73R9458 DWS-F
          By Solis, et al.                                      H.B. No. 1817
          Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1817:
          By Parra                                          C.S.H.B. No. 1817
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to granting the commissioners courts of counties along the
    1-3  Texas-Mexico border the authority to regulate the use of land in
    1-4  unincorporated areas; providing penalties.
    1-6        SECTION 1.  Subtitle B, Title 7, Local Government Code, is
    1-7  amended by adding Chapter 238 to read as follows:
    1-9                   SUBCHAPTER A.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
   1-10        Sec. 238.001.  LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS; PURPOSE.   (a)  The
   1-11  legislature finds that:
   1-12              (1)  the lack of regulation of building and development
   1-13  in the area of the state near the border of Mexico has created
   1-14  conditions that threaten the health, safety, and welfare of the
   1-15  residents of and visitors to the area; and
   1-16              (2)  proper regulation in the area is of concern to the
   1-17  entire state.
   1-18        (b)  The powers granted under this chapter are for the
   1-19  purpose of promoting the public health, safety, and welfare and
   1-20  encouraging the efficient use of land for business, commerce, and
   1-21  residences.
   1-22        Sec. 238.002.  APPLICATION.  This chapter applies only to the
   1-23  unincorporated area of a county that borders the Republic of
   1-24  Mexico.
    2-1           (Sections 238.003-238.010 reserved for expansion
    2-2                  SUBCHAPTER B.  LAND USE REGULATION
    2-3        Sec. 238.011.  LAND USE REGULATIONS GENERALLY.  The
    2-4  commissioners court may regulate in the area subject to this
    2-5  chapter:
    2-6              (1)  the height, number of stories, and size of
    2-7  buildings or other structures;
    2-8              (2)  the percentage of a lot that may be occupied by
    2-9  structures;
   2-10              (3)  the size of yards, courts, and other open spaces;
   2-11              (4)  population density;
   2-12              (5)  the location and use of buildings, other
   2-13  structures, and land for business, industrial, residential,
   2-14  agricultural, or other purposes; and
   2-15              (6)  the placement of water and sewage facilities,
   2-16  parks, recreational facilities, and other public requirements.
   2-17        Sec. 238.012.  COMPLIANCE WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN.
   2-18  Regulations must be adopted in accordance with a comprehensive plan
   2-19  and must be designed to:
   2-20              (1)  lessen congestion in the streets and roads;
   2-21              (2)  secure safety from flood, windstorm, fire, panic,
   2-22  and other dangers;
   2-23              (3)  promote health and the general welfare;
   2-24              (4)  provide adequate light and air;
   2-25              (5)  prevent the overcrowding of land;
   2-26              (6)  avoid undue concentration of population;
   2-27              (7)  facilitate the adequate provision of
    3-1  transportation, emergency evacuation, water, sewers, parks, and
    3-2  other public requirements; or
    3-3              (8)  assist in developing the area into parks and
    3-4  recreational areas for the residents of this state and other states
    3-5  and nations.
    3-6        Sec. 238.013.  DISTRICTS.  (a)  The commissioners court may
    3-7  divide the area in its county that is subject to this chapter into
    3-8  districts of a number, shape, and size the court considers best for
    3-9  carrying out this subchapter.  Within each district, the
   3-10  commissioners court may regulate the erection, construction,
   3-11  reconstruction, alteration, repair, or use of buildings, other
   3-12  structures, or land.
   3-13        (b)  The regulations must be uniform for each class or kind
   3-14  of building in a district, but the regulations may vary from
   3-15  district to district.  The regulations shall be adopted with
   3-16  reasonable consideration for, among other things, the character of
   3-17  each district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses,
   3-18  with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging
   3-19  the most appropriate use of land throughout the area.
   3-20        Sec. 238.014.  LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT.  (a)  To exercise
   3-21  the powers authorized by this chapter, the commissioners court
   3-22  shall appoint a land use and development commission.
   3-23        (b)  The commissioners court may enter into a services
   3-24  agreement with a planning agency created under Chapter 391, or with
   3-25  another political subdivision, to provide assistance to the land
   3-26  use and development commission in performing its functions and
   3-27  responsibilities.
    4-1        (c)  The commission shall recommend boundaries for the
    4-2  original districts and appropriate regulations for each district.
    4-3  The commission must consist of a presiding officer and six
    4-4  additional members, each of whom is a resident of the county.  At
    4-5  least one member must be a representative of agricultural interests
    4-6  in the county.
    4-7        (d)  The commissioners court shall appoint a presiding
    4-8  officer.  The members serve two-year terms.  In making the initial
    4-9  appointments of the other members, the commissioners court shall
   4-10  designate the members for staggered terms of one and two years.  In
   4-11  the event of resignation, end of term, or a vacancy, the court
   4-12  shall appoint new members.  The court shall fill a vacancy in the
   4-13  office of presiding officer by appointment.  The commission may
   4-14  employ a secretary, an acting secretary, and other technical or
   4-15  clerical personnel.
   4-16        (e)  A member of the commission is entitled to compensation
   4-17  in an amount set by the commissioners court.  A member of the
   4-18  commission may also be entitled to expenses actually incurred while
   4-19  serving on the commission as provided by order of the commissioners
   4-20  court.
   4-21        (f)  The commission shall make a preliminary report and hold
   4-22  public hearings on that report before submitting a final report to
   4-23  the commissioners court.  The commissioners court may not take
   4-24  action or hold a public hearing until it has received the final
   4-25  report of the commission.  In preparing the final report the
   4-26  commission shall consult with and consider recommendations of any
   4-27  regional planning council having the county within its region.
    5-1        (g)  Before the 10th day before the hearing date, written
    5-2  notice of each public hearing before the commission on a proposed
    5-3  change in a classification in the district shall be sent to:
    5-4              (1)  each owner of affected property or to the person
    5-5  who renders the property for county taxes; and
    5-6              (2)  each owner of property that is located within 200
    5-7  feet of property affected by the change or to the person who
    5-8  renders the property for county taxes.
    5-9        (h)  The notice may be served by depositing it, postage paid
   5-10  and properly addressed, in the United States mail.
   5-12  AND DISTRICT BOUNDARIES.  (a)  The commissioners court may not
   5-13  adopt, alter, or repeal a regulation or district boundary unless it
   5-14  has:
   5-15              (1)  received the recommendation of the land use and
   5-16  development commission concerning the proposed action; and
   5-17              (2)  held a public hearing on the proposed action at
   5-18  which all interested parties have an opportunity to be heard.
   5-19        (b)  Notice of the time, place, and subject of the hearing
   5-20  shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
   5-21  county not later than the 15th day before the date of the hearing.
   5-22        (c)  The commission may not make a recommendation to the
   5-23  commissioners court under this section unless it first holds a
   5-24  public hearing on the matter.   Before the 10th day before the date
   5-25  of the hearing, written notice of the hearing shall be given to
   5-26  each owner of property directly affected by the recommendation and
   5-27  each person owning property within 200 feet of the affected
    6-1  property.  Notice may be by publication in a newspaper of general
    6-2  circulation in the county or may be served by depositing it,
    6-3  properly addressed with postage paid, in the United States mail not
    6-4  later than the 10th day before the date of the hearing.
    6-5        (d)  If a proposed change to a regulation or boundary is
    6-6  protested in accordance with this subsection, the proposed change
    6-7  must receive, in order to take effect, the affirmative vote of at
    6-8  least four-fifths of all members of the commissioners court.  The
    6-9  protest must be signed by:
   6-10              (1)  owners of property constituting at least 20
   6-11  percent of the area affected by the proposed change; or
   6-12              (2)  owners of property constituting 20 percent of the
   6-13  area included in the lots or parcels of land adjoining the area
   6-14  affected by the proposed change.
   6-15        (e)  The commissioners court shall establish reasonable
   6-16  regulations as to the time, place, and form for filing protests to
   6-17  proposed changes.
   6-18        Sec. 238.016.  SPECIAL EXCEPTION.  (a)  Any of the following
   6-19  persons may petition the commissioners court for a special
   6-20  exception to a regulation adopted by the commissioners court:
   6-21              (1)  a person aggrieved by the regulation; or
   6-22              (2)  any officer, department, board, or bureau of the
   6-23  county or of a municipality in the county.
   6-24        (b)  The commissioners court shall hold a public hearing on
   6-25  the petition and shall publish notice of the hearing before the
   6-26  15th day before the date of the hearing in a newspaper of general
   6-27  circulation in the county.
    7-1        (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), the commissioners
    7-2  court may grant a petition for a special exception by majority
    7-3  vote.
    7-4        (d)  If a proposed special exception to a regulation is
    7-5  protested in accordance with this subsection, the proposed special
    7-6  exception must receive, in order to take effect, the affirmative
    7-7  vote of at least four-fifths of all members of the commissioners
    7-8  court.  The protest must be presented at the hearing and signed by
    7-9  the owners of at least 20 percent of:
   7-10              (1)  the lots covered by the proposed exception; or
   7-11              (2)  the lots immediately adjacent to the rear of the
   7-12  lots covered by the proposed exception extending 200 feet from
   7-13  those lots or from the street frontage of the opposite lots.
   7-14        Sec. 238.017.  BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT.  (a)  The commissioners
   7-15  court in a county with a population of more than 250,000 may
   7-16  provide for the appointment of a board of adjustment and authorize
   7-17  the board of adjustment, in appropriate cases and subject to
   7-18  appropriate conditions and safeguards, to make special exceptions
   7-19  to the regulations adopted under this subchapter.  The exceptions
   7-20  must be consistent with the general purposes and intent of the
   7-21  regulations and comprehensive plan.
   7-22        (b)  A board of adjustment consists of five members appointed
   7-23  by the commissioners court for terms of two years.  The
   7-24  commissioners court may remove a board member for cause on a
   7-25  written charge after a public hearing.  A vacancy on the board
   7-26  shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person appointed by the
   7-27  commissioners court.  Each case before the board of adjustment must
    8-1  be heard by at least four members.
    8-2        (c)  The board shall elect from its membership a presiding
    8-3  officer to serve for any tenure the board determines, not to exceed
    8-4  the member's term on the board.  The board may elect other
    8-5  officers.
    8-6        (d)  The commissioners court may provide for the appointment
    8-7  of four alternate board members to serve in the absence of one or
    8-8  more regular members.  An alternate member serves for the same
    8-9  period as a regular member and is subject to removal in the same
   8-10  manner as a regular member.  A vacancy among the alternate members
   8-11  is filled in the same manner as a vacancy among the regular
   8-12  members.
   8-13        (e)  The board shall adopt rules consistent with regulations
   8-14  adopted under this subchapter.  Meetings of the board are held at
   8-15  the call of the presiding officer and at other times as determined
   8-16  by the board.  The presiding officer or acting presiding officer
   8-17  may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses.  All
   8-18  meetings of the board must be open to the public.
   8-19        (f)  A member of the board is entitled to compensation in an
   8-20  amount set by the commissioners court.  A member of the board may
   8-21  also be entitled to expenses actually incurred while serving on the
   8-22  board as provided by order of the commissioners court.
   8-23        Sec. 238.018.  POWERS OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT.  The board of
   8-24  adjustment may:
   8-25              (1)  hear and decide appeals involving allegations that
   8-26  there is an error in an action by an administrative official in the
   8-27  enforcement of this subchapter or in the enforcement of an order or
    9-1  regulation adopted under this subchapter;
    9-2              (2)  hear and decide special exceptions to an order if
    9-3  the commissioners court requires the board to do so; and
    9-4              (3)  authorize on appeal in specific cases a variance
    9-5  from an order  that is not contrary to the public interest if,
    9-6  because of special circumstances, a literal enforcement of the
    9-7  order will result in unnecessary hardship and if under the variance
    9-8  the spirit of the regulation will be observed and substantial
    9-9  justice will be done.
   9-10        Sec. 238.019.  APPEALS TO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT.  (a)  A person
   9-11  aggrieved by, or any officer, department, board, or bureau of the
   9-12  county or of a municipality affected by, any action of an
   9-13  administrative official designated to enforce this subchapter or a
   9-14  regulation adopted under this subchapter may appeal to the board of
   9-15  adjustment.
   9-16        (b)  The appeal must be taken within a reasonable time after
   9-17  the action from which the appeal is taken.  The board of adjustment
   9-18  shall provide rules setting time limits for taking appeals.  An
   9-19  appeal is taken by filing with the officer from whose action the
   9-20  appeal is taken and with the board of adjustment a written notice
   9-21  of appeal stating the reasons for the appeal.  The officer with
   9-22  whom the notice is filed shall promptly transmit to the board all
   9-23  papers constituting the record of the action from which the appeal
   9-24  is taken.
   9-25        (c)  The board shall schedule a hearing on the appeal to be
   9-26  held within a reasonable time and give notice to all parties
   9-27  involved and to the public.  At the hearing a party may appear in
   10-1  person or by agent or attorney.  The board shall decide the appeal
   10-2  within a reasonable time after the hearing.
   10-3        (d)  In disposing of an appeal, the board, in compliance with
   10-4  this subchapter, may affirm or reverse, wholly or partly, or modify
   10-5  the action from which the appeal is taken.  In granting relief, the
   10-6  board has all the powers of the officer from whose action the
   10-7  appeal is taken.
   10-8        (e)  The concurring vote of four members of the board is
   10-9  required to reverse an action of an administrative officer of the
  10-10  county.
  10-11        Sec. 238.020.  APPEAL FROM BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT.  (a)  Any
  10-12  taxpayer, officer, department, board, or bureau of the county or of
  10-13  a municipality or any person aggrieved by a decision of the board
  10-14  of adjustment may appeal the decision by presenting a verified
  10-15  petition to a court of competent jurisdiction stating that the
  10-16  decision is illegal, in whole or in part, and specifying the nature
  10-17  of the illegality.  The petition must be filed not later than the
  10-18  10th day after the date of the decision of the board.
  10-19        (b)  On presentation of the petition, the court may issue a
  10-20  writ of certiorari directed to the board of adjustment to review
  10-21  the board's decision.   The writ must prescribe the time within
  10-22  which a return must be made and served on the relator's attorney.
  10-23  This time may not be before the 10th day after the date of issuance
  10-24  of the writ.  The return date may be extended by the court.  The
  10-25  issuance of the writ does not stay proceedings on the decision
  10-26  appealed, but the court on application, and after notice to the
  10-27  board and a showing of good cause, may grant a restraining order.
   11-1        (c)  The board is not required to return the original papers
   11-2  on which it acted but may return certified copies of them or of
   11-3  portions that are called for in the writ.  The return must
   11-4  concisely state any other facts that may be pertinent and material
   11-5  to show the grounds of the decision appealed.  The return must be
   11-6  verified.
   11-7        (d)  If it appears to the court at the hearing that testimony
   11-8  is necessary for the proper disposition of the matter, the court
   11-9  may take evidence or appoint a referee to take evidence as it
  11-10  directs and report findings of fact and conclusions of law to the
  11-11  court.  The report is a part of the proceedings on which the
  11-12  court's determination shall be made.  The court may reverse or
  11-13  affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the decision appealed.
  11-14  Costs may not be assessed against the board unless the court
  11-15  determines the board acted with gross negligence, bad faith, or
  11-16  malice in its decision.
  11-17        Sec. 238.021.  ENFORCEMENT; REMEDIES.  (a)  The commissioners
  11-18  court may adopt orders to enforce this subchapter or an order or a
  11-19  regulation adopted under this subchapter.
  11-20        (b)  If a building or other structure is erected,
  11-21  constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired, converted, or
  11-22  maintained or if a building, other structure, or land is used in
  11-23  violation of this subchapter or an order or regulation adopted
  11-24  under this subchapter, the appropriate county authority, in
  11-25  addition to other remedies, may institute appropriate action to:
  11-26              (1)  prevent the unlawful action or use;
  11-27              (2)  restrain, correct, or abate the violation;
   12-1              (3)  prevent the occupancy of the building, other
   12-2  structure, or land; or
   12-3              (4)  prevent any illegal act, conduct, business, or use
   12-4  on or about the premises.
   12-5        Sec. 238.022.  CONFLICT WITH OTHER LAWS; EXCEPTIONS.  (a)  If
   12-6  a statute or an order, ordinance, or regulation of the state, a
   12-7  political subdivision, or another governmental agency conflicts
   12-8  with an order or regulation adopted under this chapter, the more
   12-9  restrictive standard applies to the extent of the conflict.
  12-10        (b)  This subchapter does not authorize the commissioners
  12-11  court to require the removal or destruction of property that exists
  12-12  and that is actually and necessarily used in a public service at
  12-13  the time the commissioners court implements this subchapter.
  12-14           (Sections 238.023-238.030 reserved for expansion
  12-15                         SUBCHAPTER C.  CODES
  12-16        Sec. 238.031.  AUTHORITY TO ADOPT AND ENFORCE BUILDING,
  12-18  commissioners court of a county may adopt a building, electrical,
  12-19  mechanical, gas, fire, or plumbing code or another code regulating
  12-20  the construction, alteration, reconstruction, or razing of
  12-21  structures and may adopt rules necessary to administer and enforce
  12-22  those codes.  An adopted code applies to the area subject to this
  12-23  chapter.
  12-24        (b)  The commissioners court and a municipality in the county
  12-25  may contract with each other for the administration and enforcement
  12-26  of any adopted code.
  12-27        Sec. 238.032.  CONTENT OF CODES.  (a)  A code adopted under
   13-1  this subchapter may apply to a commercial, residential, or public
   13-2  building constructed in an area to which this chapter applies.
   13-3        (b)  An adopted building code must conform to a national
   13-4  building code published by the Southern Building Code Congress or
   13-5  the Building Officials and Code Administrators International or
   13-6  must establish protective measures that provide equivalent
   13-7  protection as determined by the Texas Department of Housing and
   13-8  Community Affairs.
   13-9        (c)  An adopted electrical code must conform to the National
  13-10  Electrical Code published by the National Fire Protection
  13-11  Association or must establish protective measures that provide
  13-12  equivalent protection as determined by the Texas Department of
  13-13  Housing and Community Affairs.
  13-14        (d)  An adopted plumbing code must conform to a national
  13-15  plumbing code published by the Southern Building Code Congress or
  13-16  the Building Officials and Code Administrators International or
  13-17  must establish protective measures that provide equivalent
  13-18  protection as determined by the Texas Department of Housing and
  13-19  Community Affairs.
  13-20        Sec. 238.033.  BUILDING PERMIT; APPLICATION.  (a)  The
  13-21  commissioners court may require that a person may not construct a
  13-22  building described by Section 238.032(a) in an area to which this
  13-23  chapter applies unless the person obtains a building permit issued
  13-24  in accordance with this subchapter.
  13-25        (b)  A person may apply for a building permit by providing to
  13-26  the commissioners court:
  13-27              (1)  a plan of the proposed building containing any
   14-1  information required by the commissioners court; and
   14-2              (2)  an application fee in an amount set by the
   14-3  commissioners court.
   14-5  (a)  A county by order may require the vacation, relocation of
   14-6  occupants, securing, removal, or demolition of a building that is:
   14-7              (1)  dilapidated, substandard, or unfit for human
   14-8  habitation; and
   14-9              (2)  a hazard to the public health, safety, and
  14-10  welfare.
  14-11        (b)  The order must:
  14-12              (1)  establish minimum standards for the continued use
  14-13  and occupancy of a building regardless of the date of its
  14-14  construction;
  14-15              (2)  provide for giving proper notice to the owner of a
  14-16  building; and
  14-17              (3)  provide for a public hearing to determine whether
  14-18  a building complies with the standards set out in the order.
  14-19        Sec. 238.035.  INSPECTIONS.  (a)  The county shall inspect a
  14-20  building subject to this subchapter to determine whether the
  14-21  building complies with any adopted codes.
  14-22        (b)  The commissioners court may provide that a county
  14-23  employee or an employee of another governmental entity under
  14-24  intergovernmental contract may perform the inspection.
  14-25        (c)  A building inspector may enter and perform the
  14-26  inspection at a reasonable time at any stage of the building's
  14-27  construction or after completion of the building.
   15-1        (d)  On or before the date that construction of a building
   15-2  subject to this subchapter is completed, the owner of the building
   15-3  shall request in writing that the county inspect the building for
   15-4  compliance with any adopted codes.
   15-5        (e)  The county shall issue a final certificate of compliance
   15-6  to the owner of a building inspected under this section if the
   15-7  inspector determines, after an inspection of the completed
   15-8  building, that the building complies with all adopted codes.
   15-9        Sec. 238.036.  FEES.  (a)  The commissioners court may
  15-10  develop a fee schedule based on building type and may set and
  15-11  charge fees for an inspection, for the issuance of a building
  15-12  permit, and for a final certificate of compliance under this
  15-13  subchapter.
  15-14        (b)  The fees must be set in amounts necessary to cover the
  15-15  cost of administering and enforcing this subchapter.
  15-16        (c)  The county shall deposit fees received under this
  15-17  subchapter in a special fund in the county treasury.  Money in the
  15-18  special fund may be used only for the administration and
  15-19  enforcement of regulations adopted under this chapter, except
  15-20  surplus money in the fund may be used for any other purpose.
  15-21        Sec. 238.037.  INJUNCTION.  The appropriate attorney
  15-22  representing the county in the district court may seek injunctive
  15-23  relief against the owner, the owner's representative with control
  15-24  over the building, or the occupier of a building that the county
  15-25  determines violates an adopted code to prevent the violation or
  15-26  threatened violation of the code.
  15-27           (Sections 238.038-238.040 reserved for expansion
   16-1                       SUBCHAPTER D.  PENALTIES
   16-2        Sec. 238.041.  CRIMINAL PENALTY.  (a)  A person commits an
   16-3  offense if the person violates this chapter, an order or a
   16-4  regulation adopted under this chapter, or a code adopted under this
   16-5  chapter.  Each day that a violation occurs constitutes a separate
   16-6  offense.
   16-7        (b)  An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor.
   16-8        Sec. 238.042.  CIVIL PENALTY.  (a)  The appropriate attorney
   16-9  representing the county in civil cases may file a civil action to
  16-10  recover a civil penalty against:
  16-11              (1)  a person who violates this chapter or an order, a
  16-12  regulation, or code adopted under this chapter; or
  16-13              (2)  the owner or the owner's representative with
  16-14  control over a building that the county determines violates an
  16-15  adopted code.
  16-16        (b)  The civil penalty may not exceed $200 for each day on
  16-17  which the violation exists.  In determining the amount of the
  16-18  penalty, the court shall consider the seriousness of the violation.
  16-19        (c)  The county shall deposit amounts collected under this
  16-20  section in the special fund described by Section 238.036(c).
  16-21        SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
  16-22        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
  16-23  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  16-24  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  16-25  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  16-26  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.