commission>.  An applicant
  13-22  must be not less than eighteen (18) years of age and have completed
  13-23  the educational requirements prescribed for a funeral director<,
  13-24  except that the commission by rule may allow an applicant for a
  13-25  funeral director's license to begin serving the one (1) year
  13-26  apprenticeship before or after the applicant enrolls in a school of
  13-27  embalming or college of mortuary science>.  The application for
   14-1  registration shall be sworn to and accompanied by a <registration>
   14-2  fee.  If the application is accepted, an applicant will be issued a
   14-3  provisional license <certificate of apprenticeship registration>
   14-4  upon determination by the commission that his qualifications are
   14-5  satisfactory.
   14-6                    (a)  An applicant for a funeral director's
   14-7  license and the examination therefor <who has not begun one (1)
   14-8  year of apprenticeship prior to graduation from a school of
   14-9  embalming or college of mortuary science> shall be admitted to the
  14-10  provisional license program <apprenticeship> only if the applicant
  14-11  applies for and takes the written examination given by the
  14-12  commission, and pays the license <registration> fee, whereupon he
  14-13  may <shall> be licensed <registered> as a provisional funeral
  14-14  director if the applicant otherwise meets the requirements of this
  14-15  Act.  An applicant who has not been licensed as a provisional
  14-16  funeral director before the second anniversary of the date the
  14-17  applicant took the examination must pass the examination again
  14-18  before being licensed as a provisional funeral director.  <an
  14-19  apprentice.  Provided, however, an applicant must register as an
  14-20  apprentice within six (6) months of such examination.>
  14-21                    (b)  A provisional <An apprentice> funeral
  14-22  director must report to the commission within ten (10) days after
  14-23  the end of each month each <separate> case that the provisional
  14-24  funeral director <with which he has> assisted in handling during
  14-25  that month.  Each <such> report shall be certified to by the
  14-26  licensee under whom the provisional funeral director <apprentice>
  14-27  performed the work.  For <Throughout the period of apprenticeship
   15-1  the apprentice shall report on at least one (1) such case each
   15-2  calendar month, within the month.  In> any month within which the
   15-3  provisional funeral director <he> did not assist a licensed funeral
   15-4  director in handling a funeral, a report shall be made to the
   15-5  commission notwithstanding.
   15-6                    (c)  The provisional license program <An
   15-7  apprenticeship> shall include assisting a licensed funeral director
   15-8  in this state with a minimum of sixty (60) <forty (40)> cases.  No
   15-9  more than two (2) provisional licensees <apprentices> may receive
  15-10  credit for work done on any one body.  The commission by rule shall
  15-11  define the standards for a case and shall set the number of
  15-12  complete cases a provisional licensee <an apprentice> is required
  15-13  to execute during the program <apprenticeship>.  The standards
  15-14  required for a complete case shall include all the activities
  15-15  necessary from the time the body is obtained until final
  15-16  disposition.  The commission by rule also shall establish
  15-17  guidelines for provisional licensee supervision <apprentice
  15-18  supervisors> under which a provisional licensee <an apprentice> is
  15-19  granted increased responsibilities during the course of the
  15-20  provisional license program <apprenticeship>.
  15-21                    (d)  The commission shall set the license
  15-22  <registration> and examination fees in an amount that is reasonable
  15-23  and necessary for the administration of the program <registration
  15-24  and examination>.
  15-25                    (e)  An applicant for a funeral director license
  15-26  may not be considered for licensure until the applicant completes
  15-27  all of the requirements of the provisional license program and
   16-1  attains a grade of 75 percent or higher on the written examination
   16-2  given by the commission.  The commission may require an applicant
   16-3  to appear before at least one member of the commission for approval
   16-4  of the person's application.  The approval is subject to review by
   16-5  the entire commission.
   16-6              3.  Annual renewal of provisional license
   16-7  <apprenticeship certificate>:  Each provisional license
   16-8  <certificate of apprenticeship> issued by the commission to a
   16-9  provisional <an apprentice> embalmer or <apprentice> funeral
  16-10  director must be renewed on the first day of January of each year
  16-11  and will be renewed upon payment by the provisional licensee
  16-12  <apprentice> of a renewal fee, provided the provisional licensee
  16-13  <apprentice> has observed the rules and regulations of the
  16-14  commission <with respect to his apprenticeship>.  Notice shall be
  16-15  mailed, during the month of December each year, to each provisional
  16-16  licensee <registered apprentice> at his last known address,
  16-17  notifying him that the renewal fee is due.  If a provisional
  16-18  licensee <registered apprentice> fails to pay the annual renewal
  16-19  fee by the due date, the commission shall impose a late payment
  16-20  penalty equal in amount to the license renewal fee and shall
  16-21  suspend the license <his certificate> for nonpayment and notify the
  16-22  provisional licensee <such apprentice> of such suspension.  If the
  16-23  said renewal fee and penalty are not then paid within ninety (90)
  16-24  days from the date of such notice of suspension, the commission
  16-25  shall then cancel the license <such certificate>.  Provided,
  16-26  however, after the license <an apprentice certificate> has been
  16-27  cancelled, the provisional licensee <apprentice> may apply for
   17-1  reinstatement within eighteen (18) months from the date the license
   17-2  <such apprentice certificate> was cancelled and the commission may
   17-3  reinstate the provisional licensee <said apprentice> provided <he
   17-4  meets> all other requirements of the commission are met and <pays>
   17-5  the license fee and a late payment penalty equal in amount to the
   17-6  license fee for the period of the cancellation are paid.  A
   17-7  provisional license <certificate of apprenticeship> may not be
   17-8  renewed for more than two (2) <a total period of five (5)> years
   17-9  from the date of its issuance unless the person requests and
  17-10  receives an extension based on hardship from the commission.  It is
  17-11  provided that the registration fee of any provisional licensee
  17-12  <apprentice> who is actively engaged in the military service of the
  17-13  United States may be remitted for the duration of such service or
  17-14  for such fees and such time as the commission may deem advisable
  17-15  upon presentation of proper evidence required by the commission.
  17-16  The commission shall set the renewal fee and the penalty in an
  17-17  amount that is reasonable and necessary for the administration of
  17-18  this Act.  A provisional license <An apprentice certificate> that
  17-19  has been cancelled or suspended or has lapsed for a period of five
  17-20  (5) years or more may be reinstated only if the applicant takes and
  17-21  passes the applicable examinations <apprenticeship examination>
  17-22  under Subdivision 1 or 2 of this subsection.  The commission may
  17-23  adopt rules relating to the reinstatement of provisional licenses
  17-24  under this subdivision <such an apprenticeship certificate>.
  17-25              <3a.  The commission by rule shall adopt a system under
  17-26  which certificates expire on various dates during the year.  The
  17-27  date for sending notice that payment is due and the date for
   18-1  suspension due to nonpayment shall be adjusted accordingly.  For
   18-2  the year in which the certificate expiration date is changed,
   18-3  certification fees payable on January 1 shall be prorated on a
   18-4  monthly basis so that each certificate holder shall pay only that
   18-5  portion of the certification fee which is allocable to the number
   18-6  of months during which the certificate is valid.  On renewal of the
   18-7  certificate on the new expiration date the total renewal fee is
   18-8  payable.>
   18-9              4.  Notification of the commission upon entry into the
  18-10  provisional license program <apprenticeship>:  When a provisional
  18-11  licensee <an apprentice> enters the employ of a licensed embalmer
  18-12  or funeral director, the provisional licensee <he> shall
  18-13  immediately notify the commission of the name and place of business
  18-14  of the licensed embalmer or funeral director <whose service he has
  18-15  entered and the name of the funeral director or embalmer> under
  18-16  whom the provisional licensee <he> will train, and such
  18-17  notification shall be signed by the embalmer or funeral director in
  18-18  each case.  If at any time thereafter the provisional licensee
  18-19  <such apprentice> leaves the employ of the licensed embalmer or
  18-20  funeral director <whose services he has entered>, the <said>
  18-21  licensed embalmer or funeral director shall give the provisional
  18-22  licensee <to such apprentice> an affidavit showing the length of
  18-23  time the provisional licensee <he> has served <as an apprentice
  18-24  with him> and the number of cases handled while so employed; the
  18-25  original of said affidavit shall be filed with the commission and
  18-26  made a matter of record, and a copy shall be furnished to the
  18-27  provisional licensee <apprentice>.  The commission shall furnish
   19-1  report forms to be used by each provisional licensee <apprentice>.
   19-2              5.  A provisional licensee is subject to the same
   19-3  disciplinary actions as a holder of a funeral director or embalmer
   19-4  license for a violation of this Act or a rule adopted under this
   19-5  Act <certificate of apprenticeship may be suspended or revoked as
   19-6  provided and set forth in Section 3, subsection H>.
   19-7        E.  Any person engaged or desiring to engage in the practice
   19-8  of embalming or funeral directing in this state, in connection with
   19-9  the care and disposition of dead human bodies, shall make written
  19-10  application to the commission for a license accompanying same with
  19-11  an application fee.  The license or licenses when issued shall be
  19-12  signed by a majority of the commission and shall authorize the
  19-13  licensee to practice the science of embalming and/or funeral
  19-14  directing.  All licenses shall be <registered in the office of the
  19-15  County Clerk in any county in which the holder thereof resides and
  19-16  practices embalming and/or funeral directing and shall be>
  19-17  displayed conspicuously in each <the> place of business  at which
  19-18  the licensee practices funeral directing or embalming.  A person
  19-19  may renew an unexpired license by paying to the commission before
  19-20  the expiration date of the license the required renewal fee.  If a
  19-21  person's license has been expired for ninety (90) days or less, the
  19-22  person may renew the license by paying to the commission the
  19-23  required renewal fee and a penalty fee that is one-half of the
  19-24  renewal <examination> fee for the license.  If a person's license
  19-25  has been expired for longer than ninety (90) days but less than
  19-26  five (5) <two (2)> years, the person may renew the license by
  19-27  paying to the commission all unpaid renewal fees and a penalty fee
   20-1  that is equal to one-half of the total of the unpaid renewal fees
   20-2  <examination fee for the license>.  If a person's license has been
   20-3  expired for five (5) <two (2)> years or longer, the person may not
   20-4  renew the license.  The person may obtain a new license by
   20-5  submitting to reexamination and complying with the requirements and
   20-6  procedures for obtaining an original license.  However, the
   20-7  commission may renew without reexamination an expired license of a
   20-8  person who was licensed in this state, moved to another state, and
   20-9  is currently licensed and has been in practice in the other state
  20-10  for the two (2) years preceding application.  The person must pay
  20-11  to the commission a fee that is equal to the renewal <examination>
  20-12  fee for the license.  At least thirty (30) days before the
  20-13  expiration of a person's license, the commission shall send written
  20-14  notice of the impending license expiration to the person at the
  20-15  person's <licensee's> last known address according to the records
  20-16  of the commission.  The commission may by rule require continuing
  20-17  education as a condition for license renewal except for persons
  20-18  described in Subdivisions 4 and 5 of this subsection.  If any
  20-19  license issued under this Act is <shall be> lost or destroyed, the
  20-20  holder of any such license may present his application for
  20-21  duplicate license to the commission, on a form to be prescribed by
  20-22  the commission, together with his affidavit of such loss or
  20-23  destruction, and that he is the same person to whom such license
  20-24  was issued, and such other information concerning its loss or
  20-25  destruction as the commission shall require, and shall, upon
  20-26  payment of a duplicate license fee, as determined by the
  20-27  commission, be granted a duplicate license.
   21-1        H.  The commission may, after a hearing as provided by
   21-2  Section 6C of this Act, reprimand, assess an administrative
   21-3  penalty, revoke, suspend, or probate the suspension of a license or
   21-4  provisional license, or impose any combination of these sanctions
   21-5  against a licensed <seek appropriate injunctive relief against a
   21-6  funeral establishment, licensed embalmer, or> funeral director, a
   21-7  licensed embalmer, or a provisional licensee <who fails to comply
   21-8  with any provision of this Act, including a violation relating to
   21-9  prepaid funeral services or funeral services delivered at the time
  21-10  of need.  This Act does not affect any remedy or enforcement power
  21-11  under other laws>.  The commission may assess an administrative
  21-12  penalty without a hearing if the penalty is assessed <against a
  21-13  licensed individual or establishment> in the manner provided by
  21-14  Section 6G of this Act <or as the result of a hearing conducted in
  21-15  the manner provided by Section 6C of this Act>.  Action taken by
  21-16  the commission under this section may be based only on a violation
  21-17  of this Act or a rule adopted under this Act.  The commission may
  21-18  refuse without a hearing to license a person or to permit a person
  21-19  to serve  as a provisional licensee if the person has violated this
  21-20  Act or a rule adopted under this Act.  A person whose license or
  21-21  provisional license application is refused under this subsection
  21-22  may appeal the decision by requesting a hearing not later than the
  21-23  30th day after the date of the refusal.  The commission and the
  21-24  person whose application for license or provisional license is
  21-25  refused may agree to the issuance of a probationary license or the
  21-26  commission may, after a hearing, order that a license be issued on
  21-27  a probationary basis.  A violation of this Act includes the
   22-1  following <After a hearing conducted in the manner provided by
   22-2  Section 6C, the commission may issue a reprimand under Section 6H
   22-3  of this Act.  The commission may assess an administrative penalty,
   22-4  revoke, suspend, or place on probation any licensed funeral
   22-5  director and/or embalmer or apprentice who violates any provision
   22-6  of this Act, including a violation relating to prepaid funeral
   22-7  services or funeral services delivered at the time of need.  The
   22-8  commission may issue a reprimand or refuse to license or admit
   22-9  persons to examination for any of the following reasons all of
  22-10  which are offenses as provided in Section 6A of this Act>:
  22-11              1.  The presentation to the commission of any license,
  22-12  certificate, or diploma that <which> was illegally or fraudulently
  22-13  obtained, or when fraud or deception has been practiced in passing
  22-14  the examination;
  22-15              2.  Conviction of:
  22-16                    (A)  a felony; or
  22-17                    (B)  a misdemeanor related to the practice of
  22-18  embalming or funeral directing;
  22-19              3.  Being unfit to practice as a funeral director
  22-20  and/or embalmer by reason of insanity and having been adjudged by a
  22-21  court of competent jurisdiction to be of unsound mind;
  22-22              4.  The use of any statement that misleads or deceives
  22-23  the public, including but not limited to false or misleading
  22-24  statements regarding (1) any legal, religious, or cemetery
  22-25  requirement for funeral merchandise or funeral services, (2) the
  22-26  preservative qualities of funeral merchandise or funeral services
  22-27  in preventing or substantially delaying natural decomposition or
   23-1  decay of human remains, (3) the airtight or watertight properties
   23-2  of a casket or outer enclosure, or (4) representations as to
   23-3  licensed personnel in the operation of a funeral establishment;
   23-4              5.  The purchase, sale, barter, or use, or any offer to
   23-5  purchase, sell, barter, or use any license, certificate, or
   23-6  transcript of license or certificate, in or incident to an
   23-7  application to the commission for license to practice as a funeral
   23-8  director and/or embalmer;
   23-9              6.  Altering, with fraudulent intent, any funeral
  23-10  director and/or embalmer license, certificate, or transcript of
  23-11  license or certificate;
  23-12              7.  The use of any funeral director and/or embalmer
  23-13  license, certificate, diploma<,> or transcript of any such funeral
  23-14  director and/or embalmer license, certificate, or diploma that<,
  23-15  which> has been fraudulently purchased, issued, counterfeited, or
  23-16  materially altered;
  23-17              8.  The impersonation of, or acting as proxy for,
  23-18  another in any examination required by this Act for a funeral
  23-19  director and/or embalmer license;
  23-20              9.  The impersonation of a licensed funeral director or
  23-21  embalmer as authorized by this Act <hereunder>, or permitting<,> or
  23-22  allowing another to use a person's <his> license<,> or certificate
  23-23  to practice as a funeral director or embalmer in this state;
  23-24              10.  A violation of Section 1, 5, or 9, Chapter 512,
  23-25  Acts of the 54th Legislature, Regular Session, 1955 (Article 548b,
  23-26  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), or a rule adopted under that Act;
  23-27              11.  Taking custody of a dead human body without the
   24-1  permission of the person or the agent of the person authorized to
   24-2  make funeral arrangements for the deceased, <embalming, or>
   24-3  refusing to promptly surrender a dead human body to a person or
   24-4  <his> agent authorized to make funeral arrangements for the
   24-5  deceased, or embalming a body without the express written or oral
   24-6  permission of a person authorized to make funeral arrangements for
   24-7  the deceased or without making a documented reasonable effort over
   24-8  a period of at least three (3) <two (2)> hours to obtain the
   24-9  permission;
  24-10              11A.  Embalming or attempting to embalm <Attempting>
  24-11  without proper authority <to embalm> a dead human body.  Evidence
  24-12  of embalming or attempting to embalm includes, but is not limited
  24-13  to, <as evidenced by the use of sutures or mechanical devices in
  24-14  the posing of any facial feature and:>
  24-15                    <(A)>  the making of any incision on the body,<;
  24-16  or>
  24-17                    <(B)>  the raising of any circulatory vessel of
  24-18  the body, or the injection of any chemical into the body;
  24-19              12.  Wilfully making any false statement on a
  24-20  certificate of death or on a document required by this Act or by a
  24-21  rule adopted under this Act;
  24-22              13.  Employment directly or indirectly of any
  24-23  provisional licensee <apprentice>, agent, assistant, embalmer,
  24-24  funeral director, employee, or other person on a part or full-time
  24-25  basis, or on commission, for the purpose of soliciting individuals
  24-26  or institutions by whose influence dead human bodies may be turned
  24-27  over to a particular funeral director, <or> embalmer, or funeral
   25-1  establishment;
   25-2              14.  Presentation of false certification of work done
   25-3  as a provisional licensee <an apprentice on apprenticeship
   25-4  records>;
   25-5              15.  Unfitness by reason of present substance abuse
   25-6  <drug addiction>;
   25-7              16.  Whenever a licensee, provisional licensee
   25-8  <apprentice>, or any other person, whether employee, agent, <or>
   25-9  representative, or one in any manner associated with a funeral
  25-10  establishment engages <shall engage> in solicitation as defined in
  25-11  this Act;
  25-12              17.  Failure by the Funeral Director in Charge to
  25-13  provide licensed personnel for direction or personal supervision
  25-14  for a "first call," as that term is defined in this Act;
  25-15              18.  Misappropriation <Intentional misappropriation> of
  25-16  any funds held by a licensee, funeral establishment, including its
  25-17  employees and agents, or other depository, that create <creates> an
  25-18  obligation to provide a funeral service or merchandise, including
  25-19  retention for an unreasonable time of excess funds paid by or on
  25-20  behalf of the consumer for which the consumer is entitled to a
  25-21  refund;
  25-22              19.  Performing acts of funeral directing or embalming,
  25-23  as those terms are defined in this Act, that <which> are outside
  25-24  the licensed scope and authority of the licensee, or performing
  25-25  acts of funeral directing or embalming in a capacity other than
  25-26  that of an employee, agent, subcontractor, or assignee of a
  25-27  licensed funeral establishment that has contracted to perform those
   26-1  acts;
   26-2              20.  Engaging in fraudulent, unprofessional, or
   26-3  deceptive conduct in providing funeral services or merchandise to a
   26-4  consumer;
   26-5              21.  Statement or implication by a funeral director or
   26-6  embalmer that a customer's concern with the cost of any funeral
   26-7  service or funeral merchandise is improper or indicates a lack of
   26-8  respect for the deceased;
   26-9              22.  Failure by any person arranging for funeral
  26-10  services or merchandise to:
  26-11                    (A)  provide a prospective customer with a copy
  26-12  of the brochure required by Section 6E of this Act at the beginning
  26-13  of the arrangement process <inform a customer or prospective
  26-14  customer of the availability of a retail price list>;
  26-15                    (B)  provide a retail price list to an individual
  26-16  inquiring in person about any funeral service or merchandise <the
  26-17  customer or prospective customer> for that person to keep;
  26-18                    (C)  explain to the customer or prospective
  26-19  customer that a contractual agreement for funeral services or
  26-20  merchandise may not be entered into before the presentation of the
  26-21  retail price list to that person; or
  26-22                    (D)  provide general price information by
  26-23  telephone within a reasonable time;
  26-24              23.  Failure by any person arranging for funeral
  26-25  services or merchandise to provide each customer at the conclusion
  26-26  of the arrangement process a written memorandum or funeral purchase
  26-27  agreement signed by the funeral director making the arrangements
   27-1  itemizing the cost of funeral services and funeral merchandise
   27-2  selected by the customer; however, if the customer selects a
   27-3  package arrangement based on unit pricing, the itemization
   27-4  requirement is satisfied by providing a written memorandum that
   27-5  itemizes the discount provided by the package arrangement.  The use
   27-6  of unit pricing does not affect <preclude> the presentation of the
   27-7  retail price list as required by Subdivision 22 of this subsection;
   27-8              24.  Restricting, hindering, or attempting to restrict
   27-9  or hinder (1) the advertising or disclosure of prices and other
  27-10  information regarding the availability of funeral services and
  27-11  funeral merchandise that is not unfair or deceptive to consumers,
  27-12  or (2) agreements for funeral services between any consumer or
  27-13  group of consumers and funeral directors or embalmers;
  27-14              25.  Failure to retain and make available to the
  27-15  commission, upon request, copies of all price lists, written
  27-16  notices, embalming documents, and memoranda of agreement required
  27-17  by this Act <article> for two (2) years after the date of their
  27-18  distribution or signing;
  27-19              26.  Violation of this Act, <or of> any rule adopted
  27-20  under this Act<, regulation>, an <or> order by the commission
  27-21  revoking, suspending, or probating a license, an order assessing an
  27-22  administrative penalty, or an agreement to pay an administrative
  27-23  penalty regardless of whether the agreement is express or implied
  27-24  by Section 6(G)(d) of this Act <issued under this Act>;
  27-25              27.  Dishonest conduct, wilful conduct, negligence, or
  27-26  gross negligence in the practice of embalming or funeral directing
  27-27  that is likely to or does deceive, defraud, or otherwise injure the
   28-1  public; <and>
   28-2              28.  Allowing the use of a dead human body <bodies> by
   28-3  an unlicensed embalming establishment for research or educational
   28-4  purposes without the written permission of the family or person
   28-5  arranging the funeral; and
   28-6              29.  Causing the execution of a document by the use of
   28-7  fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.
   28-8        J.  A person who wishes to apply for a funeral director or
   28-9  embalmer license but has a criminal conviction described by
  28-10  Subsection H.2. of this section, may request a hearing on whether
  28-11  the conviction prevents the commission from issuing a license or
  28-12  provisional license.  A hearing under this subsection must be
  28-13  requested before the person enters mortuary school and shall be
  28-14  conducted as required under Section 6C of this Act.  A decision
  28-15  made in a hearing under this subsection, unless modified on appeal,
  28-16  is binding on the commission and on the person who requests the
  28-17  hearing when the person applies to the commission for the license
  28-18  or provisional license.
  28-19        SECTION 6.  Subsections B, C, D, and G, Section 4, Chapter
  28-20  251, Acts of the 53rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article
  28-21  4582b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to read as
  28-22  follows:
  28-23        B.  No funeral establishment shall conduct funeral business
  28-24  as intended under this Act unless duly licensed.  The commission
  28-25  may refuse to issue an establishment license to an individual,
  28-26  partnership, or corporation if the individual, a partner, or an
  28-27  officer or director of the corporation:
   29-1              (1)  has been convicted of a felony, or a misdemeanor
   29-2  related to the practice of embalming or funeral directing;
   29-3              (2)  previously held an establishment license that was
   29-4  suspended or revoked;
   29-5              (3)  has violated this Act, a rule adopted under this
   29-6  Act, or Chapter 512, Acts of the 54th Legislature, Regular Session,
   29-7  1955 (Article 548b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);
   29-8              (4)  submits false information on the application for
   29-9  an establishment license; or
  29-10              (5)  attempts to avoid a revocation, suspension, or
  29-11  license refusal by subterfuge or other evasive means.
  29-12        C.  Each funeral establishment shall be required to have a
  29-13  physical plant, equipment and personnel consisting of the
  29-14  following:
  29-15              1.  Some facilities in which funeral services may be
  29-16  conducted;
  29-17              2.  A physical plant which meets building standards and
  29-18  fire safety standards of the state and of the municipality in which
  29-19  the establishment is located;
  29-20              3.  Access to rolling stock consisting of at least one
  29-21  motor hearse;
  29-22              4.  A preparation room containing facilities,
  29-23  equipment, and supplies required by commission rule to ensure the
  29-24  provision of adequate embalming services <an operating table, sewer
  29-25  facilities, hot and cold running water,> and other facilities
  29-26  necessary to comply with the sanitary code of the state and the
  29-27  municipality in which the room is located;
   30-1              5.  A display containing sufficient merchandise to
   30-2  permit reasonable selection, including five (5) or more adult
   30-3  caskets, provided that the least expensive casket offered for sale
   30-4  by a funeral establishment must be visibly displayed without
   30-5  concealment in the same general manner as other caskets are
   30-6  displayed;
   30-7              6.  Sufficient licensed personnel who will be available
   30-8  to conduct the operation of the funeral establishment;
   30-9              7.  A physical plant located at a fixed place, and not
  30-10  located on any tax-exempt property or cemetery; and
  30-11              8.  A physical plant which meets the health standards
  30-12  or health ordinances of the state and of the municipality in which
  30-13  the establishment is located.
  30-14        It is expressly provided, however, that an establishment
  30-15  which functions solely as a commercial embalmer, as that term is
  30-16  defined in this Act, shall have a commercial embalmers
  30-17  establishment license, but shall not be required to meet the
  30-18  requirements of sub-sections 1 and 5 of this paragraph C.
  30-19        D.  1.  The commission may, after a hearing as provided by
  30-20  Section 6C of this Act, reprimand, assess an administrative
  30-21  penalty, revoke, suspend, or probate the suspension of a license,
  30-22  or impose any combination of these sanctions against a licensed
  30-23  funeral establishment.  The commission may assess an administrative
  30-24  penalty without a hearing  if the penalty is assessed as provided
  30-25  by Section 6G of this Act.  Action taken by the commission under
  30-26  this section may only be based on a violation of this Act or a rule
  30-27  adopted under this Act.  The commission may refuse without a
   31-1  hearing to license an establishment if an owner of the
   31-2  establishment has committed an act listed in Subsection B of this
   31-3  section.  An establishment whose license is refused under this
   31-4  subsection may appeal the decision by requesting a hearing not
   31-5  later than the 30th day after the date of the refusal.  The
   31-6  commission and the establishment whose application for license is
   31-7  refused may agree to the issuance of a probationary license or the
   31-8  commission may, after a hearing, order that a license be issued on
   31-9  a probationary basis.  A violation of this Act includes the
  31-10  following <initiate action against a funeral establishment or in
  31-11  regard to the license of a funeral establishment upon the following
  31-12  grounds>:
  31-13                    (a)  Failure of a funeral establishment to
  31-14  substantially comply with the provisions of Subsection B or C of
  31-15  this Section.
  31-16                    (b)  Failure by any person associated with the
  31-17  funeral establishment, whether as an employee, agent,
  31-18  subcontractor, assignee, owner, or otherwise, and whether licensed
  31-19  or unlicensed, to comply with <Section 3 of> this Act or a rule
  31-20  adopted under this Act.
  31-21                    (c)  The use of any advertising statement of a
  31-22  character that <which> misleads or deceives the public, or use of,
  31-23  in connection with advertisements, the names of persons who do not
  31-24  hold a license as a funeral director or embalmer and representing
  31-25  <represent> them as being <to be> so licensed.
  31-26                    (d)  Whenever a licensee, provisional licensee
  31-27  <apprentice>, or any other person, whether an employee, agent, or
   32-1  representative, or one in any manner associated with a funeral
   32-2  establishment shall solicit business or offer any inducement,
   32-3  pecuniary or otherwise, for the purpose of securing or attempting
   32-4  to secure business for such funeral establishment, unless such
   32-5  solicitation is made pursuant to a permit issued under Chapter 512,
   32-6  Acts of the 54th Legislature, Regular Session, 1955<, as amended>
   32-7  (Article 548b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
   32-8                    (e)  Failure by the funeral director in charge to
   32-9  provide a licensed funeral director <personnel> for direction or
  32-10  personal supervision of <for> a "first call" as that term is
  32-11  defined in this Act.
  32-12                    (f)  Any violation by a funeral establishment or
  32-13  a person acting on behalf of a funeral establishment or any person
  32-14  directly or indirectly connected with a funeral establishment <who
  32-15  violates any provision> of Chapter 512, Acts of the 54th
  32-16  Legislature, Regular Session, 1955 (Article 548b, Vernon's Texas
  32-17  Civil Statutes) or a rule adopted under that Act.
  32-18                    (g)  Any violation by a funeral establishment or
  32-19  a person acting on behalf of a funeral establishment of <under>
  32-20  Chapter 193 or 361, Health and Safety Code.
  32-21              2.  With <Provided, however, with> respect to <alleged>
  32-22  violations of Subsection D. 1.(b), (c), (d), (e), (f), or (g), the
  32-23  commission may not initiate action against a funeral establishment
  32-24  or in regard to the license of a funeral establishment if <when>
  32-25  the <ground or grounds of> complaint is <are> based on the conduct
  32-26  of employees, agents, or representatives of such establishment
  32-27  performed outside the scope and authority of their employment or
   33-1  contrary to the instructions of the funeral establishment and its
   33-2  management.  <The commission may initiate such an action if those
   33-3  persons are acting within the scope and authority of their
   33-4  employment, or by the direction of the funeral establishment
   33-5  management.>
   33-6              <2.  As to asserted violations of provisions of this
   33-7  Section, the commission shall have the following powers, rights and
   33-8  duties:>
   33-9                    <(a)  The commission may, in any case, require a
  33-10  sworn statement setting forth matter complained of as a condition
  33-11  to taking further action.>
  33-12                    <(b)  The commission shall cause an investigation
  33-13  to be made whenever a complaint is filed with or by the commission.
  33-14  The commission may investigate a complaint relating to prepaid
  33-15  funeral services only if the investigation conducted by the
  33-16  commission does not interfere with or duplicate an investigation
  33-17  conducted by the Banking Department of Texas under Chapter 512,
  33-18  Acts of the 54th Legislature, 1955 (Article 548b, Vernon's Texas
  33-19  Civil Statutes), relating to prepaid funeral services.>
  33-20                    <(c)  The commission may assess an administrative
  33-21  penalty, revoke or suspend a funeral establishment or a commercial
  33-22  embalming establishment license, issue a reprimand against such a
  33-23  licensee, or place a licensee on probation for a violation of this
  33-24  Act or of a rule or regulation adopted under this Act.  The
  33-25  commission may also assess an administrative penalty in the manner
  33-26  provided by Section 6G of this Act for such a violation.>
  33-27        G.  (1)  Any premises on which funeral directing or embalming
   34-1  is practiced shall be open at all times to inspection for
   34-2  violations of <under> this Act and of <under> Chapters 193 and 361,
   34-3  Health and Safety Code, by any agent of the commission or by any
   34-4  duly authorized agent of the state or of the county or municipality
   34-5  in which the premises are located.  Each licensed funeral
   34-6  establishment shall be thoroughly inspected annually <biennially>
   34-7  by  an agent of the commission or by an agent of the state or a
   34-8  political subdivision thereof whom the commission has authorized to
   34-9  make inspections on its behalf.  A report of this annual <biennial>
  34-10  inspection shall be filed with the commission.
  34-11              (2)  Before an agent of the commission conducts an
  34-12  inspection of an establishment, the agent shall review the
  34-13  inspection reports on the establishment filed with the commission.
  34-14  During the inspection, the agent shall determine whether previously
  34-15  identified problems have been corrected and whether a pattern of
  34-16  violations exists.  The commission shall consider the information
  34-17  from inspection reports when the commission determines whether a
  34-18  penalty should be imposed against an establishment.
  34-19              (3)  When an agent inspects an establishment, the agent
  34-20  shall inspect for violations under this Act and under Chapters 193
  34-21  and 361, Health and Safety Code.
  34-22              (4)  The commission by rule shall establish procedures
  34-23  for the inspection of a funeral establishment required by this
  34-24  subsection.
  34-25        SECTION 7.  Section 6, Chapter 251, Acts of the 53rd
  34-26  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas
  34-27  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   35-4  commission places <may revoke or suspend a license, place> on
   35-5  probation a person whose license has been suspended, <or reprimand
   35-6  a licensee for a violation of this Act or a rule of the commission.
   35-7  If a licensee suspension is probated,> the commission may impose
   35-8  conditions on the probation that are reasonable and related to the
   35-9  violation for which the license was suspended.  If the commission
  35-10  orders probation, the commission may require the licensee
  35-11  <practitioner>:
  35-12              (1)  to report regularly to the commission on matters
  35-13  that are the basis of the probation;
  35-14              (2)  to limit practice to the areas prescribed by the
  35-15  commission; or
  35-16              (3)  to continue or renew professional education until
  35-17  the licensee <practitioner> attains a degree of skill satisfactory
  35-18  to the commission in those areas that are the basis of the
  35-19  probation.
  35-20        (b)  If the commission places a licensee on probation, the
  35-21  commission shall notify the licensee in writing of the probation.
  35-22  The commission shall furnish the licensee with written probationary
  35-23  orders that detail the actions required by the commission of the
  35-24  licensee during the period of probation.  The commission shall
  35-25  develop and adopt a system to monitor the actions of a licensee
  35-26  during the period of probation and to determine whether the
  35-27  licensee has complied with the probationary orders.
   36-1        (c)  When the commission has conducted an investigation that
   36-2  identifies a violation of this Act by a licensee and the commission
   36-3  does not assess an administrative penalty, issue a reprimand, or
   36-4  impose any other penalty against the licensee, the commission shall
   36-5  issue a written warning to the licensee.  The warning shall
   36-6  describe the violation identified during the investigation and
   36-7  shall state the date by which the commission must receive from the
   36-8  licensee a written report that describes the measures implemented
   36-9  by the licensee to correct the violation and the dates those
  36-10  measures were implemented.  If the commission does not receive the
  36-11  report by the required date, the commission shall assess an
  36-12  administrative penalty, in an amount set by the commission, on the
  36-13  licensee for the failure to file the report.
  36-14        (d)  <Proceedings under this Section shall be initiated by
  36-15  filing charges with the commission in writing and under oath.  Said
  36-16  charges may be made by any person or persons.  If the commission
  36-17  proposes to suspend or revoke a person's license, the person is
  36-18  entitled to a hearing before the commission or a hearings officer
  36-19  appointed by the commission.  The commission shall prescribe
  36-20  procedures by which all decisions to suspend or revoke are made by
  36-21  or are appealable to the commission.  The Executive Director of the
  36-22  commission shall set a time and place for hearing.>  Upon
  36-23  application, the commission may reissue a license to practice as a
  36-24  funeral director or embalmer to a person whose license has been
  36-25  cancelled, <or> suspended, or revoked but such application may<, in
  36-26  the case of cancellation or revocation, shall> not be made prior to
  36-27  one (1) year after the cancellation, suspension, or revocation, and
   37-1  shall be made in such a manner and form as the commission may
   37-2  require.  A hearing to determine whether to reissue a license shall
   37-3  be held before the commission unless the commission requires the
   37-4  hearing to be held before a hearings officer.
   37-5        <(e)  The commission shall have the power to appoint
   37-6  committees from the commissioners.  The committees may consider
   37-7  such matters pertaining to the enforcement of this Act as shall be
   37-8  referred to such committees, and they shall make recommendations to
   37-9  the commission with respect thereto.  The commission shall have the
  37-10  power, and may delegate the said power to any committee, to issue
  37-11  subpoenas duces tecum, and to compel the attendance of witnesses,
  37-12  the production of books, records and documents, to administer
  37-13  oaths, and to take testimony concerning all matters within its
  37-14  jurisdiction.  The determination shall be founded on sufficient
  37-15  legal evidence to sustain it.  The commission shall have the right
  37-16  to institute an action in its own name to enjoin the violation of
  37-17  any of the provisions of this Act.  Said action for an injunction
  37-18  shall be in addition to any other action, proceeding, or remedy
  37-19  authorized by law.  The commission shall be represented by the
  37-20  Attorney General and/or the County or District Attorneys of this
  37-21  state, or counsel designated and empowered by the commission.
  37-22  Before entering any order cancelling, suspending, refusing to
  37-23  renew, or revoking a license to practice as a funeral director
  37-24  and/or embalmer, the commission shall hold a hearing in accordance
  37-25  with the procedure as set forth in this Act.>
  37-26        <(f)  The provisions of this Section shall not apply to
  37-27  funeral establishments or licenses pertaining to funeral
   38-1  establishments.>
   38-2        SECTION 8.  Section 6A, Chapter 251, Acts of the 53rd
   38-3  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas
   38-4  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   38-5        Sec. 6A.  OFFENSES.  A person commits an offense if the
   38-6  person:
   38-7              (1)  acts or holds himself out as a funeral director,
   38-8  embalmer, or provisional licensee <apprentice>, as those terms are
   38-9  defined in this Act, without being properly licensed under this Act
  38-10  or makes <shall make> a "first call" in a manner that violates
  38-11  <without the authorization or supervision as provided in> Section
  38-12  1C of this Act;
  38-13              (2)  is a licensed funeral director, <or> embalmer, or
  38-14  provisional licensee and engages in a funeral practice that is a
  38-15  violation of this Act or a rule adopted under this Act <grounds for
  38-16  suspension or revocation of the person's license>; or
  38-17              (3)  violates Section 1, 5, or 9, Chapter 512, Acts of
  38-18  the 54th Legislature, Regular Session, 1955 (Article 548b, Vernon's
  38-19  Texas Civil Statutes), or a rule adopted under that Act, regardless
  38-20  of whether the Banking Department of Texas or any other
  38-21  governmental agency takes action relating to the violation.
  38-22        SECTION 9.  Section 6C, Chapter 251, Acts of the 53rd
  38-23  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas
  38-24  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
  38-25        Sec. 6C.  Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act.
  38-26  (a)  A person who is denied a license or provisional license
  38-27  <certificate> by the commission is entitled to a hearing before the
   39-1  commission in accordance with the Administrative Procedure and
   39-2  Texas Register Act<, as amended> (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas
   39-3  Civil Statutes), if the person requests the hearing in writing not
   39-4  later than the 30th day after the date the notice of denial is
   39-5  sent.
   39-6        (b)  A proceeding conducted by the commission relating to the
   39-7  denial of a license or provisional license, the suspension or
   39-8  revocation of a license, or the imposition of an administrative
   39-9  penalty, other than an administrative penalty assessed without a
  39-10  hearing as provided by Section 6G of this Act, <or certificate> is
  39-11  governed by the Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act, as
  39-12  amended (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
  39-13  Judicial review of the proceeding is subject to the substantial
  39-14  evidence rule and is governed by the Administrative Procedure and
  39-15  Texas Register Act.
  39-16        (c)(1)  A proceeding brought under Subsection (b) of this
  39-17  section may <shall> be held before a hearings officer.  The
  39-18  executive director shall set a time and place for the hearing.
  39-19              (2)  The hearings officer must be an attorney licensed
  39-20  in this state.  In the course of a proceeding the hearings officer
  39-21  may:
  39-22                    (A)  administer oaths;
  39-23                    (B)  take testimony;
  39-24                    (C)  rule on questions of evidence;
  39-25                    (D)  make determinations of fact; or
  39-26                    (E)  order compliance with proper discovery
  39-27  requests.
   40-1              (3)  The commission shall provide the hearings officer
   40-2  with a written statement of all commission rules or policies that
   40-3  govern the proceeding.
   40-4              (4)  At the conclusion of the proceeding the hearings
   40-5  officer shall make a ruling on the matter accompanied by written
   40-6  findings of facts and conclusions of law.
   40-7              (5)  The commission shall review the findings of fact,
   40-8  conclusions of law, and ruling of the hearings officer before
   40-9  making its final ruling in the proceeding.  The commission may also
  40-10  review a transcript of the proceeding before making its final
  40-11  ruling.  The commission shall adopt the ruling of the hearings
  40-12  officer as its ruling unless it finds good cause to issue a
  40-13  different  ruling.  The commission shall explain in writing the
  40-14  reasons for adopting a ruling other than the one issued by the
  40-15  hearings officer.
  40-16              <(6)  Not later than the 10th day after the date the
  40-17  hearings officer makes a ruling, the licensee may appeal the ruling
  40-18  to the commission.  Except for good cause, the commission shall
  40-19  make its final ruling not later than the 10th day after the date
  40-20  the appeal is made.>
  40-21        (d)  The commission shall inform each interested person,
  40-22  including a person filing the complaint, of the <their> right to
  40-23  obtain at that person's cost a tape or transcript of a hearing or
  40-24  proceeding under this section.
  40-25        SECTION 10.  Section 6D(e), Chapter 251, Acts of the 53rd
  40-26  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas
  40-27  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   41-1        (e)  If a person files a complaint with the commission
   41-2  relating to a licensed funeral director, embalmer, provisional
   41-3  licensee, or funeral establishment, the commission shall furnish to
   41-4  the person an explanation of the remedies that are available to the
   41-5  person under this Act and information about appropriate state or
   41-6  local agencies or officials with which the person may file a
   41-7  complaint.
   41-8        SECTION 11.  Section 6G, Chapter 251, Acts of the 53rd
   41-9  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas
  41-10  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
  41-11        Sec. 6G.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY.  (a)  If the commission
  41-12  determines that a person or establishment regulated under this Act
  41-13  has violated this Act or a rule adopted under this Act <in a manner
  41-14  that constitutes a ground for a license suspension under Subsection
  41-15  H, Section 3, or Section 4 of this Act>, the commission may assess
  41-16  an administrative penalty against that person or establishment as a
  41-17  result of a hearing conducted in the manner provided by Section 6C
  41-18  of this Act or as provided by this section.  If an administrative
  41-19  penalty is assessed after a hearing conducted under Section 6C of
  41-20  this Act, the commission shall follow the procedures described in
  41-21  Subsections (e) through (h) of this section.
  41-22        (b)  The commission may assess the administrative penalty in
  41-23  an amount not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100) or more than
  41-24  Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for each act of violation.  In
  41-25  determining the amount of the penalty, the commission shall employ
  41-26  guidelines established by commission rule <consider the seriousness
  41-27  of the violation>.
   42-1        (c)  If, after examination of a possible violation and the
   42-2  facts relating to that possible violation, the commission concludes
   42-3  that a violation has occurred, the commission shall issue a
   42-4  preliminary report that states the facts on which the conclusion is
   42-5  based, the fact that an administrative penalty is to be imposed,
   42-6  and the amount to be assessed.  Not later than the tenth (10th) day
   42-7  after the day on which the commission issues the preliminary
   42-8  report, the commission shall send a copy of the report to the
   42-9  person or establishment charged with the violation, together with a
  42-10  statement of the right of the person or establishment to a hearing
  42-11  relating to the alleged violation and the amount of the penalty.
  42-12        (d)  Not later than the thirtieth (30th) <twentieth (20th)>
  42-13  day after the date <day> on which the preliminary report is sent,
  42-14  the person or establishment charged either may make a written
  42-15  request for a hearing or may remit the amount of the administrative
  42-16  penalty to the commission.  Failure either to request a hearing or
  42-17  to remit the amount of the penalty within the time provided by this
  42-18  subsection results in a waiver of a right to a hearing under this
  42-19  Act.  Unless a hearing is requested, the penalty is due on the
  42-20  thirtieth (30th) day after the date the preliminary report is sent.
  42-21  Failure to pay the penalty by that date automatically suspends the
  42-22  affected license for six (6) months.  If the person or
  42-23  establishment charged requests a hearing, the hearing shall be
  42-24  conducted in the manner provided by Section 6C of this Act.  <If it
  42-25  is determined after hearing that the person or establishment has
  42-26  committed the alleged violation, the commission shall give written
  42-27  notice to the person or establishment of the findings established
   43-1  by the hearing and the amount of the penalty, and shall enter an
   43-2  order requiring the person or establishment to pay the penalty.>
   43-3        (e)(1)  If an administrative penalty is assessed after a
   43-4  hearing conducted under Section 6C of this Act, not <Not> later
   43-5  than the thirtieth (30th) day after the date <day> on which the
   43-6  order <notice> is sent or a motion for rehearing is denied
   43-7  <received>, the person or establishment charged shall pay the
   43-8  administrative penalty in full, or, if the person or establishment
   43-9  wishes to contest either the amount of the penalty or the fact of
  43-10  the violation, the person or establishment shall not later than the
  43-11  thirtieth (30th) day after the date on which the order is sent or a
  43-12  motion for rehearing is denied:
  43-13                    (A)  remit the assessed amount to the commission
  43-14  for deposit in an escrow account; or
  43-15                    (B)  post a supersedeas bond in a form approved
  43-16  by the commission for the amount of the penalty.
  43-17              (2)  If, after judicial review, it is determined that
  43-18  no violation occurred or that the amount of the penalty should be
  43-19  reduced, the commission shall remit the appropriate amount to the
  43-20  person or establishment charged with the violation not later than
  43-21  the thirtieth (30th) day after the date <day> on which the judicial
  43-22  determination becomes final.
  43-23        (f)  Failure to remit the amount of the administrative
  43-24  penalty to or post bond with the commission within the time
  43-25  provided by this Act <section> results in a waiver of all legal
  43-26  rights to contest the violation or the amount of the penalty.  If
  43-27  the person or establishment fails to remit the amount of the
   44-1  administrative penalty to or post bond with the commission within
   44-2  that time, or within a longer period with the consent of the
   44-3  commission, the license of that person or establishment is
   44-4  suspended for six (6) months.  After notice and a hearing, the
   44-5  commission may extend the license suspension for a longer period or
   44-6  may revoke or cancel the license for failure to remit the penalty
   44-7  or post bond.
   44-8        (g)  An administrative penalty owed under this Act shall
   44-9  <section may> be recovered in a civil action brought by the
  44-10  Attorney General at the request of the commission.
  44-11        (h)  A penalty collected under this Act <section> shall be
  44-12  deposited <in the State Treasury> to the credit of an account in
  44-13  the general revenue fund that may be used only for the purpose of
  44-14  administering the continuing education program under Section 3 of
  44-15  this Act.
  44-16        SECTION 12.  Section 6H(c), Chapter 251, Acts of the 53rd
  44-17  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas
  44-18  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
  44-19        (c)  Not later than the thirtieth (30th) <twentieth (20th)>
  44-20  day after the date <day> on which the preliminary report is sent,
  44-21  the person or establishment charged may make a written request for
  44-22  a hearing.  Failure to request a hearing within the time provided
  44-23  by this subsection results in a waiver of a right to a hearing
  44-24  under this Act and the reprimand shall be issued by the commission
  44-25  and placed in the permanent files of the commission.  If the person
  44-26  or establishment charged requests a hearing, the hearing shall be
  44-27  conducted in the manner provided by Section 6C of this Act.  If it
   45-1  is determined after hearing that the person or establishment has
   45-2  committed the alleged violation, the commission is not limited to
   45-3  the issuance of a reprimand but may also take any action allowed
   45-4  under <Subsection H, Section 3, or Subsection D, Section 4, of>
   45-5  this Act.
   45-6        SECTION 13.  Section 6I, Chapter 251, Acts of the 53rd
   45-7  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas
   45-8  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   45-9        Sec. 6I.  REPEAT AND MULTIPLE OFFENDERS.  (a)  The commission
  45-10  or <and> a hearings officer shall review each disciplinary
  45-11  proceeding to determine whether the licensee has committed the same
  45-12  type of violation on one or more previous occasions.  If it is
  45-13  determined that the licensee has previously committed the same type
  45-14  of violation, the commission or hearings officer shall impose a
  45-15  disciplinary action that is more severe than that imposed on the
  45-16  previous occasion.
  45-17        (b)  In a disciplinary proceeding involving multiple
  45-18  violations of this Act, the commission or <and> the hearings
  45-19  officer <examiner> shall impose a disciplinary action that is more
  45-20  severe than the disciplinary action that would be imposed
  45-21  cumulatively for each of the individual violations.
  45-22        SECTION 14.  Section 7(b), Chapter 251, Acts of the 53rd
  45-23  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas
  45-24  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
  45-25        (b)  The commission may file a complaint with the appropriate
  45-26  governmental authorities to begin prosecution of a person who
  45-27  commits an offense under Section 6A of this Act.  The commission or
   46-1  any adversely affected party may sue a funeral establishment or
   46-2  <licensed> embalmer or funeral director who fails to comply with
   46-3  <any provision of> this Act or a rule adopted under this Act for
   46-4  appropriate injunctive relief.  This Act does not affect a remedy
   46-5  or enforcement power under other laws.
   46-6        SECTION 15.  Section 9, Chapter 251, Acts of the 53rd
   46-7  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas
   46-8  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   46-9        Sec. 9.  CONSTRUCTION WITH OTHER LAW.  This Act does not
  46-10  limit or replace the authority of the Banking Department of Texas
  46-11  to regulate and enforce Chapter 512, Acts of the 54th Legislature,
  46-12  Regular Session, 1955 (Article 548b, Vernon's Texas Civil
  46-13  Statutes).  The authority of the commission as to Chapter 512, Acts
  46-14  of the 54th Legislature, Regular Session, 1955 (Article 548b,
  46-15  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and its subsequent amendments is
  46-16  limited to the imposition of an administrative penalty, issuance of
  46-17  a reprimand, or suspension, revocation, or probation of a license
  46-18  issued by the <that> commission.
  46-19        SECTION 16.  Subsection K, Section 1, Chapter 251, Acts of
  46-20  the 53rd Legislature, 1953 (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas Civil
  46-21  Statutes), is repealed.
  46-22        SECTION 17.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
  46-23        SECTION 18.  On the effective date of this Act any person
  46-24  serving as an apprentice under Chapter 251, Acts of the 53rd
  46-25  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 4582b, Vernon's Texas
  46-26  Civil Statutes), will be converted to a provisional licensee under
  46-27  that Act.  The provisional license of a person serving as an
   47-1  apprentice under that Act before attending or graduating from a
   47-2  school of embalming or college of mortuary science or before
   47-3  passing the appropriate licensing examination is canceled September
   47-4  1, 1994, if the person has not enrolled in an accredited school of
   47-5  embalming or accredited college of mortuary science or passed the
   47-6  appropriate licensing examination before that date.
   47-7        SECTION 19.  The importance of this legislation and the
   47-8  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   47-9  emergency   and   an   imperative   public   necessity   that   the
  47-10  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  47-11  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.