H.B. No. 1447
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to affidavits concerning cost and necessity of services in
    1-3  certain civil actions.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 18, Civil Practice and
    1-6  Remedies Code, is amended by adding Section 18.002 to read as
    1-7  follows:
    1-8        Sec. 18.002.  FORM OF AFFIDAVIT.  (a)  An affidavit
    1-9  concerning cost and necessity of services by the person who
   1-10  provided the service is sufficient if it follows the following
   1-11  form:
   1-12  No.______________________
   1-13              John Doe (Name )          IN THE _______
   1-14              of Plaintiff)  )          COURT IN AND FOR
   1-15                     v.      )          _______ COUNTY,
   1-16              John Roe (Name )          TEXAS
   1-17              of Defendant)  )
   1-18                               AFFIDAVIT
   1-19        Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared
   1-20  ______(NAME OF AFFIANT)______, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed
   1-21  as follows:
   1-22        My name is ____(NAME OF AFFIANT)_______.  I am of sound mind
   1-23  and capable of making this affidavit.
   1-24        On __________(DATE)__________, I provided a service to
    2-1  ____(NAME OF PERSON WHO RECEIVED SERVICE)____.  An itemized
    2-2  statement of the service and the charge for the service is attached
    2-3  to this affidavit and is a part of this affidavit.
    2-4        The service I provided was necessary and the amount that I
    2-5  charged for the service was reasonable at the time and place that
    2-6  the service was provided.
    2-7                          ___________________________________________
    2-8                          Affiant
    2-9  SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me on the ________________day of
   2-10  ______________, 19__.
   2-11  My commission expires:
   2-12  ______________________
   2-13                          ___________________________________________
   2-14                          Notary Public, State of Texas
   2-15                          Notary's printed name:
   2-16                          ___________________________________________
   2-17        (b)  An affidavit concerning cost and necessity of services
   2-18  by the person who is in charge of records showing the service
   2-19  provided and the charge made is sufficient if it follows the
   2-20  following form:
   2-21  No.______________________
   2-22              John Doe (Name )          IN THE _______
   2-23              of Plaintiff)  )          COURT IN AND FOR
   2-24                     v.      )          _______ COUNTY,
   2-25              John Roe (Name )          TEXAS
   2-26              of Defendant)  )
   2-27                               AFFIDAVIT
    3-1        Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared
    3-2  ______(NAME OF AFFIANT)______, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed
    3-3  as follows:
    3-4        My name is _____(NAME OF AFFIANT)_______.  I am of sound mind
    3-5  and capable of making this affidavit.
    3-6        I am the person in charge of records of ______(PERSON WHO
    3-7  PROVIDED THE SERVICE)______.  Attached to this affidavit are
    3-8  records that provide an itemized statement of the service and the
    3-9  charge  for  the  service  that ______(PERSON  WHO  PROVIDED   THE
   3-10  SERVICE)______   provided   to   ______(PERSON   WHO  RECEIVED THE
   3-11  SERVICE)______ on ________(DATE)________.  The attached records are
   3-12  a part of this affidavit.
   3-13        The attached records are kept by me in the regular course of
   3-14  business.  The information contained in the records was transmitted
   3-15  to me in the regular course of business by ______(PERSON WHO
   3-16  PROVIDED THE SERVICE)______ or an employee or representative of
   3-17  ______(PERSON WHO PROVIDED THE SERVICE)______ who had personal
   3-18  knowledge of the information.  The records were made at or near the
   3-19  time or reasonably soon after the time that the service was
   3-20  provided.   The records are the original or an exact duplicate of
   3-21  the original.
   3-22        The service provided was necessary and the amount charged for
   3-23  the service was reasonable at the time and place that the service
   3-24  was provided.
   3-25                          ___________________________________________
   3-26                          Affiant
   3-27  SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me on the ________________day of
    4-1  ______________, 19__.
    4-2  My commission expires:
    4-3  ______________________
    4-4                          ___________________________________________
    4-5                          Notary Public, State of Texas
    4-6                          Notary's printed name:
    4-7                          ___________________________________________
    4-8        (c)  The form of an affidavit provided by this section is not
    4-9  exclusive and an affidavit that substantially complies with Section
   4-10  18.001 is sufficient.
   4-11        SECTION 2.  The importance of this legislation and the
   4-12  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   4-13  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   4-14  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   4-15  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   4-16  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   4-17  passage, and it is so enacted.