1-1  By:  Romo (Senate Sponsor - Parker)                   H.B. No. 1790
    1-2        (In the Senate - Received from the House May 5, 1993;
    1-3  May 6, 1993, read first time and referred to Committee on Economic
    1-4  Development; May 25, 1993, reported adversely, with favorable
    1-5  Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 9, Nays 0;
    1-6  May 25, 1993, sent to printer.)
    1-7                            COMMITTEE VOTE
    1-8                          Yea     Nay      PNV      Absent 
    1-9        Parker             x                               
   1-10        Lucio              x                               
   1-11        Ellis              x                               
   1-12        Haley              x                               
   1-13        Harris of Dallas   x                               
   1-14        Harris of Tarrant  x                               
   1-15        Leedom                                         x   
   1-16        Madla              x                               
   1-17        Rosson                              x              
   1-18        Shapiro            x                               
   1-19        Wentworth          x                               
   1-20  COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR H.B. No. 1790                  By:  Parker
   1-21                         A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
   1-22                                AN ACT
   1-23  relating to the merger, reorganization, or conversion of state or
   1-24  federal savings banks, state or federal savings and loan
   1-25  associations, and state banks; the investments of a savings and
   1-26  loan association; and the organization and regulation of state
   1-27  savings banks; providing penalties.
   1-31        SECTION 1.01.  Section E, Article 5, Chapter III, The Texas
   1-32  Banking Code (Article 342-305, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is
   1-33  amended to read as follows:
   1-34        E.  The provisions of the Administrative Procedure and Texas
   1-35  Register Act (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)
   1-36  governing contested cases do not apply to charter applications
   1-37  filed for the purpose of assuming the assets and liabilities of any
   1-38  bank, state or federal savings bank, or state or federal savings
   1-39  and loan association deemed by the Banking Commissioner to be in an
   1-40  unsafe condition.
   1-41        SECTION 1.02.  Article 8, Chapter III, The Texas Banking Code
   1-42  (Article 342-308, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
   1-43  read as follows:
   1-44        Art. 8.  MERGER--TRUST POWERS.  Any two or more state banks,
   1-45  or if national banks are hereafter authorized by the laws of the
   1-46  United States to participate in such a merger, any one or more
   1-47  state banks and any one or more national banks domiciled in this
   1-48  State, or any state bank and any state or federal savings and loan
   1-49  association or state or federal savings bank authorized by the laws
   1-50  of this state or the United States to participate in a merger, may,
   1-51  with the approval of the Banking Commissioner and the written
   1-52  consent of the owners of record of two-thirds of the capital of
   1-53  each of said institutions <banks>, be merged.  Said merging
   1-54  institutions <banks> shall file with the Banking Commissioner:
   1-55              (1)  A statement of the plan of merger approved by the
   1-56  board of directors of each merging institution <bank>, by a
   1-57  majority vote of the qualified directors.
   1-58              (2)  Certificate of merger stating the facts required
   1-59  by Article 4 of this chapter and executed and acknowledged by a
   1-60  majority of the qualified directors of each merging institution
   1-61  <bank>.
   1-62        The Banking Commissioner shall thereupon investigate the
   1-63  condition of the merging institutions <banks> and if the
   1-64  Commissioner <he> finds that the state bank which will result from
   1-65  the merger (hereafter called the "resulting bank") will be solvent
   1-66  and its capital unimpaired; that it will have adequate capital
   1-67  structure; that such merger does not violate the anti-trust laws of
   1-68  this state; and that the resulting bank has in all respects
    2-1  complied with the laws of this State relative to the incorporation
    2-2  of State banks, the Commissioner <he> may approve such merger, and,
    2-3  if the Commissioner <he> so approves, the Commissioner <he> shall
    2-4  deliver to the resulting bank a certified copy of the certificate
    2-5  of merger, which certificate shall constitute the charter and
    2-6  articles of association of the resulting bank.  The resulting bank
    2-7  shall be deemed a continuation in entity and identity of each of
    2-8  the institutions <banks> involved in the merger; shall be subject
    2-9  to all the liabilities, obligations, duties and relations of each
   2-10  merging institution <bank>; and shall without the necessity of any
   2-11  conveyance, assignment or transfer become the owner of all of the
   2-12  assets of every kind and character formerly belonging to the
   2-13  merging institutions <banks>; further, provided, that if any
   2-14  merging institution <bank> shall at the time of the merger be
   2-15  acting as trustee, guardian, executor, administrator, or in any
   2-16  other fiduciary capacity, the resulting bank shall, without the
   2-17  necessity of any judicial action or action by the creator of such
   2-18  trust, continue such office, trust or fiduciary relationship and
   2-19  shall perform all of the duties and obligations and exercise all of
   2-20  the powers and authority connected with or incidental to such
   2-21  fiduciary relationship in the same manner as though the resulting
   2-22  bank had been originally named or designated as such fiduciary.
   2-23        The naming or designating by a testator, or the creator of a
   2-24  living trust, of any one of the merging institutions <banks> to act
   2-25  as trustee, guardian, executor or in any other fiduciary capacity
   2-26  shall be considered the naming or designating of the bank resulting
   2-27  from the merger.
   2-28        A stockholder may dissent from the merger by following the
   2-29  procedure provided by Article 5.12, Texas Business Corporation Act.
   2-30  That procedure applies to a merger under this article, as if the
   2-31  state bank were a corporation organized under the Texas Business
   2-32  Corporation Act.
   2-33        SECTION 1.03.  Article 9, Chapter III, The Texas Banking Code
   2-34  (Article 342-309, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
   2-35  read as follows:
   2-38  LOAN ASSOCIATIONS--TRUST POWERS.  A state bank may be incorporated
   2-39  to take over the business of any incorporated bank or banks, state
   2-40  or national, or of any state or federal savings bank or state or
   2-41  federal savings and loan association, as a step in the
   2-42  reorganization of such institution <bank> or institutions <banks>,
   2-43  (which institution <bank> or institutions <banks>, whether one or
   2-44  more, will be hereafter referred to as the "reorganizing
   2-45  institution") <"reorganizing bank")>, and shall, subject to the
   2-46  provisions of this article, be authorized to purchase assets from
   2-47  the reorganizing institution <bank> and as consideration therefor,
   2-48  assume all liabilities, known or unknown, of the reorganizing
   2-49  institution <bank>, other than its liability to stockholders as
   2-50  such.
   2-51        Persons desiring to incorporate a state bank under the
   2-52  provisions of this article shall proceed in the manner provided in
   2-53  Article 5 of this Chapter, and in addition, shall file with the
   2-54  Banking Commissioner:
   2-55              (1)  The proposed contract whereby the state bank is to
   2-56  purchase the assets from and assume the liabilities of the
   2-57  reorganizing institution <bank>, as above mentioned.
   2-58              (2)  Contracts, if any, whereby the proposed state bank
   2-59  is to purchase for cash the whole or any part of the right of any
   2-60  or all of the stockholders of the reorganizing institution <bank>
   2-61  to receive liquidating dividends upon liquidation of the
   2-62  reorganizing institution <bank>, which contracts shall expressly
   2-63  provide that they shall be binding and effective only in event the
   2-64  reorganizing institution <bank> is placed in voluntary liquidation
   2-65  within ten (10) days of the granting of the application for the
   2-66  charter applied for.  Such contracts shall be executed on behalf of
   2-67  the proposed bank by the persons applying for the charter.
   2-68        If the Banking Commissioner, after investigation, determines
   2-69  that the proposed bank, if incorporated, will, after its capital
   2-70  has been paid in full and all contracts above mentioned finally
    3-1  consummated, be solvent, its capital adequate and unimpaired, that
    3-2  such reorganization is to the best interest of the reorganizing
    3-3  institution <bank>, its depositors, creditors and stockholders and
    3-4  the public in general, and that upon incorporation such bank will
    3-5  have in all other respects complied with the law, the Commissioner
    3-6  <he> shall recommend to the State Banking Board that the charter be
    3-7  granted.
    3-8        If the State Banking Board concurs in the findings of the
    3-9  Banking Commissioner, it shall grant the application, and the
   3-10  Banking Commissioner shall deliver a certified copy of the articles
   3-11  of association in the manner provided in Article 5 of this chapter.
   3-12  Provided, however, that the Banking Commissioner shall not deliver
   3-13  a certificate of authority until the contracts above mentioned have
   3-14  been fully consummated, and the requirements of Article 7 of this
   3-15  chapter  have been met.  The state bank so incorporated shall be
   3-16  deemed a reorganization of the reorganizing institution <bank>, and
   3-17  a continuation of such institution <bank> in entity and identity,
   3-18  subject to all of its liabilities, obligations, duties and
   3-19  relations, save and except its liability to stockholders as such,
   3-20  and shall pay and perform each and every obligation, duty and
   3-21  liability of the reorganizing institution <bank> in exactly the
   3-22  same manner as the reorganizing institution <bank> was obligated to
   3-23  do; further provided that if the reorganizing institution <bank>
   3-24  was at the time of incorporation of the new state bank, named or
   3-25  acting as guardian, trustee, executor, administrator or in any
   3-26  other fiduciary capacity, such state bank shall, without the
   3-27  necessity of any judicial action, or action by the creator of such
   3-28  trust, continue the trusteeship or other fiduciary relation and
   3-29  perform all of the duties and obligations of the reorganizing
   3-30  institution <bank> and exercise all the powers and authority
   3-31  relative thereto; and neither the reorganization of such
   3-32  institution <bank>, nor any liquidation of such institution <bank>
   3-33  in connection therewith, shall be deemed a resignation or refusal
   3-34  to act.  The naming or designating by a testator or the creator of
   3-35  a living trust of the reorganizing institution <bank> to act as
   3-36  trustee, guardian, executor, or in any other fiduciary capacity
   3-37  shall be considered the naming or designating of the bank resulting
   3-38  from the reorganization.
   3-39        The new state bank shall give notice of its assumption of the
   3-40  liabilities of the reorganizing institution <bank> by publishing
   3-41  notice thereof once each week for a period of two (2) weeks in some
   3-42  newspaper of general circulation published in the county of its
   3-43  domicile, or in event no such newspaper is published in said
   3-44  county, then in a newspaper of general circulation published in an
   3-45  adjacent county.  The first notice shall be published within ten
   3-46  (10) days after the delivery of the certificate of authority to
   3-47  such bank.
   3-48        SECTION 1.04.  Article 10, Chapter III, The Texas Banking
   3-49  Code (Article 342-310, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended
   3-50  to read as follows:
   3-53  AGENT.  Any state bank may, with the consent of the Banking
   3-54  Commissioner, purchase the whole or any part of the assets of any
   3-55  other state bank or of any national bank domiciled in this State,
   3-56  or of a state or federal savings bank or state or federal savings
   3-57  and loan association, and may hold the purchase price and any
   3-58  additional funds delivered to it by the selling institution <bank>
   3-59  in trust for or as a deposit to the credit of the selling
   3-60  institution <bank>.  The purchasing bank may act as agent of the
   3-61  selling institution <bank> in disbursing the funds so held in trust
   3-62  or on deposit by paying the depositors and creditors of the selling
   3-63  institution <bank>, provided that if the purchasing bank acts under
   3-64  written contract of agency which specifically names each depositor
   3-65  and creditor and the amount to be paid each, and if such agency is
   3-66  confined to the purely ministerial act of paying such depositors
   3-67  and creditors the amounts due them as determined by the selling
   3-68  institution <bank> and reflected in the contract of agency and
   3-69  involves no discretionary duties or authority other than the
   3-70  identification of the depositors and creditors named, and if such
    4-1  contract is approved by the Banking Commissioner, then the
    4-2  purchasing bank may rely upon such contract of agency and the
    4-3  instructions included therein, and shall not be in any way liable
    4-4  or responsible for any error made by the selling institution <bank>
    4-5  in determining its liabilities, the depositors and creditors to
    4-6  whom such liabilities are due, or the amounts due such depositors
    4-7  and creditors; nor liable or in any way responsible for any
    4-8  preference which may result from the payments made pursuant to such
    4-9  contract of agency and the instructions included therein.  Further
   4-10  provided that, in event the selling institution <bank> should, at
   4-11  any time after such sale of assets, be closed and come into the
   4-12  hands of the Banking Commissioner or<, if a national bank> into the
   4-13  hands of a receiver, then the purchasing bank shall pay to the
   4-14  Banking Commissioner as statutory liquidator or to the receiver of
   4-15  such state or national institution <bank> the balance of the funds
   4-16  held by it in trust or on deposit for the selling institution
   4-17  <bank>, not theretofore paid to the depositors and creditors of the
   4-18  selling institution <bank>, and shall thereupon stand discharged of
   4-19  any and all liabilities, obligations or responsibilities to the
   4-20  selling institution <bank>, its receiver, the Banking Commissioner
   4-21  as its statutory liquidator, or to the depositors, creditors or
   4-22  stockholders thereof.  Provided further that payment to any
   4-23  depositor or creditor of the selling institution <bank> of the
   4-24  amount to be paid him under the terms of the contract of agency may
   4-25  be effected by the purchasing bank opening an account in the name
   4-26  of such depositor or creditor, crediting such account with the
   4-27  amount to be paid the depositor or creditor under the terms of such
   4-28  agency contract, and mailing a duplicate deposit ticket evidencing
   4-29  such credit to such depositor or creditor at his address as
   4-30  reflected by the records of the selling institution <bank>, or
   4-31  delivering it to him personally, and the relation of debtor to
   4-32  creditor shall thereupon arise between the purchasing bank and such
   4-33  depositors and creditors to the extent and only to the extent of
   4-34  the credit reflected by such deposit tickets.  Further provided,
   4-35  that if any such depositor or creditor checks upon the credit so
   4-36  created, or if he does not within sixty (60) days of the mailing or
   4-37  the personal delivery of such deposit ticket protest the
   4-38  transaction and demand payment from the selling institution <bank>,
   4-39  he shall be deemed to have ratified the transaction and to the
   4-40  extent of the credit so created to have accepted the obligation of
   4-41  the purchasing bank as reflected by said deposit ticket in
   4-42  satisfaction of the obligation of the selling institution <bank>,
   4-43  and the obligation of the selling institution <bank> to the extent
   4-44  of such credit shall be deemed paid and satisfied within the
   4-45  meaning of this article.
   4-46        SECTION 1.05.  Article 13, Chapter III, The Texas Banking
   4-47  Code (Article 342-313, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended
   4-48  to read as follows:
   4-51  AND LOAN ASSOCIATION.  The owners of record of two-thirds of the
   4-52  capital of any solvent state bank may, by vote or written consent,
   4-53  authorize its officers and directors to take such action as may be
   4-54  necessary under the laws of the United States or the state laws
   4-55  governing savings and loan associations and savings banks to merge,
   4-56  reorganize, or convert it into a national bank, state or federal
   4-57  savings bank, or state or federal savings and loan association,
   4-58  provided, however, that the state bank shall not cease to be a
   4-59  state bank subject to the supervision of the Banking Commissioner
   4-60  until (1) the Banking Commissioner has been given written notice of
   4-61  the intention to merge, reorganize, or convert for at least thirty
   4-62  (30) days, (2) such bank has published notice thereof at least once
   4-63  a week for four (4) weeks in a newspaper of general circulation
   4-64  published in the county of its domicile, or, if no such newspaper
   4-65  is published in the county, in an adjacent county, (3) the bank has
   4-66  filed with the Banking Commissioner a transcript of the merger,
   4-67  reorganization, or conversion proceedings, sworn to by a majority
   4-68  of the qualified directors and a publisher's certificate showing
   4-69  publication of the notice above provided, and (4) such bank has
   4-70  received a certificate of authority to do business as a national
    5-1  bank, state or federal savings bank, or state or federal savings
    5-2  and loan association.
    5-3        SECTION 1.06.  Article 13a, Chapter III, The Texas Banking
    5-4  Code (Article 342-313a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended
    5-5  to read as follows:
    5-8  national bank, state or federal savings bank, or state or federal
    5-9  savings and loan association <or association> located in this state
   5-10  which follows the procedures prescribed by the laws of the United
   5-11  States or this state to convert into a state bank, shall be granted
   5-12  a certificate of incorporation in the state when the State Banking
   5-13  Board finds that the institution <bank> meets the standards as to
   5-14  location of office, capital structure and business experience of
   5-15  officers and directors for the incorporation of a state bank.  In
   5-16  considering the application for conversion from a national bank,
   5-17  state or federal savings bank, or state or federal savings and loan
   5-18  association into a state bank the Board shall consider and
   5-19  determine that the new bank meets with all the requirements of a
   5-20  new state bank applicant.  The conversion is governed by this
   5-21  Article and not by Article 9 of this chapter.  Included also in the
   5-22  application of a national bank for conversion and to be considered
   5-23  along with the other information submitted shall be the terms of
   5-24  the transition from a national bank into a state bank which shall
   5-25  also show that the provisions of Public Law 706 of the 81st
   5-26  Congress of the United States  have been fully satisfied.  <Such
   5-27  conversion shall be governed by the provisions of this Article and
   5-28  shall not be governed by Article 9, now codified as Article
   5-29  342-309, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes.>
   5-30        SECTION 1.07.  Chapter V, The Texas Banking Code (Article
   5-31  342-501 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by
   5-32  adding Article 14 to read as follows:
   5-34  INSTITUTION.  (a)  In this article:
   5-35              (1)  "Financial institution" means a state or federal
   5-36  bank, a state or federal savings bank, or a state or federal
   5-37  savings and loan association.
   5-38              (2)  "Home mortgage" means an interest-bearing loan, or
   5-39  a participation in an interest-bearing loan, that is:
   5-40                    (A)  made to purchase, improve, or construct a
   5-41  home;
   5-42                    (B)  evidenced by a promissory note; and
   5-43                    (C)  secured by a mortgage, mortgage deed, deed
   5-44  of trust, or other instrument that constitutes a lien on the home.
   5-45              (3)  "Resulting institution" means the financial
   5-46  institution that carries on in this state the business of a
   5-47  financial institution after a merger with or a reorganization,
   5-48  conversion, consolidation, or acquisition of another financial
   5-49  institution.
   5-50        (b)  The percentage of home mortgage loans held in the loan
   5-51  portfolio of a resulting institution may not be less than the
   5-52  percentage of home mortgage loans held in the loan portfolio of the
   5-53  financial institution involved in the merger, reorganization,
   5-54  conversion, consolidation, or acquisition that, on the 30th day
   5-55  before the date of the merger, reorganization, conversion,
   5-56  consolidation, or acquisition, has the greatest percentage of home
   5-57  mortgage loans in its loan portfolio.
   5-58        (c)  The percentage of home mortgage loans held in a
   5-59  financial institution's loan portfolio is computed by dividing the
   5-60  total principal amount of the financial institution's outstanding
   5-61  home mortgage loans by the total principal amount of all of the
   5-62  financial institution's outstanding loans.
   5-63        (d)  This article applies to all financial institutions to
   5-64  the extent permitted by federal law and by Article XVI, Section
   5-65  16(c), of the Texas Constitution.
   5-66        SECTION 1.08.  Section 4, Article 12, Chapter IX, The Texas
   5-67  Banking Code (Article 342-912, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is
   5-68  amended to read as follows:
   5-70  COMPANY SEEKING ACQUISITION.  An out-of-state bank holding company
    6-1  that seeks to take an action specified in Section 1 of this article
    6-2  for which a copy of the application must be filed with the banking
    6-3  commissioner shall also file with the banking commissioner, when it
    6-4  delivers the application:
    6-5              (1)  evidence that the out-of-state bank holding
    6-6  company is authorized to take the action under Article 16 of this
    6-7  chapter;
    6-8              (2)  evidence that the out-of-state bank holding
    6-9  company and each state bank, national bank in this state, and bank
   6-10  holding company being acquired will, after the acquisition, comply
   6-11  with applicable capital adequacy guidelines, and that the
   6-12  consolidated equity capital condition of these banks in this state
   6-13  during the first three years after being acquired will be
   6-14  maintained at least at the level existing immediately prior to the
   6-15  acquisition less the consolidated net loss of these banks, if any;
   6-16              (3)  agreements, subject to any contrary provision of
   6-17  applicable federal law, that while the out-of-state bank holding
   6-18  company directly or indirectly owns or controls any national bank
   6-19  in this state,<:>
   6-20                    <(A)>  a majority of the directors of each
   6-21  national bank shall be residents of the State of Texas, except that
   6-22  directors who are employees or officers or spouses of employees or
   6-23  officers of the bank, out-of-state bank holding company, or an
   6-24  affiliate of the bank or out-of-state bank holding company may not
   6-25  be counted as residents of the State of Texas for the purpose of
   6-26  this subdivision <paragraph>; and
   6-27                    <(B)  the out-of-state bank holding company will
   6-28  not directly or indirectly own or control:>
   6-29                          <(i)  an institution located in this state,
   6-30  the deposits of which are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
   6-31  Corporation or any successor performing similar functions, unless
   6-32  the institution is a bank as defined by Section 2, Bank Holding
   6-33  Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. Sec. 1841); or>
   6-34                          <(ii)  an institution located in this
   6-35  state, the deposits of which are insured by the Federal Savings and
   6-36  Loan Insurance Corporation or any successor performing similar
   6-37  functions; and>
   6-38              (4)  an agreement to provide such additional
   6-39  information as may be required by rules promulgated by the banking
   6-40  commissioner.
   6-41        SECTION 1.09.  Sections 3 and 4, Article 16, Chapter IX, The
   6-42  Texas Banking Code (Article 342-916, Vernon's Texas Civil
   6-43  Statutes), are amended to read as follows:
   6-44        Sec. 3.  <The authority granted by Section 1 of this article
   6-45  is not available to an out-of-state bank holding company that
   6-46  directly or indirectly owns or controls:>
   6-47              <(1)  an institution located in this state, the
   6-48  deposits of which are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
   6-49  Corporation or any successor performing similar functions, unless
   6-50  such institution is a bank as defined by Section 2, Bank Holding
   6-51  Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. Sec. 1841); or>
   6-52              <(2)  an institution located in this state, the
   6-53  deposits of which are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan
   6-54  Insurance Corporation or any successor performing similar
   6-55  functions.>
   6-56        <Sec. 4.>  The authority granted in Section 1 of this article
   6-57  is not available to an out-of-state bank holding company if after
   6-58  the transaction the aggregate deposits of the state banks and
   6-59  national banks domiciled in this state owned or controlled,
   6-60  directly or indirectly, by the out-of-state bank holding company
   6-61  would exceed 25 percent of the total deposits of all state banks
   6-62  and national banks in this state as reported in the most recently
   6-63  available reports of condition or similar reports filed with state
   6-64  or federal authorities.  For purposes of this section, the term
   6-65  "deposit" has the meaning assigned by Section 2(3), Federal Deposit
   6-66  Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. Sec.  1813).
   6-67        SECTION 1.10.  Section 10.02, Texas Savings and Loan Act
   6-68  (Article 852a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read
   6-69  as follows:
    7-1  Any Federal association or state or national bank may convert
    7-2  itself into an association under this Act upon a majority vote of
    7-3  the members, shareholders, or stockholders of such Federal
    7-4  association or state or national bank cast at an annual meeting or
    7-5  any special meeting called to consider such action.  Copies of the
    7-6  minutes of the proceedings of such meeting of members,
    7-7  shareholders, or stockholders, verified by affidavit of the
    7-8  secretary or an assistant secretary, shall be filed in the office
    7-9  of the Commissioner and with the Office of Thrift Supervision or
   7-10  its successor <mailed to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board,
   7-11  Washington, D.C.,> within ten (10) days after such meeting.  Such
   7-12  verified copies of the proceedings of the meeting when so filed
   7-13  shall be presumptive evidence of the holding and action of such
   7-14  meeting.  At the meeting at which conversion is voted upon, the
   7-15  members, shareholders, or stockholders  shall also vote upon the
   7-16  directors who shall be the directors of the state-chartered
   7-17  association after conversion takes effect.  Such directors then
   7-18  shall execute two (2) copies of the application for certificate of
   7-19  incorporation provided in this Act.  The Commissioner shall, upon
   7-20  receipt of such application, cause the converting institution
   7-21  <association> to be examined and if the Commissioner <he> finds
   7-22  that it is in sound condition, approve the conversion and insert in
   7-23  the certificate of incorporation, at the end of the paragraph
   7-24  preceding the testimonium clause, the following:  "This association
   7-25  is incorporated by conversion from _____ (a Federal savings and
   7-26  loan association, state bank, or national bank, as applicable)."
   7-27  Each of the directors chosen for the new association shall sign and
   7-28  acknowledge the application for certificate of incorporation as
   7-29  subscribers thereto and the proposed bylaws as incorporators of the
   7-30  new association.  The provisions of this Act shall, so far as
   7-31  applicable, apply to such conversion.  The state-chartered
   7-32  association shall be a continuation of the corporate entity of the
   7-33  converting Federal association or state or national bank and
   7-34  continue to have all of its property and rights.
   7-35        SECTION 1.11.  Chapter 10, Texas Savings and Loan Act
   7-36  (Article 852a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by adding
   7-37  Section 10.021 to read as follows:
   7-39  (a)  An association subject to this Act may convert itself into a
   7-40  state or national bank or state or federal savings bank on
   7-41  application to the commissioner.
   7-42        (b)  A conversion under this section may be initiated by the
   7-43  adoption of a resolution declaring that the association is to be
   7-44  converted.  The resolution must be adopted by a majority vote of
   7-45  the members or shareholders of the association entitled to vote at
   7-46  an annual or special meeting called to consider the conversion.  A
   7-47  copy of the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting, verified by
   7-48  an affidavit of the secretary or an assistant secretary, shall be
   7-49  filed in the office of the commissioner not later than the 10th day
   7-50  after the date of the meeting.  A sworn and filed copy of the
   7-51  proceedings of the meeting is presumptive evidence of the meeting
   7-52  and action taken.
   7-53        (c)  An application for conversion shall be approved by the
   7-54  commissioner if the commissioner determines that the association is
   7-55  in good standing.  For purposes of this subsection, an association
   7-56  is in good standing if the association has paid all fees,
   7-57  assessments, and money due and payable to the Savings and Loan
   7-58  Department of Texas.
   7-59        (d)  A copy of the charter issued to the new financial
   7-60  institution by the appropriate financial institution regulatory
   7-61  agency or a certificate showing the organization of the new
   7-62  institution as a financial institution, certified by the secretary
   7-63  or assistant secretary of the appropriate financial institution
   7-64  regulatory agency, shall be filed with the commissioner.  Failure
   7-65  to file the charter or certificate with the commissioner does not
   7-66  affect the validity of the conversion.
   7-67        (e)  Following the approval of the application for conversion
   7-68  by the commissioner and on the granting of a charter by the
   7-69  appropriate financial institution regulatory agency, the
   7-70  institution receiving the new charter ceases to be an association
    8-1  incorporated under this Act and is no longer subject to the
    8-2  supervision and control of the commissioner, as provided by this
    8-3  Act.
    8-4        (f)  On the conversion of an association into another
    8-5  financial institution, the corporate existence of the association
    8-6  does not terminate, but the new financial institution is a
    8-7  continuation of the converting association.  All property of the
    8-8  converting association, including its rights, titles, and interests
    8-9  in and to all property, whether real, personal, or mixed, and
   8-10  things in action, and every right, privilege, interest, and asset
   8-11  of any value or benefit then existing, or pertaining to it, or
   8-12  which would inure to it, immediately by operation of law and
   8-13  without any conveyance or transfer and without any further act or
   8-14  deed remains and vests in and continues to be the property of the
   8-15  financial institution into which the association has converted.
   8-16  The new financial institution has, holds, and enjoys those
   8-17  properties, rights, privileges, interests, and assets in its own
   8-18  right as fully and to the same extent as they were possessed, held,
   8-19  and enjoyed by the converting association.  The new financial
   8-20  institution at the time the conversion takes effect has and
   8-21  succeeds to all the rights, obligations, and relations of the
   8-22  converting association.  A pending action or other judicial
   8-23  proceeding to which the association is a party is not abated or
   8-24  discontinued by reason of the conversion but may be prosecuted to
   8-25  final judgment, order, or decree in the same manner as if the
   8-26  conversion into the new financial institution had not been made.
   8-27  The new financial institution may continue a pending action in its
   8-28  corporate name as the new financial institution, and a judgment,
   8-29  order, or decree may be rendered for or against it that might have
   8-30  been rendered for or against the converting association.
   8-31        SECTION 1.12.  Section 10.03, Texas Savings and Loan Act
   8-32  (Article 852a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read
   8-33  as follows:
   8-35  (a)  Pursuant to a plan adopted by the board of directors and
   8-36  approved by the Commissioner, and subject to the provisions of
   8-37  Chapter 9 of this Act, an association shall have power to
   8-38  reorganize or to merge or consolidate with another association,
   8-39  <or> Federal association, foreign association, state or national
   8-40  bank, or state or federal savings bank; provided, that the plan of
   8-41  such reorganization, merger or consolidation shall be approved by a
   8-42  majority of the total vote the members or shareholders are entitled
   8-43  to cast.  Approval may be voted at either an annual meeting or at a
   8-44  special meeting called to consider such action.  A shareholder of a
   8-45  capital stock association has the same dissenter's rights as a
   8-46  shareholder of a domestic corporation under the Texas Business
   8-47  Corporation Act.  In all cases the corporate continuity of the
   8-48  resulting corporation shall possess the same incidents as that of
   8-49  an entity <association> which has converted in accordance with this
   8-50  Act.  The home office of the association in the proposed merger
   8-51  possessing the largest assets shall be designated as the home
   8-52  office of the surviving entity <association>, unless otherwise
   8-53  approved by the Commissioner.
   8-54        (b)  Upon being presented with a plan of reorganization,
   8-55  merger, or consolidation, the Commissioner shall give public notice
   8-56  of the proposed reorganization, merger, or consolidation in the
   8-57  county or counties in which the association or associations
   8-58  participating in the proposed plan have offices and give any
   8-59  interested party an opportunity to appear, present evidence, and be
   8-60  heard for or against the proposed plan.  The hearing shall be held
   8-61  before a hearing officer designated by the Commissioner.  If a
   8-62  protest is not received on or before the date of hearing, the
   8-63  hearing may be dispensed with by the Commissioner or hearing
   8-64  officer.  The provisions of the Administrative Procedure and Texas
   8-65  Register Act (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)
   8-66  applicable to a contested case apply to the hearing, except that
   8-67  the notice and hearing provisions of that Act and of this section
   8-68  do not apply to an application under this section if the
   8-69  Commissioner has designated the merger to be a supervisory merger,
   8-70  under rules adopted by the Finance Commission, and in that event,
    9-1  the application and all information relating to the application is
    9-2  confidential and privileged from public disclosure.
    9-3        (c)  The Commissioner shall issue an order denying the
    9-4  proposed plan if the Commissioner finds that:
    9-5              (1)  the reorganization, merger, or consolidation would
    9-6  substantially lessen competition or be in restraint of trade and
    9-7  would result in a monopoly or be in furtherance of a combination or
    9-8  conspiracy to monopolize or attempt to monopolize the savings and
    9-9  loan industry in any part of the state, unless the anticompetitive
   9-10  effects of the proposed reorganization, consolidation, or merger
   9-11  are clearly outweighed in the public interest by the probable
   9-12  effect of the reorganization, merger, or consolidation in meeting
   9-13  the convenience and needs of the community to be served;
   9-14              (2)  in a merger or consolidation, the financial
   9-15  condition of either entity <association> would jeopardize the
   9-16  financial stability of any <the other> association that is a party
   9-17  to the plan;
   9-18              (3)  the proposed plan is not in the best interest of
   9-19  any association <the associations> that is a party <are parties> to
   9-20  the plan;
   9-21              (4)  the experience, ability, standing, competence,
   9-22  trustworthiness, or integrity of the management of the entities
   9-23  <associations> proposing the plan is such that the reorganization,
   9-24  merger, or consolidation would not be in the best interest of the
   9-25  associations that are parties to the plan;
   9-26              (5)  after reorganization, merger, or consolidation the
   9-27  surviving entity <association> would not be solvent, have adequate
   9-28  capital structure, or be in compliance with the laws of this state;
   9-29              (6)  the entities <associations> proposing the plan
   9-30  have not furnished all of the information pertinent to the
   9-31  application reasonably requested by the Commissioner; or
   9-32              (7)  the entities <associations> proposing the plan are
   9-33  not acting in good faith.
   9-34        SECTION 1.13.  The Texas Savings and Loan Act (Article 852a,
   9-35  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by adding Sections 5.07
   9-36  and 5.08 to read as follows:
   9-38  AREA.  (a)  Each association shall maintain in its portfolio at
   9-39  least 15 percent of its local service area deposits in the
   9-40  following categories of assets and investments:
   9-41              (1)  first and second lien residential mortgage loans
   9-42  or foreclosed residential mortgage loans originated from within the
   9-43  association's local service area;
   9-44              (2)  home improvement loans;
   9-45              (3)  interim residential construction loans;
   9-46              (4)  mortgage-backed securities secured by loans from
   9-47  within the association's local service area; and
   9-48              (5)  loans for community reinvestment purposes.
   9-49        (b)  The commissioner shall define an applicant's local
   9-50  service area at the time of its incorporation or upon application
   9-51  within 180 days of the effective date of this legislation.  Unless
   9-52  otherwise agreed to by the commissioner and the applicant, the
   9-53  applicant may rely on this definition for the duration of the
   9-54  applicant's corporate existence as an association.
   9-55        (c)  The commissioner and the finance commission shall adopt
   9-56  rules to implement this section.  The rules shall define the
   9-57  categories of loans and investments described in Subsection (a) of
   9-58  this section.  The commissioner may grant certain limited-term
   9-59  waivers from the requirements of Subsection (a) of this section if
   9-60  quality loans in the categories described in that subsection are
   9-61  not available from within the association's local service area.
   9-62        Sec. 5.08.  CONVERSION APPLICATION PROCESS.  An application
   9-63  to convert an institution to a state savings bank shall be
   9-64  processed pursuant to the Texas Savings Bank Act.
   9-66        SECTION 2.01.  The Texas Savings Bank Act is enacted to read
   9-67  as follows:
   9-68                    CHAPTER 1.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
   9-69        Sec. 1.01.  SHORT TITLE.  This Act may be cited as the "Texas
   9-70  Savings Bank Act."
   10-1        Sec. 1.02.  PURPOSE.  The purpose of this Act is to
   10-2  facilitate the delivery of credit for home ownership and family and
   10-3  community purposes, increase the savings base of the state, and
   10-4  provide local control of the means of finance and the accumulation
   10-5  of capital through the state chartering of depository institutions
   10-6  known as savings banks, and to provide savings bank regulation that
   10-7  is readily responsive to changes in local economic conditions.
   10-8        Sec. 1.03.  DEFINITIONS.  In this Act:
   10-9              (1)  "Administrative procedure act" means the
  10-10  Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a,
  10-11  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
  10-12              (2)  "Appropriate banking agency"
  10-13                    (A)  means:
  10-14                          (i)  with respect to a Texas-chartered
  10-15  savings bank, the Savings and Loan Department of Texas;
  10-16                          (ii)  with respect to a federal savings
  10-17  bank, the Office of Thrift Supervision;
  10-18                          (iii)  with respect to a Texas-chartered
  10-19  savings and loan association, the Savings and Loan Department of
  10-20  Texas;
  10-21                          (iv)  with respect to a federal savings and
  10-22  loan association, the Office of Thrift Supervision;
  10-23                          (v)  with respect to a Texas-chartered
  10-24  bank, The Banking Department of Texas; and
  10-25                          (vi)  with respect to a national bank, the
  10-26  Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; and
  10-27                    (B)  includes:
  10-28                          (i)  in all cases where a state bank is a
  10-29  member of the Federal Reserve System, the board of governors of the
  10-30  Federal Reserve System;
  10-31                          (ii)  in all cases where required by the
  10-32  Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. Section 1811 et seq.), the
  10-33  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; and
  10-34                          (iii)  in all cases, the successors of the
  10-35  state and federal agencies specified in this subdivision.
  10-36              (3)  "Capital stock" means, with respect to a capital
  10-37  stock savings bank, the units into which the proprietary interest
  10-38  in the savings bank is divided.
  10-39              (4)  "Capital stock savings bank" means a savings bank
  10-40  authorized to issue capital stock.
  10-41              (5)  "Commissioner" means the Savings and Loan
  10-42  Commissioner.
  10-43              (6)  "Company" means a corporation, partnership, trust,
  10-44  joint-stock company, association, unincorporated organization, or
  10-45  other legal entity, or a combination of any of those entities
  10-46  acting in concert.
  10-47              (7)  "Control" means the possession of the power to
  10-48  direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a
  10-49  savings bank by either direct or indirect means.  An individual or
  10-50  company is deemed to have control if, individually or acting in
  10-51  concert with others, the individual or company directly or
  10-52  indirectly owns, controls, holds with the power to vote, or holds
  10-53  proxies representing 25 percent or more of the voting stock or
  10-54  voting rights of a savings bank.
  10-55              (8)  "Deposit account" means a savings account,
  10-56  certificate of deposit, withdrawable deposit, demand deposit
  10-57  account, checking account, or any other appropriate term referring
  10-58  to the amount of money a savings bank owes to an account holder as
  10-59  a result of the deposit of funds in the savings bank.
  10-60              (9)  "Deposit liability" means the aggregate amount of
  10-61  money owed to deposit account holders of a savings bank at any one
  10-62  particular time, as shown by the books of the savings bank and
  10-63  after applying any legal or contractual reductions.
  10-64              (10)  "Domestic savings bank" means a savings bank
  10-65  organized under the laws of this state and subject to this Act.
  10-66              (11)  "Earnings on account" means either interest
  10-67  contractually payable or dividends declared payable to holders of
  10-68  deposit accounts in a savings bank.
  10-69              (12)  "Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation" includes
  10-70  its successor or successors.
   11-1              (13)  "Federal savings bank" means a savings bank
   11-2  incorporated under the laws of the United States whose principal
   11-3  business office is located in this state.
   11-4              (14)  "Finance commission" means The Finance Commission
   11-5  of Texas.
   11-6              (15)  "Financial institution" means a state or federal
   11-7  savings bank, a state or federal savings and loan association, or a
   11-8  state or national bank.
   11-9              (16)  "Foreign savings bank" means a savings bank whose
  11-10  principal office is located outside this state and that has been
  11-11  organized under the laws of a state or territory of the United
  11-12  States other than this state or under the laws of the United
  11-13  States.
  11-14              (17)  "Holding company" means any company that directly
  11-15  or indirectly controls a savings bank or controls any other company
  11-16  that is a savings bank holding company.
  11-17              (18)  "Loss reserves" means the aggregate amount of the
  11-18  reserves allocated by a savings bank for the sole purpose of
  11-19  absorbing losses.
  11-20              (19)  "Member" means, with respect to a mutual savings
  11-21  bank, a person holding an account with the savings bank, assuming
  11-22  or obligated on a loan in which the savings bank has an interest,
  11-23  or owning property that secures a loan in which the savings bank
  11-24  has an interest.
  11-25              (20)  "Mutual savings bank" means a savings bank not
  11-26  authorized to issue capital stock.
  11-27              (21)  "Regulatory capital" means a common stockholders'
  11-28  equity, including retained earnings, noncumulative perpetual
  11-29  preferred stock and related earnings, minority interests in the
  11-30  equity accounts of fully consolidated subsidiaries, and other
  11-31  elements as established by the rules of the commissioner and the
  11-32  finance commission.
  11-33              (22)  "Savings bank" means an institution organized
  11-34  under or subject to this Act.
  11-35              (23)  "Stockholder" means the owner of one or more
  11-36  shares of a savings bank's capital stock.
  11-37              (24)  "Subsidiary" means a company that is controlled
  11-38  by a savings bank or by a company that is controlled, directly or
  11-39  indirectly, by a savings bank.  For purposes of this subdivision, a
  11-40  savings bank is considered to control a company if the savings bank
  11-41  directly or indirectly or acting in concert with one or more other
  11-42  individuals or entities or through one or more subsidiaries:
  11-43                    (A)  owns, controls, or holds with the power to
  11-44  vote, or holds proxies representing, more than 25 percent of the
  11-45  voting stock or voting rights of the company;
  11-46                    (B)  controls in any manner the election of a
  11-47  majority of the directors of the company; or
  11-48                    (C)  is a general partner in or has contributed
  11-49  more than 25 percent of the equity capital of the company.
  11-50              (25)  "Surplus" means the aggregate amount of the
  11-51  undistributed earnings of a savings bank held as undivided profits
  11-52  or unallocated reserves for general corporate purposes and any
  11-53  paid-in surplus held by the savings bank.
  11-54              (26)  "Surviving financial institution" means the
  11-55  entity that is the result of a merger or consolidation of a foreign
  11-56  savings bank and a domestic savings bank or of a merger or
  11-57  consolidation of a savings bank and another financial institution.
  11-58              (27)  "Unpursued cause of action" means an existing
  11-59  claim belonging to a savings bank on which a suit or other
  11-60  effective action has not been filed or taken by or on behalf of the
  11-61  savings bank before the expiration of six months after the cause of
  11-62  action arose, involving:
  11-63                    (A)  a claim for monetary damages or recovery of
  11-64  property;
  11-65                    (B)  a claim for equitable relief;
  11-66                    (C)  a cause of action for breach of contract or
  11-67  for enforcement of a contract; or
  11-68                    (D)  a claim on a fidelity bond.
  11-69              (28)  "Unsafe and unsound practices" means, with
  11-70  respect to the operation of a savings bank, an action or inaction
   12-1  that is likely to cause insolvency or substantial dissipation of
   12-2  assets or earnings or to otherwise reduce the ability of the
   12-3  savings bank to timely satisfy withdrawal requests of deposit
   12-4  account holders.
   12-5              (29)  "Withdrawal value of deposit account" means the
   12-6  net amount of money, after the application of any legal or
   12-7  contractual reduction, that may be withdrawn at any particular time
   12-8  by an account holder from a deposit account.
   12-9        Sec. 1.04.  EFFECT OF HEADINGS.  The division of this Act
  12-10  into chapters and sections and the captions of chapters and
  12-11  sections are for convenience and have no legal effect in construing
  12-12  the provisions of this Act.
  12-15  CORPORATIONS.  The Texas Business Corporation Act, the Texas
  12-16  Miscellaneous Corporation Laws Act (Article 1302-1.01 et seq.,
  12-17  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and other law relating to general
  12-18  business corporations are applicable to a savings bank to the
  12-19  extent not inconsistent with this Act or the proper business of a
  12-20  savings bank.
  12-22  A savings bank must obtain and maintain federal insurance of
  12-23  deposit accounts through an insurance corporation created by an Act
  12-24  of the United States Congress.
  12-26  INSTITUTION.  A savings bank must qualify for and maintain the
  12-27  asset test of Section 7701(a)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code of
  12-28  1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 7701(a)(19)).
  12-29        Sec. 2.04.  INCORPORATION AND INITIAL CAPITAL.  A savings
  12-30  bank may be organized on the application of five or more adult
  12-31  residents of this state.  The minimum initial capital of a savings
  12-32  bank shall be fixed by rules adopted by the commissioner and the
  12-33  finance commission, but the amount may not be less than the amount
  12-34  required to obtain insurance of deposit accounts by the Federal
  12-35  Deposit Insurance Corporation or the amount required of national
  12-36  banks, whichever is greater.  The initial capital shall be paid in
  12-37  cash before the savings bank may begin business.
  12-38        Sec. 2.05.  CONTENTS OF APPLICATION.  (a)  An application to
  12-39  incorporate a savings bank must be in a form specified by the
  12-40  commissioner, signed by each incorporator, and submitted to the
  12-41  commissioner with the filing fee.  An application consists of:
  12-42              (1)  two copies of the proposed articles of
  12-43  incorporation setting forth the name of the savings bank, the site
  12-44  of the principal office, and the names and addresses of the initial
  12-45  directors;
  12-46              (2)  two copies of the bylaws under which the savings
  12-47  bank proposes to operate;
  12-48              (3)  statements, exhibits, maps, and other data
  12-49  sufficiently detailed and comprehensive to enable the commissioner
  12-50  to make findings under Section 2.11 of this Act;
  12-51              (4)  other information relating to the proposed savings
  12-52  bank and its operation required by the rules of the commissioner
  12-53  and the finance commission; and
  12-54              (5)  financial information about the applicants,
  12-55  incorporators, directors, or stockholders required by the rules of
  12-56  the commissioner and the finance commission.
  12-57        (b)  Financial information submitted under Subsection (a) of
  12-58  this section is confidential and not subject to public disclosure
  12-59  unless the commissioner finds that the disclosure is necessary and
  12-60  in the public interest.
  12-61        (c)  If an application is to incorporate a capital stock
  12-62  savings bank, the articles of incorporation must set out:
  12-63              (1)  the aggregate number of shares of common stock
  12-64  that the savings bank may issue;
  12-65              (2)  the par value of each share or a statement that
  12-66  the shares are without par value;
  12-67              (3)  a statement of whether the savings bank may issue
  12-68  preferred stock;
  12-69              (4)  the amount of stock that has been subscribed and
  12-70  will be paid for before the savings bank begins business; and
   13-1              (5)  a separate statement of the name and address of
   13-2  each subscriber, the amount subscribed by each subscriber, and the
   13-3  amount of paid-in surplus with which the savings bank will begin
   13-4  business.
   13-5        (d)  If an application is to incorporate a mutual savings
   13-6  bank, the articles of incorporation must include a statement of the
   13-7  amount of deposit liability of the savings bank and the amount of
   13-8  the expense fund with which the savings bank will begin business.
   13-9        (e)  The bylaws of the proposed savings bank must provide for
  13-10  the voting rights of the members, if a mutual savings bank, or the
  13-11  stockholders, if a capital stock savings bank.
  13-12        (f)  The articles of incorporation and statements of fact
  13-13  submitted to the commissioner in connection with an application
  13-14  must be subscribed and sworn to before an officer authorized to
  13-15  administer oaths.
  13-16        Sec. 2.06.  MANAGING OFFICER.  An applicant is not required
  13-17  to specify the name and qualifications of the proposed managing
  13-18  officer of the proposed savings bank at a hearing concerning the
  13-19  granting of the application or in a public record.  This
  13-20  information may be presented to the commissioner at any time, but a
  13-21  savings bank may not begin business unless it first presents to the
  13-22  commissioner the name and qualifications of its proposed managing
  13-23  officer and that managing officer is approved as qualified by the
  13-24  commissioner.
  13-25        Sec. 2.07.  COMMON STOCK.  (a)  Before approving an
  13-26  application, the commissioner shall require that a capital stock
  13-27  savings bank have an aggregate amount of capital in the form of
  13-28  stock and paid-in surplus as specified by the rules of the
  13-29  commissioner and of the finance commission.  Paid-in surplus may be
  13-30  used instead of earnings to pay organizational and operating
  13-31  expenses and earnings on deposit accounts and to meet any loss
  13-32  reserve requirements.  If the application is not approved or if the
  13-33  proposed savings bank does not begin business, the stock
  13-34  subscriptions for capital stock, less any lawful expenditures,
  13-35  shall be returned pro rata to the subscribers.
  13-36        (b)  A savings bank may not purchase, directly or indirectly,
  13-37  any of its own shares of common stock after the stock is issued.
  13-38  Common stock may not be retired or redeemed until all liabilities
  13-39  of the savings bank have been satisfied in full, including all
  13-40  amounts due to holders of deposit accounts, unless prior written
  13-41  permission is obtained from the commissioner and the retirement or
  13-42  redemption is authorized by a majority vote of the savings bank's
  13-43  stockholders at an annual meeting or a special meeting called for
  13-44  that purpose.  The basis of the retirement or redemption must be
  13-45  first approved by the commissioner and consent must be obtained in
  13-46  writing from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and filed
  13-47  with the commissioner.  Preferred stock may be retired or redeemed
  13-48  in the manner provided by the articles of incorporation or a
  13-49  resolution of the board of directors of the savings bank
  13-50  establishing the rights and preferences relating to the stock.
  13-51  Both common and preferred stock must be fully paid for in cash in
  13-52  advance of issuance.  A savings bank may not make a loan against
  13-53  the shares of its outstanding common or preferred stock.
  13-54        Sec. 2.08.  PREFERRED STOCK.  (a)  If the articles of
  13-55  incorporation permit, shares of preferred stock may be divided into
  13-56  and issued in series.  Each series must be clearly designated to
  13-57  distinguish its shares from the shares of other series or classes.
  13-58  All or part of a series and variations in the relative rights and
  13-59  preferences between different series may be fixed and determined by
  13-60  the articles of incorporation, but all shares of the same class
  13-61  must be identical except for the following rights and preferences:
  13-62              (1)  the rate of dividend;
  13-63              (2)  the price, terms, and conditions at which shares
  13-64  may be redeemed;
  13-65              (3)  the amount payable on shares in the event of
  13-66  involuntary liquidation;
  13-67              (4)  the amount payable on shares in the event of
  13-68  voluntary liquidation;
  13-69              (5)  a sinking fund provision for the redemption or
  13-70  purchase of shares;
   14-1              (6)  the terms and conditions of conversion of shares
   14-2  that may be converted; and
   14-3              (7)  voting rights.
   14-4        (b)  If the articles of incorporation permit, the board of
   14-5  directors by resolution may divide classes of preferred stock into
   14-6  series and, within the limitations provided by this chapter and the
   14-7  articles of incorporation, may determine the relative rights and
   14-8  preferences of the shares of the series.  Before the shares may be
   14-9  issued, a copy of the resolution shall be submitted to the
  14-10  commissioner.  If the resolution conforms to this Act, the
  14-11  commissioner shall file it in the commissioner's office.  A
  14-12  resolution filed by the commissioner is considered to be an
  14-13  amendment to the savings bank's articles of incorporation.
  14-14        (c)  The extent to which preferred stock may be included as
  14-15  regulatory capital of a savings bank is subject to the rules
  14-16  adopted by the commissioner and the finance commission.
  14-18  SAVINGS BANK.  Before approving the articles of incorporation of a
  14-19  mutual savings bank, the commissioner shall require the savings
  14-20  bank to have subscriptions for an aggregate amount of deposit
  14-21  accounts and an expense fund in an aggregate amount established by
  14-22  rule of the commissioner and the finance commission as necessary
  14-23  for the successful operation of a mutual savings bank.  The expense
  14-24  of organizing a savings bank, its operating expenses, and earnings
  14-25  on accounts declared and paid or credited to its deposit account
  14-26  holders may be paid out of the expense fund until the savings
  14-27  bank's earnings are sufficient to pay those amounts.  The amounts
  14-28  contributed to the expense fund do not constitute a liability of
  14-29  the savings bank except as provided by this chapter.  The
  14-30  contributions may be repaid pro rata to the contributors from the
  14-31  net earnings of a savings bank after provision for required loss
  14-32  reserve allocations and payment or credit of earnings declared on
  14-33  accounts.  If a savings bank is liquidated before contributions to
  14-34  the expense fund are repaid, any contributions to the expense fund
  14-35  remaining unspent after the payment of expenses of liquidation,
  14-36  creditors, and the withdrawal value of deposit accounts shall be
  14-37  paid to the contributors pro rata.  The books of a savings bank
  14-38  must reflect the expense fund.  Contributors to an expense fund
  14-39  shall be paid dividends on the amounts contributed to the same
  14-40  extent a deposit account is paid dividends, and for this purpose
  14-41  the contributions are considered deposit accounts of the savings
  14-42  bank.
  14-43        Sec. 2.10.  HEARING ON APPLICATION TO INCORPORATE.  (a)  When
  14-44  a complete application to incorporate as defined by rules adopted
  14-45  by the commissioner and the finance commission is filed, the
  14-46  commissioner shall issue public notice of the application and shall
  14-47  give any interested party an opportunity to appear, present
  14-48  evidence, and be heard for or against the application.  A hearing
  14-49  officer designated by the commissioner shall hold the hearing.
  14-50        (b)  The hearing officer shall file with the commissioner a
  14-51  report on the hearing containing findings of fact on each condition
  14-52  set out by Section 2.11 of this Act and the evidence on which those
  14-53  findings are based.
  14-55  (a)  The commissioner may not approve an application to incorporate
  14-56  unless:
  14-57              (1)  the prerequisites to incorporation required by
  14-58  this chapter have been satisfied;
  14-59              (2)  the character, responsibility, and general fitness
  14-60  of the persons named in the articles of incorporation command
  14-61  confidence and warrant belief that the business of the proposed
  14-62  savings bank will be honestly and efficiently conducted in
  14-63  accordance with the intent and purpose of this Act and that the
  14-64  proposed savings bank will have qualified full-time management;
  14-65              (3)  there is a public need for the proposed savings
  14-66  bank and the volume of business in the community in which the
  14-67  proposed savings bank will conduct its business indicates that a
  14-68  profitable operation is probable; and
  14-69              (4)  the operation of the proposed savings bank will
  14-70  not unduly harm any existing savings bank or state or federal
   15-1  savings and loan association.
   15-2        (b)  If the commissioner makes each finding under Subsection
   15-3  (a) of this section, the commissioner shall enter an order
   15-4  approving the application and stating the findings required by
   15-5  Subsection (a) of this section, issue under official seal a
   15-6  certificate of incorporation, and deliver a copy of the approved
   15-7  articles of incorporation and bylaws to the incorporators.  The
   15-8  commissioner shall retain a copy of the articles of incorporation
   15-9  and bylaws as a permanent file.  On delivery of the certificate to
  15-10  the incorporators, the savings bank is a corporate body with
  15-11  perpetual existence unless terminated by law and may exercise the
  15-12  powers of a savings bank beginning on the date the commissioner
  15-13  certifies receipt of satisfactory proof that the required amount of
  15-14  capital was received by the savings bank, free of encumbrance.
  15-15        (c)  If the commissioner is unable to make all findings
  15-16  required under Subsection (a) of this section, the commissioner
  15-17  shall enter a written order denying the application and stating the
  15-18  grounds for the denial.  A copy of the order shall be delivered to
  15-19  the designated representative of the incorporators by certified
  15-20  mail.
  15-22  BUSINESS.  A savings bank shall begin business not later than the
  15-23  first anniversary of the date of the approval of its application.
  15-24  The incorporators may request from the commissioner an extension of
  15-25  the deadline.  If good cause is shown, the commissioner may grant a
  15-26  reasonable extension of the deadline.  Failure to begin business as
  15-27  required by this Act is a ground for rescission of a savings bank's
  15-28  charter by the commissioner.
  15-29        Sec. 2.13.  CORPORATE NAME.  The name of a savings bank must
  15-30  include the words "State Savings Bank" or the abbreviation "SSB."
  15-31  These words or the abbreviation must be preceded by an appropriate
  15-32  descriptive word or words approved by the commissioner.  The
  15-33  commissioner may not approve the incorporation of a savings bank
  15-34  having the same name as another financial institution authorized to
  15-35  do business in this state under this Act, the Texas Savings and
  15-36  Loan Act (Article 852a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), or The
  15-37  Texas Banking Code (Article 342-101 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil
  15-38  Statutes) or a name so nearly resembling the name of another
  15-39  financial institution as to be calculated to deceive unless the
  15-40  savings bank is formed by the reincorporation, reorganization, or
  15-41  consolidation of the other financial institution or on the sale of
  15-42  the property or franchise of the other savings bank.  A person or
  15-43  company, either domestic or foreign, other than a state or federal
  15-44  savings bank, may not do business under a name or title that
  15-45  contains the words "savings bank," that indicates or reasonably
  15-46  implies that the business is the character or kind of business
  15-47  carried on or transacted by a savings bank, or that is calculated
  15-48  to lead any person to believe that its business is that of a
  15-49  savings bank.  On application by the commissioner or any savings
  15-50  bank, a court of competent jurisdiction may issue an injunction to
  15-51  restrain a person or company from violating this section.
  15-53  OFFICE LOCATION OR NAME.  Without the prior approval of the
  15-54  commissioner given in accordance with the rules of the commissioner
  15-55  and the finance commission, a savings bank may not establish an
  15-56  office other than the principal office stated in its articles of
  15-57  incorporation, move an office from its immediate vicinity, or
  15-58  change its name.  The commissioner may permit a savings bank to
  15-59  establish additional offices within this state or any other state
  15-60  or territory of the United States in accordance with the rules of
  15-61  the commissioner and the finance commission.  If requested, the
  15-62  commissioner shall give a person who might be affected by the
  15-63  establishment of additional offices or the change of office
  15-64  location or name an opportunity to be heard under Section 12.08 of
  15-65  this Act.
  15-66                     CHAPTER 3.  CORPORATE CHANGES
  15-68  (a)  A financial institution may be converted into a savings bank
  15-69  under this Act on a majority vote of the members or stockholders of
  15-70  the financial institution cast at an annual meeting or a special
   16-1  meeting called to consider the action.  Copies of the minutes of
   16-2  the proceedings of the meeting of members or stockholders, verified
   16-3  by affidavit of the secretary or an assistant secretary, must be
   16-4  submitted to the commissioner and mailed to the appropriate banking
   16-5  agency within 10 days after the date of the meeting.  A sworn copy
   16-6  of the proceedings of the meeting is presumptive evidence of the
   16-7  holding and action of the meeting after its filing  with the
   16-8  commissioner.  At a meeting to vote on a conversion to a domestic
   16-9  savings bank, the members or stockholders shall also vote on the
  16-10  directors of the savings bank.  The proposed directors shall
  16-11  execute two copies of an application for certificate of
  16-12  incorporation as provided in Chapter 2 of this Act.  Each proposed
  16-13  director shall sign and acknowledge the application for certificate
  16-14  of incorporation as a subscriber to the savings bank and shall sign
  16-15  and acknowledge the proposed bylaws as an incorporator of the
  16-16  savings bank.
  16-17        (b)  The commissioner on receipt of the application and
  16-18  verified copy of the minutes shall conduct an examination of the
  16-19  financial institution seeking conversion.  Following the
  16-20  examination, the commissioner shall approve the conversion without
  16-21  a hearing if the commissioner determines that the converting
  16-22  financial institution is in sound condition and meets all
  16-23  standards, conditions, and requirements of Chapter 2 of this Act or
  16-24  relevant rules adopted by the commissioner and the finance
  16-25  commission.  On approval of the conversion, the incorporators shall
  16-26  insert a paragraph preceding the testimonium clause in the
  16-27  certificate of incorporation stating that the savings bank is
  16-28  incorporated by conversion from another financial institution.
  16-29        (c)  An applicant is entitled to a hearing under the
  16-30  administrative procedure act if the commissioner denies an
  16-31  application to convert and a written request for a hearing is
  16-32  delivered to the commissioner within 10 days after the date of
  16-33  denial.  A hearing officer designated by the commissioner shall
  16-34  hold the hearing.  Within 30 days after the date the hearing is
  16-35  completed, the commissioner shall enter a final order either
  16-36  approving or denying the application.  An applicant has the right
  16-37  to appeal a final order to a district court of Travis County with
  16-38  the commissioner named as defendant.  The commissioner is not
  16-39  required to file an appeal bond in any cause arising under this
  16-40  section.  Filing an appeal under this section does not stay an
  16-41  order of the commissioner.
  16-42        (d)  On the conversion of a financial institution into a
  16-43  savings bank, the corporate existence of the financial institution
  16-44  does not terminate, but the new savings bank is a continuation of
  16-45  the entity of the converting financial institution.  All property
  16-46  of the converting financial institution, including its rights,
  16-47  titles, and interests in and to all property of whatever kind,
  16-48  whether real, personal, or mixed, and things in action, and every
  16-49  right, privilege, interest, and asset of any conceivable value or
  16-50  benefit then existing, or pertaining to the financial institution,
  16-51  or which would inure to it, immediately by operation of law and
  16-52  without any conveyance or transfer and without any further act or
  16-53  deed remains and vests in and continues to be the property of the
  16-54  savings bank into which the financial institution converted.  The
  16-55  new savings bank has, holds, and enjoys those properties, rights,
  16-56  privileges, interests, and assets in its own right as fully and to
  16-57  the same extent as they were possessed, held, and enjoyed by the
  16-58  converting financial institution.  The new savings bank as of the
  16-59  time the conversion takes effect has and succeeds to all the
  16-60  rights, obligations, and relations of the converting financial
  16-61  institution.  The new savings bank shall file a copy of the order
  16-62  of conversion in all counties in which the converting financial
  16-63  institution owns real property.  All pending actions and other
  16-64  judicial proceedings to which the financial institution is a party
  16-65  are not abated or discontinued by reason of the conversion, but may
  16-66  be prosecuted to final judgment, order, or decree in the same
  16-67  manner as if the conversion into the new savings bank did not
  16-68  occur.  The new savings bank may continue any pending action in its
  16-69  corporate name as the new savings bank, and any judgment, order, or
  16-70  decree may be rendered for or against it that might have been
   17-1  rendered for or against the converting financial institution
   17-2  previously involved in the judicial proceedings.
   17-3        Sec. 3.02.  CONVERSION INTO FINANCIAL INSTITUTION.  (a)  The
   17-4  finance commission shall adopt rules establishing the conditions
   17-5  under which a savings bank subject to this Act may be converted
   17-6  into another financial institution.  The rules must ensure that a
   17-7  proposed conversion does not cause undue harm to the public
   17-8  interest or to any other existing financial institution.
   17-9        (b)  A conversion by a savings bank may be initiated by the
  17-10  adoption of a resolution by a majority vote of the members or
  17-11  stockholders of a savings bank entitled to vote at an annual
  17-12  meeting or special meeting called to consider the conversion.  The
  17-13  resolution must declare that the savings bank shall be converted.
  17-14  A copy of the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the
  17-15  stockholders or members, verified by affidavit of the secretary or
  17-16  an assistant secretary, must be filed in the office of the
  17-17  commissioner within 10 days after the date of the meeting.  A sworn
  17-18  copy of the proceedings of the meeting is presumptive evidence of
  17-19  the holding and action of the meeting after its filing with the
  17-20  commissioner.
  17-21        (c)  Within 10 days after the date of receipt of an
  17-22  application to convert and a copy of the minutes, the commissioner
  17-23  shall either consent to the conversion by written order or set a
  17-24  hearing to consider whether the proposed conversion complies with
  17-25  the conditions established by the finance commission.  The hearing
  17-26  must be held within 25 days after the date of the filing of the
  17-27  conversion application unless a later date is agreed to by the
  17-28  savings bank and the commissioner.  The commissioner or a hearing
  17-29  officer designated by the commissioner shall conduct the hearing as
  17-30  a contested case in compliance with the administrative procedure
  17-31  act, except that a proposal for decision may not be made and a
  17-32  final decision or order must be rendered by the commissioner within
  17-33  15 days after the date of the close of the hearing.  If the
  17-34  commissioner denies an application to convert, the administrative
  17-35  procedure act governs a motion for rehearing and available judicial
  17-36  review.
  17-37        (d)  If the commissioner consents to the conversion, the
  17-38  savings bank, within three months after the date of the
  17-39  commissioner's written order, shall consummate the conversion in
  17-40  the manner prescribed and authorized by the applicable laws of this
  17-41  state or the United States.  A copy of the charter issued to the
  17-42  new financial institution by the appropriate banking agency or the
  17-43  certificate showing the organization of the new financial
  17-44  institution, certified by the secretary or assistant secretary of
  17-45  the appropriate banking agency, must be filed with the
  17-46  commissioner.  Failure to file the charter or certificate with the
  17-47  commissioner does not affect the validity of the conversion.
  17-48        (e)  On the grant of a charter by the appropriate banking
  17-49  agency, the savings bank receiving the new charter ceases existence
  17-50  as a savings bank incorporated under this Act and is not subject to
  17-51  the supervision and control of the commissioner under this Act.
  17-52        (f)  On the conversion of a savings bank into another
  17-53  financial institution, the corporate existence of the savings bank
  17-54  does not terminate, but the new financial institution is a
  17-55  continuation of the entity of the converting savings bank.  The new
  17-56  financial institution retains all property, rights, and obligations
  17-57  of the converting savings bank and is subject to the provisions of
  17-58  Subsection (d) of Section 3.01 of this Act as if it were a new
  17-59  savings bank under that section to the extent the provisions can be
  17-60  made applicable to the new financial institution.
  17-62  (a)  Under a plan adopted by the board of directors and approved by
  17-63  the commissioner and subject to Chapter 11 of this Act and Article
  17-64  XVI, Section 16, of the Texas Constitution, a savings bank may
  17-65  reorganize, merge, or consolidate with another financial
  17-66  institution if the plan of reorganization, merger, or consolidation
  17-67  is approved by a majority of the total votes that the members or
  17-68  stockholders are entitled to cast.  Approval may be voted at either
  17-69  an annual meeting or at a special meeting called to consider the
  17-70  action.  A stockholder of a capital stock savings bank has the same
   18-1  dissenter's rights as a stockholder of a domestic corporation under
   18-2  the Texas Business Corporation Act.  In all cases the corporate
   18-3  continuity of the resulting corporation possesses the same property
   18-4  rights and obligations as those of a savings bank that has
   18-5  converted in accordance with this Act.  The home office of the
   18-6  financial institution in the proposed merger possessing the largest
   18-7  assets shall be designated as the home office of the surviving
   18-8  financial institution unless a different home office is approved by
   18-9  the commissioner.
  18-10        (b)  On receiving a plan of reorganization, merger, or
  18-11  consolidation, the commissioner shall give public notice of the
  18-12  proposed reorganization, merger, or consolidation in the county or
  18-13  counties in which the financial institutions participating in the
  18-14  proposed plan have offices and shall give any interested party an
  18-15  opportunity to appear, present evidence, and be heard for or
  18-16  against the proposed plan.  A hearing officer designated by the
  18-17  commissioner shall hold the hearing.  If a protest is not received
  18-18  on or before the date of hearing, the commissioner or hearing
  18-19  officer may dispense with the hearing.  The provisions of the
  18-20  administrative procedure act applicable to a contested case apply
  18-21  to the hearing, except that the notice and hearing provisions of
  18-22  that Act and of this section do not apply to an application under
  18-23  this section if the commissioner has designated the merger to be a
  18-24  supervisory merger under the rules adopted by the finance
  18-25  commission, and in that event, the application and all information
  18-26  relating to the application is confidential and privileged from
  18-27  public disclosure.
  18-28        (c)  The commissioner shall issue an order denying the
  18-29  proposed plan if:
  18-30              (1)  the reorganization, merger, or consolidation would
  18-31  substantially lessen competition or be in restraint of trade and
  18-32  would result in a monopoly or be in furtherance of a combination or
  18-33  conspiracy to monopolize or attempt to monopolize the financial
  18-34  industry in any part of the state, unless the anticompetitive
  18-35  effects of the proposed reorganization, merger, or consolidation
  18-36  are clearly outweighed in the public interest by the probable
  18-37  effect of the reorganization, merger, or consolidation in meeting
  18-38  the convenience and needs of the community to be served;
  18-39              (2)  the proposed plan is not in the best interest of
  18-40  the financial institutions that are parties to the plan;
  18-41              (3)  the experience, ability, standing, competence,
  18-42  trustworthiness, or integrity of the management of the financial
  18-43  institutions proposing the plan is such that the reorganization,
  18-44  merger, or consolidation would not be in the best interest of the
  18-45  financial institutions that are parties to the plan;
  18-46              (4)  after reorganization, merger, or consolidation the
  18-47  surviving financial institution would not:
  18-48                    (A)  be solvent;
  18-49                    (B)  have adequate capital structure; or
  18-50                    (C)  be in compliance with the laws of this
  18-51  state;
  18-52              (5)  the financial institutions proposing the plan have
  18-53  not furnished all of the information pertinent to the application
  18-54  reasonably requested by the commissioner; or
  18-55              (6)  the financial institutions proposing the plan are
  18-56  not acting in good faith.
  18-57        (d)  If the surviving financial institution is an entity
  18-58  other than a savings bank, the commissioner may accept the
  18-59  procedures and decision of the appropriate banking agency having
  18-60  jurisdiction over the surviving financial institution in addition
  18-61  to or in lieu of the requirements of this section.
  18-63  BANK.  (a)  One or more corporations organized under the law of
  18-64  this state may merge into a savings bank that owns all of the
  18-65  corporations' capital stock under a plan of merger adopted by
  18-66  majority votes of the boards of directors of the savings bank and
  18-67  each corporation.
  18-68        (b)  The original and a copy of the articles of merger must
  18-69  be submitted to the secretary of state and the commissioner.  The
  18-70  articles of merger must be executed by the president or
   19-1  vice-president and a secretary or assistant secretary of the
   19-2  savings bank and each corporation and must include:
   19-3              (1)  the names of the savings bank and each
   19-4  corporation;
   19-5              (2)  a copy of the resolutions of the savings bank and
   19-6  each corporation adopting the plan of merger;
   19-7              (3)  a statement of the number of shares of each class
   19-8  issued or authorized by each corporation;
   19-9              (4)  a statement that all capital stock of each
  19-10  corporation is owned by the savings bank; and
  19-11              (5)  a statement incorporating the provisions of
  19-12  Subsection (f) of this section.
  19-13        (c)  For a merger to be effective, it must be approved by
  19-14  both the secretary of state and the commissioner.  If the secretary
  19-15  of state determines that the articles of merger comply with
  19-16  applicable law and that all fees and franchise taxes due from the
  19-17  corporation have been paid, the secretary of state shall approve
  19-18  the articles of merger as provided by Subsection (d) of this
  19-19  section.  If the commissioner determines that the articles of
  19-20  merger comply with applicable law and that the merger is in the
  19-21  best interest of the savings bank, the commissioner shall approve
  19-22  the articles of merger as provided by Subsection (d) of this
  19-23  section.
  19-24        (d)  On approval of the articles of merger, the commissioner
  19-25  and the secretary of state shall each:
  19-26              (1)  endorse "filed" and the date of the approval on
  19-27  the original and a copy of the articles of merger;
  19-28              (2)  file the original and a copy of the articles of
  19-29  merger in the records of the commissioner's office or the secretary
  19-30  of state's office, as appropriate; and
  19-31              (3)  issue and deliver to the savings bank a
  19-32  certificate of merger, attaching a copy of the articles of merger.
  19-33        (e)  A merger takes effect when the latter of the required
  19-34  certificates of merger is issued.
  19-35        (f)  After a merger, the merged corporation ceases to exist
  19-36  as a separate entity, and only the savings bank survives.  The
  19-37  savings bank assumes the rights and obligations of the corporation
  19-38  and owns the property of the corporation.  The articles of
  19-39  incorporation of the savings bank are considered amended to the
  19-40  extent that a change is stated in the plan of merger.
  19-41        (g)  Section 3.03 of this Act does not apply to a merger
  19-42  under this section.
  19-43        Sec. 3.05.  VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION.  At an annual meeting or a
  19-44  special meeting called for that purpose, a savings bank by majority
  19-45  vote of its members or stockholders may resolve to liquidate and
  19-46  dissolve the savings bank.  Before a liquidation resolution may
  19-47  take effect, a copy of the resolution, certified by the president
  19-48  and secretary of the savings bank, together with an itemized
  19-49  statement of the savings bank's assets and liabilities sworn to by
  19-50  a majority of its board of directors, must be filed with and
  19-51  approved by the commissioner.  After the commissioner's approval of
  19-52  the resolution, the savings bank may not accept any additional
  19-53  deposit accounts or additions to deposit accounts or make any
  19-54  additional loans, and all its income  and receipts in excess of
  19-55  actual expenses of liquidation of the savings bank must be applied
  19-56  to the discharge of its liabilities.  The board of directors of the
  19-57  savings bank, under the supervision of the commissioner and in
  19-58  accordance with a plan of liquidation approved by the commissioner,
  19-59  shall then liquidate the affairs of the savings bank and reduce its
  19-60  assets to cash for the purpose of paying, satisfying, and
  19-61  discharging all existing liabilities and obligations of the savings
  19-62  bank, including the full withdrawal value of all deposit accounts,
  19-63  with the balance remaining, if any, to be distributed to the
  19-64  members or stockholders of record on the date of adoption by the
  19-65  savings bank of the resolution to liquidate, according to their
  19-66  liquidation rights.  All expenses incurred by the commissioner or
  19-67  any of the commissioner's representatives during the course of
  19-68  liquidation shall be paid from the assets of the savings bank.  On
  19-69  completion of liquidation, the board of directors shall file with
  19-70  the commissioner a final report and accounting of the liquidation.
   20-1  An approval of the report by the commissioner operates as a
   20-2  complete and final discharge of the board of directors and each
   20-3  member in connection with the liquidation of the savings bank.
   20-4        Sec. 3.06.  INTERIM CHARTER.  (a)  For the purposes of this
   20-5  section:
   20-6              (1)  "Reorganizing institution" means a financial
   20-7  institution the commissioner considers to be in an unsafe
   20-8  condition.
   20-9              (2)  "Merged institution" means an existing financial
  20-10  institution that is merged into an acquiring savings bank.
  20-11        (b)  Application may be made to the commissioner to
  20-12  incorporate a savings bank for the purpose of purchasing the
  20-13  assets, assuming the liabilities other than liability to
  20-14  stockholders, and continuing the business of a reorganizing
  20-15  institution or for the purpose of acquiring by merger a merged
  20-16  institution.
  20-17        (c)  An application must include information required by the
  20-18  commissioner or by a rule of the commissioner and the finance
  20-19  commission.  The capitalization of the savings bank must be in an
  20-20  amount determined by the commissioner as sufficient to carry out
  20-21  the purposes for which incorporation is requested.
  20-22        (d)  The administrative procedure act does not apply to an
  20-23  application to reorganize or merge a financial institution the
  20-24  commissioner considers to be in an unsafe condition.  The
  20-25  application and all information relating to the application are
  20-26  confidential and privileged from public disclosure.
  20-27        (e)  If the commissioner finds that the business of a
  20-28  reorganizing or merged institution can be effectively continued
  20-29  under the proposed articles of incorporation and that the proposed
  20-30  reorganization or merger is in the best interest of the savers,
  20-31  depositors, creditors, and stockholders, if any, of the
  20-32  reorganizing institution or the merged institution and the public
  20-33  in general, the commissioner shall state those findings in writing
  20-34  and issue a certificate of incorporation.  On issuance of the
  20-35  certificate, the savings bank is a corporate body and a
  20-36  continuation of the reorganizing or merged institution, subject to
  20-37  all the reorganizing or merged institution's liabilities,
  20-38  obligations, duties, and relations.  The savings bank may exercise
  20-39  the powers of a savings bank under the laws of this state.
  20-40        (f)  In the case of an acquisition merger, a stockholder of a
  20-41  capital stock financial institution has the same dissenter's rights
  20-42  that a stockholder in a domestic business corporation has under the
  20-43  Texas Business Corporation Act.
  20-44        (g)  Subsection (c) of Section 3.03 of this Act does not
  20-45  apply to an application under this section if the commissioner
  20-46  considers the institution to be reorganized or merged to be in an
  20-47  unsafe condition, and the commissioner may approve the
  20-48  reorganization or merger if the commissioner finds from the
  20-49  application and all information submitted with it that the proposed
  20-50  reorganization or merger is in the best interest of the savers,
  20-51  depositors, creditors, and stockholders, if any, of the
  20-52  reorganizing or merged institution and the public.
  20-53        Sec. 3.07.  CHANGE OF CONTROL.  (a)  A change in the control
  20-54  of a savings bank may not occur unless an application for approval
  20-55  of the change of control is filed with and approved by the
  20-56  commissioner.
  20-57        (b)  The application must be on a form prescribed by the
  20-58  commissioner and must be made under oath.  Except to the extent
  20-59  expressly waived by the commissioner, the application must contain:
  20-60              (1)  the identity, personal and corporate history, as
  20-61  applicable, business background and experience, and financial
  20-62  condition of each person or company by whom or on whose behalf the
  20-63  acquisition is to be made, including a description of the
  20-64  managerial resources and future prospects of each acquiring party
  20-65  and a description of any material pending legal or administrative
  20-66  proceedings to which the applicant is a party;
  20-67              (2)  the terms and conditions of any proposed
  20-68  acquisition and the manner in which the acquisition is to be made;
  20-69              (3)  the identity, source, and amount of the funds or
  20-70  other consideration used or to be used in making the acquisition,
   21-1  and if any part of those funds or other consideration was or is to
   21-2  be borrowed or otherwise obtained for the purpose of making the
   21-3  acquisition, a description of the transaction, the names of the
   21-4  parties, and arrangements, agreements, or understandings with those
   21-5  parties;
   21-6              (4)  any plans or proposals that an acquiring party
   21-7  making the acquisition may have to liquidate the savings bank, sell
   21-8  its assets, merge it with any company, or make any other major
   21-9  changes in its business, corporate structure, or management;
  21-10              (5)  the terms and conditions of any offer, invitation
  21-11  agreement, or arrangement under which any voting security of the
  21-12  savings bank will be acquired and any contract affecting that
  21-13  security or its financing after it is acquired;
  21-14              (6)  information establishing that the requirements
  21-15  under Subsection (d) of this section are satisfied; and
  21-16              (7)  other information that the commissioner:
  21-17                    (A)  by rule requires; or
  21-18                    (B)  orders to be included in a particular
  21-19  application.
  21-20        (c)  The applicant shall pay a filing fee when the applicant
  21-21  files an application.  A proposal to acquire voting securities  of
  21-22  a savings bank subject to this section may be made by an
  21-23  individual, two or more individuals acting in concert, any type of
  21-24  partnership, corporation, syndicate, trust, or any other
  21-25  organization, or any combination of those individuals or entities.
  21-26  The information required by the commissioner may be required of
  21-27  each member of the group, as directed by the commissioner.  Notice
  21-28  of the application, its date of filing, and the identity of all
  21-29  parties to the application shall be submitted to the Texas Register
  21-30  by the commissioner on receipt of the application for publication
  21-31  in the next issue of the Texas Register following the date the
  21-32  information is received.  Information obtained by the commissioner
  21-33  under this section, other than published information, is
  21-34  confidential and may not be disclosed by the commissioner or any
  21-35  officer or employee of the Savings and Loan Department of Texas,
  21-36  except nothing in this section prohibits the commissioner from
  21-37  disclosing, on request, the identity of the actual or beneficial
  21-38  owner of any savings bank chartered under this Act.  The
  21-39  commissioner, in the commissioner's discretion and if the
  21-40  commissioner deems it necessary or proper in the enforcement of the
  21-41  laws of any state or the United States and in the best interest of
  21-42  the public, may also divulge information to any appropriate banking
  21-43  agency or any appropriate governmental department, agency, or
  21-44  instrumentality of this state, another state, or the United States.
  21-45        (d)  The commissioner, subject to Subsections (e) and (f) of
  21-46  this section, shall issue an order denying an application unless
  21-47  the commissioner determines that the applicant has established
  21-48  that:
  21-49              (1)  the acquisition would not:
  21-50                    (A)  substantially lessen competition;
  21-51                    (B)  in any manner be in restraint of trade that
  21-52  would result in a monopoly; and
  21-53                    (C)  be in furtherance of a combination or
  21-54  conspiracy to monopolize or attempt to monopolize the financial
  21-55  industry in any part of the state;
  21-56              (2)  the financial condition of any acquiring party
  21-57  does not jeopardize the financial stability of the savings bank
  21-58  being acquired;
  21-59              (3)  plans or proposals to liquidate or sell the
  21-60  savings bank or its assets, if any, are in the best interest of the
  21-61  savings bank;
  21-62              (4)  the experience, ability, standing, competence,
  21-63  trustworthiness, or integrity of the applicant is such that the
  21-64  acquisition would be in the best interest of the savings bank; and
  21-65              (5)  the savings bank would be solvent, have adequate
  21-66  capital structure, and be in compliance with the laws of this state
  21-67  after the acquisition.
  21-68        (e)  Notwithstanding Subdivision (1) of Subsection (d) of
  21-69  this section, the commissioner is not required to deny an
  21-70  application if the commissioner determines that:
   22-1              (1)  the anticompetitive effects of the proposed
   22-2  acquisition are clearly outweighed in the public interest by the
   22-3  probable effect of the acquisition in meeting the convenience and
   22-4  needs of the community to be served; and
   22-5              (2)  the proposed acquisition is not in violation of
   22-6  any law of this state or the United States.
   22-7        (f)  The commissioner shall issue an order denying an
   22-8  application if the commissioner determines that the applicant:
   22-9              (1)  has failed to furnish all information pertinent to
  22-10  the application reasonably requested by the commissioner; or
  22-11              (2)  is not acting in good faith.
  22-12        (g)  When the commissioner determines that an application for
  22-13  approval of change of control is complete, the commissioner shall
  22-14  issue public notice of the application and shall give any
  22-15  interested party an opportunity to appear, present evidence, and be
  22-16  heard for or against the application.  A hearing officer designated
  22-17  by the commissioner shall hold the hearing.  A hearing is not
  22-18  required if no party provides written notice to the commissioner,
  22-19  within 10 days of the date of publication of the notice of
  22-20  application, of intention to appear and present evidence at the
  22-21  hearing and if the commissioner finds that the application complies
  22-22  with all statutory requirements for approval within 30 days after
  22-23  the date of the completion of a hearing, the commissioner shall
  22-24  enter a final order either approving or denying the application.
  22-25  An applicant may appeal a final order to a district court of Travis
  22-26  County with the commissioner as defendant.  Either party to the
  22-27  action may appeal from the district court of Travis County to the
  22-28  appellate court having jurisdiction of the cause.  The appeal is at
  22-29  once returnable to the appellate court having jurisdiction of the
  22-30  cause, and that action has precedence in that appellate court over
  22-31  all causes of a different character pending in that court.  The
  22-32  commissioner is not required to give any appeal bond in any cause
  22-33  arising under this section.  Filing an appeal under this section
  22-34  does not stay an order of the commissioner.
  22-35        (h)  This section does not apply to a conversion,
  22-36  reorganization, merger, consolidation, or voluntary liquidation
  22-37  under this chapter.
  22-38        (i)  This section does not excuse or diminish the notice
  22-39  provisions required elsewhere in this Act.
  22-40        (j)  This section may not be construed to prevent the
  22-41  commissioner from investigating, commenting on, or seeking to
  22-42  enjoin or set aside any transfer of voting securities of a savings
  22-43  bank, whether or not the transfer is subject to this section, if
  22-44  the commissioner deems the transfer to be against the public
  22-45  interest.
  22-46        (k)  If it appears to the commissioner that a person
  22-47  committed or is about to commit a violation of this section or a
  22-48  rule or order of the commissioner adopted under this section, the
  22-49  attorney general on behalf of the commissioner may apply to a
  22-50  district court of Travis County for an order prohibiting the
  22-51  violation and for other equitable relief as the case may require.
  22-52        (l)  A person commits an offense if the person wilfully and
  22-53  knowingly makes a materially false or misleading statement to the
  22-54  commissioner with respect to the information required by this
  22-55  section.  An offense under this subsection is a Class A
  22-56  misdemeanor.  This subsection is cumulative of other remedies
  22-57  contained in this section.
  22-58        (m)  When it appears a change in control may have occurred
  22-59  without prior approval, the commissioner may call a hearing to
  22-60  determine whether there was in fact a change in control, whether
  22-61  unauthorized persons or corporations having no apparent ownership
  22-62  interest in the savings bank, acting alone or in concert with
  22-63  others, effectively have indirect controlling or dominating
  22-64  influence over the management or policies of a savings bank, and
  22-65  whether an order requiring divestiture of unapproved or indirect
  22-66  control or other appropriate supervisory order should be issued.
  22-68        Sec. 4.01.  REGULATORY AUTHORITY.  The Savings and Loan
  22-69  Department of Texas and the commissioner shall regulate savings
  22-70  banks and subsidiary corporations of savings banks operating under
   23-1  this Act and shall enforce this Act.
   23-2        Sec. 4.02.  ANNUAL INDEPENDENT AUDIT REQUIRED.  Each savings
   23-3  bank shall obtain within 90 days after the date of the close of
   23-4  each of its fiscal years an audit by an independent accounting firm
   23-5  that is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public
   23-6  Accountants or its successor.  Copies of the audit together with
   23-7  all correspondence reasonably related to the audit shall be
   23-8  provided to the commissioner.  The commissioner and the finance
   23-9  commission may adopt rules as necessary to implement this section.
  23-11  (a)  Neither a savings bank nor a director, officer, employee, or
  23-12  representative of a savings bank may grant or give a loan or
  23-13  gratuity, directly or indirectly, to the commissioner, an employee
  23-14  of the Savings and Loan Department of Texas, or a spouse of the
  23-15  commissioner or an employee.
  23-16        (b)  The commissioner or an employee of the Savings and Loan
  23-17  Department of Texas may not:
  23-18              (1)  hold an office or position in any domestic savings
  23-19  bank or exercise any right to vote on any domestic savings bank
  23-20  matter by reason of being a member or stockholder of the savings
  23-21  bank;
  23-22              (2)  hold an interest, directly or indirectly, in any
  23-23  domestic savings bank; or
  23-24              (3)  undertake any indebtedness as a borrower, directly
  23-25  or indirectly, or endorser, surety, or guarantor or sell or
  23-26  otherwise dispose of any loan or investment to any domestic savings
  23-27  bank.
  23-28        (c)  Notwithstanding Subsection (b) of this section, the
  23-29  commissioner or an employee of the Savings and Loan Department of
  23-30  Texas may hold a deposit account at a savings bank and receive
  23-31  earnings on the account.
  23-32        (d)  If the commissioner or an employee of the Savings and
  23-33  Loan Department of Texas has any prohibited, direct or indirect
  23-34  right or interest in a domestic savings bank at the time of the
  23-35  individual's appointment or employment, the commissioner or
  23-36  employee shall dispose of the right or interest within 60 days
  23-37  after the date of appointment or employment.  If the commissioner
  23-38  or an employee of the Savings and Loan Department of Texas is
  23-39  indebted as a borrower, directly or indirectly, or is an endorser,
  23-40  surety, or guarantor on a note to a domestic savings bank at the
  23-41  time of appointment or employment, the commissioner or employee may
  23-42  continue in that capacity until that debt is paid.
  23-43        (e)  If a loan or other note of the commissioner or an
  23-44  employee of the Savings and Loan Department of Texas is acquired by
  23-45  a savings bank, the commissioner or employee may continue as a
  23-46  borrower, endorser, surety, or guarantor of the loan or note until
  23-47  the loan or note is paid.
  23-48        Sec. 4.04.  RULES.  The commissioner and the finance
  23-49  commission may adopt rules not inconsistent with this Act necessary
  23-50  for the supervision and regulation of savings banks and for the
  23-51  protection of the public investing in savings banks, including but
  23-52  not limited to rules on:
  23-53              (1)  the minimum amounts of capital required to
  23-54  incorporate and operate as a savings bank, but not less than the
  23-55  amounts required of corresponding national banks;
  23-56              (2)  the fees and procedures for processing, hearing,
  23-57  and deciding applications filed with the commissioner or the
  23-58  Savings and Loan Department of Texas under this Act;
  23-59              (3)  the books and records that a savings bank shall
  23-60  keep and the location at which the books and records shall be
  23-61  maintained;
  23-62              (4)  the accounting principles and practices that a
  23-63  savings bank shall observe;
  23-64              (5)  the conditions under which records may be copied
  23-65  or reproduced for permanent storage before the originals are
  23-66  destroyed;
  23-67              (6)  the form, content, and time of publication of
  23-68  statements of condition and the form and content of annual reports
  23-69  and other reports that are to be prepared and published or filed by
  23-70  a savings bank;
   24-1              (7)  the manner by which assets, liabilities, and
   24-2  transactions in general are to be described on the books of a
   24-3  savings bank, so that each entry will be an accurate description of
   24-4  the subject matter of the entry;
   24-5              (8)  the conditions under which the commissioner may
   24-6  require assets to be charged off or reserves established by
   24-7  transfer from surplus or paid-in capital due to depreciation or
   24-8  overstatement of value;
   24-9              (9)  the powers of a savings bank to make loans and
  24-10  investments, containing provisions reasonably necessary to ensure
  24-11  that loans made by a savings bank are consistent with sound lending
  24-12  practices and that the savings bank's investment will promote the
  24-13  purposes of this Act, including provisions governing:
  24-14                    (A)  the type of loans and the conditions under
  24-15  which a savings bank may originate, make, or sell loans;
  24-16                    (B)  the conditions under which a savings bank
  24-17  may purchase or participate in loans made by other lenders;
  24-18                    (C)  the conditions for the servicing of loans
  24-19  for other lenders;
  24-20                    (D)  the conditions under which a savings bank
  24-21  may lend money on the security of loans made by others;
  24-22                    (E)  the conditions under which a savings bank
  24-23  may pledge loans held by it as collateral for borrowings by the
  24-24  savings bank;
  24-25                    (F)  the conditions under which savings banks may
  24-26  invest in securities and debt instruments;
  24-27                    (G)  the documentation that a savings bank must
  24-28  have in its files at the time of funding or purchase of a loan, an
  24-29  investment, or a participation in a loan;
  24-30                    (H)  the form and content of statements of
  24-31  expenses and fees and other charges that are paid by borrowers or
  24-32  that borrowers are obligated to pay;
  24-33                    (I)  title information that must be maintained;
  24-34                    (J)  borrower's insurance coverage of property
  24-35  securing loans;
  24-36                    (K)  appraisal reports;
  24-37                    (L)  financial statements of borrowers;
  24-38                    (M)  the fees or other compensation that may be
  24-39  paid to an officer, director, employee, affiliated person,
  24-40  consultant, or any third party in connection with the procuring of
  24-41  any loan for a savings bank;
  24-42                    (N)  the conditions under which the savings bank
  24-43  may advance funds to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums,
  24-44  and other similar charges for the protection of its interest in
  24-45  property securing its loans;
  24-46                    (O)  the terms and conditions under which a
  24-47  savings bank may acquire and deal in real property;
  24-48                    (P)  the valuation on a savings bank's books of
  24-49  real property held by it;
  24-50                    (Q)  the terms and conditions governing the
  24-51  investment by a savings bank in subsidiary corporations, the powers
  24-52  that may be exercised by subsidiaries, and the activities that may
  24-53  be engaged in by subsidiaries; and
  24-54                    (R)  other matters considered necessary to
  24-55  administer properly each type of transaction;
  24-56              (10)  change of control of a savings bank;
  24-57              (11)  conduct, management, and operation of savings
  24-58  banks;
  24-59              (12)  withdrawable accounts, bonuses, plans, and
  24-60  contracts for savings programs;
  24-61              (13)  mergers, consolidations, reorganizations,
  24-62  conversions, and liquidations;
  24-63              (14)  establishment of additional offices and change of
  24-64  office location or name;
  24-65              (15)  holding companies, including requirements for
  24-66  registration and periodic reporting of a holding company with the
  24-67  commissioner and transactions between a holding company, any
  24-68  affiliate of a holding company, or a savings bank; and
  24-69              (16)  limitations on loans to one borrower, but not
  24-70  less restrictive limitations than those imposed on a savings
   25-1  association under Subsection (u) of Section 5 of the Home Owners'
   25-2  Loan Act of 1933 (12 U.S.C. Section 1464(u)).
   25-3        Sec. 4.05.  PROHIBITED TRANSACTIONS.  A savings bank or
   25-4  subsidiary corporation of a savings bank may not engage in any
   25-5  transaction in violation of a rule adopted under this Act.
   25-6        Sec. 4.06.  EXAMINATIONS.  (a)  The commissioner shall
   25-7  periodically examine the affairs of each savings bank and its
   25-8  subsidiaries and the transactions of any holding company related to
   25-9  the holding company's savings bank subsidiaries.
  25-10        (b)  The commissioner, a deputy commissioner, or an examiner
  25-11  or auditor of the commissioner shall have free access to all books
  25-12  and records of a savings bank, subsidiary corporation, or holding
  25-13  company and to books and records relating to a savings bank's
  25-14  business kept by an officer, agent, or employee of a savings bank,
  25-15  subsidiary corporation, or holding company.  The commissioner,
  25-16  deputy commissioner, examiner, or auditor may subpoena witnesses
  25-17  and administer oaths or affirmations in examination of the
  25-18  directors, officers, agents, or employees of a savings bank,
  25-19  subsidiary corporation, or holding company or any other person in
  25-20  relation to the savings bank's affairs, transactions, and condition
  25-21  and may require and compel by subpoena the production of records,
  25-22  books, papers, contracts, or other documents.  On a witness's
  25-23  failure to obey a subpoena or refusal to appear or answer in
  25-24  connection with an examination, the commissioner may apply to a
  25-25  district court of Travis County for an order requiring obedience of
  25-26  the subpoena or testimony of the witness.  The court shall issue
  25-27  the order if it finds that good cause exists for issuing the
  25-28  subpoena or taking the testimony.  Failure to obey a court order
  25-29  may be punished as contempt of court.
  25-30        (c)  An examination may be performed in conjunction with an
  25-31  examination by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any
  25-32  other federal depository institutions regulatory agency having
  25-33  jurisdiction over a savings bank.  The commissioner may accept an
  25-34  examination made by an appropriate banking agency in lieu of an
  25-35  examination under this section.
  25-36        (d)  The commissioner, at the savings bank's cost, may
  25-37  perform an extra or additional examination or audit or devote
  25-38  extraordinary attention to the affairs of a savings bank if the
  25-39  commissioner determines the conditions of the savings bank justify
  25-40  the examination, audit, or extraordinary attention.
  25-41        (e)  Promptly on completion of a report, a copy of the
  25-42  examination or audit report shall be furnished to the savings bank
  25-43  examined or audited.
  25-44        Sec. 4.07.  FEES.  The commissioner and the finance
  25-45  commission, acting under the rulemaking power delegated by Article
  25-46  5, Chapter II, The Texas Banking Code (Article 342-205, Vernon's
  25-47  Texas Civil Statutes), and Section 4.04 of this Act, shall
  25-48  establish the amount of the fees to be charged by the commissioner
  25-49  for supervision and examination of savings banks, for filing an
  25-50  application or other documents, for conducting a hearing, and for
  25-51  other services performed by the commissioner and the commission's
  25-52  office and the time and manner of payment of the fees.  Fees
  25-53  collected by the commissioner shall be deposited and used in
  25-54  accordance with Section (h), Article 5, Chapter II, The Texas
  25-55  Banking Code (Article 342-205, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
  25-56        Sec. 4.08.  CONFIDENTIALITY.  The commissioner and any
  25-57  examiner, supervisor, conservator, liquidator, inspector, deputy,
  25-58  assistant clerk, or other employee of the Savings and Loan
  25-59  Department of Texas appointed or acting under this Act shall keep
  25-60  confidential any facts or information regarding a savings bank
  25-61  obtained in the course of an examination or by reason of the
  25-62  individual's official position, unless the public duty of the
  25-63  person requires otherwise.  A person who violates this section or
  25-64  wilfully makes a false official report on the condition of a
  25-65  savings bank shall be removed from office or further employment
  25-66  with the Savings and Loan Department of Texas.  A report of an
  25-67  examination made to the commissioner is confidential and not for
  25-68  public record or inspection, except that the commissioner for good
  25-69  reason may make the report public.  This section does not prevent
  25-70  the proper exchange of information relating to savings banks and
   26-1  the business of savings banks with the representatives of
   26-2  regulatory authorities of other states or to any other department,
   26-3  agency, or instrumentality of this state, another state, or the
   26-4  United States if the commissioner determines the disclosure
   26-5  necessary or proper for the enforcement of the laws of this state,
   26-6  another state, or the United States.  Unless otherwise provided by
   26-7  this Act, this section does not apply to facts, information, or
   26-8  reports of investigations obtained or made by the commissioner or
   26-9  the commissioner's staff in connection with an application for
  26-10  charter or a hearing held by the commissioner under this Act, and
  26-11  those facts, information, or reports may be included in the record
  26-12  of the appropriate hearing.  The commissioner shall report promptly
  26-13  to the finance commission when a supervisory order is issued under
  26-14  Chapter 5 of this Act.  The commissioner shall furnish information
  26-15  about a savings bank or person as the finance commission may
  26-16  require in executive session, and all information discussed in the
  26-17  executive session is confidential.
  26-18        Sec. 4.09.  ANNUAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS.  Each savings bank
  26-19  shall prepare and publish in January of each year in a newspaper of
  26-20  general circulation in the county in which the home office of the
  26-21  savings bank is located a statement of its financial condition as
  26-22  of the last business day of December of the preceding year.  The
  26-23  statement must be in the form prescribed or approved by the
  26-24  commissioner.  On or before the last day of January in each year, a
  26-25  savings bank shall make a written report to the commissioner, on a
  26-26  form to be prescribed and furnished by the commissioner, of its
  26-27  affairs and operations, including a complete statement of its
  26-28  financial condition with a statement of income and expenses since
  26-29  its last annual report under this section.  The president,
  26-30  vice-president, or secretary of the savings bank shall sign the
  26-31  report.  Each savings bank shall also make other reports as the
  26-32  commissioner may require from time to time in the form and filed on
  26-33  the dates as the commissioner prescribes and signed in the same
  26-34  manner as the annual report.
  26-35                        CHAPTER 5.  ENFORCEMENT
  26-37  commissioner may intervene in the affairs of a savings bank if:
  26-38              (1)  the savings bank, a director, officer, agent, or
  26-39  other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of the
  26-40  savings bank, a subsidiary of the savings bank, or a holding
  26-41  company of the savings bank:
  26-42                    (A)  is engaging in, has engaged in, or is about
  26-43  to engage in an unsafe and unsound practice in conducting the
  26-44  affairs of the savings bank;
  26-45                    (B)  is engaging in, has engaged in, or is about
  26-46  to engage in a violation of the articles of incorporation or bylaws
  26-47  of the savings bank;
  26-48                    (C)  is engaging in, has engaged in, or is about
  26-49  to engage in a violation of any law, rule, or supervisory order
  26-50  applicable to the savings bank or a violation of any condition that
  26-51  the commissioner or the finance commission has imposed on the
  26-52  savings bank by written order, directive, or agreement; or
  26-53                    (D)  has filed materially false or misleading
  26-54  information in a filing required under Section 3.07 of this Act;
  26-55              (2)  a director, officer, employee, agent, or other
  26-56  person participating in the conduct of the affairs of the savings
  26-57  bank, a subsidiary of the savings bank, or a holding company of the
  26-58  savings bank committed or is about to commit:
  26-59                    (A)  a fraudulent or criminal act in the conduct
  26-60  of the savings bank, subsidiary, or holding company's affairs that
  26-61  may cause the savings bank or subsidiary to become insolvent or be
  26-62  in danger of insolvency or another act that threatens immediate or
  26-63  irreparable harm to the general public or the savings bank, its
  26-64  deposit account holders or creditors, or the subsidiary;
  26-65                    (B)  a breach of fiduciary duty causing or
  26-66  probably causing the savings bank or subsidiary to suffer
  26-67  substantial financial losses or other damages, or a breach of
  26-68  fiduciary duty that would seriously prejudice the interest of the
  26-69  holders of deposit accounts or other security issued by the savings
  26-70  bank;
   27-1                    (C)  a breach of an order or instruction of the
   27-2  commissioner or a conservator or supervisor in charge of the
   27-3  savings bank's affairs;
   27-4                    (D)  a refusal to submit to interrogation under
   27-5  oath by the commissioner or the commissioner's agent with respect
   27-6  to the affairs of the savings bank; or
   27-7                    (E)  a material alteration, concealment, removal,
   27-8  or falsification of books or records of the savings bank, a
   27-9  subsidiary, or a holding company;
  27-10              (3)  the savings bank is insolvent, in imminent danger
  27-11  of insolvency, or engaged in or is about to engage in making loans
  27-12  or investments and the market value of the investments or the value
  27-13  of the security for the loans is materially overstated; or
  27-14              (4)  the savings bank failed to maintain proper books
  27-15  and records from which the true financial condition of the savings
  27-16  bank or the state of its affairs can be determined or refused to
  27-17  authorize and direct a person having possession of the savings
  27-18  bank's or a subsidiary's books, papers, records, or accounts to
  27-19  permit the commissioner or a duly authorized representative of the
  27-20  commissioner to inspect or examine them.
  27-21        Sec. 5.02.  TYPES OF SUPERVISORY ORDER; SERVICE;
  27-22  CONFIDENTIALITY.  (a)  If the commissioner has reasonable cause to
  27-23  believe that one or more grounds for intervention under Section
  27-24  5.01 of this Act exist or are imminent, the commissioner may issue
  27-25  without notice and hearing one or more of the following types of
  27-26  temporary supervisory orders as necessary to correct and eliminate
  27-27  the grounds for supervisory action:
  27-28              (1)  an order to cease and desist from continuing a
  27-29  particular action, an order to take affirmative action, or both;
  27-30              (2)  a removal or prohibition order suspending or
  27-31  prohibiting a director, officer, employee, agent, or any other
  27-32  person participating in the affairs of the savings bank from
  27-33  further participation in the conduct of the affairs of the savings
  27-34  bank or another savings bank subject to this Act;
  27-35              (3)  an order requiring divestiture of control of a
  27-36  savings bank obtained under Section 3.07 of this Act;
  27-37              (4)  an order requiring the forfeiture and payment of a
  27-38  civil penalty in an amount of not more than $25,000 by a director,
  27-39  officer, employee, agent, or other person participating in the
  27-40  affairs of the savings bank or another savings bank subject to this
  27-41  Act; or
  27-42              (5)  an order placing the affairs of the savings bank
  27-43  under the control of a conservator designated in the order, who may
  27-44  take possession and control of the books, records, assets,
  27-45  liabilities, and business of the savings bank and manage it under
  27-46  the direction of the commissioner.
  27-47        (b)  A temporary supervisory order issued by the commissioner
  27-48  takes effect when issued and must reasonably detail the facts
  27-49  constituting the grounds for the order.
  27-50        (c)  Service of a temporary supervisory order may be made by
  27-51  certified or registered mail or by personal delivery by an agent of
  27-52  the commissioner.  Service on a savings bank is completed on
  27-53  receipt of the order by an officer or director of the savings bank.
  27-54        (d)  A temporary or final supervisory order and all notices,
  27-55  correspondence, or other records relating to the order are
  27-56  confidential and may not be revealed to the public, except for good
  27-57  reason as determined by the commissioner, in a hearing or judicial
  27-58  proceeding under Section 5.03 or 5.04 of this Act, or to assert a
  27-59  defense under Subsection (g) of Section 5.05 of this Act.  However,
  27-60  the commissioner may disclose the information to a department,
  27-61  agency, or instrumentality of this state, another state, or the
  27-62  United States if the commissioner determines that the disclosure is
  27-63  necessary or proper for the enforcement of the laws of this state,
  27-64  another state, or the United States.
  27-65        Sec. 5.03.  HEARING ON TEMPORARY SUPERVISORY ORDER.  (a)  A
  27-66  temporary supervisory order becomes final and unappealable on the
  27-67  15th day after the date on which it is issued unless the savings
  27-68  bank or a party affected by the order requests before that date a
  27-69  hearing before the commissioner on the issue of whether the order
  27-70  should be vacated, made permanent, or modified.  The commissioner
   28-1  shall set the matter for hearing at the offices of the Savings and
   28-2  Loan Department of Texas.  The date for the hearing may not be
   28-3  earlier than the 10th day or later than the 30th day after the date
   28-4  of the request.
   28-5        (b)  The hearing shall be conducted as a contested case under
   28-6  the administrative procedure act.  The commissioner may enter a
   28-7  final order that vacates the temporary order or makes it permanent
   28-8  in its original or a modified form consistent with the facts found
   28-9  by the commissioner.  A final order shall be entered by the
  28-10  commissioner not later than the 15th day after the date of the
  28-11  completion of the hearing.
  28-12        (c)  A temporary order may not be stayed pending a hearing
  28-13  unless the commissioner orders a stay, and a final order may not be
  28-14  stayed pending judicial review unless the reviewing court orders a
  28-15  stay for good cause.
  28-16        Sec. 5.04.  ENFORCEMENT OF SUPERVISORY ORDER.  (a)  If the
  28-17  savings bank or any person designated in an order violates or is
  28-18  about to violate the order, the commissioner may apply for
  28-19  injunctive relief in a district court in Travis County.  A bond is
  28-20  not required of the commissioner with respect to injunctive relief
  28-21  granted.
  28-22        (b)  If a savings bank or a person designated in a final
  28-23  order fails to comply with or otherwise violates the order, the
  28-24  commissioner may, after giving notice, assess a civil penalty
  28-25  against the savings bank, the designated person, or both in an
  28-26  amount not to exceed $1,000 each for each day of the violation.
  28-27  The savings bank may not reimburse or indemnify a person for all or
  28-28  any part of the civil penalty.  In addition to any other remedy
  28-29  provided by law, the commissioner may institute a suit for
  28-30  injunctive relief and for collection of the civil penalty in a
  28-31  district court in Travis County.  A bond is not required of the
  28-32  commissioner with respect to injunctive relief granted.
  28-34  (a)  Before or at a hearing on an order placing a savings bank
  28-35  under a conservator, the board of directors of the savings bank may
  28-36  present to the commissioner a plan to continue the operation of the
  28-37  savings bank in a manner that will correct or eliminate the grounds
  28-38  for the order.  If the commissioner approves the plan or a
  28-39  modification of the plan, the commissioner shall vacate the order
  28-40  and place the savings bank under conservatorship conditioned on the
  28-41  approved plan's implementation and diligent prosecution.
  28-42        (b)  If no plan for continuing operations of the savings bank
  28-43  is approved by the commissioner, the conservator shall continue to
  28-44  manage the affairs of the savings bank under the direction and
  28-45  supervision of the commissioner unless the order is otherwise
  28-46  modified or vacated by subsequent order of the commissioner or as a
  28-47  result of judicial review.
  28-48        (c)  The conservator and any deputy or assistant conservator
  28-49  appointed by the commissioner, on behalf of and under the
  28-50  supervision and direction of the commissioner, shall take charge of
  28-51  the books, records, property, assets, liabilities, and business of
  28-52  the savings bank and shall conduct the business and affairs of the
  28-53  savings bank.  The conservator shall remove the causes and
  28-54  conditions that necessitated the conservatorship.  The conservator
  28-55  shall make reports to the commissioner as the commissioner
  28-56  requires.  The conservator shall preserve, protect, and recover the
  28-57  assets or property of the savings bank, including claims or causes
  28-58  of action belonging to or that may be asserted by the savings bank.
  28-59  The conservator may deal with that property in the capacity of
  28-60  conservator and may file, prosecute, or defend against a suit by or
  28-61  against the savings bank if the conservator considers that action
  28-62  necessary to protect the interested party or property affected by
  28-63  the suit.
  28-64        (d)  During the conservatorship, an officer, director,
  28-65  shareholder, employee, agent, or other person participating in the
  28-66  conduct of the affairs of the savings bank shall act according to
  28-67  the instructions of the conservator and shall exercise only the
  28-68  authority that the conservator expressly grants.
  28-69        (e)  The commissioner shall determine the cost incident to
  28-70  the conservatorship, and that cost shall be paid out of the assets
   29-1  of the savings bank as the commissioner directs.
   29-2        (f)  Suit filed against a savings bank or its conservator
   29-3  while a conservatorship order is in effect must be brought in a
   29-4  court of competent jurisdiction in Travis County.  The conservator
   29-5  may file suit in a court of competent jurisdiction in Travis County
   29-6  against any person for the purpose of preserving, protecting, or
   29-7  recovering assets or property of the savings bank, including a
   29-8  claim or cause of action belonging to or that may be asserted by
   29-9  the savings bank.
  29-10        (g)  During the period of conservatorship or supervisory
  29-11  control under Section 5.06 of this Act, a savings bank's promise or
  29-12  agreement to make a loan of money that is not otherwise
  29-13  unenforceable under Chapter 26, Business & Commerce Code, and is
  29-14  made before the order imposing conservatorship or supervisory
  29-15  control is not enforceable against the savings bank unless the
  29-16  promise or agreement or a memorandum of the promise or agreement
  29-17  is:
  29-18              (1)  in writing setting forth the material terms of the
  29-19  loan and its repayment;
  29-20              (2)  signed by a duly authorized officer or employee of
  29-21  the savings bank and the person to whom the promise or agreement
  29-22  was made; and
  29-23              (3)  approved by the board of directors of the savings
  29-24  bank.
  29-25        (h)  The conservator shall serve for the period necessary to
  29-26  accomplish the purposes of the conservatorship.  If the savings
  29-27  bank is rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the commissioner, it
  29-28  shall be returned to the management of the board of directors under
  29-29  terms that are reasonable and necessary to prevent recurrence of
  29-30  the conditions creating the need for conservatorship.
  29-31        (i)  During a conservatorship, the commissioner may impose
  29-32  limitations on withdrawals of deposit accounts from a savings bank
  29-33  on a determination that the interest of deposit account holders and
  29-34  creditors of the savings bank are best protected by the
  29-35  limitations.  The commissioner shall issue an order detailing the
  29-36  limitations imposed and containing a statement in reasonable detail
  29-37  of the facts constituting the grounds for the imposition of the
  29-38  limitations.  The limiting order becomes effective on the service
  29-39  of the order on the conservator.  Service may be made by certified
  29-40  or registered mail or by personal delivery by an agent of the
  29-41  commissioner and is complete on receipt by the conservator.
  29-42  Immediately on receipt of the limiting order, a conservator shall
  29-43  place a copy of the order at the main entrance of the savings bank
  29-44  and deposit account withdrawals in violation of the order may not
  29-45  be permitted after its posting.  The limiting order becomes final
  29-46  and unappealable on the 15th day after the date on which it is
  29-47  posted in accordance with this section unless at least 20 percent
  29-48  of the total number of deposit account holders affected by the
  29-49  order request before that date a hearing before the commissioner on
  29-50  the issue of whether the order should be vacated, made permanent,
  29-51  or modified.  The commissioner shall set the matter for hearing in
  29-52  the offices of the Savings and Loan Department of Texas.  The date
  29-53  for the hearing may not be earlier than the 10th day or later than
  29-54  the 30th day after the date of the request.  The hearing shall be
  29-55  conducted as a contested case under the administrative procedure
  29-56  act.  The commissioner may issue a final order that vacates the
  29-57  limiting order or makes it permanent in its original or modified
  29-58  form consistent with the facts found by the commissioner.  A
  29-59  limiting order may not be stayed pending a hearing unless the
  29-60  commissioner orders a stay, and a final order may not be stayed
  29-61  pending judicial review unless the reviewing court orders a stay
  29-62  for good cause.
  29-64  board of directors of a savings bank may consent to the
  29-65  commissioner's placing the savings bank under supervisory control.
  29-66  The commissioner may appoint a supervisor and one or more deputy
  29-67  supervisors who have the powers of a conservator under Section 5.05
  29-68  of this Act and other powers established by agreement between the
  29-69  commissioner and the board of directors.  The supervisory control
  29-70  continues until the problems giving rise to the supervisory control
   30-1  are corrected.  The costs of the supervisory control shall be fixed
   30-2  by the commissioner and paid by the savings bank.
   30-3        Sec. 5.07.  LIQUIDATION BY COMMISSIONER'S ORDER.  (a)  If it
   30-4  appears doubtful to the commissioner that a savings bank subject to
   30-5  a conservatorship order can be successfully rehabilitated, the
   30-6  commissioner may close the savings bank under Section 5.09 of this
   30-7  Act or may set a hearing to determine whether the savings bank
   30-8  should be liquidated.  Notice of any hearing shall be given not
   30-9  later than the 10th day before the hearing date by certified mail
  30-10  to the officers and directors of the savings bank and by
  30-11  publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in
  30-12  which the principal office of the savings bank is located.
  30-13        (b)  If the commissioner closes a savings bank under Section
  30-14  5.09 of this Act or finds after a hearing under Subsection (a) of
  30-15  this section that the savings bank cannot be rehabilitated and that
  30-16  it is in the public interest and the best interest of the deposit
  30-17  account holders and creditors of the savings bank that it be closed
  30-18  and its assets liquidated, the commissioner may issue an order of
  30-19  liquidation appointing a liquidating agent and dissolving the
  30-20  savings bank.  The corporate existence of the savings bank
  30-21  continues for three years after the date the order of liquidation
  30-22  is issued for the purpose of adjusting and settling claims not
  30-23  disposed of during the liquidation.  If necessary, the commissioner
  30-24  may appoint a special liquidating agent for that purpose at the
  30-25  completion of the liquidation.
  30-26        (c)  Under the supervision of the commissioner, the
  30-27  liquidating agent shall:
  30-28              (1)  receive and take possession of the books, records,
  30-29  assets, and property of the savings bank in liquidation;
  30-30              (2)  sell, enforce collection of, and liquidate the
  30-31  assets and property of the savings bank in liquidation;
  30-32              (3)  sue in the name of the liquidating agent or in the
  30-33  name of the savings bank in liquidation;
  30-34              (4)  defend actions brought against the liquidating
  30-35  agent or the savings bank in liquidation;
  30-36              (5)  receive, examine, and pass on claims against the
  30-37  savings bank in liquidation, including claims of depositors;
  30-38              (6)  make distribution and payment to creditors,
  30-39  deposit account holders, stockholders, and members as their
  30-40  interests may appear;
  30-41              (7)  execute documents and papers and take other
  30-42  actions that the liquidating agent considers necessary or desirable
  30-43  to the liquidation; and
  30-44              (8)  give notice to creditors and deposit account
  30-45  holders directing them to present and prove their claims, by
  30-46  publishing the notice once a week for three successive weeks in a
  30-47  newspaper of general circulation in each county in which the
  30-48  savings bank in liquidation maintained an office or branch for the
  30-49  transaction of business on the date it ceased unrestricted
  30-50  operations.
  30-51        (d)  The notice under Subdivision (8) of Subsection (c) of
  30-52  this section must require all depositors and creditors to file
  30-53  written proofs of claim at the address designated in the notice.
  30-54  Within 30 days after the date of the first publication of the
  30-55  notice, the liquidating agent shall mail a similar notice to each
  30-56  depositor and creditor shown on the books of the savings bank at
  30-57  the address reflected on the savings bank's books.
  30-58        (e)  Under supervision of the commissioner, the liquidating
  30-59  agent shall from time to time make a ratable liquidation dividend
  30-60  on claims that have been proved to the satisfaction of the
  30-61  liquidating agent or adjusted in a court of competent jurisdiction
  30-62  and, after the assets of the savings bank have been liquidated,
  30-63  shall make further liquidation dividends on claims previously
  30-64  proved or adjusted.  For this purpose the statement of an amount
  30-65  due to a claimant shown on the books and records of the savings
  30-66  bank may be accepted instead of a formal proof of claim on behalf
  30-67  of the claimant.  A final dividend may not be paid before the
  30-68  beginning of the 19th month after the date of the first publication
  30-69  of notice as prescribed in this section.  All claims filed after
  30-70  the declaration and payment of any dividend before the expiration
   31-1  of the 18 months qualify, if approved, to participate in dividends
   31-2  previously paid before any additional dividend is declared.  Claims
   31-3  that are presented after the 18th month do not qualify to
   31-4  participate in any dividend or distribution of assets until after
   31-5  full payment of all approved claims presented during the period.
   31-6        (f)  A deposit account holder, creditor, or other person
   31-7  asserting any claim of any character against a savings bank in the
   31-8  process of liquidation under this section must present, before the
   31-9  beginning of the 19th month after the date of the first publication
  31-10  of notice provided in this section, the claim in writing to the
  31-11  commissioner or the liquidating agent, at the address that has been
  31-12  designated in the notice provided in this section.  A claim must
  31-13  state the facts supporting the claim, set out any right of priority
  31-14  of payment or other specific rights asserted by the claimant, and
  31-15  be signed and sworn to by the claimant.
  31-16        (g)  Within three months after the date of the receipt of a
  31-17  claim against a savings bank in liquidation, unless the time is
  31-18  extended by written agreement with the claimant, the liquidating
  31-19  agent shall approve or reject the claim in whole or in part.  If
  31-20  the liquidating agent approves a claim or any part of the claim,
  31-21  the liquidating agent shall classify the claim and enter it and the
  31-22  action on the claim in a claim register.  If the liquidating agent
  31-23  rejects a claim in whole or in part or denies any right of priority
  31-24  of payment or any other right asserted by the claimant, the
  31-25  liquidating agent shall notify the claimant of the action by
  31-26  registered mail.
  31-27        (h)  Within three months after the date of mailing of notice
  31-28  by the liquidating agent as provided by the preceding subsection, a
  31-29  claimant may sue on the claim in a district court of Travis County.
  31-30  If the claimant does not sue, the action of the liquidating agent
  31-31  is final on the expiration of that period.  The trial of a suit is
  31-32  de novo as if originally filed in that court and is subject to the
  31-33  rules of procedure and appeal applicable to civil cases.
  31-34        (i)  On liquidation of a savings bank, claims for payment
  31-35  have the same priority that similar claims would have on the
  31-36  liquidation of a federal savings bank under federal law.
  31-37        (j)  At any time after the expiration of 18 months after the
  31-38  date of the first publication notice specified in this section and
  31-39  after the liquidating agent liquidates all assets of the savings
  31-40  bank capable of liquidation or realizes sufficient funds from the
  31-41  liquidation to pay the costs of liquidation and all claims filed
  31-42  and established and to leave funds available for the payment of all
  31-43  nonclaiming deposit account holders and creditors, the liquidating
  31-44  agent shall declare and pay a final dividend.  The liquidating
  31-45  agent shall deposit all unclaimed dividends and all funds available
  31-46  for nonclaiming deposit account holders and creditors in one or
  31-47  more state-chartered financial institutions for the benefit of the
  31-48  deposit account holders and creditors entitled to those dividends
  31-49  or funds.  The liquidating agent shall pay a deposit account holder
  31-50  or creditor, on demand, any amount held for the benefit of the
  31-51  deposit account holder or creditor.  If the liquidating agent is in
  31-52  doubt as to the identity of a claimant or a claimant's right to the
  31-53  amount held, the liquidating agent shall reject the claim and
  31-54  notify the claimant by registered mail.  Within three months after
  31-55  the date of the mailing of the notice, the claimant may bring suit
  31-56  against the liquidating agent in a district court of Travis County
  31-57  to recover the funds.  The suit is in the nature of an action in
  31-58  rem and governed by the rules of procedure and appeal applicable to
  31-59  civil cases.  The judgment in the suit is binding on all persons
  31-60  interested in the dividends or funds.  If a suit is not filed
  31-61  within the time prescribed, the liquidating agent's rejection of
  31-62  the claim is final.  After paying a final dividend and performing
  31-63  each act necessary or proper for the benefit of the deposit account
  31-64  holders and creditors in connection with the liquidation of the
  31-65  assets of a savings bank, the liquidating agent shall file with the
  31-66  commissioner a final report of the liquidation.
  31-67        (k)  The commissioner shall determine the cost incident to
  31-68  the liquidation, and that cost shall be paid out of the assets of
  31-69  the savings bank as the commissioner directs.
  31-70        (l)  The provisions of the administrative procedure act
   32-1  relating to a contested hearing apply to any hearing called by the
   32-2  commissioner under this section.
   32-3        Sec. 5.08.  COMPLETION OF LIQUIDATION.  The commissioner may
   32-4  remove a liquidating agent and appoint another agent with or
   32-5  without cause.  If a liquidating agent resigns, dies, or becomes
   32-6  unable to serve for any reason, the commissioner shall promptly
   32-7  appoint another agent.  When a liquidation is complete, the
   32-8  liquidating agent shall certify that fact to the commissioner, and
   32-9  the commissioner shall issue an order closing the liquidation.
  32-10  After a closing order, the commissioner and the liquidating agent
  32-11  are released and discharged from any further duty, obligation, or
  32-12  liability in connection with the administration of the affairs of
  32-13  the savings bank, and a person does not have and may not maintain
  32-14  any claim, suit, or action against the commissioner or the
  32-15  liquidating agent, individually or in their official capacities,
  32-16  except a suit to recover unclaimed deposits as provided in this
  32-17  section.
  32-19  DIRECTORS.  (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
  32-20  chapter, the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized
  32-21  representative may close a savings bank if, after an examination,
  32-22  the commissioner determines that:
  32-23              (1)  the interests of the deposit account holders and
  32-24  creditors of the savings bank are jeopardized because of the
  32-25  savings bank's insolvency or imminent insolvency or a substantial
  32-26  dissipation of assets or earnings of the savings bank due to a
  32-27  violation of law or rules or an unsafe or unsound practice; and
  32-28              (2)  closing the savings bank and liquidating its
  32-29  assets is in the best interest of the deposit account holders and
  32-30  creditors.
  32-31        (b)  On closing a savings bank under this section, the
  32-32  commissioner may liquidate the savings bank as provided by this
  32-33  chapter or may tender the assets and all affairs of the savings
  32-34  bank to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and appoint the
  32-35  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver or liquidating
  32-36  agent to act in accordance with this chapter or federal law.  If
  32-37  the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation accepts the tender and
  32-38  appointment, it may act without bond or other security as to the
  32-39  appointment and, without court supervision, may exercise all
  32-40  rights, powers, and privileges provided by the laws of this state
  32-41  to a receiver or liquidating agent, as applicable, and any
  32-42  applicable right, power, or privilege available under federal law.
  32-43  On acceptance of the appointment, the possession of and title to
  32-44  all the assets, business, and property of the savings bank pass to
  32-45  the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation without the execution of
  32-46  instruments of conveyance, assignment, transfer, or endorsement.
  32-47  If the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation pays the insured
  32-48  deposit liabilities of a savings bank that was closed or is being
  32-49  liquidated under this chapter, whether or not the Federal Deposit
  32-50  Insurance Corporation has become receiver or liquidating agent, the
  32-51  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is subrogated, to the extent
  32-52  of the payment, to all rights that the owners of the deposit
  32-53  accounts have against the savings bank.
  32-54        (c)  Not later than the second day, excluding legal holidays,
  32-55  after the day that the commissioner closes a savings bank under
  32-56  this section, the savings bank, acting by resolution of its board
  32-57  of directors, may sue in a district court of Travis County to
  32-58  prohibit the commissioner from taking further action under this
  32-59  section.  The court may restrain the commissioner from taking
  32-60  further action until a hearing on the merits.  If the court
  32-61  restrains the commissioner, it shall instruct the commissioner to
  32-62  hold the assets and affairs of the savings bank in the
  32-63  commissioner's possession until disposition of the suit.  On
  32-64  receipt of that instruction, the commissioner shall refrain from
  32-65  taking further action, except the commissioner, with the approval
  32-66  of the district judge, may take action as necessary or proper to
  32-67  prevent loss or depreciation in the value of the assets.  The court
  32-68  as soon as possible shall hear the suit on its merits and shall
  32-69  enter a judgment prohibiting or refusing to prohibit the
  32-70  commissioner from proceeding under this section.  This judgment may
   33-1  be appealed as in other civil cases, but the commissioner,
   33-2  regardless of the judgment entered by the trial court or any
   33-3  supersedeas bond filed, retains possession of the assets of the
   33-4  savings bank until final disposition on appeal.
   33-5        (d)  A board of directors may, by resolution and with the
   33-6  consent of the commissioner, close a savings bank and tender its
   33-7  assets and all its affairs to the commissioner for disposition as
   33-8  authorized by this section.
   33-9                 CHAPTER 6.  CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION
  33-10        Sec. 6.01.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  (a)  The business of a
  33-11  savings bank shall be directed by a board of directors of not fewer
  33-12  than five or more than 21 members elected by majority vote at each
  33-13  annual meeting of the members or stockholders.  A savings bank
  33-14  authorized to issue capital stock may provide in its bylaws that
  33-15  all or at least a majority of its board of directors must be
  33-16  stockholders.
  33-17        (b)  The number of directors may be changed, within the
  33-18  prescribed limits, by resolution adopted at any annual meeting of
  33-19  members or stockholders or any special meeting called for that
  33-20  purpose.
  33-21        Sec. 6.02.  ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGS.  Within 30 days after
  33-22  the date on which the corporate existence of a savings bank begins,
  33-23  the initial board of directors shall hold an organizational meeting
  33-24  and, under the provisions of this Act and the bylaws, shall elect
  33-25  officers and take other action as appropriate in connection with
  33-26  beginning the transaction of business by the savings bank.  The
  33-27  commissioner on good cause shown may extend by order the time
  33-28  within which the organizational meeting is to be held.
  33-29        Sec. 6.03.  QUALIFICATION OF DIRECTORS; VACANCIES.  (a)  A
  33-30  person may not be a member of the board of directors of a savings
  33-31  bank if the person:
  33-32              (1)  is not a citizen of the United States;
  33-33              (2)  is not at least 18 years of age;
  33-34              (3)  has been adjudicated bankrupt or convicted of a
  33-35  criminal offense involving dishonesty or breach of trust, unless
  33-36  given prior written approval to be a member of the board by the
  33-37  commissioner;
  33-38              (4)  has a final judgment entered against the person
  33-39  for a sum of money that has remained unsatisfied or unsecured for
  33-40  more than six months after the date of the judgment's entry, unless
  33-41  the commissioner gives the person prior written approval to be a
  33-42  member of the board or unless the judgment was satisfied of record
  33-43  more than one year before the date of the election; or
  33-44              (5)  is a director, officer, or employee of another
  33-45  savings bank, unless given the prior written approval to be a
  33-46  member of the board by the commissioner.
  33-47        (b)  The bylaws of a savings bank may prescribe other
  33-48  qualifications for directors.
  33-49        (c)  A vacancy on the board of directors is filled by a
  33-50  majority vote of the remaining directors, though less than a
  33-51  quorum, by electing a director to serve until the next annual
  33-52  meeting of members or stockholders.  If a vacancy on the board of
  33-53  directors occurs from any cause, the remaining directors may
  33-54  continue direction of the savings bank until the vacancy is filled.
  33-55        Sec. 6.04.  OFFICERS.  The officers of a savings bank consist
  33-56  of a president, one or more vice-presidents, a secretary, and other
  33-57  officers as prescribed by the bylaws.  The officers are elected by
  33-58  a majority vote of the board of directors.  The managing officer
  33-59  must be a member of the board of directors.
  33-61  EMPLOYEES.  Each savings bank shall maintain on file with the
  33-62  commissioner an effective blanket indemnity bond with an adequate
  33-63  corporate surety protecting the savings bank from loss by or
  33-64  through any fraud, dishonesty, forgery or alteration, larceny,
  33-65  theft, embezzlement, robbery, burglary, holdup, wrongful or
  33-66  unlawful abstraction, misappropriation, or any other dishonest or
  33-67  criminal action or omission by any officer or employee of the
  33-68  savings bank or any director of the savings bank when performing
  33-69  the duty of an officer or employee.  A savings bank that employs
  33-70  collection agents that for any reason are not covered by a bond as
   34-1  required shall provide for the bonding of each collection agent in
   34-2  an amount equal to at least twice the average monthly collection of
   34-3  the agent.  The agents shall make settlement with the savings bank
   34-4  at least monthly.  Bond coverage is not required of an agent that
   34-5  is a financial institution insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
   34-6  Corporation.  The amounts and form of bonds and the sufficiency of
   34-7  the surety on the bonds must be approved by the board of directors
   34-8  and the commissioner.  Each bond must provide that a cancellation
   34-9  of the bond either by the surety or the insured does not become
  34-10  effective until the 30th day after the date on which written notice
  34-11  is given to the commissioner unless the commissioner gives prior
  34-12  approval to an earlier date.
  34-14  RIGHTS; PROXIES.  The members or stockholders of a savings bank
  34-15  shall hold an annual meeting at the time fixed in the bylaws of the
  34-16  savings bank.  Special meetings may be called as provided in the
  34-17  bylaws.  The voting rights of a person who is entitled to vote at
  34-18  an annual or special meeting of the savings bank shall be the same
  34-19  as those of a shareholder in a domestic business corporation under
  34-20  the Texas Business Corporation Act.  The bylaws must provide the
  34-21  manner of computing the number of votes that a member or
  34-22  stockholder is entitled to cast.  For a capital stock savings bank,
  34-23  the bylaws may provide that only holders of capital stock may vote.
  34-24  Voting may be in person or by proxy.  A proxy must be in writing
  34-25  and signed by the member or stockholder or a duly authorized
  34-26  attorney in fact and be filed with the secretary.  Unless otherwise
  34-27  specified in the proxy, a proxy continues in force from year to
  34-28  year until a revocation in writing is delivered to the secretary or
  34-29  until superseded by a subsequent proxy.  The bylaws of a savings
  34-30  bank must specify the quorum requirements and other voting
  34-31  requirements for conducting business at membership meetings.
  34-32        Sec. 6.07.  ACCESS TO BOOKS AND RECORDS.  (a)  Each borrower
  34-33  or deposit account holder of a savings bank has the right to
  34-34  inspect the books and records of the savings bank that relate to
  34-35  the borrower's or deposit account holder's loan or account.  Except
  34-36  for the borrower's or deposit account holder's right of inspection,
  34-37  the right of inspection and examination of the books and records of
  34-38  a savings bank is limited to the commissioner and the
  34-39  commissioner's duly authorized representatives under Section 4.06
  34-40  of this Act, persons authorized to act for the savings bank, and an
  34-41  authorized agent of a governmental agency that has insured the
  34-42  deposit accounts of the savings bank.  In a judicial proceeding,
  34-43  the court may order the production of books, records, and files;
  34-44  however, the books, records, and files of a savings bank are not
  34-45  admissible as evidence in any proceeding concerning the validity of
  34-46  a tax assessment or the collection of delinquent taxes, penalties,
  34-47  and interest, unless a stockholder or deposit account holder is a
  34-48  proper party to the proceeding, in which event the books, files,
  34-49  and records pertaining to the account of the party are admissible,
  34-50  or unless the savings bank is a proper party to the proceeding, in
  34-51  which event any book, file, or record material to the proceeding is
  34-52  admissible.  A person is not entitled to a partial or complete list
  34-53  of the names of stockholders of a stock savings bank or the members
  34-54  of a mutual savings bank unless expressly permitted by the board of
  34-55  directors.
  34-56        (b)  Each stockholder of a capital stock savings bank has the
  34-57  same rights to examine the relevant books and records of a savings
  34-58  bank as a shareholder of a business corporation under the Texas
  34-59  Business Corporation Act.
  34-61  A savings bank, by resolution adopted by a majority vote of those
  34-62  entitled to vote attending an annual meeting or a special meeting
  34-63  called for that purpose, may amend its articles of incorporation or
  34-64  bylaws in a manner not inconsistent with this Act.  An amendment
  34-65  may not take effect before it is filed with and approved by the
  34-66  commissioner.
  34-67        Sec. 6.09.  CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.  (a)  Except as the
  34-68  commissioner and the finance commission may provide by rule, a
  34-69  director or officer may not:
  34-70              (1)  receive directly or indirectly any commission on
   35-1  or benefit from a loan made by the savings bank;
   35-2              (2)  pay for services rendered to a borrower from the
   35-3  savings bank in connection with a loan;
   35-4              (3)  direct or require a borrower on a mortgage to
   35-5  negotiate an insurance policy on the mortgage property through any
   35-6  particular insurance company, attempt to divert to a particular
   35-7  insurance broker the business of borrowers from the savings bank,
   35-8  or refuse to accept an insurance policy on the mortgaged property
   35-9  because it was not negotiated through a particular insurance
  35-10  broker;
  35-11              (4)  become an endorser, surety, or guarantor or in any
  35-12  manner an obligor for a loan made by the savings bank;
  35-13              (5)  borrow or use, individually or as agent or partner
  35-14  of another, directly or indirectly, funds of the savings bank;
  35-15              (6)  become the owner of real property on which the
  35-16  savings bank holds a mortgage unless the loan is fully secured by:
  35-17                    (A)  a first-lien mortgage on property that is to
  35-18  be occupied as the director's or officer's primary residence and
  35-19  that is specifically approved in writing by the board of directors;
  35-20  or
  35-21                    (B)  a deposit maintained by the officer or
  35-22  director with the savings bank; or
  35-23              (7)  engage in any other activity prohibited by a rule
  35-24  of the commissioner and the finance commission.
  35-25        (b)  Except as the commissioner and the finance commission
  35-26  may provide by rule, a savings bank may not make a loan to a
  35-27  corporation in which a director or officer holds stock, options, or
  35-28  warrants to purchase stock in the amount of five percent or more of
  35-29  the outstanding stock or in which the director and the other
  35-30  directors of the savings bank hold in the aggregate stock, options,
  35-31  or warrants to purchase stock of five percent or more of the
  35-32  outstanding stock.  A deposit with a banking corporation is a loan
  35-33  within the meaning of this section.
  35-34        (c)  This section does not prohibit a savings bank from:
  35-35              (1)  making a loan to a religious corporation, club, or
  35-36  other membership corporation of which one or more directors or
  35-37  officers are members, but in which they have no financial interest;
  35-38              (2)  making a loan to or purchasing guaranteed
  35-39  mortgages from a stock corporation, if a director does not own more
  35-40  than 15 percent of the capital stock of the corporation and the
  35-41  total amount of the capital stock of the corporation owned by all
  35-42  directors of the savings bank is less than 25 percent.
  35-43                          CHAPTER 7.  POWERS
  35-44        Sec. 7.01.  GENERAL CORPORATE POWERS.  Each savings bank has
  35-45  the powers authorized by this Act and other rights, privileges, and
  35-46  powers as may be incidental to or reasonably necessary for the
  35-47  accomplishment of the objects and purposes of the savings bank.
  35-48  Subject to the prior approval of the commissioner, a savings bank
  35-49  may engage in business as a savings bank in any state or territory
  35-50  of the United States to the extent permitted by the laws of that
  35-51  state or territory, either directly or through ownership of another
  35-52  savings bank incorporated under the laws of another state.
  35-53        Sec. 7.02.  POWER TO BORROW.  A savings bank may borrow and
  35-54  give security, subject to the rules adopted by the commissioner and
  35-55  the finance commission.  In addition, at any time through action of
  35-56  its board of directors a savings bank may issue capital notes,
  35-57  debentures, or other capital obligations as are authorized under
  35-58  the rules adopted by the commissioner and the finance commission.
  35-59        Sec. 7.03.  FISCAL AGENT.  A savings bank may act as fiscal
  35-60  agent of the United States and, when so designated by the secretary
  35-61  of the treasury, shall perform under regulations as the secretary
  35-62  may require and may act as agent for any instrumentality of the
  35-63  United States and as agent of this state or any state governmental
  35-64  subdivision or instrumentality.
  35-66  savings bank and a federal savings bank, if its charter and
  35-67  applicable federal rules permit, may exercise all powers necessary
  35-68  to qualify as a trustee or custodian for retirement plans permitted
  35-69  or recognized by federal law and may invest funds held in that
  35-70  capacity in the accounts of the institution if the trust or
   36-1  custodial retirement plan does not prohibit the investment.
   36-2        Sec. 7.05.  INVESTMENT IN BANKING PREMISES.  A savings bank
   36-3  may invest in real estate, buildings, and related facilities,
   36-4  including parking, and in leasehold improvements for rented
   36-5  facilities for use by the savings bank as its banking premises.
   36-6        Sec. 7.06.  LIMITATION ON LOANS TO ONE BORROWER.  A savings
   36-7  bank may not make loans to any one borrower to a greater extent
   36-8  than:
   36-9              (1)  a savings association is permitted under
  36-10  Subsection (u) of Section 5 of the Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933
  36-11  (12 U.S.C. Section 1464(u)); or
  36-12              (2)  permitted by rule adopted under Subdivision (16)
  36-13  of Section 4.04 of this Act.
  36-14        Sec. 7.07.  INVESTMENTS IN EQUITY SECURITIES.  (a)  A savings
  36-15  bank or a subsidiary may not invest in stock or equity securities
  36-16  unless the securities qualify as investment grade securities under
  36-17  rules adopted by the commissioner and the finance commission.
  36-18  Additionally, a savings bank may not invest in stock or equity
  36-19  securities unless the securities are eligible investments for a
  36-20  federal savings and loan association.
  36-21        (b)  The limitations of Subsection (a) do not apply to equity
  36-22  securities:
  36-23              (1)  issued by any United States government-sponsored
  36-24  corporation including the Federal National Mortgage Association,
  36-25  the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, and the Student Loan
  36-26  Marketing Association; or
  36-27              (2)  issued by a service corporation, an operating
  36-28  subsidiary, or a finance subsidiary of the savings bank.
  36-29        (c)  The commissioner and the finance commission may adopt
  36-30  rules necessary to implement this section, including eligible
  36-31  investment criteria, investment diversification, and resource
  36-32  management requirements.
  36-33        Sec. 7.08.  TRUST POWERS.  A savings bank may exercise trust
  36-34  powers in compliance with state law, subject to the prior written
  36-35  approval of the commissioner.  The commissioner's approval must be
  36-36  based on findings that the applicant's savings bank is in
  36-37  compliance with its regulatory capital requirements, is well
  36-38  managed, and exhibits earnings, resources, and managerial talent
  36-39  adequate to maintain a trust department.
  36-40        Sec. 7.09.  COMMERCIAL LOANS.  Subject to the rules of the
  36-41  commissioner and the finance commission, a savings bank may lend
  36-42  and invest not more than 15 percent of its total assets in
  36-43  commercial loans.  A commercial loan is a non-real-estate loan for
  36-44  business, commercial, corporate, or agricultural purposes.
  36-45        Sec. 7.10.  SUBSIDIARIES.  (a)  With the prior consent of the
  36-46  commissioner and subject to the rules of the commissioner and the
  36-47  finance commission, a savings bank may invest in subsidiary
  36-48  corporations created under general corporate law for corporate
  36-49  organizations.
  36-50        (b)  A savings bank may not make any investment in a
  36-51  subsidiary corporation if its aggregate investments in subsidiaries
  36-52  would exceed 10 percent of its total assets.
  36-53        (c)  The subsidiary corporation is subject to regulation and
  36-54  examination by the commissioner, and the subsidiary corporation
  36-55  shall pay the cost of the regulation and examination.
  36-56        (d)  The commissioner and the finance commission shall adopt
  36-57  rules on permitted activities of a subsidiary corporation.
  36-58        Sec. 7.11.  PARITY.  Subject to the limitations and
  36-59  restrictions prescribed by rule of the commissioner and the finance
  36-60  commission, a savings bank may make a loan or investment or engage
  36-61  in an activity permitted under state law for banks or savings and
  36-62  loan associations or under the laws of the United States for
  36-63  federal savings and loan associations, savings banks, or national
  36-64  banks with principal offices located in this state.
  36-65        Sec. 7.12.  LOAN EXPENSES.  (a)  Subject to Subsection (b) of
  36-66  this section, a savings bank may require borrowers to pay all
  36-67  reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the making,
  36-68  closing, disbursing, extending, readjusting, or renewing of loans.
  36-69  Those expenses may be collected by the savings bank from the
  36-70  borrower and retained by the savings bank or paid to a person
   37-1  rendering services for which a charge has been made, including an
   37-2  officer, director, or employee of the savings bank rendering the
   37-3  service, or the payments may be paid directly by the borrower to
   37-4  the person rendering the service.  Expenses under this section are
   37-5  not a part of the interest or compensation charged by the savings
   37-6  bank for the loan of money.  A savings bank may charge penalties
   37-7  for prepayment or late payments.  Unless otherwise agreed in
   37-8  writing, prepayment of the principal shall be applied to the final
   37-9  installment of the note or other obligation until that installment
  37-10  is fully paid, and further prepayments shall be applied to
  37-11  installments in the inverse order of their maturity.
  37-12        (b)  A savings bank may charge a borrower the reasonable
  37-13  value of services rendered in connection with the making of a
  37-14  consumer loan, and only expenses necessary and proper for the
  37-15  protection of the lender and actually incurred in connection with
  37-16  the making of the loan may be charged.
  37-17        Sec. 7.13.  ADVANCES TO PAY TAXES OR OTHER CHARGES.  (a)  A
  37-18  savings bank may pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums, and
  37-19  other similar charges for the protection of the savings bank's
  37-20  interests in property securing the savings bank's real estate
  37-21  loans.  Those payments are advances and may be carried on the
  37-22  savings bank's books as an asset of the savings bank for which the
  37-23  savings bank may charge and collect interest, or the payments may
  37-24  be added to the unpaid balance of the loan to which they apply as
  37-25  of the first day of the month in which the payments are made.  The
  37-26  payments constitute a valid lien against the real estate securing
  37-27  the loan for which they are made.
  37-28        (b)  A savings bank may require a borrower to pay monthly in
  37-29  advance, in addition to interest and principal, an amount equal to
  37-30  one-twelfth of the estimated annual taxes, assessments, insurance
  37-31  premiums, and other charges on the real estate securing a loan, to
  37-32  enable the savings bank to pay the charges as they become due.  The
  37-33  amount of the monthly payment may be increased or decreased as
  37-34  necessary to meet the charges.  A savings bank may carry the
  37-35  payments in trust in an account or may credit them to the
  37-36  indebtedness and advance the money for charges as they come due.  A
  37-37  savings bank shall keep a record of the status of taxes,
  37-38  assessments, insurance premiums, and other charges on all real
  37-39  estate securing its loans and on all real and personal property
  37-40  owned by the savings bank.
  37-41        Sec. 7.14.  RIGHT TO ACT TO AVOID LOSS.  This Act does not
  37-42  deny a savings bank the right to invest its funds, operate a
  37-43  business, manage or deal in property, or take any other action over
  37-44  whatever period may be reasonably necessary to avoid loss on a loan
  37-45  or investment made or an obligation created in good faith in the
  37-46  usual course of business of the savings bank, as authorized by this
  37-47  Act and rules adopted under this Act.  This Act does not prohibit a
  37-48  savings bank from developing or building on land acquired by it
  37-49  under this section or from completing the construction of a
  37-50  building under a construction loan contract in which the borrower
  37-51  has failed to comply with the terms of the contract.
  37-52        Sec. 7.15.  GENERAL POWERS.  A savings bank has the powers
  37-53  specifically conferred by this Act, including the following general
  37-54  corporate powers:
  37-55              (1)  to sue and be sued, complain, and defend in its
  37-56  corporate name;
  37-57              (2)  to adopt and operate reasonable bonus plans,
  37-58  profit-sharing plans, stock bonus plans, stock option plans,
  37-59  pension plans, and similar incentive plans for its directors,
  37-60  officers, and employees, subject to any limitations contained in
  37-61  this Act or rules adopted under this Act;
  37-62              (3)  to make reasonable donations for the public
  37-63  welfare or for charitable, scientific, religious, or educational
  37-64  purposes;
  37-65              (4)  to pledge its assets to secure deposits of public
  37-66  money of the United States, when required by the United States,
  37-67  including revenue and funds the deposit of which is subject to
  37-68  control or regulation of the United States or any of its officers,
  37-69  agents, or employees;
  37-70              (5)  to pledge its assets to secure deposits of public
   38-1  money of any state or any political corporation or subdivision of
   38-2  any state;
   38-3              (6)  to become a member of or deal with any corporation
   38-4  or agency of the United States or this state, to the extent that
   38-5  the corporation or agency assists in furthering or facilitating
   38-6  savings banks' purposes or powers, and to that end to purchase
   38-7  stock or securities of the corporation or agency or deposit money
   38-8  with the corporation or agency, and to comply with any other
   38-9  conditions of membership credit;
  38-10              (7)  to acquire and hold membership in a Federal Home
  38-11  Loan Bank or the Federal Reserve System;
  38-12              (8)  to hold title to assets of any kind and to
  38-13  administer those assets as necessary if their acquisition occurred
  38-14  as a result of the collection or liquidation of loans, investments,
  38-15  or discounts;
  38-16              (9)  to receive and repay deposits and accounts of all
  38-17  types in keeping with this Act and the rules of the commissioner
  38-18  and the finance commission; and
  38-19              (10)  to lend and invest its money as authorized by
  38-20  this Act and by the rules of the commissioner and the finance
  38-21  commission.
  38-23  AREA.  (a)  Each savings bank shall maintain in its portfolio at
  38-24  least 15 percent of its local service area deposits in the
  38-25  following categories of assets and investments:
  38-26              (1)  first and second lien residential mortgage loans
  38-27  or foreclosed residential mortgage loans originated from within the
  38-28  savings bank's local service area;
  38-29              (2)  home improvement loans;
  38-30              (3)  interim residential construction loans;
  38-31              (4)  mortgage-backed securities secured by loans from
  38-32  within the savings bank's local service area; and
  38-33              (5)  loans for community reinvestment purposes.
  38-34        (b)  The commissioner shall define an applicant's local
  38-35  service area at the time of its application for incorporation as or
  38-36  conversion to a savings bank.  Unless otherwise agreed to by the
  38-37  commissioner and the applicant, the applicant may rely on this
  38-38  definition for the duration of the applicant's corporate existence
  38-39  as a savings bank.
  38-40        (c)  The commissioner and the finance commission shall adopt
  38-41  rules to implement this section.  The rules shall define the
  38-42  categories of loans and investments described in Subsection (a) of
  38-43  this section.  The commissioner, in accordance with rules adopted
  38-44  under this subsection, may grant certain limited-term waivers from
  38-45  the requirements of Subsection (a) of this section if quality loans
  38-46  in the categories described in that subsection are not available
  38-47  from within the savings bank's local service area.
  38-48                        CHAPTER 8.  OPERATIONS
  38-50  savings bank shall maintain its books and records according to
  38-51  generally accepted accounting principles and according to rules
  38-52  adopted by the commissioner and the finance commission.
  38-53        Sec. 8.02.  LIQUIDITY.  Unless approved in advance by the
  38-54  commissioner, a savings bank shall maintain a minimum of 10 percent
  38-55  of its assets in cash, balances in a federal reserve bank or passed
  38-56  through a federal home loan bank or another depository institution
  38-57  to a federal reserve bank under the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C.
  38-58  Section 221 et seq.), or other readily marketable investments,
  38-59  including unencumbered federal government sponsored enterprises
  38-60  securities, as allowed by rules adopted by the commissioner and the
  38-61  finance commission.
  38-62        Sec. 8.03.  REGULATORY CAPITAL.  A savings bank shall
  38-63  maintain regulatory capital in the amount prescribed by rules of
  38-64  the commissioner and the finance commission.  The amount may not be
  38-65  less than the amount of regulatory capital required for a
  38-66  corresponding national bank.
  38-67        Sec. 8.04.  COMPUTATION OF NET INCOME.  A savings bank shall
  38-68  close its books at the times that its bylaws provide for the
  38-69  purpose of determining the gross income of the savings bank for the
  38-70  period since the date of the last closing of its books.  The net
   39-1  income for the period is the amount of the gross income minus the
   39-2  amount of the expenses of operating the savings bank for the
   39-3  period.
   39-4        Sec. 8.05.  EARNINGS ON ACCOUNTS.  A savings bank may
   39-5  contract to pay interest on deposit accounts or may pay earnings on
   39-6  deposit accounts in the form of dividends declared by the board of
   39-7  directors.  Earnings in the form of interest or dividends shall be
   39-8  computed and paid according to rules adopted by the commissioner
   39-9  and the finance commission.
  39-10        Sec. 8.06.  DIVIDENDS ON CAPITAL STOCK.  The board of
  39-11  directors of a capital stock savings bank may declare and pay
  39-12  dividends out of current or retained income in cash or additional
  39-13  stock to the holders of record of the stock outstanding on the date
  39-14  the dividends are declared.
  39-16  CONTRIBUTIONS.  A savings bank, at a closing date, may use all or
  39-17  part of a surplus account, whether earned or paid-in, or expense
  39-18  fund contributions on its books to meet expenses of operating the
  39-19  savings bank for the period just closed, required transfers to loss
  39-20  reserves, or the payment or credit of earnings on deposit accounts.
  39-21                     CHAPTER 9.  DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS
  39-22        Sec. 9.01.  DEPOSITS.  A savings bank may receive deposits of
  39-23  funds subject to withdrawals or to be paid on checks of the deposit
  39-24  account holder.  Those deposits must be payable on demand, without
  39-25  notice, unless the contract of deposit expressly provides
  39-26  otherwise.
  39-27        Sec. 9.02.  NO LIMITATION ON DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS.  There is no
  39-28  limit on the number and value of deposit accounts that a savings
  39-29  bank may accept unless limits are fixed by its board of directors.
  39-30        Sec. 9.03.  WHO MAY OPEN A DEPOSIT ACCOUNT.  Investments in
  39-31  deposit accounts may be made with cash only and may be made by any
  39-32  person, in the person's own right or in a trust or other fiduciary
  39-33  capacity, and by any partnership, association, corporation,
  39-34  political subdivision, or public and governmental unit or entity.
  39-35        Sec. 9.04.  CONTRACTS.  Each holder of a deposit account
  39-36  shall execute a contract setting forth any special terms and
  39-37  provisions applicable to the account and the conditions on which
  39-38  withdrawals may be made.  The contract may not be inconsistent with
  39-39  this Act.  The contract shall be held by the savings bank as part
  39-40  of its records pertaining to the deposit account.  The contract in
  39-41  respect to deposit accounts of political subdivisions and public
  39-42  and governmental units or entities shall provide that the holder of
  39-43  the deposit account may not become a member of the savings bank.
  39-44        Sec. 9.05.  TRANSFER OF DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS.  Deposit accounts
  39-45  are transferable on the books of the savings bank only on
  39-46  presentation of evidence of transfer satisfactory to the savings
  39-47  bank, accompanied by proper application for transfer by the
  39-48  transferee.  The transferee shall accept the deposit account
  39-49  subject to the terms and conditions of the contract, the bylaws of
  39-50  the savings bank, and the provisions of its charter.  A savings
  39-51  bank may treat the holder of record of a deposit account as the
  39-52  owner of the account for all purposes without being affected by any
  39-53  notice to the contrary, unless the savings bank acknowledges in
  39-54  writing a pledge of the deposit account.
  39-55        Sec. 9.06.  DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS OF MINORS.  A savings bank and
  39-56  any federal savings bank may accept a deposit account from a minor
  39-57  as the sole and absolute owner of the deposit account and may pay
  39-58  withdrawals, accept pledges to the savings bank, and act in any
  39-59  manner with respect to the deposit account on the order of the
  39-60  minor.  A payment or delivery of rights to a minor or a receipt or
  39-61  acquittance signed by a minor who holds a deposit account is a
  39-62  valid and sufficient release and discharge of the institution for
  39-63  any payment so made or delivery of rights to the minor.  The
  39-64  receipt, acquittance, pledge, or other action required by the
  39-65  institution to be taken by the minor is binding on the minor as if
  39-66  the minor were of full age and legal capacity, except that if a
  39-67  parent or guardian of the minor desires that the minor not have
  39-68  authority to pledge, hypothecate, control, transfer, or make
  39-69  withdrawals from the deposit account, that fact may be made known
  39-70  to the savings bank in writing by the parent or guardian, in which
   40-1  event the right of the minor to pledge, hypothecate, control,
   40-2  transfer, or make withdrawals from the deposit account during the
   40-3  minority of the minor may not be executed  by the minor except with
   40-4  the joinder of the parent or guardian.  In the event of the death
   40-5  of the minor, the receipt or acquittance of a parent or guardian of
   40-6  the minor is a valid and sufficient discharge of the institution
   40-7  for any sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $1,000.
   40-8        Sec. 9.07.  APPLICABILITY OF PROBATE CODE.  The applicable
   40-9  provisions of Chapter XI, Texas Probate Code, govern deposit
  40-10  accounts held in a savings bank.
  40-12  ACCOUNTS.  The pledge or hypothecation to a savings bank or federal
  40-13  savings bank of all or part of a deposit account issued in the
  40-14  names of two or more persons, signed by a person on whose signature
  40-15  withdrawals may be made from the deposit account, is, unless the
  40-16  terms of the deposit account provide specifically to the contrary,
  40-17  a valid pledge and transfer to the institution of that part of the
  40-18  deposit account pledged or hypothecated and does not operate to
  40-19  sever or terminate the joint and survivorship ownership of all or
  40-20  any part of the deposit account.
  40-21        Sec. 9.09.  DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS OF FIDUCIARIES.  A savings bank
  40-22  or a federal savings bank doing business in this state may accept
  40-23  deposit accounts in the name of an administrator, executor,
  40-24  custodian, guardian, trustee, or other fiduciary for a named
  40-25  beneficiary, and the fiduciary may vote as a member as if the
  40-26  membership were held absolutely and may open and make additions to
  40-27  and withdraw from the deposit account in whole or in part.  Except
  40-28  as otherwise provided by law, a payment to a fiduciary or a receipt
  40-29  or acquittance signed by a fiduciary to whom any payment is made is
  40-30  a valid and sufficient release and discharge of an institution for
  40-31  the payment so made.  If a person holding a deposit account in a
  40-32  fiduciary capacity dies and the probate court does not give to the
  40-33  savings bank written notice of the revocation or termination of the
  40-34  fiduciary relationship or of any other disposition of the
  40-35  beneficial estate, the withdrawal value of the deposit account and
  40-36  earnings on the deposit account or other rights relating to the
  40-37  deposit account, at the option of the institution, may be paid or
  40-38  delivered in whole or in part to the beneficiaries, and the savings
  40-39  bank has no further liability for the deposit account.
  40-41  DISCLOSED.  If a deposit account is opened by a person claiming to
  40-42  be a trustee for another and notice of the existence and terms of a
  40-43  legal and valid trust other than a written claim against the
  40-44  deposit account is not provided to the savings bank, withdrawals
  40-45  from the deposit account may be made on the signature of the person
  40-46  claiming to be the trustee, and in the event of the death of the
  40-47  trustee, the withdrawal value of the deposit account or any part of
  40-48  the deposit account, together with earnings on the deposit account,
  40-49  may be paid to the person for whom the deposit account was stated
  40-50  to have been opened,  and the savings bank has no further liability
  40-51  for the deposit account.
  40-53  savings bank doing business in this state may continue to recognize
  40-54  the authority of an attorney in fact authorized in writing to
  40-55  manage or to make withdrawals either in whole or in part from the
  40-56  deposit account of a member until it receives written notice or is
  40-57  on actual notice of the revocation of the authority.  For the
  40-58  purposes of this section, written notice of the death or
  40-59  adjudication of incompetency of a member constitutes written notice
  40-60  of revocation of the authority of the attorney.
  40-61        Sec. 9.12.  DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS AS LEGAL INVESTMENTS.  All
  40-62  administrators, executors, guardians, trustees, and other
  40-63  fiduciaries; counties, municipalities, and all other political
  40-64  subdivisions or instrumentalities of this state; business and
  40-65  nonprofit corporations; charitable or educational corporations or
  40-66  associations; and banks, savings and loan associations, credit
  40-67  unions, and all other financial institutions may invest funds held
  40-68  by them in deposit accounts of a savings bank doing business in
  40-69  this state.  An investment made by an insurance company is eligible
  40-70  for tax reducing purposes under Articles 4.10 and 4.11, Insurance
   41-1  Code.  An investment by a school district of any of its funds in
   41-2  accounts that are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
   41-3  Corporation meets the requirements of Sections 20.42 and 23.79,
   41-4  Education Code.
   41-5        Sec. 9.13.  REDEMPTION OF DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS.  If funds are on
   41-6  hand for the purpose and no contractual prohibition exists, a
   41-7  savings bank may redeem, in a manner determined by the board of
   41-8  directors, all or any part of any of its deposit accounts by giving
   41-9  30 days' notice by certified mail addressed to each affected
  41-10  deposit account holder at the holder's last address as recorded on
  41-11  the books of the savings bank.  Redemption of deposit accounts must
  41-12  be done on a nondiscriminatory basis.  A savings bank may not
  41-13  redeem deposit accounts if the savings bank is subject to
  41-14  conservatorship or a supervisory control action under Chapter 5 of
  41-15  this Act, unless directed to do so by the commissioner.  The
  41-16  redemption price of a deposit account redeemed shall be the
  41-17  account's withdrawal value.  If notice of redemption has been given
  41-18  and on or before the redemption date the funds necessary for the
  41-19  redemption have been set aside to be and continue to be available
  41-20  for redemption, earnings on the deposit accounts called for
  41-21  redemption cease to accrue beginning on the date specified as the
  41-22  redemption date, and all rights with respect to the deposit
  41-23  accounts other than the right of the deposit account holder of
  41-24  record to receive the redemption price terminate on the redemption
  41-25  date.
  41-26        Sec. 9.14.  LIEN ON DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS.  A savings bank or a
  41-27  federal savings bank doing business in this state has a lien,
  41-28  without further agreement or pledge, on all deposit accounts owned
  41-29  by any account holder to whom or on whose behalf the savings bank
  41-30  has made an advance of money by loan or otherwise.  On default in
  41-31  the repayment or satisfaction of the account holder's obligation,
  41-32  the savings bank, without notice to or consent of the account
  41-33  holder, may cancel on its books all or any part of the deposit
  41-34  account owned by the account holder and apply the value of the
  41-35  deposit account in payment on account of the obligation.  A savings
  41-36  bank may by written instrument waive its lien in whole or in part
  41-37  on any deposit account.  A savings bank may take a pledge of
  41-38  deposit accounts of the savings bank owned by an account holder
  41-39  other than the borrower as additional security for a loan secured
  41-40  by a deposit account, real estate, or both.
  41-42  Dividends or interest shall be credited to a deposit account on the
  41-43  books of the savings bank unless a deposit account holder requests
  41-44  and the savings bank agrees to pay dividends or interest on the
  41-45  deposit account in cash.  Dividends payable in cash may be paid by
  41-46  check or bank draft.
  41-47                    CHAPTER 10.  HOLDING COMPANIES
  41-48        Sec. 10.01.  REGISTRATION.  A holding company shall register
  41-49  with the commissioner on forms prescribed by the commissioner
  41-50  within 90 days after the date of becoming a holding company.  The
  41-51  forms must include information, under oath or otherwise, on the
  41-52  financial condition, ownership, operations, management, and
  41-53  intercompany relations of the holding company and its subsidiaries
  41-54  and on related matters the commissioner finds necessary and
  41-55  appropriate.  On application, the commissioner may extend the time
  41-56  within which a holding company shall register and file the required
  41-57  information.
  41-58        Sec. 10.02.  REPORTS.  Each holding company and each
  41-59  subsidiary of a holding company, other than a savings bank, shall
  41-60  file with the commissioner reports required by the commissioner.
  41-61  The reports must be made under oath and must be in the form and for
  41-62  the periods prescribed by the commissioner.  Each report must
  41-63  contain information concerning the operations of the holding
  41-64  company and its subsidiaries as the commissioner may require.
  41-65        Sec. 10.03.  BOOKS AND RECORDS.  Each holding company shall
  41-66  maintain books and records as may be prescribed by the
  41-67  commissioner.
  41-68        Sec. 10.04.  EXAMINATIONS.  Each holding company and each
  41-69  subsidiary of a holding company is subject to examinations as the
  41-70  commissioner may prescribe.  The holding company shall pay the cost
   42-1  of an examination.  The confidentiality provisions of Section 4.08
   42-2  of this Act apply to this section.  The commissioner may furnish
   42-3  examination and other reports to any appropriate governmental
   42-4  department, agency, or instrumentality of this state, another
   42-5  state, or the United States.  For purposes of this section, the
   42-6  commissioner, to the extent deemed feasible, may use reports filed
   42-7  with or examinations made by appropriate federal agencies or
   42-8  regulatory authorities of other states.
   42-9        Sec. 10.05.  AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS.  The commissioner
  42-10  may require a holding company or a person, other than a
  42-11  corporation, connected with a holding company to execute and file a
  42-12  prescribed form of irrevocable appointment of agent for service of
  42-13  process.
  42-14        Sec. 10.06.  RELEASE FROM REGISTRATION.  The commissioner at
  42-15  any time, on the commissioner's own motion or on application, may
  42-16  release a registered holding company from a registration made by
  42-17  the company if the commissioner determines that the company no
  42-18  longer controls a savings bank.
  42-19        Sec. 10.07.  TRANSACTIONS WITH AFFILIATES.  Transactions
  42-20  between a subsidiary savings bank of a holding company and any
  42-21  affiliate of the savings bank subsidiary are subject to rules
  42-22  adopted by the commissioner and the finance commission.
  42-23        Sec. 10.08.  RULES.  The commissioner and the finance
  42-24  commission shall adopt rules providing for registration and
  42-25  reporting of holding companies, setting limitations on the
  42-26  activities and investments of holding companies, and providing for
  42-27  other matters as may be appropriate under this chapter.
  42-30  BANK.  (a)  A person, firm, company, association, fiduciary,
  42-31  partnership, or corporation by whatever name called may not do
  42-32  business as a savings bank in this state or maintain an office in
  42-33  this state for the purpose of doing business in this state unless
  42-34  it is:
  42-35              (1)  a domestic savings bank;
  42-36              (2)  a federal savings bank;
  42-37              (3)  a foreign savings bank that is a surviving
  42-38  financial institution holding a certificate of authority issued
  42-39  under Section 11.07 of this Act; or
  42-40              (4)  a foreign savings bank that was a foreign savings
  42-41  and loan association holding a certificate of authority issued
  42-42  pursuant to Section 61 of Senate Bill No. 111, Chapter 61, Acts of
  42-43  the 41st Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 1929.
  42-44        (b)  The prohibition in this section does not apply to any
  42-45  activity that does not constitute transacting business in this
  42-46  state under Section B, Article 8.01, Texas Business Corporation
  42-47  Act.
  42-48        Sec. 11.02.  RENEWAL OF OUTSTANDING CERTIFICATES.  A foreign
  42-49  savings bank holding a certificate of authority under Section 11.07
  42-50  of this Act may renew the certificate from year to year by the
  42-51  payment of a renewal fee in January of each year in an amount set
  42-52  annually by resolution of the finance commission.  The savings bank
  42-53  shall pay the same examination charges paid by a domestic savings
  42-54  bank under Section 4.07 of this Act, together with all traveling
  42-55  expenses of the examination, except that if the examination fee is
  42-56  inadequate to defray all expenses of the examination, the savings
  42-57  bank shall pay the additional cost.  Examinations may not be made
  42-58  more than once a year.
  42-59        Sec. 11.03.  CONTRACTS DEEMED MADE IN THIS STATE.  A contract
  42-60  made by any foreign savings bank with any citizen of this state is
  42-61  a Texas contract and shall be construed by the courts of this state
  42-62  according to the laws of this state.
  42-65  savings bank operating under a certificate of authority under
  42-66  Section 11.07 of this Act has the rights and privileges of a
  42-67  savings bank created under this Act, and its deposit accounts are
  42-68  eligible for investment to the same extent as those of a domestic
  42-69  savings bank.  This Act and rules adopted under this Act are
  42-70  applicable to a foreign savings bank with respect to its operations
   43-1  in this state and may be enforced by the commissioner.  A foreign
   43-2  savings bank may not be considered a savings bank organized under
   43-3  the laws of this state.
   43-4        (b)  The commissioner, in exercising the supervisory and
   43-5  regulatory authority granted under Chapters 4 and 5 of this Act,
   43-6  may enter into cooperative agreements with regulatory authorities
   43-7  of other states to facilitate the regulation of foreign savings
   43-8  banks doing business in this state and may accept reports of
   43-9  examinations and other records from those regulatory authorities in
  43-10  lieu of conducting examinations outside this state.
  43-11        (c)  A foreign savings bank operating in this state as
  43-12  authorized by this chapter may not exercise any powers, perform any
  43-13  functions, or offer any services that a domestic savings bank could
  43-14  not exercise, perform, or offer.
  43-16  The commissioner may issue an order against a foreign savings bank
  43-17  holding a certificate of authority to do business in this state in
  43-18  the same manner as against a domestic savings bank under Chapter 5
  43-19  of this Act.  On failure or refusal of a foreign savings bank to
  43-20  comply with a final order of the commissioner, the commissioner may
  43-21  revoke a certificate of authority held by the savings bank.  On
  43-22  revocation of the certificate of authority of a foreign savings
  43-23  bank, an agent of the savings bank may not transact business in
  43-24  this state, except to receive payments to apply on loan contracts
  43-25  then in effect and to pay withdrawal requests.
  43-26        Sec. 11.06.  FEDERAL SAVINGS BANKS.  A federal savings bank
  43-27  is not a foreign corporation or foreign savings bank.  Unless
  43-28  federal laws or regulations provide otherwise, a federal savings
  43-29  bank and the members of a federal savings bank have all of the
  43-30  rights, powers, privileges, benefits, immunities, and exemptions
  43-31  that are provided by this Act and other laws of this state relating
  43-32  to a savings bank or its members.  This provision is in addition to
  43-33  and supplemental to any provision of this Act which by specific
  43-34  reference is applicable to a federal savings bank and its members.
  43-36  SAVINGS BANKS.  (a)  A domestic savings bank may merge or
  43-37  consolidate with a foreign savings bank under a plan adopted by the
  43-38  board of directors of both savings banks and approved by the
  43-39  commissioner.  The plan of merger or consolidation must be approved
  43-40  by a majority of the total vote that the members or stockholders of
  43-41  the domestic savings bank are entitled to cast.  Approval may be
  43-42  voted at either an annual meeting or at a special meeting called to
  43-43  consider that action.  A stockholder of a domestic savings bank
  43-44  that is a capital stock association has the same dissenter's rights
  43-45  as a shareholder of a domestic corporation under the Texas Business
  43-46  Corporation Act.
  43-47        (b)  If presented with a plan of merger or consolidation of a
  43-48  foreign savings bank and a domestic savings bank, the commissioner
  43-49  shall give public notice of the proposed merger or consolidation in
  43-50  each county in which the domestic savings bank has an office and
  43-51  shall give any interested party an opportunity to appear, present
  43-52  evidence, and be heard for or against the proposed plan.  A hearing
  43-53  officer designated by the commissioner shall hold the hearing.  If
  43-54  a protest is not received on or before the date of hearing, the
  43-55  hearing may be dispensed with by the commissioner or hearing
  43-56  officer.  The provisions of the administrative procedure act
  43-57  applicable to a contested case do not apply to an application if
  43-58  the domestic savings bank is considered by the commissioner to be
  43-59  in an unsafe condition, and in that event, the application and all
  43-60  information related to the application are confidential and
  43-61  privileged from public disclosure.
  43-62        (c)  The commissioner shall issue an order denying the
  43-63  proposed plan if the commissioner finds that any of the conditions
  43-64  of Subsection (c) of Section 3.03 of this Act exist.  In addition,
  43-65  if the surviving savings bank is the foreign savings bank, the
  43-66  commissioner shall deny the application if:
  43-67              (1)  the laws of the state in which the foreign savings
  43-68  bank has its principal place of business do not permit savings
  43-69  banks of that state to merge or consolidate with a domestic savings
  43-70  bank if the surviving savings bank is the domestic savings bank; or
   44-1              (2)  the foreign savings bank is controlled by a
   44-2  holding company that has its principal place of business in a state
   44-3  the laws of which do not permit savings banks of that state to
   44-4  merge or consolidate with a domestic savings bank if the surviving
   44-5  savings bank is the domestic savings bank.
   44-6        (d)  If a surviving savings bank is a foreign savings bank,
   44-7  the commissioner may enforce any conditions, restrictions, and
   44-8  requirements on the surviving savings bank that could have been
   44-9  enforced by the state in which the foreign savings bank has its
  44-10  principal place of business with respect to a merger or
  44-11  consolidation in that state in which the surviving savings bank is
  44-12  a domestic savings bank.
  44-13        (e)  If the commissioner approves a proposed plan of merger
  44-14  or consolidation, the commissioner shall issue an order approving
  44-15  the merger or consolidation.  If the surviving savings bank is the
  44-16  foreign savings bank, the commissioner shall issue and deliver to
  44-17  the surviving savings bank a certificate of authority to do
  44-18  business as a savings bank within this state for a period that
  44-19  expires January 31 of the next calendar year.  If the surviving
  44-20  savings bank is the domestic savings bank, it shall continue to
  44-21  operate under the terms of its charter and the laws and rules
  44-22  applicable to a domestic savings bank.
  44-23                 CHAPTER 12.  MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
  44-24        Sec. 12.01.  EXEMPTION FROM SECURITIES LAWS.  Deposit
  44-25  accounts, certificates, and other evidences of interest in the
  44-26  deposit liability of savings banks subject to this Act and of
  44-27  federal savings banks are not securities for any purpose under The
  44-28  Securities Act (Article 581-1 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil
  44-29  Statutes), and securities of those savings banks other than
  44-30  interest in the deposit liability of the savings banks are not
  44-31  subject to the registration requirements of that Act.  A person
  44-32  whose principal occupation is as an officer of a savings bank is
  44-33  exempt from the registration and licensing provisions of The
  44-34  Securities Act with respect to the person's participation in a sale
  44-35  or other transaction involving securities of the savings bank of
  44-36  which the person is an officer.
  44-38  public officer qualified to take acknowledgments or proofs of
  44-39  written instruments is not disqualified from taking the
  44-40  acknowledgments or proofs of any instrument in writing in which a
  44-41  savings bank or federal savings bank is interested by reason of the
  44-42  officer's membership in or stockholding in or employment by the
  44-43  savings bank.
  44-44        Sec. 12.03.  CLOSING PLACES OF BUSINESS.  A savings bank may
  44-45  close its place of business at any time the board of directors of
  44-46  the savings bank determines to do so.
  44-48  SHARES NOT AUTHORIZED BY THIS ACT.  A savings bank may not issue
  44-49  any form of stock, share, account, or investment certificate except
  44-50  as permitted by this Act.
  44-52  BANKS.  A domestic or federal savings bank doing business in this
  44-53  state shall render for ad valorem taxation all of its real estate
  44-54  as other real estate is rendered.  Personal property of a domestic
  44-55  or federal savings bank is valued as other personal property is
  44-56  valued for assessment in this state and shall be rendered by the
  44-57  savings bank to the appropriate assessing unit or units in the
  44-58  following manner:
  44-59              (1)  furniture, fixtures, equipment, and automobiles
  44-60  shall be rendered where the property is located in the same manner
  44-61  as other similar property; and
  44-62              (2)  the remainder of the personal property of a
  44-63  savings bank shall be rendered as a whole in the city and county
  44-64  where its principal office is located at the value remaining after
  44-65  deducting from the total value of the savings bank's entire assets
  44-66  the following:
  44-67                    (A)  all debts of every kind and character owed
  44-68  by the savings bank;
  44-69                    (B)  all tax-free securities owned by the savings
  44-70  bank;
   45-1                    (C)  the loss reserves and surplus of the savings
   45-2  bank;
   45-3                    (D)  the deposit liability of the savings bank;
   45-4  and
   45-5                    (E)  the appraised value of its furniture,
   45-6  fixtures, and real estate.
   45-7        Sec. 12.06.  STATE TAXATION OF SAVINGS BANKS.  A domestic or
   45-8  federal savings bank doing business in this state shall be taxed by
   45-9  the state in the same manner and to the same extent as a
  45-10  corresponding savings and loan association.
  45-12  20 percent or more of the savings banks subject to this Act
  45-13  petition the commissioner in writing requesting the adoption,
  45-14  amendment, or repeal of a rule, the commissioner shall initiate
  45-15  rulemaking proceedings under Subsection (e), Article 5, Chapter II,
  45-16  The Texas Banking Code (Article 342-205, Vernon's Texas Civil
  45-17  Statutes).
  45-18        Sec. 12.08.  HEARING PROCEDURES.  (a)  Notice of a hearing
  45-19  held under an order issued under Chapter 5 of this Act shall be
  45-20  given to all parties affected by the order.  Notice of other
  45-21  hearings held under this Act shall be given to all domestic and
  45-22  federal savings banks in the county where the subject matter of the
  45-23  hearing is or will be situated.
  45-24        (b)  Opportunity shall be afforded any interested party to
  45-25  respond and present evidence and argument on all issues involved in
  45-26  a hearing held under this Act.
  45-27        (c)  On the written request of any interested party, the
  45-28  commissioner shall keep a formal record of the proceedings of a
  45-29  hearing held under this Act.
  45-30        (d)  A decision or order adverse to a party who appeared and
  45-31  participated in a hearing must be in writing and include findings
  45-32  of fact and conclusions of law, separately stated, on all issues
  45-33  material to the decision reached.  Findings of fact, if set forth
  45-34  in statutory language, must be accompanied by a concise and
  45-35  explicit statement of the underlying facts supporting the findings.
  45-36        (e)  A decision or order entered after hearing is final and
  45-37  appealable on the 15th  day after the date the decision or order is
  45-38  entered unless a motion for rehearing is filed by a party within
  45-39  that period, and if the motion for rehearing is overruled, the
  45-40  decision or order is appealable after the date the order overruling
  45-41  the motion is entered.
  45-42        (f)  Parties to a hearing shall be notified promptly either
  45-43  personally or by mail of any decision, order, or other action taken
  45-44  in respect to the subject matter of the hearing.
  45-45        Sec. 12.09.  JUDICIAL REVIEW.  The administrative procedure
  45-46  act governs judicial review of an act, order, ruling, or decision
  45-47  of the commissioner or a rule adopted under this Act.
  45-48        Sec. 12.10.  PENALTY FOR FAILING TO COMPLY WITH LAW.  The
  45-49  commissioner may require a savings bank that knowingly violates or
  45-50  fails to comply with this Act or a rule adopted under this Act to
  45-51  pay not more than $1,000 a day to the Savings and Loan Department
  45-52  of Texas for each day of the violation or failure after lawful
  45-53  notice of the delinquency by the commissioner.  The attorney
  45-54  general may file suit for the collection of the penalty on
  45-55  certification by the commissioner of the failure or refusal of the
  45-56  savings bank to remit the assessed penalty.
  45-58  CODE.  A savings bank is subject to and has the benefit of Chapter
  45-59  4, Business & Commerce Code, with respect to all items paid,
  45-60  collected, settled, negotiated, or otherwise handled for customers
  45-61  of the savings bank.
  45-62        Sec. 12.12.  APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW.  (a)  Except as
  45-63  provided in Subsection (b) of this section, a reference in statutes
  45-64  of this state, including Title 79, Revised Statutes (Article
  45-65  5069-1.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), the Government
  45-66  Code, and the Local Government Code or in a rule adopted under the
  45-67  statutes to a "savings and loan association," "savings and loan,"
  45-68  or "association" in the context of a savings and loan association
  45-69  is also a reference to a savings bank, as defined in this Act.
  45-70        (b)  Subsection (a) of this section does not apply to this
   46-1  Act, the Texas Savings and Loan Act (Article 852a, Vernon's Texas
   46-2  Civil Statutes), The Texas Banking Code (Article 342-101 et seq.,
   46-3  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), or the Penal Code.
   46-4        Sec. 12.13.  EMERGENCY CLOSING OF A SAVINGS BANK.  (a)  If
   46-5  the officers of a savings bank determine that an emergency that
   46-6  affects or may affect the savings bank's officers or operations
   46-7  exists or is impending, the officers, in the reasonable and proper
   46-8  exercise of their discretion, may determine to not conduct the
   46-9  involved operations or open the savings bank's offices on any
  46-10  business or banking day or, if the savings bank is open, to close
  46-11  the offices or suspend and close the involved operations during the
  46-12  continuation of the emergency.  The office or operations closed may
  46-13  remain closed until the officers determine the emergency has ended
  46-14  and for additional time reasonably required to reopen.  However, an
  46-15  office or operations may not remain closed for more than 48
  46-16  consecutive hours, excluding other legal holidays, without the
  46-17  approval of the commissioner.  A savings bank closing an office or
  46-18  operations under this section shall give the commissioner prompt
  46-19  notice of its action as conditions permit and by any means
  46-20  available.
  46-21        (b)  In this section, "emergency" means a condition or
  46-22  occurrence that physically interferes with the conducting of normal
  46-23  business at the offices of a savings bank or of particular savings
  46-24  bank operations or that poses an imminent or existing threat to the
  46-25  safety or security of persons, property, or both.  In addition to
  46-26  other causes, an emergency may arise as a result of:
  46-27              (1)  fire, flood, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, wind,
  46-28  rain, or snowstorm;
  46-29              (2)  labor dispute and strike;
  46-30              (3)  power failure;
  46-31              (4)  transportation failure;
  46-32              (5)  interruption of communication facilities;
  46-33              (6)  shortage of fuel, housing, food, transportation,
  46-34  or labor;
  46-35              (7)  robbery or burglary;
  46-36              (8)  actual or threatened enemy attack;
  46-37              (9)  epidemic or other catastrophe;
  46-38              (10)  riot or other civil commotion; or
  46-39              (11)  any other actual or threatened acts of
  46-40  lawlessness or violence.
  46-41        (c)  A day on which a savings bank or one or more of its
  46-42  operations is closed during all or part of its normal business
  46-43  hours under this section is considered to be a legal holiday for
  46-44  the savings bank to the extent it suspends operations.  Liability
  46-45  or loss of rights does not arise on the part of a savings bank or a
  46-46  director, officer, or employee of the savings bank from a closing
  46-47  authorized by this section.
  46-48        (d)  A provision of this section is in addition to and not in
  46-49  substitution for or in limitation of any other provision of this
  46-50  Act or other law of this state or the United States authorizing the
  46-51  closing of a savings bank or excusing the delay by a savings bank
  46-52  in the performance of its duties and obligations because of
  46-53  emergencies or conditions beyond the savings bank's control or
  46-54  otherwise.
  46-55        Sec. 12.14.  AUTHORIZATION OF DERIVATIVE SUITS.  (a)  The
  46-56  commissioner may bring a derivative suit in the right of a savings
  46-57  bank based on an unpursued cause of action if:
  46-58              (1)  the commissioner determines the savings bank has
  46-59  an unpursued cause of action and that suit on that cause should be
  46-60  brought to protect the interest of the savings bank, the
  46-61  stockholders, members, or creditors of the savings bank or the
  46-62  public interest; and
  46-63              (2)  the savings bank has not brought suit on the cause
  46-64  before the 30th day after the date on which the commissioner gives
  46-65  notice to the savings bank that the suit should be brought.
  46-66        (b)  Venue of a derivative suit, unless venue is mandatory,
  46-67  is in a district court of Travis County.
  46-68        (c)  The commissioner may employ legal counsel to bring and
  46-69  prosecute a derivative suit.  The commissioner may pay counsel from
  46-70  funds appropriated for the operation of the Savings and Loan
   47-1  Department of Texas or may require the savings bank for which the
   47-2  suit is brought to pay the counsel directly or to reimburse the
   47-3  Savings and Loan Department of Texas for the payment.  An amount
   47-4  equal to the amount of the proceeds of a judgment on the suit, less
   47-5  unreimbursed costs and expenses, including attorney fees incurred
   47-6  by the Savings and Loan Department of Texas in prosecuting the
   47-7  suit, shall be paid to the savings bank.
   47-9  BY ATTORNEY GENERAL.  The commissioner, a member of the finance
  47-10  commission, a deputy commissioner, an examiner, or any other
  47-11  officer or employee of the Savings and Loan Department of Texas is
  47-12  not personally liable for damages arising from the person's
  47-13  official acts or omissions unless the acts or omissions are corrupt
  47-14  or malicious.  The attorney general shall defend an action brought
  47-15  against such a person by reason of the person's official acts or
  47-16  omissions, regardless of whether at the time of the initiation of
  47-17  the action the defendant is an officer or employee of the Savings
  47-18  and Loan Department of Texas.
  47-19        SECTION 2.02.  Article 2, Chapter I, The Texas Banking Code
  47-20  (Article 342-102, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by
  47-21  amending Subdivisions (12) and (13) and adding Subdivisions (26)
  47-22  and (27) to read as follows:
  47-23              (12)  "State Savings and Loan Association" or "State
  47-24  Association"--Any savings and loan association <or savings bank>
  47-25  heretofore or hereafter organized under the laws of this State.
  47-26              (13)  "Federal Savings and Loan Association"--Any
  47-27  savings and loan association <or savings bank> heretofore or
  47-28  hereafter organized under the laws of the United States of America.
  47-29              (26)  "State Savings Bank"--Any savings bank organized
  47-30  under or subject to the Texas Savings Bank Act, Section 1, Senate
  47-31  Bill No. 396, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993.
  47-32              (27)  "Federal Savings Bank"--Any savings bank
  47-33  organized under the laws of the United States of America.
  47-34        SECTION 2.03.  Article 3, Chapter I, The Texas Banking Code
  47-35  (Article 342-103, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
  47-36  read as follows:
  47-37        Art. 3.  Finance Commission--General Powers.  A.  There is
  47-38  hereby established and created The Finance Commission of Texas
  47-39  which shall consist of nine (9) members.  The Finance Commission
  47-40  shall:
  47-41              (1)  adopt rules and determine general policies for the
  47-42  regulation of state banks, state associations, state savings banks,
  47-43  and the consumer credit industry in the state;
  47-44              (2)  consult and advise the Banking Commissioner,
  47-45  Savings and Loan Commissioner, and Consumer Credit Commissioner on
  47-46  the implementation and enforcement of the rules and policies
  47-47  adopted by the Finance Commission; and
  47-48              (3)  carry out other duties, powers, and authority as
  47-49  may be conferred by law.
  47-50        B.  The Finance Commission shall make a thorough and
  47-51  intensive study of the Texas banking, savings and loan, savings
  47-52  bank, and consumer credit statutes, respectively, with a view to so
  47-53  strengthening said statutes as to attain and maintain the maximum
  47-54  degree of protection to depositors, stockholders, shareholders, and
  47-55  consumers, and shall report every two (2) years to the Legislature
  47-56  by filing with the Clerks of the Senate and the House of
  47-57  Representatives the results of its study, together with its
  47-58  recommendations.
  47-59        SECTION 2.04.  Section 2, Article 4, Chapter I, The Texas
  47-60  Banking Code (Article 342-104, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is
  47-61  amended to read as follows:
  47-62        2.  Two (2) members of the Finance Commission shall be
  47-63  savings <and loan> executives.  For the purposes of this article
  47-64  <section> a savings <and loan> executive is a person who:
  47-65              (i)  has had five (5) years or more executive
  47-66  experience in the seven (7) years next preceding the person's
  47-67  appointment in a State or Federal Savings and Loan Association, a
  47-68  state savings bank, or a federal savings bank in a capacity not
  47-69  lower than cashier;<,> and
  47-70              (ii)  <who> at the time of the person's appointment is
   48-1  an officer in a State association or a state savings bank.
   48-2        SECTION 2.05.  Section 4, Article 4, Chapter I, The Texas
   48-3  Banking Code (Article 342-104, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is
   48-4  amended to read as follows:
   48-5        4.  The members of the Finance Commission who are not banking
   48-6  executives or savings <and loan> executives shall be selected by
   48-7  the Governor on the basis of recognized business ability.  Those
   48-8  members may not be banking executives, savings <and loan>
   48-9  executives, or controlling shareholders in a bank, <or> savings and
  48-10  loan association, or state savings bank.  At least one of those
  48-11  members must be a certified public accountant.
  48-12        SECTION 2.06.  Article 14, Chapter I, The Texas Banking Code
  48-13  (Article 342-114, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
  48-14  read as follows:
  48-17  Commission, through resolutions, may promulgate general rules and
  48-18  regulations not inconsistent with the Constitution and Statutes of
  48-19  this State, and from time to time amend the same, which rules and
  48-20  regulations shall be applicable alike to all State associations and
  48-21  state savings banks, and may authorize State associations and state
  48-22  savings banks to invest their funds in any manner and to the same
  48-23  extent which said association or state savings banks could invest
  48-24  such funds under existing or any future law, rule or regulation
  48-25  were they organized and operating as a Federal Savings and Loan
  48-26  Association or Federal savings bank under the laws of the United
  48-27  States, provided, however, that this authority shall not be
  48-28  construed in any wise to confer authority to abridge, or diminish
  48-29  or limit any rights or powers specifically given to State
  48-30  associations or state savings banks by the statutory laws of this
  48-31  State.  In addition to such powers as may be conferred upon the
  48-32  Finance Commission by this Act, <or by> the Savings and Loan Act of
  48-33  Texas, or the Texas Savings Bank Act, as amended, the Finance
  48-34  Commission shall have the following duties:
  48-35        (a)  When in the judgment of the Finance Commission,
  48-36  protection of investors in State associations or state savings
  48-37  banks requires additional regulations or limitations, to promulgate
  48-38  such additional rules and regulations as will in its judgment
  48-39  prevent State associations or state savings banks from
  48-40  concentrating an excessive or unreasonable portion of their
  48-41  resources in any particular type or character of loan or security
  48-42  authorized by the Texas Savings and Loan Act or the Texas Savings
  48-43  Bank Act.
  48-44        (b)  When in the judgment of the Finance Commission,
  48-45  establishment of standards or changes in existing standards for
  48-46  investment are necessary, to establish standards through rules and
  48-47  regulations for investments by State associations or state savings
  48-48  banks, which standards may also establish a limit in the amount
  48-49  which State associations or state savings banks may invest in any
  48-50  particular type or character of investment to an amount or
  48-51  percentage based upon assets or net worth.
  48-52        (c)  To advise with the Savings and Loan Commissioner as to
  48-53  the forms to be prescribed for the filing of the annual statements
  48-54  with the Savings and Loan Department and the forms to be prescribed
  48-55  for the publication of the annual financial statements by State
  48-56  associations and state savings banks.
  48-57        (d)  To confer with the Savings and Loan Commissioner, the
  48-58  Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the
  48-59  District Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision <and with the
  48-60  President of the regional Federal Home Loan Bank of the district in
  48-61  which State associations are members> on general and special
  48-62  business and economic conditions affecting State associations and
  48-63  state savings banks.
  48-64        (e)  To request information and to make recommendations with
  48-65  respect to matters within the jurisdiction of the Savings and Loan
  48-66  Commissioner as relating to the savings and loan and savings bank
  48-67  business, including recommendations as to legislation affecting
  48-68  such institutions, providing, that no information regarding the
  48-69  financial condition of any State savings and loan association or
  48-70  state savings bank obtained through examination or otherwise shall
   49-1  be divulged to any member of the Finance Commission, nor shall any
   49-2  member of the Finance Commission be given access to the files and
   49-3  records of the Department appertaining thereto; provided, further,
   49-4  however, that the Commissioner may disclose to the Finance
   49-5  Commission any file or record pertinent to any hearing or matter
   49-6  pending before the Finance Commission.
   49-7        SECTION 2.07.  Sections (a), (b), (c), (d), (g), (h), (i),
   49-8  and (k), Article 5, Chapter II, The Texas Banking Code (Article
   49-9  342-205, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to read as
  49-10  follows:
  49-11        (a)  By and with the advice and consent of the Senate, the
  49-12  Finance Commission of Texas, by at least five (5) affirmative
  49-13  votes, shall elect a Savings and Loan Commissioner who shall serve
  49-14  at the pleasure of the Finance Commission and who shall be an
  49-15  employee of said Commission and subject to its orders and
  49-16  direction.  The Savings and Loan Commissioner shall have had not
  49-17  less than seven (7) years experience in the executive management of
  49-18  a savings and loan association or savings bank or in savings and
  49-19  loan or savings bank supervision.  The Savings and Loan
  49-20  Commissioner shall receive such compensation as is fixed by the
  49-21  Finance Commission.  The compensation shall be paid from funds of
  49-22  the Savings and Loan Department.
  49-23        (b)  The Savings and Loan Commissioner, subject to the
  49-24  approval of the Finance Commission, shall appoint one or more
  49-25  Deputy Savings and Loan Commissioners, one of which shall have the
  49-26  same qualifications required of the Savings and Loan Commissioner
  49-27  and shall be designated by the Savings and Loan Commissioner to be
  49-28  vested with all of the powers and perform all of the duties of the
  49-29  Savings and Loan Commissioner during the absence or inability of
  49-30  the Savings and Loan Commissioner.  The Savings and Loan
  49-31  Commissioner may also appoint a Hearing Officer or Officers to
  49-32  conduct such investigations or public hearings as may be required
  49-33  by law of the Savings and Loan Commissioner.  The Hearing Officer
  49-34  or Officers shall be vested for the purpose of such investigations
  49-35  or public hearings with the power and authority as the Savings and
  49-36  Loan Commissioner would have if he were personally conducting such
  49-37  investigation or public hearing, provided that the Hearing Officer
  49-38  or Officers shall not be authorized to make any order upon the
  49-39  final subject matter of such investigation or hearing; and
  49-40  provided, further, that the record of any investigation or public
  49-41  hearing conducted before the Hearing Officer may be considered by
  49-42  the Savings and Loan Commissioner in the same manner and to the
  49-43  same extent as evidence that is adduced before him personally in
  49-44  any such proceeding.  The Savings and Loan Commissioner shall also
  49-45  appoint Savings and Loan and Savings Bank Examiners.  Each Deputy
  49-46  Savings and Loan Commissioner, the Savings and Loan and Savings
  49-47  Bank Examiners, each Hearing Officer, and all other officers and
  49-48  employees of the Savings and Loan Department shall receive such
  49-49  compensation as is fixed by the Finance Commission which shall be
  49-50  paid from the funds of the Savings and Loan Department.
  49-51        (c)  The Savings and Loan Commissioner, each Deputy Savings
  49-52  and Loan Commissioner, each Hearing Officer, each Savings and Loan
  49-53  and Savings Bank Examiner, and every other officer and employee of
  49-54  the Savings and Loan Department specified by the Finance
  49-55  Commission, shall, before entering upon the duties of his office,
  49-56  take an oath of office and make a fidelity bond in the sum of Ten
  49-57  Thousand Dollars ($10,000) payable to the Governor of the State of
  49-58  Texas, and his successors in office, in individual, schedule or
  49-59  blanket form, executed by a surety appearing upon the list of
  49-60  approved sureties acceptable to the United States Government.  Each
  49-61  bond required under this Article shall be in the form approved by
  49-62  the Finance Commission.  The premiums for such bonds shall be paid
  49-63  out of the funds of the Savings and Loan Department.
  49-64        (d)  Upon the appointment and qualification of a Savings and
  49-65  Loan Commissioner under this Act such Savings and Loan Commissioner
  49-66  shall in person or by and through the Deputy Savings and Loan
  49-67  Commissioner, Savings and Loan and Savings Bank Examiners, or other
  49-68  officers of the Savings and Loan Department, supervise and
  49-69  regulate, in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated
  49-70  by the Savings and Loan Commissioner together with the Finance
   50-1  Commission, all savings and loan associations and state savings
   50-2  banks doing business in this State (except Federal Savings and Loan
   50-3  Associations or Federal Savings Banks organized and existing under
   50-4  Federal Law).
   50-5        (g)  The Savings and Loan Commissioner shall attend each
   50-6  meeting of the Finance Commission at which matters relating to
   50-7  savings and loan associations or savings banks will be considered,
   50-8  but he shall not vote.
   50-9        (h)  The Savings and Loan Commissioner and the Finance
  50-10  Commission shall establish reasonable and necessary fees for the
  50-11  administration of the Texas Savings and Loan Act (Article 852a,
  50-12  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) and the Texas Savings Bank Act and
  50-13  support of the Finance Commission as provided by Article 11C,
  50-14  Chapter I, of this Code.  The Savings and Loan Commissioner shall
  50-15  collect all fees, penalties, charges and revenues required to be
  50-16  paid by savings and loan associations and savings banks and shall
  50-17  from time to time as directed by the Finance Commission submit to
  50-18  such Commission a full and complete report of the receipts and
  50-19  expenditures of the Savings and Loan Department, and the Finance
  50-20  Commission may from time to time examine the financial records of
  50-21  the Savings and Loan Department or cause them to be examined.  In
  50-22  addition, the financial transactions of the Savings and Loan
  50-23  Department are subject to audit by the state auditor in accordance
  50-24  with Chapter 321, Government Code, and the actual costs of such
  50-25  audits shall be paid to the State Auditor from the funds of the
  50-26  Savings and Loan Department.  Notwithstanding anything to the
  50-27  contrary contained in any other law of this State, beginning
  50-28  September 1, 1985, all sums of money paid to the Savings and Loan
  50-29  Department from all sources shall be deposited in the State
  50-30  Treasury to the credit of a special fund to be known as the Savings
  50-31  and Loan Department Expense Fund and may be used only for the
  50-32  expenses incurred by the Savings and Loan Department and Finance
  50-33  Commission.  All expenses incurred by the Savings and Loan
  50-34  Department shall be paid only from such fund.  The Finance
  50-35  Commission shall promulgate and adopt such rules and regulations as
  50-36  may be necessary to coordinate the operation of the Savings and
  50-37  Loan Department with the operation of the Banking Department and
  50-38  the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner.
  50-39        (i)  Insofar as the provisions of this Section may conflict
  50-40  with any other provisions of The Texas Banking Code of 1943, as
  50-41  amended, or Senate Bill No. 111, Acts 1929, 41st Legislature, page
  50-42  100, Chapter 61, as amended, or the Texas Savings and Loan Act of
  50-43  1963, Chapter 113, Acts 58th Legislature, 1963, page 269, et seq.,
  50-44  or the Texas Savings Bank Act, as amended, the provisions of this
  50-45  Act shall control; except that the terms "Savings and Loan," and
  50-46  "Savings and Loan Association," as used herein, are intended to and
  50-47  shall have the same meaning as the terms "Building and Loan" and
  50-48  "Building and Loan Association" as used in said Statutes.
  50-49        (k)  An officer or employee of the Savings and Loan
  50-50  Department may not be an officer, employee, or paid consultant of a
  50-51  trade association in the savings and loan industry or the savings
  50-52  bank industry.
  50-53        SECTION 2.08.  Section 3, Article 9, Chapter VI, The Texas
  50-54  Banking Code (Article 342-609, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is
  50-55  amended to read as follows:
  50-56        Sec. 3.  In this article, "financial institution" means a
  50-57  state or national bank, <or> state or federal savings and loan
  50-58  association, or state or federal savings bank  maintaining an
  50-59  office, branch, or agency office in this state or otherwise engaged
  50-60  in the business of lending money or extending credit in this state.
  50-61        SECTION 2.09.  Section 4, Article 5, Chapter VII, The Texas
  50-62  Banking Code (Article 342-705, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is
  50-63  amended to read as follows:
  50-64        Sec. 4.  In this article "financial institution" means a
  50-65  state or national bank, <or> state or federal savings and loan
  50-66  association, or state or federal savings bank maintaining an
  50-67  office, branch, or agency office in this state or otherwise engaged
  50-68  in the business of lending money or extending credit in this state.
  50-69        SECTION 2.10.  Subsection (a), Section 5, Article 5, Chapter
  50-70  VII, The Texas Banking Code (Article 342-705, Vernon's Texas Civil
   51-1  Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   51-2        (a)  This article does not restrict or apply to amendment of
   51-3  a depository contract, addition of a new term or provision to a
   51-4  depository contract, or disclosure or production of deposits or of
   51-5  records of accounts and other financial institution <bank> records
   51-6  if the amendment, addition, or disclosure is made under or in
   51-7  substantial compliance with applicable federal law, including
   51-8  regulations.  This article does not restrict or apply to the use or
   51-9  disclosure by a financial institution <bank> of information or
  51-10  records pertaining to deposits, accounts, or financial institution
  51-11  <bank> transactions if the use or disclosure is made in good faith
  51-12  in the usual course of the financial business of the financial
  51-13  institution <bank>, is made by the financial institution <bank> in
  51-14  the course of the litigation affecting its interests, or is made
  51-15  with express or implied consent of the depositor or customer.  This
  51-16  article does not apply to the investigation or prosecution of
  51-17  criminal offenses.
  51-18        SECTION 2.11.  Subsection (a), Section 32.71, Penal Code, is
  51-19  amended to read as follows:
  51-20        (a)  An officer, director, member of any committee, clerk, or
  51-21  agent of any savings and loan association or savings bank in this
  51-22  state commits an offense if the person embezzles, abstracts, or
  51-23  misapplies money, funds, or credits of the association or savings
  51-24  bank, issues or puts into circulation any warrant or other order
  51-25  without proper authority, issues, assigns, transfers, cancels, or
  51-26  delivers up any note, bond, draft, mortgage, judgment, decree, or
  51-27  other written instrument belonging to the association or savings
  51-28  bank, certifies to or makes a false entry in any book, report, or
  51-29  statement of or to the association or savings bank, with intent to
  51-30  deceive, injure, or defraud the association or savings bank or a
  51-31  member of the association or savings bank for the purpose of
  51-32  inducing any person to become a member of the association or
  51-33  savings bank or to deceive anyone appointed to examine the affairs
  51-34  of the association or savings bank.
  51-35        SECTION 2.12.  Subsection (a), Section 32.72, Penal Code, is
  51-36  amended to read as follows:
  51-37        (a)  Any person commits an offense if the person for the
  51-38  purpose of influencing the actions of an association or savings
  51-39  bank or its employees, agents, or representatives or for the
  51-40  purpose of influencing the actions of The Finance Commission of
  51-41  Texas, the savings and loan commissioner, or employees, agents, or
  51-42  representatives of the Savings and Loan Department of Texas,
  51-43  knowingly:
  51-44              (1)  removes, mutilates, destroys, or conceals a paper,
  51-45  book, or record of a savings and loan association or savings bank
  51-46  or of the savings and loan commissioner or the Savings and Loan
  51-47  Department of Texas for the purpose of concealing a fact or
  51-48  suppressing evidence;
  51-49              (2)  makes, passes, alters, or publishes a false,
  51-50  counterfeit, or forged instrument, paper, document, statement, or
  51-51  report to a savings and loan association or savings bank or to the
  51-52  savings and loan commissioner or the Savings and Loan Department of
  51-53  Texas; or
  51-54              (3)  substantially overvalues land, property, security,
  51-55  an asset, or income in connection with a transaction with a savings
  51-56  and loan association or savings bank without substantiation,
  51-57  justification, or supporting documentation generally accepted by
  51-58  appraisal standards.
  51-59                        ARTICLE 3.  EMERGENCY
  51-60        SECTION 3.01.  The importance of this legislation and the
  51-61  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  51-62  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  51-63  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  51-64  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
  51-65  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
  51-66  passage, and it is so enacted.
  51-67                               * * * * *
  51-68                                                         Austin,
  51-69  Texas
  51-70                                                         May 25, 1993
   52-1  Hon. Bob Bullock
   52-2  President of the Senate
   52-3  Sir:
   52-4  We, your Committee on Economic Development to which was referred
   52-5  H.B. No. 1790, have had the same under consideration, and I am
   52-6  instructed to report it back to the Senate with the recommendation
   52-7  that it do not pass, but that the Committee Substitute adopted in
   52-8  lieu thereof do pass and be printed.
   52-9                                                         Parker,
  52-10  Chairman
  52-11                               * * * * *
  52-12                               WITNESSES
  52-13  No witnesses appeared on H.B. No. 1790.