73R7854 CLG-D
          By Cuellar of Webb, Hilderbran, et al.                 H.B. No. 779
          Substitute the following for H.B. No. 779:
          By Hilderbran                                      C.S.H.B. No. 779
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to AFDC benefits for certain families.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 31, Human Resources Code,
    1-5  is amended by adding Sections 31.0125 and 31.014 to read as
    1-6  follows:
    1-7        Sec. 31.0125.  COMMUNITY WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM.  (a)
    1-8  Subject to the availability of appropriations for client support
    1-9  services, the department by rule shall develop and implement a
   1-10  community work experience program in accordance with federal law as
   1-11  a part of the job opportunities and basic skills (JOBS) training
   1-12  program under Part F, Subchapter IV, Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.
   1-13  Section 682).
   1-14        (b)  In adopting rules under this section, the department
   1-15  shall:
   1-16              (1)  establish the criteria for determining which
   1-17  recipients of financial assistance under this chapter who are
   1-18  eligible to participate in the JOBS training program will be
   1-19  required to participate in the community work experience program;
   1-20              (2)  ensure that participation in the community work
   1-21  experience program will not result in the displacement of an
   1-22  employee from an existing position or the elimination of a vacant
   1-23  position;
   1-24              (3)  ensure that the community work experience program
    2-1  will not impair an existing service contract or collective
    2-2  bargaining agreement;
    2-3              (4)  ensure that an entity or agency that enters into
    2-4  an agreement with the department under this section provides to a
    2-5  participant, without paying the participant a salary, job training
    2-6  and work experience in certain areas within the entity or agency;
    2-7              (5)  require that each entity or agency that enters
    2-8  into a cooperative agreement with the department under this section
    2-9  identify positions within the entity or agency that will enable a
   2-10  participant to gain the skills and experience necessary to be able
   2-11  to compete in the labor market for comparable positions; and
   2-12              (6)  amend the service delivery system of the JOBS
   2-13  training program to permit a participant in the JOBS training
   2-14  program who is unemployed after completing the JOBS readiness
   2-15  activities outlined in the participant's employability plan,
   2-16  including job search, to participate in the community work
   2-17  experience program.
   2-18        (c)  To implement the community work experience program, the
   2-19  department shall enter into written nonfinancial cooperative
   2-20  agreements with entities that receive funds under a federal Head
   2-21  Start program and with state agencies, including institutions of
   2-22  higher education or other entities of state government.  To be
   2-23  eligible to enter into a contract under this section, the entity or
   2-24  agency must employ at least 250 persons.  The department and the
   2-25  entity or agency may waive this requirement by mutual agreement.
   2-26        (d)  The department and an entity or agency that enters into
   2-27  an agreement under this section must establish participation
    3-1  requirements for the entity or agency under the community work
    3-2  experience program.  The requirements must be contained in the
    3-3  agreement.
    3-4        Sec. 31.014.  TWO-PARENT FAMILIES.  (a)  The department shall
    3-5  provide financial assistance, in accordance with department rules,
    3-6  to a two-parent family if the primary wage earner parent is
    3-7  registered in the job opportunities and basic skills (JOBS)
    3-8  training program under Part F, Subchapter IV, Social Security Act
    3-9  (42  U.S.C. Section 682), or is registered with the Texas
   3-10  Employment Commission.
   3-11        (b)  A family is eligible for assistance under this section
   3-12  without regard to:
   3-13              (1)  the number of hours worked per month by the
   3-14  primary wage earner parent; or
   3-15              (2)  the work history of the primary wage earner
   3-16  parent.
   3-17        SECTION 2.  If before implementing Sections 31.0125 and
   3-18  31.014, Human Resources Code, as added by this Act, the Texas
   3-19  Department of Human Services determines that a waiver or
   3-20  authorization from a federal agency is necessary for
   3-21  implementation, the department shall request the waiver or
   3-22  authorization and may delay implementing those provisions until the
   3-23  waiver or authorization is granted.
   3-24        SECTION 3.  The changes in law made by Section 31.014, Human
   3-25  Resources Code, as added by this Act, apply only to a two-parent
   3-26  family that becomes eligible to receive financial assistance under
   3-27  that section on or after the effective date of this Act.
    4-1        SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
    4-2        SECTION 5.  The importance of this legislation and the
    4-3  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    4-4  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    4-5  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    4-6  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.