1-1  By:  Goodman (Senate Sponsor - Rosson)                 H.B. No. 724
    1-2        (In the Senate - Received from the House April 13, 1993;
    1-3  April 14, 1993, read first time and referred to Committee on
    1-4  Jurisprudence; May 4, 1993, reported adversely, with favorable
    1-5  Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 4, Nays 0;
    1-6  May 4, 1993, sent to printer.)
    1-7                            COMMITTEE VOTE
    1-8                          Yea     Nay      PNV      Absent 
    1-9        Henderson          x                               
   1-10        Harris of Tarrant  x                               
   1-11        Brown                                          x   
   1-12        Harris of Dallas   x                               
   1-13        Luna               x                               
   1-14        Parker                                         x   
   1-15        West                                           x   
   1-16  COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR H.B. No. 724        By:  Harris of Tarrant
   1-17                         A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
   1-18                                AN ACT
   1-19  relating to the establishment of the parent-child relationship,
   1-20  determination of paternity, the payment of child support in a suit
   1-21  in which establishment of the parent-child relationship or a
   1-22  determination of paternity is sought, and to the administration of
   1-23  a statewide plan for child support by the attorney general's
   1-24  office.
   1-26        SECTION 1.  Section 2.01, Family Code, is amended to read as
   1-27  follows:
   1-28        Sec. 2.01.  State Policy.  In order to promote the public
   1-29  health and welfare and to provide the necessary records, this code
   1-30  prescribes detailed and specific rules to be followed in
   1-31  establishing the marriage relationship.  However, in order to
   1-32  provide stability for those entering into the marriage relationship
   1-33  in good faith and to provide for an orderly determination of
   1-34  parentage <legitimacy> and security for the children of the
   1-35  relationship, it is the policy of this state to preserve and uphold
   1-36  each marriage against claims of invalidity unless strong reasons
   1-37  exist for holding it void or voidable.  Therefore, every marriage
   1-38  entered into in this state is considered valid unless it is
   1-39  expressly made void by this chapter or unless it is expressly made
   1-40  voidable by this chapter and is annulled as provided by this
   1-41  chapter.  When two or more marriages of a person to different
   1-42  spouses are alleged, the most recent marriage is presumed to be
   1-43  valid as against each marriage that precedes it until one who
   1-44  asserts the validity of a prior marriage proves its validity.
   1-45        SECTION 2.  Section 11.14(j), Family Code, is amended to read
   1-46  as follows:
   1-47        (j)  In any suit seeking the establishment of the
   1-48  parent-child relationship, after a hearing the court shall grant a
   1-49  motion for a preferential setting for a final hearing on the merits
   1-50  filed by a party to the suit or by the attorney or guardian ad
   1-51  litem for the child and shall give precedence to that hearing over
   1-52  other civil cases if discovery has been completed or sufficient
   1-53  time has elapsed since the filing of the suit for the completion of
   1-54  all necessary and reasonable discovery if diligently pursued.  The
   1-55  provisions of this section regarding preferential setting apply to
   1-56  final hearing on the merits without regard to whether the suit is
   1-57  set for a trial before the court or before a jury.
   1-58        SECTION 3.  Sections 12.06(a) and (c), Family Code, are
   1-59  amended to read as follows:
   1-60        (a)  In any suit affecting the parent-child relationship, a
   1-61  man who is a presumed father under Section 12.02(a) of this code,
   1-62  the biological mother, or a governmental entity <other than a suit
   1-63  under Chapter 13 of this code, a husband or wife> is entitled to
   1-64  deny any presumed father's <the husband's> paternity of the child
   1-65  <who is the subject of the suit and who was born or conceived
   1-66  during the marriage of the parties>.  The question of paternity
   1-67  under this section must be raised by an express statement denying
   1-68  paternity of the child in a party's <the spouse's> pleadings in the
    2-1  suit, without regard to whether the presumed father or biological
    2-2  mother <spouse> is a petitioner or respondent.
    2-3        (c)  In any suit in which a question of paternity is raised
    2-4  under this section, the party <husband or wife who is> denying the
    2-5  presumed father's <husband's>  paternity of the child has the
    2-6  burden of rebutting the presumption of paternity as provided in
    2-7  this code.  An order for temporary child support, conservatorship,
    2-8  or other relief entered under Section 11.11 of this code is valid
    2-9  and enforceable unless superseded by a final decree finding
   2-10  nonpaternity of the presumed father <husband>.
   2-11        SECTION 4.  Section 13.01, Family Code, is amended by
   2-12  amending the section heading and Subsection (a) to read as follows:
   2-13        Sec. 13.01.  <PARTIES:  TIME> LIMITATION OF ACTION <SUIT>.
   2-14  (a)  <A suit to establish the parent child relationship between a
   2-15  child who has no presumed father and the child's biological father
   2-16  may be brought by the mother, by a man claiming to be or possibly
   2-17  to be the father, or by any other person or governmental entity
   2-18  having standing to sue under Section 11.03 of this code.>  A suit
   2-19  to establish paternity may be brought before the birth of the
   2-20  child, but must be brought on or before the second anniversary of
   2-21  the day the child becomes an adult, or the suit is barred.
   2-22        SECTION 5.  Section 13.02(a), Family Code, is amended to read
   2-23  as follows:
   2-24        (a)  When the respondent appears in a paternity suit, the
   2-25  court shall order the mother, alleged father, and child to submit
   2-26  to the taking of blood, body fluid, or tissue samples for the
   2-27  purpose of scientifically accepted paternity testing.  The court
   2-28  shall require in its order testing necessary to ascertain the
   2-29  possibility of the alleged father's paternity and shall require
   2-30  that the tests exclude at least 99 <95> percent of the male
   2-31  population from the possibility of being the father of the child,
   2-32  except that the court shall permit the omission of any further
   2-33  testing if the testing has been conducted sufficient to establish
   2-34  that the alleged father is not the father of the child, or if the
   2-35  costs of testing have reached an amount that the court determines
   2-36  to be the greatest amount that may reasonably be borne by one or
   2-37  more parties to the suit.  If the appearance is before the birth of
   2-38  the child, the court shall order the taking of blood, body fluid,
   2-39  or tissue samples to be made as soon as medically practical after
   2-40  the birth.
   2-41        SECTION 6.  Section 13.04, Family Code, is amended by
   2-42  amending Subsection (f) and adding Subsection (g) to read as
   2-43  follows:
   2-44        (f)  At the pretrial conference the court may issue a
   2-45  temporary order under Section 11.11 of this code, including an
   2-46  order for the temporary support of the child, if the court finds
   2-47  that:
   2-48              (1)  the respondent is not excluded as the biological
   2-49  father of the child; and
   2-50              (2)  at least 99 <95> percent of  the male population
   2-51  is excluded from being the biological father of the child.
   2-52        (g)  Paternity test results offered at a pretrial conference
   2-53  are admissible as evidence if the tests were conducted under a
   2-54  court order or by agreement of the parties without regard to
   2-55  whether the tests were performed before or after the filing of a
   2-56  suit under this title.
   2-57        SECTION 7.  Section 13.05, Family Code, is amended by
   2-58  amending the section heading and adding Subsection (c) to read as
   2-59  follows:
   2-61  <BLOOD> TESTS.
   2-62        (c)  If the court finds that at least 99 percent of the male
   2-63  population is excluded from the possibility of being the child's
   2-64  father, the court shall, in making a finding under this section,
   2-65  shift the burden of proof to the party opposing the establishment
   2-66  of the alleged father's paternity.
   2-67        SECTION 8.  Section 13.06, Family Code, is amended by
   2-68  amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (g) to read as
   2-69  follows:
   2-70        (c)  If the paternity tests show the possibility of the
    3-1  alleged father's paternity, the court shall <may> admit this
    3-2  evidence if offered at the trial.  Paternity test results offered
    3-3  at the trial shall be admissible as evidence if the tests were
    3-4  conducted under court order or by agreement of the parties, without
    3-5  regard to whether such tests were performed before or after the
    3-6  filing of a suit under this title.  If the paternity tests show the
    3-7  possibility of the alleged father's paternity and that at least 99
    3-8  <95> percent of the  male population is excluded from the
    3-9  possibility of being the father, then evidence of these facts
   3-10  constitutes a prima facie showing of the alleged father's
   3-11  paternity, and the party opposing the establishment of the alleged
   3-12  father's paternity has the burden of proving that the alleged
   3-13  father is not the father of the child.
   3-14        (g)  The party seeking to establish the alleged father's
   3-15  paternity retains the right to open and close at trial without
   3-16  regard to whether the court has shifted the burden of proof to the
   3-17  opposing party.
   3-18        SECTION 9.  Section 13.09, Family Code, is amended to read as
   3-19  follows:
   3-20        Sec. 13.09.  Effect of Decree Establishing Paternity.  The
   3-21  effect of a decree designating the alleged father as the father of
   3-22  the child is to create the parent-child relationship between the
   3-23  father and the child for all purposes <as if the child were born to
   3-24  the father and mother during marriage>.
   3-25        SECTION 10.  Section 13.22(b), Family Code, is amended to
   3-26  read as follows:
   3-27        (b)  The statement of paternity must clearly state that the
   3-28  man signing the statement<:>
   3-29              <(1)  the father> acknowledges the child as his
   3-30  biological child<;>
   3-31              <(2)  he and the mother, who is named in the statement,
   3-32  were not married to each other at the time of conception of the
   3-33  child or at any subsequent time; and>
   3-34              <(3)  the child is not the biological child of another
   3-35  man>.
   3-36        SECTION 11.  Section 13.42(a), Family Code, is amended to
   3-37  read as follows:
   3-38        (a)  In a suit in which a determination of paternity is
   3-39  sought, the court may provide for the managing and possessory
   3-40  conservatorship and support of and access to the child; except that
   3-41  no alleged father denying paternity may be required to make any
   3-42  payment for the support of the child until paternity is established
   3-43  or, in the case of temporary orders as authorized by Section 13.04
   3-44  of this code, the court finds that the alleged father is not
   3-45  excluded as the biological father of the child and at least 99
   3-46  percent of the male population is excluded from being the
   3-47  biological father of the child.  On a finding of paternity, the
   3-48  court may order support retroactive to the time of the birth
   3-49  <filing> of the child <suit> and, on a proper showing, may order a
   3-50  party to pay an equitable portion of all prenatal and postnatal
   3-51  related health care expenses of the mother and child.  In making an
   3-52  order for retroactive child support under this subsection, the
   3-53  court shall use the child support guidelines provided by Section
   3-54  14.053 of this code together with any relevant factors.
   3-55        SECTION 12.  Section 14.053, Family Code, is amended by
   3-56  adding Subsection (l) to read as follows:
   3-57        (l)  Retroactive Support.  The guidelines for the support of
   3-58  a child in this chapter are intended to guide the court in
   3-59  determining the amount of retroactive child support, if any, to be
   3-60  ordered under this chapter or Chapter 13 of this code.  In ordering
   3-61  retroactive child support, the court shall consider the net
   3-62  resources of the obligor during the relevant time period.  In
   3-63  making an order of retroactive support under this subsection, the
   3-64  court shall consider the following evidentiary factors:
   3-65              (1)  whether the mother of the child had made any
   3-66  previous attempts to notify the biological father of his paternity
   3-67  or probable paternity;
   3-68              (2)  whether the biological father had knowledge of his
   3-69  paternity or probable paternity;
   3-70              (3)  whether the order of retroactive child support
    4-1  will impose an undue financial hardship on the obligor or his
    4-2  family; and
    4-3              (4)  whether the obligor has provided actual support or
    4-4  other necessaries before the filing of the action.
    4-5        SECTION 13.  Section 14.80, Family Code, is amended by
    4-6  amending Subdivision (4) and adding Subdivision (7) to read as
    4-7  follows:
    4-8              (4)  "Child support services" means administrative or
    4-9  court actions to:
   4-10                    (A)  establish paternity;
   4-11                    (B)  establish, modify, or enforce child support
   4-12  or medical support obligations;
   4-13                    (C) <(B)>  locate absent parents; or
   4-14                    (D) <(C)>  cooperate with other states in these
   4-15  actions and any other action authorized or as required under Part D
   4-16  of Title IV of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section
   4-17  651 et seq.) or Chapter 76, Human Resources Code.
   4-18              (7)  "Child support review officer" means an individual
   4-19  designated by a child support agency to conduct reviews under this
   4-20  subchapter who has received certified family law mediation
   4-21  training.
   4-22        SECTION 14.  Subchapter D, Chapter 14, Family Code, is
   4-23  amended by adding Sections 14.801-14.809 to read as follows:
   4-25  NOT APPLICABLE.  The child support review process under this
   4-26  subchapter is not governed by the Administrative Procedure and
   4-27  Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil
   4-28  Statutes).
   4-29        Sec. 14.802.  CHILD SUPPORT REVIEW PROCESS:  GENERAL
   4-30  PROVISIONS.  (a)  The purpose of the child support review process
   4-31  authorized under this subchapter is to provide child support
   4-32  agencies an opportunity to resolve child support actions through
   4-33  negotiations and by the agreement of the parties.  To the extent
   4-34  permitted by this subchapter, child support agencies shall make the
   4-35  child support review process understandable to all parties and
   4-36  shall encourage agreements through mediation.
   4-37        (b)  An administrative action under this subchapter may be
   4-38  initiated by the issuance of a notice of child support review under
   4-39  Section 14.803 of this code by a child support agency.
   4-40        (c)  In a child support review under this subchapter, a child
   4-41  support agency may issue an administrative subpoena to a parent, a
   4-42  person presumed or alleged to be the father of a child for whom
   4-43  support is sought, or any individual or organization believed to
   4-44  have information on the financial resources of the parent or
   4-45  presumed or alleged father.
   4-46        (d)  To determine the appropriate amount of child support, in
   4-47  applying the child support guidelines in this code, a child support
   4-48  agency shall use any information obtained by the child support
   4-49  agency through a notice of child support review or any other
   4-50  source.  If the child support agency determines that the support
   4-51  amount in an existing child support order is not in substantial
   4-52  compliance with the guidelines, the child support agency shall
   4-53  issue an appropriate child support review order, including a review
   4-54  order that, notwithstanding Section 14.08 of this code, has the
   4-55  effect of modifying an existing order for child support without the
   4-56  necessity of filing a motion to modify.
   4-57        (e)  A notice required in an administrative action under this
   4-58  subchapter must be delivered or served by first class mail or
   4-59  certified mail on each party entitled to citation or notice under
   4-60  Section 11.09 of this code.
   4-61        (f)  If notice is served by mail in an administrative action
   4-62  under this subchapter, three days must be added to both the time in
   4-63  which the person is required to respond and the time by which the
   4-64  person is entitled to notification of a hearing.
   4-65        (g)  A notice or other form used to implement the child
   4-66  support review process must be printed in both Spanish and English.
   4-67  If a party participating in a negotiation conference under Section
   4-68  14.804 of this code does not speak English or is hearing impaired,
   4-69  the child support agency shall provide for interpreter services at
   4-70  no charge to the parties.
    5-2  FINANCIAL RESOURCES.  (a)  A child support agency may review and
    5-3  assess the financial resources of the child's parents or of a
    5-4  person presumed or alleged to be the child's father from whom child
    5-5  support is sought to determine the resources that are available for
    5-6  the support of the child and to determine what action is
    5-7  appropriate.  The child support agency shall notify the parents of
    5-8  a child and the presumed or alleged father of a child of a child
    5-9  support review by delivering to the person a notice of child
   5-10  support review.
   5-11        (b)  The notice of child support review must:
   5-12              (1)  describe the procedure for a child support review;
   5-13              (2)  inform the recipient that the recipient is not
   5-14  required to participate in the child support review and may be
   5-15  represented by legal counsel during the review process or at a
   5-16  court hearing;
   5-17              (3)  inform the recipient that the recipient may cease
   5-18  participation in the child support review during any stage of the
   5-19  review but that the review will continue to completion and that
   5-20  afterward the recipient may request a court hearing;
   5-21              (4)  include an affidavit of financial resources; and
   5-22              (5)  include a request that the recipient designate, on
   5-23  a form provided by the child support agency, an address for mailing
   5-24  any additional notice to the recipient.
   5-25        (c)  In addition to the information required by Subsection
   5-26  (b) of this section, the notice of child support review must inform
   5-27  the recipient that:
   5-28              (1)  the information requested on the form must be
   5-29  returned to the child support agency not later than the 15th day
   5-30  after the date the notice is received or delivered; and
   5-31              (2)  if the requested information is not returned as
   5-32  required, the child support agency:
   5-33                    (A)  may proceed with the review using the
   5-34  information that is available to the agency; and
   5-35                    (B)  may file a legal action without further
   5-36  notice to the recipient, except as otherwise required by law.
   5-37        Sec. 14.804.  NEGOTIATION CONFERENCE.  (a)  A person who
   5-38  receives a notice of child support review and who completes an
   5-39  affidavit of financial resources may request, at the time the
   5-40  affidavit of financial resources is returned, a negotiation
   5-41  conference in an effort to reach an agreement.  The child support
   5-42  agency may schedule a negotiation conference without regard to
   5-43  whether a conference is requested by any party.
   5-44        (b)  A negotiation conference under this section shall be
   5-45  held not later than the 45th day after the date all notices of
   5-46  child support review have been sent to the parties to the action.
   5-47        (c)  All parties entitled to notice of the negotiation
   5-48  conference shall be notified of the date, time, and place of the
   5-49  negotiation conference not later than the 10th day before the date
   5-50  of the negotiation conference.
   5-51        (d)  A negotiation conference may be rescheduled on the
   5-52  request of any party and all parties must be given timely notice of
   5-53  the rescheduling.  All parties shall be sent notice not later than
   5-54  the third day before the date of the rescheduled negotiation
   5-55  conference.
   5-56        (e)  At the beginning of the negotiation conference, the
   5-57  child support review officer shall inform all parties in attendance
   5-58  that:
   5-59              (1)  the purpose of the negotiation conference is to
   5-60  attempt to reach an agreement regarding child support payments;
   5-61              (2)  a party does not have to participate in the
   5-62  negotiation conference and may request a court hearing;
   5-63              (3)  a party may be represented by an attorney chosen
   5-64  by the party;
   5-65              (4)  the parties may stop participating in the
   5-66  negotiation conference at any time but that the child support
   5-67  review will continue until completed, and, if a child support
   5-68  review order is issued, a party may request a court hearing;
   5-69              (5)  if the parties reach an agreement, the review
   5-70  officer will prepare an agreed review order for the parties'
    6-1  signatures;
    6-2              (6)  a party does not have to sign a review order
    6-3  prepared by the child support review officer; and
    6-4              (7)  even though a party signs an agreed review order,
    6-5  the party may request a court hearing at any time before the child
    6-6  support review order is confirmed by a court.
    6-7        (f)  For the purposes of this subchapter, a written
    6-8  affidavit, the written findings, and the child support review order
    6-9  from a negotiation conference are a sufficient record of the
   6-10  proceedings.  A child support agency is not required to make any
   6-11  other record or transcript of the negotiation conference.
   6-12        (g)  If a negotiation conference results in an agreement by
   6-13  all parties, a child support review order must be signed by all
   6-14  parties to the action and must contain:
   6-15              (1)  a waiver by each party of the right to service and
   6-16  of the right to a court hearing and the making of a record;
   6-17              (2)  the mailing address of each party; and
   6-18              (3)  the following statement printed on the order in
   6-19  boldfaced type or in all capital letters:
   6-34        OF COURT."
   6-35        (h)  If the negotiation conference does not result in an
   6-36  agreed child support review order, the review officer shall issue
   6-37  and sign a final decision in the form of a child support review
   6-38  order not later than the fifth day after the date of the
   6-39  negotiation conference unless the review officer provides specific
   6-40  reasons why a child support review order cannot be issued.
   6-41        (i)  On the day that a child support review order is issued
   6-42  or if a determination is made that a child support order will not
   6-43  be issued, each party to a child support review proceeding shall be
   6-44  furnished by hand delivery or by mail a copy of the order or the
   6-45  notice of a determination that an order will not be issued.
   6-46        (j)  A finding by the review officer that a child support
   6-47  review order is not appropriate does not affect the right of the
   6-48  child support agency or any other party to proceed in any matter
   6-49  provided by law.
   6-50        (k)  The review officer may vacate a child support review
   6-51  order on the officer's own motion at any time before the order is
   6-52  filed with the court.  A new negotiation conference, with notice to
   6-53  all parties, shall be scheduled to take place not later than the
   6-54  10th day after the date the child support review order was vacated.
   6-55        Sec. 14.805.  CONTENTS OF CHILD SUPPORT REVIEW ORDER.  A
   6-56  child support review order under this subchapter must contain all
   6-57  provisions that are appropriate for an order under this title.  A
   6-58  child support review order may contain other provisions for the
   6-59  establishment, modification, or enforcement of a child support or
   6-60  medical support order and for the establishment of paternity.  A
   6-61  child support review order providing for the enforcement of an
   6-62  order may not contain a provision that imposes incarceration or a
   6-63  fine or contains a finding of contempt.
   6-65  REVIEW ORDER; DUTIES OF CLERK OF COURT.  (a)  The child support
   6-66  agency shall file a petition of confirmation with the clerk of the
   6-67  court having continuing jurisdiction of the child who is the
   6-68  subject of the order.  If there is not a court that has continuing
   6-69  jurisdiction, the child support agency shall file the petition for
   6-70  confirmation with the clerk of a court having jurisdiction under
    7-1  this title.
    7-2        (b)  A petition for confirmation must include the final child
    7-3  support review order and a form for a party to request a court
    7-4  hearing as attachments to the petition.  Each affidavit of
    7-5  financial resources for a party to the order that was completed by
    7-6  the party and any other documentary evidence relied on by the child
    7-7  support agency, including a verified written report of a paternity
    7-8  testing expert concerning the results of paternity testing
    7-9  conducted in the case or a statement of paternity, shall be filed
   7-10  with the clerk as exhibits to the petition.  The petition must
   7-11  identify the exhibits that are filed with the clerk.
   7-12        (c)  On the filing of a petition under this section, the
   7-13  clerk of court shall endorse on the petition the date and time that
   7-14  the petition is filed and sign the endorsement.  If the petition is
   7-15  for an original action, the clerk shall endorse the appropriate
   7-16  court and cause number on the petition.  If the petition is to
   7-17  confirm an agreed child support review order under this subchapter,
   7-18  the clerk shall mail to each party, at the address shown on the
   7-19  order, a copy of the petition and written notice of the filing of
   7-20  the petition that states the court and cause number of the case.
   7-21  The clerk shall note on the docket that the notice was mailed.  If
   7-22  the petition is to confirm an order other than an agreed order, the
   7-23  clerk shall issue service of citation, including a copy of the
   7-24  petition and the child support review order, to each party entitled
   7-25  to service.
   7-26        (d)  A clerk of a district court is entitled to collect a fee
   7-27  for:
   7-28              (1)  the filing of a petition under this section as
   7-29  provided by Section 51.317(b)(1), Government Code;
   7-30              (2)  the issuance of notice or process as provided by
   7-31  Section 51.317(b)(4), Government Code; and
   7-32              (3)  service of notice or citation as provided by
   7-33  Section 51.319(4), Government Code, or as otherwise provided by
   7-34  law.
   7-35        (e)  In addition to attaching a copy of a form to request a
   7-36  court hearing to a party's copy of the petition for confirmation of
   7-37  a child support review order, the child support agency shall make
   7-38  available to the clerk of court and to a party to the child support
   7-39  review proceeding on the party's request a form to request a court
   7-40  hearing.  The clerk shall furnish the form to a party to a
   7-41  proceeding under this section on the request of the party.  A court
   7-42  shall consider any responsive pleading filed under this section
   7-43  that is intended as an objection to confirmation of a child support
   7-44  review order, including a general denial, as a request for a court
   7-45  hearing.
   7-47  (a)  The court shall refer a proceeding that results from a child
   7-48  support review to a master appointed under this subchapter.  If a
   7-49  master is not appointed, the judge of the court shall preside over
   7-50  the proceedings.
   7-51        (b)  Not later than the 30th day after the date a petition
   7-52  for confirmation of an agreed child support review order is filed,
   7-53  the court shall confirm the terms and provisions of the order by
   7-54  signing a confirmation order unless a request for a court hearing
   7-55  is timely filed or the court sets a hearing as provided by
   7-56  Subsection (d) of this section.
   7-57        (c)  Not later than the 30th day after the date of service on
   7-58  the last party to be served with citation of a petition for
   7-59  confirmation for a child support review order other than an agreed
   7-60  child support review order, the court shall confirm the terms and
   7-61  provisions of the order by signing a confirmation order unless a
   7-62  request for a court hearing is timely filed or the court sets a
   7-63  hearing as provided by Subsection (d) of this section.
   7-64        (d)  If the court finds that confirmation of a child support
   7-65  review order without a hearing would not be in the best interests
   7-66  of a child who is the subject of the order, the court may stay
   7-67  confirmation of the order and schedule a hearing.  The order
   7-68  setting the hearing on the confirmation of the order must state the
   7-69  court's specific reasons for conducting the hearing.
   7-70        (e)  A party may file a request for a court hearing not later
    8-1  than the 20th day after the date the petition for confirmation of
    8-2  an agreed administrative order is filed or not later than the
    8-3  Monday following the 20th day after the date the party received
    8-4  service of citation in a case involving the confirmation of any
    8-5  other type of order.
    8-6        (f)  On the timely filing of a request for a court hearing,
    8-7  all issues in the child support review order shall be heard in a de
    8-8  novo hearing before the court.  The petition for confirmation and
    8-9  the child support review order constitute a sufficient pleading for
   8-10  relief on any issue addressed in the petition and order.
   8-11        (g)  A court shall hold a hearing on the confirmation of a
   8-12  child support review order not later than the 30th day after the
   8-13  date the court determines that a hearing should be held or a party
   8-14  files a request for a court hearing.
   8-15        (h)  After the hearing on the confirmation of a child support
   8-16  review order, the court shall:
   8-17              (1)  if the court finds that the order should be
   8-18  confirmed, immediately sign a confirmation order and enter the
   8-19  order as an order of the court;
   8-20              (2)  if the court finds that the relief granted in the
   8-21  child support review order is inappropriate, sign an appropriate
   8-22  order at the conclusion of the hearing or as soon after the
   8-23  conclusion of the hearing as is practical and enter the order as an
   8-24  order of the court; or
   8-25              (3)  if the court finds that all relief should be
   8-26  denied, enter an order that denies relief and includes specific
   8-27  findings explaining the reasons that relief is denied.
   8-28        (i)  On the signing of a confirmation order by the judge of
   8-29  the court, the child support review order becomes a final judgment
   8-30  of the court.
   8-32  RELATING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF PATERNITY.  (a)  If the paternity of a
   8-33  child has not been established by court order, the notice of child
   8-34  support review served on the parties must include an allegation
   8-35  that the alleged father is the biological father of the child.  The
   8-36  notice shall inform the parties that the alleged father of the
   8-37  child may sign a statement of paternity and that any party may
   8-38  request that scientifically accepted paternity testing be conducted
   8-39  to assist in determining whether the alleged father is the child's
   8-40  father.
   8-41        (b)  A negotiation conference shall be conducted to resolve
   8-42  any issues of support in an action in which all parties agree that
   8-43  the alleged father is the child's biological father.
   8-44        (c)  If a party denies that the alleged father is the child's
   8-45  biological father or, in the case of a presumed father, if either
   8-46  party files a verified denial of paternity, the child support
   8-47  agency may schedule paternity testing.
   8-48        (d)  If paternity testing does not exclude the alleged father
   8-49  from being the child's father and a party continues to deny that
   8-50  the alleged father is the child's biological father, the child
   8-51  support agency may schedule a negotiation conference as provided by
   8-52  this subchapter.  If the results of a verified written report of a
   8-53  paternity testing expert meet the requirements of Section 13.04 of
   8-54  this code for issuing a temporary order, the child support agency
   8-55  may issue a child support review order.
   8-56        (e)  If the results of paternity testing exclude the alleged
   8-57  or presumed father from being the biological father of the child,
   8-58  the child support agency shall issue a child support review order
   8-59  that declares that the alleged or presumed father is not the father
   8-60  of the child.  Any party may file a petition for confirmation of a
   8-61  child support review order issued under this subsection.
   8-62        Sec. 14.809.  EXPIRATION.  Sections 14.801-14.809 of this
   8-63  code expire September 1, 1997.
   8-64        SECTION 15.  Section 11.08(c) and Sections 14.871-14.876,
   8-65  Family Code, are repealed.
   8-66        SECTION 16.  (a)  Sections 1-12 of this Act take effect
   8-67  September 1, 1993, and Sections 13 and 14 of this Act take effect
   8-68  January 1, 1994.
   8-69        (b)  Sections 1-12 of this Act apply to a pending paternity
   8-70  proceeding without regard to whether the proceeding was commenced
    9-1  before, on, or after the effective date of this Act.
    9-2        (c)  The change in law made by Section 11 of this Act
    9-3  authorizing the court to order the payment of child support
    9-4  retroactive to the child's birth applies to the payment of child
    9-5  support in a pending paternity proceeding without regard to whether
    9-6  the child was born before, on, or after the effective date of this
    9-7  Act.
    9-8        (d)  Sections 13 and 14 of this Act apply to a suit
    9-9  commenced, notice of child support review filed, or administrative
   9-10  proceeding initiated on or after the effective date of this Act.  A
   9-11  suit commenced, notice of child support review filed, or
   9-12  administrative proceeding initiated before the effective date is
   9-13  governed by the law in effect on that date, and the former law is
   9-14  continued in effect for that purpose.
   9-15        SECTION 17.  The importance of this legislation and the
   9-16  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   9-17  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   9-18  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   9-19  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
   9-20                               * * * * *
   9-21                                                         Austin,
   9-22  Texas
   9-23                                                         May 4, 1993
   9-24  Hon. Bob Bullock
   9-25  President of the Senate
   9-26  Sir:
   9-27  We, your Committee on Jurisprudence to which was referred H.B. No.
   9-28  724, have had the same under consideration, and I am instructed to
   9-29  report it back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do not
   9-30  pass, but that the Committee Substitute adopted in lieu thereof do
   9-31  pass and be printed.
   9-32                                                         Henderson,
   9-33  Chairman
   9-34                               * * * * *
   9-35                               WITNESSES
   9-36  No witnesses appeared on H. B. No. 724.