73R6896 DAK-D
          By Solis                                               H.B. No. 895
          Substitute the following for H.B. No. 895:
          By Moreno                                          C.S.H.B. No. 895
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the registration and exemption from the sales and use
    1-3  tax of certain vehicles owned or leased by certain emergency
    1-4  medical services providers.
    1-6        SECTION 1.  Section 3(g), Chapter 88, General Laws, Acts of
    1-7  the 41st Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 1929 (Article 6675a-3,
    1-8  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
    1-9        (g)  A vehicle owned or leased by an emergency medical
   1-10  services provider described by this subsection shall be registered
   1-11  without payment if the vehicle has been authorized under an
   1-12  emergency medical services provider license by the Texas Board of
   1-13  Health under Chapter 773, Health and Safety Code, and its
   1-14  subsequent amendments, and is used exclusively as an emergency
   1-15  medical services vehicle or the vehicle is an emergency medical
   1-16  services chief or supervisor vehicle used exclusively as an
   1-17  emergency services vehicle.  This subsection applies only to an
   1-18  emergency medical services provider that is nonprofit or that is
   1-19  created and operated by a municipality, a county, or any
   1-20  combination of municipalities and counties through a contract,
   1-21  joint agreement, or any other method provided by Chapter 791,
   1-22  Government Code, and its subsequent amendments, or any other law
   1-23  authorizing counties and municipalities to provide joint programs
   1-24  <registered by the Texas Board of Health under Section 773.057,
    2-1  Health and Safety Code, to be operated as an ambulance and used
    2-2  exclusively as an ambulance by a nonprofit, volunteer ambulance
    2-3  company shall be registered without the payment of an annual
    2-4  registration fee>.  The application for registration of an
    2-5  emergency medical services vehicle must be accompanied by a copy of
    2-6  the license <registration> issued by the Texas Board of Health and
    2-7  as an emergency response vehicle and a statement signed by an
    2-8  officer of the emergency medical services provider <company>
    2-9  stating that the vehicle is used exclusively as an emergency
   2-10  response vehicle and qualifies under this subsection for
   2-11  registration without payment <by a nonprofit, volunteer ambulance
   2-12  company as an ambulance>.  The application for an emergency medical
   2-13  services chief or supervisors vehicle must be accompanied by an
   2-14  affidavit signed by an officer of the emergency medical services
   2-15  provider stating that the vehicle qualifies under this subsection
   2-16  for registration without payment.  The application must be approved
   2-17  by the department as provided by Section 3aa of this Act.
   2-18        SECTION 2.  Section 152.087, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   2-19  follows:
   2-21  VEHICLES <AMBULANCES>.  The taxes imposed by this chapter do not
   2-22  apply to the purchase, rental, or use of a fire truck, emergency
   2-23  medical services vehicle as defined by Section 773.003, Health and
   2-24  Safety Code, <ambulance,> or other motor vehicle used exclusively
   2-25  for fire-fighting purposes or for emergency medical services when
   2-26  purchased by:
   2-27              (1)  a volunteer fire department; <or>
    3-1              (2)  a nonprofit <volunteer> emergency medical service
    3-2  provider that receives a federal income tax exemption under Section
    3-3  501(a), Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as an organization described
    3-4  by Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or
    3-5              (3)  an emergency medical service provider to which
    3-6  Section 3(g), Chapter 88, General Laws, Acts of the 41st
    3-7  Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 1929 (Article 6675a-3, Vernon's
    3-8  Texas Civil Statutes), applies.
    3-9        SECTION 3.  Section 152.001(14), Tax Code, is repealed.
   3-10        SECTION 4.  (a)  Section 1 of this Act applies to the
   3-11  registration of a vehicle without regard to whether the vehicle was
   3-12  authorized under an emergency medical services provider license by
   3-13  the Texas Board of Health under Chapter 773, Health and Safety
   3-14  Code, before, on, or after the effective date of this Act.
   3-15        (b)  The change in law made by Section 2 of this Act does not
   3-16  affect taxes imposed before the effective date of this Act, and the
   3-17  law in effect before the effective date of this Act is continued in
   3-18  effect for purposes of the liability for and collection of those
   3-19  taxes.
   3-20        SECTION 5.  The importance of this legislation and the
   3-21  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   3-22  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   3-23  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   3-24  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   3-25  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   3-26  passage, and it is so enacted.