H.B. No. 1844
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the sale and conveyance of a certain tract of
    1-3  state-owned real property in Travis County and providing for the
    1-4  use and disposition of the proceeds of such sale; making an
    1-5  appropriation.
    1-8  General Land Office is authorized and directed to sell and convey
    1-9  the state's interest in a certain tract of real property consisting
   1-10  of 3.626 acres in Travis County, now part of a tract of land held
   1-11  in the name of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
   1-12        SECTION 2.  DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY.  The real property that
   1-13  the Texas General Land Office may sell and convey by authority of
   1-14  Section 1 is more particularly described as follows:  3.626 acres
   1-15  of land out of a 100.0 acre tract of land out of the George W.
   1-16  Spear League Survey #7 in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas
   1-17  described in a deed from W.C. Phillips to the State of Texas, dated
   1-18  July 28, 1887, and recorded in Book 76, Page 225, Travis County
   1-19  Deed Records, as surveyed for the State Building Commission of the
   1-20  State of Texas.
   1-21        Beginning at a concrete monument at the northeast corner of a
   1-22  100.0 acre tract of land out of the George W. Spear League Survey
   1-23  #7 in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas as described in a
   1-24  deed from W.C. Phillips to the State of Texas, dated July 28, 1887,
    2-1  and recorded in Book 76, Page 225, Travis County Deed Records, said
    2-2  concrete monument being at the southeast corner of Lot #6 of Oak
    2-3  Haven, Section One, a subdivision of a portion of the George W.
    2-4  Spear League Survey #7 in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas,
    2-5  as shown on a map or plat as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 114,
    2-6  Travis County Plat Records, said concrete monument being also in
    2-7  the west line of Block #19 of Rosedale "E", a subdivision of a
    2-8  portion of the George W.  Spear League Survey #7 in the City of
    2-9  Austin, Travis County, Texas as shown on a map or plat as recorded
   2-10  in Plat Book 3, Page 245, Travis County Plat Records;
   2-11        THENCE with the east line of the said 100.0 acre tract and
   2-12  the west line of Blocks #19, #18 and #17 of Rosedale 'E', S 30 12'
   2-13  W 1146.13 feet to a concrete monument at the southeast corner of
   2-14  the said 100.0 acre tract, said concrete monument being also the
   2-15  northeast corner of Lot #3, Block "B" of Shoal Courts, a
   2-16  subdivision of a portion of the George W. Spear League Survey #7 in
   2-17  the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas as shown on a map or plat
   2-18  as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 185, Travis County Plat Records;
   2-19        THENCE with the south line of the said 100.0 acre tract and
   2-20  the north line of Lot #3, Block "B" of Shoal Courts, N 59 52' W
   2-21  133.27 feet to an iron stake at the northwest corner of said Lot
   2-22  #3, Block "B" in the curving east line of Shoal Creek Boulevard;
   2-23        THENCE with the curving east line of Shoal Creek Boulevard an
   2-24  arc distance of 47.64 feet, said curve having a radius of 238.41
   2-25  feet and a chord of which runs N 24 30' E 47.56 feet to an iron
   2-26  stake at point of tangency;
   2-27        THENCE with the east line of Shoal Creek Boulevard N 30 13'
    3-1  E 1098.9 feet to an iron stake at the intersection of the east line
    3-2  of Shoal Creek Boulevard with the north line of the said 100.0 acre
    3-3  tract, said iron stake being the southwest corner of Lot #6 of said
    3-4  Oak Haven, Section One;
    3-5        THENCE with the north line of the said 100.0 acre tract and
    3-6  the south line of said Lot #6 of Oak Haven, Section One, S 59 53'
    3-7  E 137.8 feet to the place of the beginning, containing 3.626 acres
    3-8  of land.
    3-9        SECTION 3.  TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE.  The Texas General
   3-10  Land Office shall sell and convey the real property described in
   3-11  Section 2 of this Act under the terms and provisions of Section
   3-12  31.158, Natural Resources Code.  The real property may be sold in
   3-13  whole or in part.
   3-14        SECTION 4.  DISPOSITION OF PROCEEDS.  The proceeds from the
   3-15  sale of the real property authorized by Section 1 of this Act are
   3-16  designated and appropriated to the Texas State Library and Archives
   3-17  Commission for the purpose of constructing an additional stack
   3-18  floor (or floor of shelving) at the existing Texas State Library
   3-19  Records Center, Austin, Texas.
   3-20        SECTION 5.  EMERGENCY.  The importance of this legislation
   3-21  and the crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   3-22  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   3-23  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   3-24  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.