73R4637 LJD-F
          By Pitts                                              H.B. No. 1144
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to title insurance company affidavits as releases of
    1-3  certain liens; providing a civil penalty.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Chapter 12, Property Code, is amended by adding
    1-6  Section 12.017 to read as follows:
    1-8  LIEN; CIVIL PENALTY.  (a)  In this section:
    1-9              (1)  "Mortgage" means a deed of trust or other contract
   1-10  lien on an interest in real property.
   1-11              (2)  "Mortgagee" means:
   1-12                    (A)  the grantee of a mortgage;
   1-13                    (B)  if a mortgage has been assigned of record,
   1-14  the last person to whom the mortgage has been assigned of record;
   1-15  or
   1-16                    (C)  if a mortgage is serviced by a mortgage
   1-17  servicer, the mortgage servicer.
   1-18              (3)  "Mortgage servicer" means the last person to whom
   1-19  a mortgagor has been instructed by a mortgagee to send payments for
   1-20  the loan secured by a mortgage.  A person transmitting a payoff
   1-21  statement is considered the mortgage servicer for the mortgage
   1-22  described in the payoff statement.
   1-23              (4)  "Mortgagor" means the grantor of a mortgage.
   1-24              (5)  "Payoff statement" means a statement of the amount
    2-1  of:
    2-2                    (A)  the unpaid balance of a loan secured by a
    2-3  mortgage, including principal, interest, and other charges properly
    2-4  assessed under the loan documentation of the mortgage; and
    2-5                    (B)  interest on a per diem basis for the unpaid
    2-6  balance.
    2-7              (6)  "Title insurance company" means a corporation or
    2-8  other business entity authorized and licensed to transact the
    2-9  business of insuring titles to interests in real property in this
   2-10  state.
   2-11        (b)  This section applies only to a mortgage on property
   2-12  consisting exclusively of a one-to-four-family residence, including
   2-13  a residential unit in a condominium regime.
   2-14        (c)  If a mortgagee fails to execute and deliver a release of
   2-15  mortgage to the mortgagor or the mortgagor's designated agent
   2-16  within 60 days after the date of receipt of payment of the mortgage
   2-17  by the mortgagee in accordance with a payoff statement furnished by
   2-18  the mortgagee or its mortgage servicer, an authorized officer of a
   2-19  title insurance company may, on behalf of the mortgagor or a
   2-20  transferee of the mortgagor who acquired title to the property
   2-21  described in the mortgage, execute an affidavit that complies with
   2-22  the requirements of this section and record the affidavit in the
   2-23  real property records of each county in which the mortgage was
   2-24  recorded.
   2-25        (d)  An affidavit executed under this section must state
   2-26  that:
   2-27              (1)  the affiant is an authorized officer of a title
    3-1  insurance company;
    3-2              (2)  the affidavit is made on behalf of the mortgagor
    3-3  or a transferee of the mortgagor who acquired title to the property
    3-4  described in the mortgage;
    3-5              (3)  the mortgagee provided a payoff statement with
    3-6  respect to the loan secured by the mortgage;
    3-7              (4)  the affiant has ascertained that the mortgagee has
    3-8  received payment of the loan secured by the mortgage in accordance
    3-9  with the payoff statement, as evidenced by:
   3-10                    (A)  a bank check, certified check, escrow
   3-11  account check from the title company or title insurance agent, or
   3-12  attorney trust account check that has been negotiated by the
   3-13  mortgagee; or
   3-14                    (B)  another documentary evidence of the receipt
   3-15  of payment by the mortgagee;
   3-16              (5)  more than 60 days have elapsed since the date
   3-17  payment was received by the mortgagee;
   3-18              (6)  the title insurance company or its agent has given
   3-19  the mortgagee at least 15 days' notice in writing of its intention
   3-20  to execute and record an affidavit in accordance with this section,
   3-21  with a copy of the proposed affidavit attached to the written
   3-22  notice; and
   3-23              (7)  the mortgagee has not responded in writing to the
   3-24  notification, or a request for additional payment made by the
   3-25  mortgagee has been complied with at least 15 days before the date
   3-26  of the affidavit.
   3-27        (e)  The affidavit must include the names of the mortgagor
    4-1  and the mortgagee, the date of the mortgage, and the volume and
    4-2  page or clerk's file number of the real property records where the
    4-3  mortgage is recorded, together with similar information for a
    4-4  recorded assignment of the mortgage.
    4-5        (f)  The affiant must attach to the affidavit a photostatic
    4-6  copy, certified as a true copy of the original document, of:
    4-7              (1)  the documentary evidence that payment has been
    4-8  received by the mortgagee, including the mortgagee's endorsement of
    4-9  a negotiated check if paid by check; and
   4-10              (2)  the payoff statement.
   4-11        (g)  An affidavit that is executed and recorded as provided
   4-12  by this section operates as a release of the mortgage described in
   4-13  the affidavit.
   4-14        (h)  The county clerk shall index the affidavit in the names
   4-15  of the original mortgagee and the last assignee of the mortgage
   4-16  appearing of record as the grantors and in the name of the
   4-17  mortgagor as grantee.
   4-18        (i)  A person who knowingly causes an affidavit with false
   4-19  information to be executed and recorded under this section is
   4-20  liable to the state for a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000 and to
   4-21  a party injured by the affidavit for actual damages or $5,000,
   4-22  whichever is greater.  The attorney general may sue to collect the
   4-23  penalty.  If the attorney general or an injured party bringing suit
   4-24  substantially prevails in an action under this subsection, the
   4-25  court may award reasonable attorney's fees and court costs to the
   4-26  prevailing party.
   4-27        SECTION 2.  The importance of this legislation and the
    5-1  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    5-2  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    5-3  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    5-4  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
    5-5  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
    5-6  passage, and it is so enacted.