By:  Solis                                            H.B. No. 1829
       73R4886 SOS-D
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to The University of Texas--Pan American.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Section 77.12, Education Code, is amended by
    1-5  amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (d) and (e) to read
    1-6  as follows:
    1-7        (b)  Except as provided by Subsections (d) and (e) of this
    1-8  section, a <A> department, school, or degree program may not be
    1-9  instituted without the prior approval of the Texas Higher Education
   1-10  Coordinating Board.
   1-11        (d)  At a minimum, the board shall offer:
   1-12              (1)  baccalaureate programs in nursing, physical
   1-13  therapy, health care administration, medical records
   1-14  administration, occupational therapy, mechanical engineering,
   1-15  electrical engineering, industrial engineering, civil engineering,
   1-16  international business, deaf education, French, Mexican American
   1-17  studies, environmental sciences, premedical studies, and
   1-18  prepharmacy studies;
   1-19              (2)  master's programs in sociology, social work, art,
   1-20  accounting, psychology, anthropology, mathematics, library science,
   1-21  Mexican American studies, nurse midwifery, and nurse practitioner
   1-22  studies; and
   1-23              (3)  doctoral programs in business, educational
   1-24  administration, public administration, educational psychology,
    2-1  biology, biochemistry, Spanish, and English.
    2-2        (e)  The board shall provide engineering courses in Cameron
    2-3  County as the board determines necessary to support industrial
    2-4  growth in that county.
    2-5        SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 77, Education Code, is
    2-6  amended by adding Section 77.16 to read as follows:
    2-8  The board shall establish an Applied Manufacturing Technology
    2-9  Center as part of the university.
   2-10        (b)  The center is under the management and control of the
   2-11  board.
   2-12        (c)  The board shall select a site in Hidalgo County for the
   2-13  center.
   2-14        (d)  The center shall provide research and technical
   2-15  assistance to maquiladoras along the Texas-Mexico border.
   2-16        SECTION 3.  Subchapter C, Chapter 65, Education Code, is
   2-17  amended by adding Section 65.47 to read as follows:
   2-19  AMERICAN.  To the extent that funds are available for this purpose,
   2-20  the board shall provide to The University of Texas--Pan American
   2-21  funding that is equal to or greater than the funding provided to
   2-22  The University of Texas at Austin for:
   2-23              (1)  student support services;
   2-24              (2)  faculty salaries;
   2-25              (3)  libraries;
   2-26              (4)  student scholarships;
   2-27              (5)  student and faculty research;
    3-1              (6)  instructional and laboratory equipment; and
    3-2              (7)  community outreach programs.
    3-3        SECTION 4.  Section 51.502(1), Education Code, is amended to
    3-4  read as follows:
    3-5              (1)  "Eligible institution" means the college,
    3-6  department, or other unit of engineering at any of the following
    3-7  institutions of higher education:
    3-8                    (A)  The University of Texas at Austin;
    3-9                    (B)  The University of Texas at Arlington;
   3-10                    (C)  The University of Texas at El Paso;
   3-11                    (D)  The University of Texas at San Antonio;
   3-12                    (E)  The University of Texas of the Permian
   3-13  Basin;
   3-14                    (F)  Texas A&M University;
   3-15                    (G)  Prairie View A&M University;
   3-16                    (H)  Texas Tech University;
   3-17                    (I)  Lamar University;
   3-18                    (J)  University of Houston; <and>
   3-19                    (K)  Texas A&I University; and
   3-20                    (L)  The University of Texas--Pan American.
   3-21        SECTION 5.  Section 61.003, Education Code, is amended by
   3-22  amending Subdivisions (3) and (6) to read as follows:
   3-23              (3)  "General academic teaching institution" means The
   3-24  University of Texas at Austin; The University of Texas at El Paso;
   3-25  The University of Texas of the Permian Basin; The University of
   3-26  Texas at Dallas; The University of Texas at San Antonio; Texas A&M
   3-27  University, Main University; The University of Texas at Arlington;
    4-1  Tarleton State College; Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical
    4-2  College; Texas Maritime Academy; Texas Tech University; University
    4-3  of North Texas; Lamar University; Texas A&I University; Texas
    4-4  Woman's University; Texas Southern University; Midwestern
    4-5  University; University of Houston; The University of Texas--Pan
    4-6  American <University>; The University of Texas at Brownsville; East
    4-7  Texas State University; Sam Houston State University; Southwest
    4-8  Texas State University; West Texas State University; Stephen F.
    4-9  Austin State University; Sul Ross State University; Angelo State
   4-10  University; The University of Texas at Tyler <State College>; and
   4-11  any other college, university, or institution so classified as
   4-12  provided in this chapter or created and so classified, expressly or
   4-13  impliedly, by law.
   4-14              (6)  "Other agency of higher education" means The
   4-15  University of Texas System, System Administration; Texas Western
   4-16  University Museum; Texas A&M University System, Administrative and
   4-17  General Offices; Texas Agricultural Experiment Station; Texas
   4-18  Agricultural Extension Service; Rodent and Predatory Animal Control
   4-19  Service (a part of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service); Texas
   4-20  Engineering Experiment Station (including the Texas Transportation
   4-21  Institute); Texas Engineering Extension Service; Texas Forest
   4-22  Service; Texas Tech University Museum; Texas State University
   4-23  System, System Administration; Sam Houston Memorial Museum;
   4-24  Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum; Cotton Research Committee of
   4-25  Texas; Water Resources Institute of Texas; Texas Veterinary Medical
   4-26  Diagnostic Laboratory; the Applied Manufacturing Technology Center
   4-27  at The University of Texas--Pan American; and any other unit,
    5-1  division, institution, or agency which shall be so designated by
    5-2  statute or which may be established to operate as a component part
    5-3  of any public senior college or university, or which may be so
    5-4  classified as provided in this chapter.
    5-5        SECTION 6.  Section 61.055, Education Code, is amended to
    5-6  read as follows:
    5-7        Sec. 61.055.  Initiation of New Departments, Schools, and
    5-8  Programs.  Except as otherwise provided by law, a <No> new
    5-9  department, school, or degree or certificate program approved by
   5-10  the board or its predecessor, the Texas Commission on Higher
   5-11  Education, may not be initiated by any institution of higher
   5-12  education until the board has made a written finding that the
   5-13  department, school, or degree or certificate program is adequately
   5-14  financed by legislative appropriation, by funds allocated by the
   5-15  board, or by funds from other sources.
   5-16        SECTION 7.  Section 65.02(a), Education Code, is amended to
   5-17  read as follows:
   5-18        (a)  The University of Texas System is composed of the
   5-19  following institutions and entities:
   5-20              (1)  The University of Texas at Arlington, including
   5-21                    (A)  The University of Texas Institute of Urban
   5-22  Studies at Arlington; and
   5-23                    (B)  The University of Texas School of Nursing at
   5-24  Arlington;
   5-25              (2)  The University of Texas at Austin, including
   5-26                    (A)  The University of Texas Marine Science
   5-27  Institute;
    6-1                    (B)  The University of Texas McDonald Observatory
    6-2  at Mount Locke; and
    6-3                    (C)  The University of Texas School of Nursing at
    6-4  Austin;
    6-5              (3)  The University of Texas at Dallas;
    6-6              (4)  The University of Texas at El Paso, including The
    6-7  University of Texas School of Nursing at El Paso;
    6-8              (5)  The University of Texas of the Permian Basin;
    6-9              (6)  The University of Texas at San Antonio, including
   6-10  the University of Texas Institute of Texan Cultures at San Antonio;
   6-11              (7)  The University of Texas Southwestern Medical
   6-12  Center at Dallas, including
   6-13                    (A)  The University of Texas Southwestern Medical
   6-14  School at Dallas;
   6-15                    (B)  The University of Texas Southwestern
   6-16  Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Dallas; and
   6-17                    (C)  The University of Texas Southwestern Allied
   6-18  Health Sciences School at Dallas;
   6-19              (8)  The University of Texas Medical Branch at
   6-20  Galveston, including
   6-21                    (A)  The University of Texas Medical School at
   6-22  Galveston;
   6-23                    (B)  The University of Texas Graduate School of
   6-24  Biomedical Sciences at Galveston;
   6-25                    (C)  The University of Texas School of Allied
   6-26  Health Sciences at Galveston;
   6-27                    (D)  The University of Texas Marine Biomedical
    7-1  Institute at Galveston;
    7-2                    (E)  The University of Texas Hospitals at
    7-3  Galveston; and
    7-4                    (F)  The University of Texas School of Nursing at
    7-5  Galveston;
    7-6              (9)  The University of Texas Health Science Center at
    7-7  Houston, including
    7-8                    (A)  The University of Texas Medical School at
    7-9  Houston;
   7-10                    (B)  The University of Texas Dental Branch at
   7-11  Houston;
   7-12                    (C)  The University of Texas Graduate School of
   7-13  Biomedical Sciences at Houston;
   7-14                    (D)  The University of Texas School of Allied
   7-15  Health Sciences at Houston;
   7-16                    (E)  The University of Texas School of Public
   7-17  Health at Houston;
   7-18                    (F)  The University of Texas Speech and Hearing
   7-19  Institute at Houston; and
   7-20                    (G)  The University of Texas School of Nursing at
   7-21  Houston;
   7-22              (10)  The University of Texas Health Science Center at
   7-23  San Antonio, including
   7-24                    (A)  The University of Texas Medical School at
   7-25  San Antonio;
   7-26                    (B)  The University of Texas Dental School at San
   7-27  Antonio;
    8-1                    (C)  The University of Texas Graduate School of
    8-2  Biomedical Sciences at San Antonio;
    8-3                    (D)  The University of Texas School of Allied
    8-4  Health Sciences at San Antonio; and
    8-5                    (E)  The University of Texas School of Nursing at
    8-6  San Antonio;
    8-7              (11)  The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer
    8-8  Center, including
    8-9                    (A)  The University of Texas M. D. Anderson
   8-10  Hospital;
   8-11                    (B)  The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Tumor
   8-12  Institute; and
   8-13                    (C)  The University of Texas M. D. Anderson
   8-14  Science Park; and
   8-15              (12)  The University of Texas--Pan American, including
   8-16  the Applied Manufacturing Technology Center.
   8-17        SECTION 8.  (a)  Not later than the beginning of the fall
   8-18  semester in 1995, the board of regents of The University of Texas
   8-19  System shall begin offering the courses and degrees required by
   8-20  Sections 77.12(d) and (e), Education Code, as added by this Act.
   8-21        (b)  Not later than September 1, 1993, the board of regents
   8-22  of The University of Texas System shall take the necessary actions
   8-23  to establish the Applied Manufacturing Technology Center under
   8-24  Section 71.16, Education Code, as added by this Act.
   8-25        (c)  Not later than January 1, 1995, the Applied
   8-26  Manufacturing Technology Center established under Section 77.16,
   8-27  Education Code, as added by this Act, shall begin providing
    9-1  research and technical assistance to maquiladoras along the
    9-2  Texas-Mexico border.
    9-3        (d)  To the extent that funds are available for this purpose,
    9-4  the board of regents of The University of Texas System shall
    9-5  provide the funding required by Section 65.47, Education Code, as
    9-6  added by this Act, beginning with the fiscal year beginning
    9-7  September 1, 1993.
    9-8        SECTION 9.  The importance of this legislation and the
    9-9  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   9-10  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   9-11  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   9-12  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   9-13  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   9-14  passage, and it is so enacted.