By:  Danburg                                          H.B. No. 1236
       73R2500 E
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to meet and confer agreements for fire fighters and police
    1-3  officers in certain municipalities.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Chapter 142, Local Government Code, is amended by
    1-6  designating Sections 142.001-142.010 as Subchapter A and adding a
    1-7  heading for Subchapter A to read as follows:
    1-8                 SUBCHAPTER A.  ASSISTANCE, BENEFITS,
    1-9                        AND WORKING CONDITIONS
   1-10        SECTION 2.  Chapter 142, Local Government Code, is amended by
   1-11  adding Subchapter B to read as follows:
   1-13                       MEET AND CONFER CONTRACTS
   1-14        Sec. 142.031.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
   1-15              (1)  "Bargaining agent" means an individual
   1-16  representing a representational employee group composed of sworn
   1-17  certified full-time paid fire department employees, sworn certified
   1-18  full-time paid police department employees, or both.
   1-19              (2)  "Chief negotiator" means an individual who is a
   1-20  bargaining agent appointed by the representational employee groups
   1-21  as their spokesperson when all bargaining groups are in
   1-22  negotiations with the municipality.
   1-23              (3)  "Employee" means a sworn certified full-time paid
   1-24  member of the fire department or a sworn certified full-time paid
    2-1  member of the police department of a municipality.
    2-2              (4)  "Representational employee council" means an
    2-3  assembly of representational employee groups for the purposes of
    2-4  bargaining with a municipality as allowed by this subchapter.
    2-5              (5)  "Representational employee group" means an
    2-6  organization that represents fire or police employees, or both,
    2-7  with a membership that includes not fewer than 100 employees who
    2-8  are active members.
    2-9        Sec. 142.032.  APPLICABILITY.  This subchapter applies only
   2-10  to a municipality with a population of 1.5 million or more that has
   2-11  not adopted The Fire and Police Employee Relations Act (Article
   2-12  5154c-1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
   2-13        Sec. 142.033.  ADOPTION; REPEAL.  (a)  This subchapter
   2-14  applies to a municipality only if the governing body of the
   2-15  municipality has voted to adopt this subchapter.
   2-16        (b)  The adoption of this subchapter by the governing body of
   2-17  a municipality may be repealed only if the governing body votes to
   2-18  repeal it.
   2-19        (c)  A municipality may not repeal adoption of this
   2-20  subchapter while a contract made under this subchapter is in effect
   2-21  for the municipality.
   2-22        Sec. 142.034.  CONTRACT:  SUBJECT; TERM.  (a)  A municipality
   2-23  that has adopted this subchapter shall meet and confer with all
   2-24  bargaining agents recognized under this subchapter as provided by
   2-25  this subchapter.
   2-26        (b)  A contract reached by the meet and confer process:
   2-27              (1)  may address any issues concerning wages, hours,
    3-1  terms, and conditions of employment of the employees for the
    3-2  duration of the contract; and
    3-3              (2)  is binding for the duration of the contract after
    3-4  its ratification by the municipality and the employees.
    3-5        (c)  The term of a contract adopted under this subchapter may
    3-6  not be longer than 36 months, at which time the contract expires
    3-7  unless renewed by both the governing body and the employees under
    3-8  the procedures of this subchapter.
    3-9        (d)  If wages, rates of pay, or another matter requiring
   3-10  appropriations of money by the governing body are to be included in
   3-11  negotiating a mutual agreement under this subchapter, the
   3-12  representational employee groups shall serve written notice of a
   3-13  request for negotiations in the same manner as required under
   3-14  Section 142.037(d) at least 120 days before the conclusion of the
   3-15  current fiscal year.
   3-16        Sec. 142.035.  REPRESENTATIONAL EMPLOYEE GROUPS.  (a)  The
   3-17  president of an organization claiming to be a representational
   3-18  employee group shall file a sworn verification with the secretary
   3-19  of the municipality stating the number of employees who are active
   3-20  dues-paying members of the organization.  Instead of filing a
   3-21  verification, the president may file a list of the active
   3-22  membership of the organization.  The secretary shall keep a record
   3-23  of the representational employee groups.  Shortly before beginning
   3-24  negotiations under Section 142.037, the president of a
   3-25  representational employee group shall re-verify to the secretary
   3-26  the number of employees who are active dues-paying members of the
   3-27  organization.
    4-1        (b)  A representational employee group is entitled to the
    4-2  following number of votes in all decisions made during bargaining:
    4-3              (1)  a group with an active membership of at least 100
    4-4  employees but less than 1,001 employees is entitled to one vote;
    4-5              (2)  a group with an active membership of at least
    4-6  1,001 employees but less than 2,001 employees is entitled to two
    4-7  votes; and
    4-8              (3)  a group with an active membership of 2,001
    4-9  employees or more is entitled to three votes.
   4-10        Sec. 142.036.  DESIGNATED BARGAINING AGENTS.  (a)  A
   4-11  representational employee group shall designate a bargaining agent
   4-12  to represent the group in contract negotiations with the
   4-13  municipality.
   4-14        (b)  A bargaining agent has the number of votes provided to
   4-15  each representational employee group under this subchapter that the
   4-16  agent represents.
   4-17        (c)  The representational employee council's designated
   4-18  bargaining agents shall appoint the chief negotiator for contract
   4-19  negotiations.
   4-20        Sec. 142.037.  NEGOTIATIONS.  (a)  Designated bargaining
   4-21  agents and municipal representatives shall conduct contract
   4-22  negotiations.
   4-23        (b)  The bargaining agents and the municipal representatives
   4-24  have an obligation to meet at reasonable times and to negotiate a
   4-25  contract in good faith.  Each representational employee group under
   4-26  Section 142.035 is entitled to an opportunity to participate in the
   4-27  negotiations through a designated bargaining agent.  The chief
    5-1  negotiator will act as the prime spokesperson for the employees.
    5-2        (c)  Contract negotiations shall begin not later than the
    5-3  90th day before the date an existing contract expires.
    5-4        (d)  If there is no existing contract, contract negotiations
    5-5  shall begin not later than the 35th day after the date that the
    5-6  presiding officer of the governing body of the municipality or the
    5-7  president of a representational employee group sends, to every
    5-8  other entity entitled to participate and as prescribed by this
    5-9  subsection, a written notice of intent to begin negotiations.  The
   5-10  notice must be sent:
   5-11              (1)  by certified or registered mail, return receipt
   5-12  requested;
   5-13              (2)  to the presiding officer of the governing body of
   5-14  the municipality at the mailing address of the secretary of the
   5-15  municipality; and
   5-16              (3)  to the president of each representational employee
   5-17  group at the group's business address.
   5-18        (e)  All parties shall make every effort to come to an
   5-19  agreement through good faith negotiating.  If an impasse is reached
   5-20  in the negotiation process, then any party to the negotiations,
   5-21  after written notice to the other parties containing specifications
   5-22  of the issue or issues in dispute, may request appointment of a
   5-23  mediator.  A mediator may be appointed by agreement of the parties
   5-24  or by an appropriate agency of the state within five days following
   5-25  the expiration of the 60-day pre-impasse period.  If a mediator is
   5-26  requested, the mediator's function is to assist all parties in
   5-27  reaching a voluntary agreement.  A mediator may hold separate or
    6-1  joint conferences to effect a voluntary, amicable, and expeditious
    6-2  settlement of the differences and issues among the parties.  A
    6-3  mediator may not make a public recommendation on any negotiation
    6-4  issue in connection with the mediation process or make a public
    6-5  statement or report that evaluates the relative merits of the
    6-6  position of the parties.  The mediator may recommend to the parties
    6-7  any proposal or procedure that might lead to settlement.  The cost
    6-8  of the mediator will be shared equally among all parties engaged in
    6-9  the negotiations.
   6-10        Sec. 142.038.  PROPOSED CONTRACT.  (a)  A proposed contract
   6-11  reached by negotiators must be:
   6-12              (1)  in writing; and
   6-13              (2)  signed by the presiding officer of the governing
   6-14  body of the municipality and the chief negotiator.
   6-15        (b)  A proposed contract takes effect only if the governing
   6-16  body of the municipality and the employees ratify the proposed
   6-17  contract as prescribed by Sections 142.039-142.041.
   6-18        Sec. 142.039.  ORDER OF VOTING.  Voting related to a proposed
   6-19  contract is in the following order:
   6-20              (1)  the bargaining agents who participate in the
   6-21  negotiations vote to propose the contract they have negotiated with
   6-22  the representatives of the municipality and have approved by a
   6-23  majority vote;
   6-24              (2)  the governing body of the municipality votes to
   6-25  ratify the proposed contract as prescribed by Section 142.040; and
   6-26              (3)  the employees vote to ratify the proposed contract
   6-27  as prescribed by Section 142.041.
    7-1        Sec. 142.040.  VOTING:  GOVERNING BODY OF MUNICIPALITY.  (a)
    7-2  A majority vote of the governing body of the municipality is
    7-3  necessary to ratify the contract.  The governing body may ratify
    7-4  the contract only if it finds that, under the circumstances
    7-5  existing in the municipality, the contract promotes the public
    7-6  interest.
    7-7        (b)  A contract negotiated under this subchapter does not
    7-8  require a referendum vote.
    7-9        Sec. 142.041.  VOTING:  EMPLOYEES.  (a)  If the governing
   7-10  body of the municipality votes to ratify the proposed contract, the
   7-11  governing body of the municipality shall submit the proposed
   7-12  contract to the employees for ratification or rejection.
   7-13        (b)  A vote by the employees of the municipality:
   7-14              (1)  shall begin not later than the 30th day after the
   7-15  date the contract is ratified by the governing body of the
   7-16  municipality;
   7-17              (2)  shall continue for a period of five consecutive
   7-18  days; and
   7-19              (3)  must be on a written ballot containing only the
   7-20  proposition to ratify or reject the proposed contract.
   7-21        (c)  Each fire and police station must have voting places
   7-22  available to employees during every shift throughout the voting
   7-23  period.
   7-24        (d)  Each employee is entitled to only one vote.
   7-25        (e)  Ratification of the proposed contract is by a majority
   7-26  vote.
   7-27        Sec. 142.042.  EFFECT ON OTHER LAWS.  (a)  This subchapter
    8-1  does not restrict or abolish any provision of Chapter 143, Local
    8-2  Government Code.
    8-3        (b)  A contract under this subchapter may not diminish or
    8-4  qualify any right, benefit, or privilege of an employee under this
    8-5  chapter or other state law.
    8-6        (c)  A contract may expand a right or privilege of an
    8-7  employee under other state law.
    8-8        (d)  A contract may not allow the right to strike by public
    8-9  employees, as prohibited by state law.
   8-10        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
   8-11  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   8-12  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   8-13  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   8-14  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   8-15  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   8-16  passage, and it is so enacted.