By:  Kubiak                                           H.B. No. 1637
       73R4696 JMM-D
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the regulation of proprietary schools by the Texas
    1-3  Department of Licensing and Regulation.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Section 32.11, Education Code, is amended by
    1-6  amending Subdivisions (5) and (6) and adding Subdivision (10) to
    1-7  read as follows:
    1-8              (5)  "Commissioner" <"Administrator"> means the
    1-9  commissioner <State Commissioner> of licensing and regulation
   1-10  <Education> or a person, knowledgeable in the administration of
   1-11  regulating proprietary schools, designated by the Commissioner to
   1-12  administer the provisions of this chapter.
   1-13              (6)  "Notice to the school" means written
   1-14  correspondence sent to the address of record for legal service
   1-15  contained in the application for a certificate of approval.  "Date
   1-16  of Notice" means the date the notice is mailed by the commissioner
   1-17  <administrator>.
   1-18              (10)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
   1-19  Licensing and Regulation.
   1-20        SECTION 2.  Section 32.12, Education Code, is amended to read
   1-21  as follows:
   1-22        Sec. 32.12.  EXEMPTIONS.  (a)  The following schools or
   1-23  educational institutions are specifically exempt from the
   1-24  provisions of this chapter and are not within the definition of
    2-1  "proprietary school":
    2-2              (1)  a school or educational institution supported by
    2-3  taxation from either a local or State source;
    2-4              (2)  nonprofit schools owned, controlled, operated, and
    2-5  conducted by bona fide religious, denominational, eleemosynary, or
    2-6  similar public institutions exempt from property taxation under the
    2-7  laws of this State, but such schools may choose to apply for a
    2-8  certificate of approval hereunder, and upon approval and issuance,
    2-9  shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter as determined by
   2-10  the commissioner <administrator>;
   2-11              (3)  a school or training program which offers
   2-12  instruction of purely avocational or recreational subjects as
   2-13  determined by the commissioner <administrator>;
   2-14              (4)  a course or courses of instruction or study
   2-15  sponsored by an employer for the training and preparation of its
   2-16  own employees, and for which no tuition fee is charged to the
   2-17  student;
   2-18              (5)  a course or courses of study or instruction
   2-19  sponsored by a recognized trade, business, or professional
   2-20  organization for the instruction of the members of the organization
   2-21  with a closed membership;
   2-22              (6)  private colleges or universities which award a
   2-23  recognized baccalaureate, or higher degree, and which maintain and
   2-24  operate educational programs for which a majority of the credits
   2-25  given are transferable to a college, junior college, or university
   2-26  supported entirely or partly by taxation from either a local or
   2-27  State source;
    3-1              (7)  a school which is otherwise regulated and approved
    3-2  under and pursuant to any other law of the State, except as
    3-3  provided by Subsection (c) of this section;
    3-4              (8)  aviation schools or instructors approved by and
    3-5  under the supervision of the Federal Aviation Administration;
    3-6              (9)  a school which offers intensive review courses
    3-7  designed to prepare students for certified public accountancy
    3-8  tests, public accountancy tests, law school aptitude tests, bar
    3-9  examinations, or medical college admissions tests.
   3-10        (b)  Schools offering a course or courses of special study or
   3-11  instruction financed and/or subsidized by local, state or federal
   3-12  funds or any person, firm, association, or agency other than the
   3-13  student involved, on a contract basis and having a closed
   3-14  enrollment may apply to the commissioner <Administrator> for
   3-15  exemption of such course or courses from the provisions of this
   3-16  Chapter and such course or courses may be declared exempt by the
   3-17  commissioner <Administrator> where the commissioner <he> finds the
   3-18  course or courses to be outside the purview of this Chapter.
   3-19        (c)  If a State agency that issues a license or other
   3-20  authorization for the practice of an occupation elects not to
   3-21  regulate or approve course hours that exceed the minimum education
   3-22  requirements for the issuance of the license or other
   3-23  authorization, the licensing agency shall enter into a memorandum
   3-24  of understanding with the department <Central Education Agency> for
   3-25  the regulation of those excess course hours under this chapter.
   3-26  Any course taught under a letter of approval or other written
   3-27  authorization issued by the licensing agency before the effective
    4-1  date of the memorandum is authorized under State law until the
    4-2  course is reviewed by the department <Central Education Agency>.
    4-3  The licensing agency may terminate the memorandum of understanding
    4-4  on notice to the department <Central Education Agency>.
    4-5        SECTION 3.  Section 32.21, Education Code, is amended to read
    4-6  as follows:
    4-8  EDUCATION AGENCY>.  (a)  The Texas Department of Licensing and
    4-9  Regulation <Central Education Agency> shall exercise jurisdiction
   4-10  and control of the system of schools, and it shall be the duty of
   4-11  the Commissioner <of Education> to carry out supervision of the
   4-12  provisions of this chapter, and to enforce minimum standards for
   4-13  approval of schools under the operating regulations and policies
   4-14  hereinafter set forth and as may from time to time be adopted
   4-15  pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
   4-16        (b)  The department <Central Education Agency> shall prepare
   4-17  a comparison of the cost to a student of courses of instruction or
   4-18  training programs at proprietary schools to the cost to a student
   4-19  of similar courses or programs at schools that are exempt from this
   4-20  chapter under Section 32.12 of this code.
   4-21        (c)  The department <agency> may consult a recognized expert
   4-22  in a field of study for assistance in determining minimum program
   4-23  standards under this chapter for that field.
   4-24        (d)  The department <Central Education Agency> and the Texas
   4-25  Higher Education Coordinating Board shall adopt a memorandum of
   4-26  understanding which develops guidelines for coordinating the
   4-27  regulation of proprietary schools and courses that are subject to
    5-1  Sections 61.301 through 61.317 and Chapter 32 of this code.   The
    5-2  memorandum shall include provisions which:
    5-3              (1)  clearly identify the responsibilities of each
    5-4  agency in regulating proprietary schools;
    5-5              (2)  ensure that the rules adopted by both agencies
    5-6  pursuant to the memorandum of understanding are not duplicative or
    5-7  in conflict; and
    5-8              (3)  establish procedures for ensuring that information
    5-9  affecting the proprietary school regulatory activities of both
   5-10  agencies is shared between the agencies.
   5-11        SECTION 4.  Section 32.22, Education Code, is amended to read
   5-12  as follows:
   5-13        Sec. 32.22.  Rulemaking Authority <The State Board of
   5-14  Education>.  The commissioner <State Board of Education> shall
   5-15  adopt policies, regulations and rules necessary for carrying out
   5-16  the provisions of this chapter after consultation with the
   5-17  Proprietary School Advisory Commission.
   5-18        SECTION 5.  Sections 32.23(a), (c), (d), and (f), Education
   5-19  Code, are amended to read as follows:
   5-20        (a)  The Proprietary School Advisory Commission is created.
   5-21  The Commission shall be composed of nine members appointed by the
   5-22  commissioner <State Board of Education> for staggered terms of six
   5-23  (6) years expiring on January 31 of each odd-numbered year.  If one
   5-24  of the commission members resigns or is otherwise unable to serve,
   5-25  a new member shall be appointed by the commissioner <State Board of
   5-26  Education> to fill the unexpired terms.  Four members of the
   5-27  Commission shall be "owners" or shall be "employees" employed in a
    6-1  managerial or executive capacity by the schools as defined in
    6-2  Section 32.11 of this Code and shall include at least one member
    6-3  from each of the following school areas:  (1) trade and technical
    6-4  schools, (2) business schools and (3) correspondence schools; of
    6-5  these four members, one shall be a person who owns or operates not
    6-6  more than two (2) proprietary schools in Texas; one member shall be
    6-7  a public school official; and four members shall be distinguished
    6-8  citizens of Texas who do not have a direct connection to
    6-9  vocational-technical training.  <All members appointed by the State
   6-10  Board of Education shall have been recommended by the Administrator
   6-11  to the State Board of Education.  In making his recommendations,
   6-12  the Administrator shall consider any recommendations made to him by
   6-13  parties interested in the composition of the Advisory Commission.>
   6-14  The attorney general and the director of the Texas Guaranteed
   6-15  Student Loan Corporation are ex officio members of the Advisory
   6-16  Commission.
   6-17        (c)  The commission shall meet regularly in Austin at 10:00
   6-18  a.m. on the second Tuesday of January, May, and September, and
   6-19  shall conduct special meetings at the call of the chair, the
   6-20  commissioner <administrator>, or upon the written petition of at
   6-21  least four members of the commission.
   6-22        (d)  A member of the commission serves without compensation
   6-23  but upon presentation of a voucher signed by the chairman of the
   6-24  commission and approved by the commissioner <administrator> is
   6-25  entitled to receive reimbursement for actual expenses incurred
   6-26  while traveling on official commission business in accordance with
   6-27  the policy and regulations of the State of Texas.
    7-1        (f)  The commission shall be advisory in nature.  It shall
    7-2  act with the advice and assistance of the commissioner
    7-3  <administrator> and may hold hearings upon substantive changes in
    7-4  rules, regulations and minimum standards.  The advice of the
    7-5  commission with respect to the policies, regulations, minimum
    7-6  standards, and rules for carrying out the provisions of this
    7-7  chapter, shall be forwarded <by the administrator> to the
    7-8  commissioner <State Board of Education>.
    7-9        SECTION 6.  Section 32.24, Education Code, is amended to read
   7-10  as follows:
   7-11        Sec. 32.24.  Duties of Commissioner <Administrator>.  <(a)>
   7-12  The commissioner <administrator> shall carry out the policies of
   7-13  this chapter and enforce the rules and regulations adopted under
   7-14  this chapter <by the State Board of Education>.  The commissioner
   7-15  <He> shall also certify the names of those schools meeting the
   7-16  requirements for a certificate of approval.
   7-17        <(b)  The administrator may adopt and enforce temporary rules
   7-18  and regulations pursuant to the provisions of this chapter but the
   7-19  temporary rules and regulations are valid only until the next
   7-20  meeting of the State Board of Education.>
   7-21        SECTION 7.  Section 32.25, Education Code, is amended to read
   7-22  as follows:
   7-23        Sec. 32.25.  Memorandum of Understanding for Regulation of
   7-24  Proprietary Schools.  (a)  The department <Central Education
   7-25  Agency> shall develop, in consultation with the Texas Guaranteed
   7-26  Student Loan Corporation and each state agency that regulates
   7-27  proprietary schools in this state, a comprehensive strategy to
    8-1  reduce default rates at the regulated proprietary schools and to
    8-2  improve the overall quality of the programs operated by these
    8-3  schools.
    8-4        (b)  The department <Central Education Agency> shall execute
    8-5  a memorandum of understanding outlining the strategy with the
    8-6  corporation and each state agency regulating proprietary schools
    8-7  and shall adopt rules to carry out its duties under this section.
    8-8  The Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation shall adopt the
    8-9  memorandum of understanding as procedures of the corporation, and
   8-10  each agency by rule shall adopt the memorandum of understanding.
   8-11        (c)  The memorandum of understanding shall:
   8-12              (1)  require the development and monitoring of
   8-13  indicators that identify schools that have excessive loan default
   8-14  rates, poor program performance, or both;
   8-15              (2)  require the sharing of specific information
   8-16  relating to the indicators between the department <Central
   8-17  Education Agency> and the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation
   8-18  or other agency; and
   8-19              (3)  require the application of specific sanctions by
   8-20  the department <Central Education Agency> or by the Texas
   8-21  Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation or other agency, as
   8-22  appropriate, to lower the default rates, improve program
   8-23  performance, or both.
   8-24        (d)  If the department <Central Education Agency> enters a
   8-25  memorandum of understanding with the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan
   8-26  Corporation related to the regulation of proprietary schools, the
   8-27  department <agency> may require each proprietary school governed by
    9-1  this chapter to provide information to the department <agency> that
    9-2  is necessary for the purposes of the memorandum of understanding.
    9-3        SECTION 8.  Section 32.31(a), Education Code, is amended to
    9-4  read as follows:
    9-5        (a)  A school may not maintain, advertise, solicit for, or
    9-6  conduct any course of instruction in Texas before the later of:
    9-7              (1)  the 30th day after the date the school applies for
    9-8  a certificate of approval under this chapter; or
    9-9              (2)  the date the school receives a certificate of
   9-10  approval from the commissioner <administrator>.
   9-11        SECTION 9.  Section 32.32, Education Code, is amended to read
   9-12  as follows:
   9-13        Sec. 32.32.  Application for Certificate of Approval.  Every
   9-14  proprietary school desiring to operate in the State of Texas or do
   9-15  business in the State shall make written application to the
   9-16  department <administrator> for a certificate of approval.  Such
   9-17  application shall be verified, be in such form as may be prescribed
   9-18  by the department <State Board of Education>, and shall furnish the
   9-19  department <administrator> such information as <he> may be required
   9-20  <require>.
   9-21        SECTION 10.  Section 32.33, Education Code, is amended to
   9-22  read as follows:
   9-23        Sec. 32.33.  Criteria.  The commissioner <administrator> may
   9-24  approve the application of such proprietary school when the school
   9-25  is found, upon investigation at the premises of the school, to have
   9-26  met the following criteria:
   9-27              (a)  The courses, curriculum, and instruction are of
   10-1  such quality, content, and length as may reasonably and adequately
   10-2  achieve the stated objective for which the courses, curriculum or
   10-3  instruction are offered.
   10-4              (b)  There is in the school adequate space, equipment,
   10-5  instructional material and instructor personnel to provide training
   10-6  of good quality.
   10-7              (c)  Educational and experience qualifications of
   10-8  directors, administrators and instructors are adequate.
   10-9              (d)  The school maintains a written record of the
  10-10  previous education and training of the applicant student and
  10-11  clearly indicates that appropriate credit has been given by the
  10-12  school for previous education and training, with the new training
  10-13  period shortened where warranted through use of appropriate skills
  10-14  or achievement tests and the student so notified.
  10-15              (e)  A copy of the course outline; schedule of tuition,
  10-16  fees, refund policy, and other charges; regulations pertaining to
  10-17  absence, grading policy, and rules of operation and conduct;
  10-18  regulations pertaining to incomplete grades; the name, mailing
  10-19  address, and telephone number of the department <Central Education
  10-20  Agency> for the purpose of directing complaints to the agency; the
  10-21  current rates of job placement and employment of students issued a
  10-22  certificate of completion; and notification of the availability of
  10-23  the cost comparison information prepared under Section 32.21(b) of
  10-24  this code through the department <Central Education Agency> will be
  10-25  furnished the student prior to enrollment.
  10-26              (f)  Except as provided by Section 32.40 of this code,
  10-27  on completion of training, the student is given a certificate by
   11-1  the school indicating the course and that training was
   11-2  satisfactorily completed.
   11-3              (g)  Adequate records as prescribed by the commissioner
   11-4  <administrator> are kept to show attendance and progress or grades,
   11-5  and satisfactory standards relating to attendance, progress and
   11-6  conduct are enforced.
   11-7              (h)  The school complies with all local, city, county,
   11-8  municipal, state and federal regulations, such as fire, building
   11-9  and sanitation codes.  The commissioner <administrator> may require
  11-10  such evidence of compliance as is deemed necessary.
  11-11              (i)  The school is financially sound and capable of
  11-12  fulfilling its commitments for training.
  11-13              (j)  The school's administrators, directors, owners,
  11-14  and instructors are of good reputation and character.
  11-15              (k)  The school has, maintains and publishes in its
  11-16  catalogue and enrollment contract, the proper policy for the refund
  11-17  of the unused portion of tuition, fees and other charges in the
  11-18  event the student enrolled by the school fails to take the course
  11-19  or withdraws or is discontinued therefrom at any time prior to
  11-20  completion.
  11-21              (l)  The school does not utilize erroneous or
  11-22  misleading advertising, either by actual statement, omission, or
  11-23  intimation as determined by the department <State Board of
  11-24  Education>.
  11-25              (m)  Such additional criteria as may be required by the
  11-26  commissioner <State Board of Education>.
  11-27              (n)  The school does not use a name like or similar to
   12-1  an existing tax supported school in the same area.
   12-2              (o)  The school furnishes to the department <Central
   12-3  Education Agency> the current rates of students who receive a
   12-4  certificate of completion and of job placement and employment of
   12-5  students issued a certificate of completion.
   12-6              (p)  The school furnishes to the department <Central
   12-7  Education Agency> for approval or disapproval student admission
   12-8  requirements for each course or program offered by the school.
   12-9              (q)  The school furnishes to the department <Central
  12-10  Education Agency> for approval or disapproval the course hour
  12-11  lengths and curriculum content for each course offered by the
  12-12  school.
  12-13              (r)  The school does not owe a civil penalty under
  12-14  Section 32.611 of this code.
  12-15        SECTION 11.  Sections 32.34(a), (d), and (f), Education Code,
  12-16  are amended to read as follows:
  12-17        (a)  The department <administrator>, upon review of an
  12-18  application for a certificate of approval duly submitted in
  12-19  accordance with the provisions of Section 32.32 and meeting the
  12-20  requirements of Section 32.33 of this chapter, shall issue a
  12-21  certificate of approval to the applicant school.  The certificate
  12-22  of approval shall be in a form prescribed <recommended by the
  12-23  commission and approved> by the commissioner <State Board of
  12-24  Education> and shall state in a clear and conspicuous manner at
  12-25  least the following information:
  12-26              (1)  date of issuance, effective date, and term of
  12-27  approval;
   13-1              (2)  correct name and address of the school;
   13-2              (3)  authority for approval and conditions of approval,
   13-3  if any, referring specifically to the approved catalogue or
   13-4  bulletin published by the school;
   13-5              (4)  signature of the commissioner <administrator> or
   13-6  such person as may have been designated <by him> to administer the
   13-7  provisions of this chapter; and
   13-8              (5)  any other fair and reasonable representations that
   13-9  are consistent with this chapter and deemed necessary by the
  13-10  commissioner <administrator>.
  13-11        (d)  At least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of a
  13-12  certificate of approval, the school shall forward to the department
  13-13  <administrator> an application for renewal.  The department
  13-14  <administrator> shall reexamine the school at the premises of the
  13-15  school and either renew or cancel the school's certificate of
  13-16  approval.  If a school fails to file a complete application for
  13-17  renewal at least thirty (30) days before the expiration date of the
  13-18  certificate of approval, the school, as a condition of renewal,
  13-19  must pay, in addition to the annual renewal fee, a late renewal fee
  13-20  in an amount established by Texas Commission of Licensing and
  13-21  Regulation <State Board of Education> rule of at least $100.
  13-22        (f)  The commissioner <administrator> shall visit a school to
  13-23  reexamine the school for compliance with the criteria provided by
  13-24  Section 32.33 of this code not later than three months after the
  13-25  date a school begins operation or after a change in ownership of a
  13-26  school.
  13-27        SECTION 12.  Section 32.35(a), Education Code, is amended to
   14-1  read as follows:
   14-2        (a)  If the department <administrator>, upon review and
   14-3  consideration of an application for certificate of approval, shall
   14-4  determine the applicant to be unacceptable, the department
   14-5  <administrator> shall set forth the reasons for denial, in writing,
   14-6  to the applicant.
   14-7        SECTION 13.  Section 32.36, Education Code, is amended to
   14-8  read as follows:
   14-9        Sec. 32.36.  Revocation of Certificate of Approval.  (a)  The
  14-10  commissioner <Administrator> may revoke an issued certificate of
  14-11  approval or place reasonable conditions upon the continued approval
  14-12  represented by the certificate.  Prior to revocation or imposition
  14-13  of conditions upon a certificate of approval, the commissioner
  14-14  <Administrator> shall notify the holder of the certificate, in
  14-15  writing, of the impending action and set forth the grounds for the
  14-16  action.  The commissioner <Administrator> may reexamine a school
  14-17  two or more times during each year in which a notice relating to
  14-18  the school has been issued or conditions have been imposed on the
  14-19  school under this subsection.
  14-20        (b)  A certificate of approval may be revoked or made
  14-21  conditional if the commissioner <Administrator> has reasonable
  14-22  cause to believe that the school is guilty of a violation of this
  14-23  chapter or of any rules and regulations promulgated hereunder.
  14-24        SECTION 14.  Sections 32.37(a), (b), (c), and (e), Education
  14-25  Code, are amended to read as follows:
  14-26        (a)  All representatives employed by a school shall register
  14-27  with the department <administrator>.  Application for registration
   15-1  may be made at any time and shall be based on information submitted
   15-2  in accordance with the provisions of Section 32.32 of this chapter.
   15-3        (b)  Registration of a representative shall be effective upon
   15-4  receipt of notice from the department <administrator> and shall
   15-5  remain in effect for a period not in excess of twelve (12) calendar
   15-6  months.  Renewal of representative registration shall be in
   15-7  accordance with the renewal application form forwarded to the
   15-8  school by the department <administrator>.
   15-9        (c)  Denial or revocation of registration of a representative
  15-10  by the commissioner <administrator> shall be in accordance with the
  15-11  provisions of this chapter applicable to denial or revocation of a
  15-12  certificate of approval; provided, however, the commissioner
  15-13  <administrator> may deny, suspend or revoke the registration of a
  15-14  representative who has been convicted of a felony, whether within
  15-15  or without the State of Texas.
  15-16        (e)  The commissioner <administrator> shall deny registration
  15-17  of a representative who owes a civil penalty under Section 32.611
  15-18  of this code.
  15-19        SECTION 15.  Sections 32.38(a), (c), and (e), Education Code,
  15-20  are amended to read as follows:
  15-21        (a)  Before a certificate of approval is issued under this
  15-22  chapter, a bond shall be provided by the school for the period
  15-23  during which the certificate of approval is issued, and the
  15-24  obligation of the bond shall be that neither a provision of this
  15-25  chapter nor any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto shall
  15-26  be violated by the school or any of its officers, agents, or
  15-27  employees.  The bond shall be in the penal sum of $5,000 or a
   16-1  multiple of $5,000 that is not greater than $25,000.  The
   16-2  commissioner <administrator> shall determine the amount based on
   16-3  the evidence the school submits of its projected maximum total
   16-4  unearned tuition during the period of the certificate of approval.
   16-5  The bond shall be a corporate surety bond issued by a company
   16-6  authorized to do business in the State, conditioned that the
   16-7  parties thereto shall pay all damages or expenses which the State
   16-8  or any governmental subdivision thereof, or any student or
   16-9  potential student may sustain resulting from a violation.  The bond
  16-10  shall be to the State to be used only for payment of a tuition
  16-11  refund due to a student or potential student.  The bond shall be
  16-12  filed with the commissioner <administrator> and shall be in such
  16-13  form as shall be approved by the commissioner <administrator>.
  16-14        (c)  In lieu of the corporate surety bond required in
  16-15  Subsection (a) of this Section, the school may, in the alternative,
  16-16  provide any other similar certificate or evidence of indebtedness
  16-17  as may be acceptable to the commissioner <Administrator>, provided
  16-18  that the Certificate or evidence of indebtedness meets all the
  16-19  requirements applicable to the corporate surety bond.
  16-20        (e)  The commissioner <administrator>, for good cause shown,
  16-21  <as recommended by the commission and approved by the State Board
  16-22  of Education,> may waive and suspend the requirements set forth in
  16-23  Subsections (a) and (c) of this Section with respect to schools
  16-24  operating wholly or in part under a federal grant where no tuition
  16-25  fee is charged to the student.
  16-26        SECTION 16.  Sections 32.39(b), (c), and (e), Education Code,
  16-27  are amended to read as follows:
   17-1        (b)  As a condition for granting certification, each school
   17-2  must maintain a policy for the refund of the unused portion of
   17-3  tuition, fees, and other charges in the event the student, after
   17-4  expiration of the 72-hour cancellation privilege, fails to enter
   17-5  the course, or withdraws, or is discontinued therefrom at any time
   17-6  prior to completion, and such policy must provide:
   17-7              (1)  refunds for resident courses will be based on the
   17-8  period of enrollment computed on the basis of course time expressed
   17-9  in clock hours;
  17-10              (2)  the effective date of the termination for refund
  17-11  purposes in residence schools will be the earliest of the
  17-12  following:
  17-13                    (A)  the last date of attendance, if the student
  17-14  is terminated by the school;
  17-15                    (B)  the date of receipt of written notice from
  17-16  the student;
  17-17                    (C)  ten school days following the last date of
  17-18  attendance;
  17-19              (3)  if tuition is collected in advance of entrance,
  17-20  and if, after expiration of the 72-hour cancellation privilege, the
  17-21  student does not enter the residence school, not more than $100
  17-22  shall be retained by the school;
  17-23              (4)  for the student who enters a residence course of
  17-24  not more than 12 months in length, terminates or withdraws, the
  17-25  school may retain $100 of tuition and fees and the minimum refund
  17-26  of the remaining tuition will be:
  17-27                    (A)  during the first week or one-tenth of the
   18-1  course, whichever is less, 90 percent of the remaining tuition;
   18-2                    (B)  after the first week or one-tenth of the
   18-3  course, whichever is less, but within the first three weeks of the
   18-4  course, 80 percent of the remaining tuition;
   18-5                    (C)  after the first three weeks of the course,
   18-6  but within the first quarter of the course, 75 percent of the
   18-7  remaining tuition;
   18-8                    (D)  during the second quarter of the course, 50
   18-9  percent of the remaining tuition;
  18-10                    (E)  during the third quarter of the course, 10
  18-11  percent of the remaining tuition;
  18-12                    (F)  during the last quarter of the course, the
  18-13  student may be considered obligated for the full tuition;
  18-14              (5)  for residence courses more than 12 months in
  18-15  length, the refund shall be applied to each 12-month period, or
  18-16  part thereof separately;
  18-17              (6)  refunds of items of extra expense to the student,
  18-18  such as instructional supplies, books, student activities,
  18-19  laboratory fees, service charges, rentals, deposits, and all other
  18-20  such ancillary miscellaneous charges, where these items are
  18-21  separately stated and shown in the data furnished the student
  18-22  before enrollment, will be made in a reasonable manner acceptable
  18-23  to the commissioner <administrator>;
  18-24              (7)  refunds based on enrollment in residence schools
  18-25  will be totally consummated within 30 days after the effective date
  18-26  of termination;
  18-27              (8)  refunds for correspondence courses will be
   19-1  computed on the basis of the number of lessons in the course;
   19-2              (9)  the effective date of the termination for refund
   19-3  purposes in correspondence courses will be the earliest of the
   19-4  following:
   19-5                    (A)  the date of notification to the student if
   19-6  the student is terminated;
   19-7                    (B)  the date of receipt of written notice from
   19-8  the student;
   19-9                    (C)  the end of the third calendar month
  19-10  following the month in which the student's last lesson assignment
  19-11  was received unless notification has been received from the student
  19-12  that he wishes to remain enrolled;
  19-13              (10)  if tuition is collected before any lessons have
  19-14  been completed, and if, after expiration of the 72-hour
  19-15  cancellation privilege, the student fails to begin the course, not
  19-16  more than $50 shall be retained by the school;
  19-17              (11)  in cases of termination or withdrawal after the
  19-18  student has begun the correspondence course, the school may retain
  19-19  $50 of tuition and fees, and the minimum refund policy must provide
  19-20  that the student will be refunded the pro rata portion of the
  19-21  remaining tuition fees and other charges that the number of lessons
  19-22  completed and serviced by the school bears to the total number of
  19-23  lessons in the course;
  19-24              (12)  refunds based on enrollment in correspondence
  19-25  schools will be totally consummated within 30 days after the
  19-26  effective date of termination.
  19-27        (c)  In lieu of the refund policy herein set forth, for
   20-1  programs of instruction not regularly offered to the general
   20-2  public, the department <State Board of Education> may, for good
   20-3  cause shown, amend, modify, substitute and/or alter the terms of
   20-4  such policy due to the specialized nature and objective of the
   20-5  subject school's course of instruction.
   20-6        (e)  If a refund is not made within the period required by
   20-7  this section, the school shall pay interest on the refund for the
   20-8  interval beginning with the first day following the expiration of
   20-9  the refund period and ending with the day immediately preceding the
  20-10  date the refund is made.  If the refund is made to a lending
  20-11  institution, the interest shall also be paid to that institution
  20-12  and applied against the student's loan.  The commissioner <of
  20-13  education> annually shall establish the level of interest at a
  20-14  level sufficient to provide a deterrent to the retention of student
  20-15  funds.  The department <Central Education Agency> may exempt a
  20-16  school from the payment of the interest if the school makes a good
  20-17  faith effort to refund the tuition but is unable to locate the
  20-18  student.  The school shall provide to the department <agency> on
  20-19  request documentation of the effort to locate the student.
  20-20        SECTION 17.  Section 32.41, Education Code, is amended to
  20-21  read as follows:
  20-22        Sec. 32.41.  Hearing.  Should the applicant be dissatisfied
  20-23  with the denial of a certificate of approval by the commissioner
  20-24  <Administrator>, the applicant shall have the right to appeal the
  20-25  decision of the commissioner <Administrator> and request a hearing
  20-26  with the commissioner or a hearing officer appointed by the
  20-27  commissioner <Administrator> within fifteen (15) days after receipt
   21-1  of notice.  Upon receipt of the request for a hearing, the
   21-2  commissioner <Administrator> shall set a time and place for said
   21-3  hearing and then send notice to the school of said time and place.
   21-4  Said hearing shall be held within thirty (30) days from the receipt
   21-5  of the request for a hearing.  At said hearing, an applicant may
   21-6  appear in person or by counsel and present evidence to the
   21-7  commissioner or a hearing officer appointed by the commissioner
   21-8  <Administrator> in support of the granting of the permit specified
   21-9  herein.  All interested persons may also appear and present oral
  21-10  and documentary evidence to the commissioner or a hearing officer
  21-11  appointed by the commissioner <Administrator>, concerning the
  21-12  issuance of a certificate of approval to the applicant school.
  21-13  Within ten (10) days after the hearing, the commissioner
  21-14  <Administrator> shall send notice to the school either affirming or
  21-15  revoking the denial of the certificate of approval.
  21-16        SECTION 18.  Sections 32.42(a), (c), and (d), Education Code,
  21-17  are amended to read as follows:
  21-18        (a)  The commissioner's <administrator's> decision may be
  21-19  appealed to a District Court in Travis County.
  21-20        (c)  Unless stayed by the Court upon a showing of good cause,
  21-21  the commissioner's <administrator's> decision may not be superseded
  21-22  during the appeal.
  21-23        (d)  Upon the filing of the lawsuit, citation shall be served
  21-24  upon the commissioner <administrator>.  Whereupon, the commissioner
  21-25  <administrator> shall cause to be made a complete record of all
  21-26  proceedings had before the commissioner or hearing examiner
  21-27  <administrator>, and shall certify a copy of the proceedings to the
   22-1  Court.  Trial before the Court shall be upon the basis of the
   22-2  record made before the commissioner or hearing examiner
   22-3  <administrator>, and the Court shall make its decision based upon
   22-4  the record.  The commissioner's <administrator's> decision shall be
   22-5  affirmed by the Court if the Court finds substantial evidence in
   22-6  the record to justify the decision, unless the Court finds the
   22-7  order to be:
   22-8              (1)  arbitrary and capricious, or
   22-9              (2)  in violation of the Constitution or laws of the
  22-10  State of Texas, or
  22-11              (3)  in violation of rules and regulations promulgated
  22-12  by the commissioner <State Board of Education> pursuant to the
  22-13  provisions of the Act.
  22-14        SECTION 19.  Section 32.61, Education Code, is amended to
  22-15  read as follows:
  22-16        Sec. 32.61.  Prohibitions.  No person shall:
  22-17              (1)  operate a school without a certificate of approval
  22-18  issued by the department <Administrator>;
  22-19              (2)  solicit prospective students without being bonded
  22-20  as required by this Chapter;
  22-21              (3)  accept contracts or enrollment applications from a
  22-22  representative who is not bonded as required by this Chapter;
  22-23              (4)  utilize advertising designed to mislead or deceive
  22-24  prospective students;
  22-25              (5)  fail to notify the department <Administrator> of
  22-26  the discontinuance of the operation of any school within 72 hours
  22-27  of cessation of classes and make available accurate records as
   23-1  required by this Chapter;
   23-2              (6)  fail to secure and file within 30 days an
   23-3  increased bond as required by this Chapter;
   23-4              (7)  negotiate any promissory instrument received as
   23-5  payment of tuition or other charge prior to completion of 75
   23-6  percent of the course, provided that prior to such time, the
   23-7  instrument may be transferred by assignment to a purchaser who
   23-8  shall be subject to all the defenses available against the school
   23-9  named as payee;
  23-10              (8)  violate any provision of this Chapter.
  23-11        SECTION 20.  Section 32.611, Education Code, is amended to
  23-12  read as follows:
  23-13        Sec. 32.611.  ADMINISTRATIVE <CIVIL> PENALTY.  (a)  If a
  23-14  person violates Section 32.61 of this code, the commissioner
  23-15  <administrator> may assess an administrative <a civil> penalty
  23-16  against that person as provided by this section.
  23-17        (b)  The commissioner <administrator> may assess the
  23-18  administrative <civil> penalty in an amount not to exceed $1,000.
  23-19  In determining the amount of the penalty, the commissioner
  23-20  <administrator> shall consider the seriousness of the violation.
  23-21        (c)  If, after examination of a possible violation and the
  23-22  facts relating to that possible violation, the commissioner
  23-23  <administrator> concludes that a violation has occurred, the
  23-24  commissioner <administrator> shall issue a preliminary report that
  23-25  states the facts on which the conclusion is based, the fact that an
  23-26  administrative <a civil> penalty is to be imposed, and the amount
  23-27  to be assessed.  Not later than the 10th day after the date on
   24-1  which the commissioner <administrator> issues the preliminary
   24-2  report, the commissioner <administrator> shall send a copy of the
   24-3  report to the person charged with the violation, together with a
   24-4  statement of the right of the person to a hearing relating to the
   24-5  alleged violation and the amount of the penalty.
   24-6        (d)  Not later than the 20th day after the date on which the
   24-7  report is sent, the person charged must either make a written
   24-8  request for a hearing or remit the amount of the administrative
   24-9  <civil> penalty to the commissioner <administrator>.  Failure
  24-10  either to request a hearing or to remit the amount of the
  24-11  administrative <civil> penalty within the time provided by this
  24-12  subsection results in a waiver of a right to a hearing under this
  24-13  section.  If the person charged requests a hearing, the hearing
  24-14  shall be conducted in the same manner as a hearing on the denial of
  24-15  certificate of approval under Section 32.41 of this code.  If it is
  24-16  determined after a hearing that the person has committed the
  24-17  alleged violation, the commissioner <administrator> shall give
  24-18  written notice to the person of the findings established by the
  24-19  hearing and the amount of the penalty and shall enter an order
  24-20  requiring the person to pay the penalty.
  24-21        (e)  Not later than the 30th day after the date on which the
  24-22  notice is received, the person charged must pay the administrative
  24-23  <civil> penalty in full or, if the person wishes to contest either
  24-24  the amount of the penalty or the fact of the violation, remit the
  24-25  assessed amount to the commissioner <administrator> for deposit in
  24-26  an escrow account.  If, after judicial review, it is determined
  24-27  that no violation occurred or that the amount of the penalty should
   25-1  be reduced, the commissioner <administrator> shall remit the
   25-2  appropriate amount to the person charged with the violation not
   25-3  later than the 30th day after the date on which the judicial
   25-4  determination becomes final.
   25-5        (f)  Failure to remit the amount of the administrative
   25-6  <civil> penalty to the board within the time provided by Subsection
   25-7  (e) of this section results in a waiver of all legal rights to
   25-8  contest the violation or the amount of the penalty.
   25-9        (g)  An administrative <A civil> penalty owed under this
  25-10  section plus reasonable attorney fees and court costs may be
  25-11  recovered in a civil action brought by the attorney general at the
  25-12  request of the commissioner <administrator>.  Administrative
  25-13  <Civil> penalties recovered shall be deposited in the General
  25-14  Revenue Fund.  Attorney fees and court costs shall be appropriated
  25-15  to the attorney general.
  25-16        SECTION 21.  Section 32.612, Education Code, is amended to
  25-17  read as follows:
  25-18        Sec. 32.612.  Competitive Bidding; Advertising.  The
  25-19  commissioner <State Board of Education> may not adopt rules to
  25-20  restrict competitive bidding or advertising by a proprietary school
  25-21  except to prohibit false, misleading, or deceptive competitive
  25-22  bidding or advertising practices.  Those rules may not restrict:
  25-23              (1)  the use of an advertising medium;
  25-24              (2)  the size or duration of an advertisement; or
  25-25              (3)  advertisement under a trade name.
  25-26        SECTION 22.  Section 32.62(a), Education Code, is amended to
  25-27  read as follows:
   26-1        (a)  Whenever the commissioner <Administrator> has probable
   26-2  cause to believe that any school has committed any acts that would
   26-3  be in violation of this Chapter, the commissioner <Administrator>
   26-4  shall have the duty to make application to a court of competent
   26-5  jurisdiction for an injunction restraining the commission of such
   26-6  acts.
   26-7        SECTION 23.  Section 32.63(b), Education Code, is amended to
   26-8  read as follows:
   26-9        (b)  The attorney general, at the request of the department
  26-10  <Central Education Agency>, may bring a civil action to collect a
  26-11  civil penalty under this section.
  26-12        SECTION 24.  Section 32.64, Education Code, is amended to
  26-13  read as follows:
  26-14        Sec. 32.64.  Sanctions.  (a)  If the commissioner <Central
  26-15  Education Agency> has reasonable cause to believe that a
  26-16  proprietary school has violated this chapter or a rule adopted
  26-17  under this chapter, the commissioner <agency> may:
  26-18              (1)  order a peer review of the school; or
  26-19              (2)  suspend the admission of students to the school.
  26-20        (b)  A peer review ordered under this section shall be
  26-21  conducted by a peer review team composed of knowledgeable persons
  26-22  selected by the department <agency>.  The department <agency> shall
  26-23  attempt to provide a balance on each team between members assigned
  26-24  to the team who are from this state and those who are from other
  26-25  states.  The team shall provide the department <agency> with an
  26-26  objective assessment of the content of the school's curriculum and
  26-27  its application.  The costs of providing a peer review team shall
   27-1  be paid by the school.
   27-2        SECTION 25.  Sections 32.71(a)-(f), Education Code, are
   27-3  amended to read as follows:
   27-4        (a)  Certificate and registration fees, except those charged
   27-5  pursuant to Subsection (d) of this section, shall be collected by
   27-6  the department <Administrator> and deposited with the State
   27-7  Treasurer.  Each fee shall be in an amount set by the Texas
   27-8  Commission of Licensing and Regulation <Administrator and approved
   27-9  by the State Board of Education> in an amount not to exceed 150
  27-10  percent of each fee in the following schedule:
  27-11              (1)  the initial fee for a school is $2,000;
  27-12              (2)  the first annual renewal fee and each subsequent
  27-13  renewal fee for a school is determined by applying a percentage,
  27-14  not to exceed 0.3 percent, to the gross tuition and fees, excluding
  27-15  refunds as provided by Section 32.39 of this code, of the school;
  27-16              (3)  the initial registration fee for a representative
  27-17  is $60;
  27-18              (4)  the annual renewal fee for a representative is
  27-19  $30;
  27-20              (5)  the fee for a change of a name of a school or
  27-21  owner is $100;
  27-22              (6)  the fee for a change of an address of a school is
  27-23  $180;
  27-24              (7)  the fee for a change in the name or address of a
  27-25  representative or a change in the name or address of a school that
  27-26  causes the reissuance of a representative permit is $10;
  27-27              (8)  the application fee for an additional course is
   28-1  $150, except for seminar and workshop courses, for which the fee is
   28-2  $25;
   28-3              (9)  the application fee for a director, administrative
   28-4  staff member, or instructor is $15;
   28-5              (10)  the application fee for the authority to grant
   28-6  degrees is $2,000;
   28-7              (11)  the application fee for an additional degree
   28-8  course is $250; and
   28-9              (12)  the fee for an inspection required by rule of the
  28-10  commissioner <State Board of Education> of classroom facilities
  28-11  that are separate from the main campus is $250.
  28-12        (b)  The commissioner <of education> shall periodically
  28-13  review and recommend adjustments in the level of fees to the <State
  28-14  Board of Education and the> legislature.
  28-15        (c)  For purposes of this section, the gross amount of annual
  28-16  student fees and tuition for a proprietary school is the amount
  28-17  determined by the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation
  28-18  <State Board of Education> based on any report submitted by the
  28-19  school to the department <Central Education Agency> or other
  28-20  information obtained by the department <agency>.
  28-21        (d)  In connection with the regulation of any school or
  28-22  course through a memorandum of understanding pursuant to Section
  28-23  32.12(c) of this code, the Texas Commission of Licensing and
  28-24  Regulation <Administrator> shall set an application and annual
  28-25  renewal fee, not to exceed $2,000.  The fee shall be <approved by
  28-26  the State Board of Education to be> an amount reasonably calculated
  28-27  to cover the administrative costs associated with assuming the
   29-1  additional regulation.
   29-2        (e)  The fee for an investigation at a school to resolve a
   29-3  complaint filed against the school is $400.  The fee may be charged
   29-4  only if:
   29-5              (1)  the complaint could not have been resolved by
   29-6  telephone or written correspondence only;
   29-7              (2)  a representative of the department <Central
   29-8  Education Agency> visits the school as a part of the complaint
   29-9  resolution process; and
  29-10              (3)  the school is found to be at fault.
  29-11        (f)  The Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation
  29-12  <Administrator, with the approval of the State Board of Education,>
  29-13  may increase any fee authorized under this section at a rate not to
  29-14  exceed the increase in the National Consumer Price Index For All
  29-15  Urban Consumers.  The calculation of the index in effect on
  29-16  September 1, 1989, shall be the base for calculating the rate at
  29-17  which fees may increase.  Fee increases under this subsection do
  29-18  not have to be made annually.
  29-19        SECTION 26.  Section 32.81, Education Code, is amended to
  29-20  read as follows:
  29-21        Sec. 32.81.  Funding.  (a)  The cost of administration of
  29-22  this Chapter shall be included in the State budget allowance for
  29-23  the department <State Board of Education>.
  29-24        (b)  Fees collected by the department <Administrator> and
  29-25  deposited with the State Treasurer shall be used to help defray the
  29-26  cost and expense of administering the provisions of this Chapter.
  29-27        SECTION 27.  Section 32.91, Education Code, is amended to
   30-1  read as follows:
   30-2        Sec. 32.91.  Tuition Protection Fund.  (a)  At the time that
   30-3  each school pays its annual renewal fee, in the years provided by
   30-4  Subsection (c) of this section, the department <State Board of
   30-5  Education> shall also collect a fee from the school for deposit to
   30-6  the credit of a special fund in the state treasury to be called the
   30-7  proprietary school tuition protection fund.
   30-8        (b)  The amount of the fee is determined by applying a
   30-9  percentage to each school's annual renewal fee.  The percentage is
  30-10  the rate as determined by the department <board> that, when applied
  30-11  to the total of all renewal fees, will result in the collection of
  30-12  $250,000 for deposit in the fund in the first two years that the
  30-13  fee is collected.
  30-14        (c)  Beginning on January 1, 1990, the department <board>
  30-15  shall collect the fee for two years.  If on January 1, 1993, or any
  30-16  subsequent year the amount in the fund is less than $200,000, the
  30-17  department <board> shall collect a fee during that year by applying
  30-18  a percentage to each school's annual renewal fee at a rate that
  30-19  will bring the balance of the fund to $250,000.
  30-20        (d)  The state treasurer shall invest the fund in the same
  30-21  manner as other state funds.  Sufficient funds from the tuition
  30-22  protection fund shall be appropriated to the department <Central
  30-23  Education Agency administration> for the purpose outlined in this
  30-24  section.
  30-25        SECTION 28.  Section 32.92(a), Education Code, is amended to
  30-26  read as follows:
  30-27        (a)  If a proprietary school closes, the department <Central
   31-1  Education Agency> shall attempt to arrange for students of the
   31-2  closed school to attend another proprietary school.
   31-3        SECTION 29.  This Act takes effect January 1, 1994.
   31-4        SECTION 30.  (a)  The administration and regulation of
   31-5  proprietary schools under Chapter 32, Education Code, is
   31-6  transferred to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation on
   31-7  the effective date of this Act.
   31-8        (b)  All property and records in the custody of the Central
   31-9  Education Agency relating to the administration or regulation of
  31-10  proprietary schools under Chapter 32, Education Code, shall be
  31-11  transferred to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation on
  31-12  the effective date of this Act.
  31-13        (c)  Any unspent appropriations to the Central Education
  31-14  Agency for the administration or regulation of proprietary schools
  31-15  under Chapter 32, Education Code, are transferred to the Texas
  31-16  Department of Licensing and Regulation on the effective date of
  31-17  this Act.  The comptroller shall determine the amount subject to
  31-18  the transfer.
  31-19        (d)  The rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and
  31-20  standards of the State Board of Education relating to the
  31-21  administration or regulation of proprietary schools under Chapter
  31-22  32, Education Code, are continued in effect as if adopted by the
  31-23  commissioner of licensing and regulation or by the Texas Commission
  31-24  of Licensing and Regulation until superseded by an action taken by
  31-25  the commissioner or commission on or after the effective date of
  31-26  this Act.
  31-27        (e)  A memorandum of understanding or other agreement between
   32-1  the Central Education Agency and any other entity relating to the
   32-2  administration and regulation of proprietary schools in effect on
   32-3  the effective date of this Act remains in effect on or after that
   32-4  date.  The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation shall
   32-5  assume the rights, powers, and duties of the Central Education
   32-6  Agency under the memorandum of understanding or other agreement on
   32-7  that date.
   32-8        (f)  A member of the Proprietary Schools Advisory Commission
   32-9  who was appointed by the State Board of Education and who serves on
  32-10  the commission immediately before the effective date of this Act is
  32-11  entitled to continue to serve until the expiration of the term for
  32-12  which the member was appointed.  As the terms of those members
  32-13  expire or as their positions on the commission become vacant, the
  32-14  commissioner of licensing and regulation shall appoint members to
  32-15  the commission.
  32-16        SECTION 31.  The importance of this legislation and the
  32-17  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  32-18  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  32-19  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  32-20  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.