By:  Goodman                                          H.B. No. 1870
       73R3762 MJW-F
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to income withholding for child support and retroactive
    1-3  child support.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Section 14.053, Family Code, is amended by adding
    1-6  Subsection (l) to read as follows:
    1-7        (l)  Retroactive Child Support.  The guidelines for the
    1-8  support of a child in this chapter shall exclusively guide a court
    1-9  in determining the amount of retroactive child support, if any, to
   1-10  order under this title.  In applying the guidelines, the court
   1-11  shall attempt to determine the net resources of the obligor for the
   1-12  period for which the court is ordering retroactive child support.
   1-13  If, because of insufficient evidence, the court is unable to make
   1-14  this determination, the court shall apply the guidelines using the
   1-15  obligor's current net resources.
   1-16        SECTION 2.  Section 14.062, Family Code, is amended to read
   1-17  as follows:
   1-19  PUBLIC ASSISTANCE>.  (a)  This section applies to a suit affecting
   1-20  the parent-child relationship, including a suit to establish
   1-21  paternity, brought under Chapter 76, Human Resources Code, or Part
   1-22  D of Title IV of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section
   1-23  651 et seq.) <The court may order either or both parents to make
   1-24  periodic payments or a lump-sum payment as child support, or both,
    2-1  as reimbursement for public assistance paid by the state for the
    2-2  support of a child under Chapter 31, Human Resources Code>.
    2-3        (b)  In a proceeding involving a child for whom the state has
    2-4  paid public assistance, the court shall order a parent who has not
    2-5  been the recipient of the public assistance to make periodic
    2-6  payments, a lump-sum payment, or both, as retroactive child support
    2-7  <Unless the state is a party to an agreement concerning support or
    2-8  purporting to settle past, present, or future support obligations
    2-9  by prepayment or otherwise, an agreement between the parties does
   2-10  not reduce or terminate any right of this state or any other state
   2-11  to recover for public assistance provided>.
   2-12        (c)  In a proceeding that does not involve a child for whom
   2-13  the state has paid public assistance, the court may order a parent
   2-14  to make periodic payments, a lump-sum payment, or both, as
   2-15  retroactive child support.
   2-16        (d)  In a proceeding in which retroactive child support is
   2-17  sought under this section, the court shall use the child support
   2-18  guidelines provided by Section 14.053 of this code.
   2-19        SECTION 3.  Section 14.43(h), Family Code, is amended to read
   2-20  as follows:
   2-21        (h)  Notice and Effective Date of Order.  The employer shall
   2-22  begin to withhold income in accordance with an order issued under
   2-23  this section or a writ issued under Section 14.45 of this code no
   2-24  later than the first pay period which occurs 14 days following the
   2-25  date on which the order or writ was delivered to the employer and
   2-26  shall continue to withhold income as long as the obligor is
   2-27  employed by the employer.  An order issued under this section or a
    3-1  writ issued under Section 14.45 of this code that is delivered to
    3-2  an employer that does business in this state is binding on the
    3-3  employer without regard to whether the obligor resides or works
    3-4  outside the state.  Delivery of the order or writ to the employer
    3-5  shall be by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested,
    3-6  to the person authorized to receive service of process in civil
    3-7  cases generally, or to a person designated by the employer to
    3-8  receive notices of delinquency by written notice to the clerk of
    3-9  the appropriate court, or by the service of citation as provided by
   3-10  the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.  After the effective date, the
   3-11  amount to be withheld shall be remitted to the person or office
   3-12  named in the order on each <regular due date or> pay date.  The
   3-13  payment shall include the date on which the withholding occurred.
   3-14        SECTION 4.  Section 14.44(d), Family Code, is amended to read
   3-15  as follows:
   3-16        (d)  Hearing on Contested Delinquency.  On filing of a motion
   3-17  to stay issuance, the clerk of court shall notify the attorney who
   3-18  filed the notice of delinquency and the court that the motion has
   3-19  been filed.  A <When a motion to stay issuance and delivery has
   3-20  been filed, a> hearing on the motion must be held within 30 days of
   3-21  its filing.  The obligor, <and> obligee, or their authorized
   3-22  representatives, and the attorney who filed the notice of
   3-23  delinquency must be notified by the clerk of court of the date,
   3-24  time, and place of the hearing.  The court must decide the
   3-25  contested delinquency and either enter an order for income
   3-26  withholding pursuant to Section 14.43 of this code or deny the
   3-27  requested relief within 45 days of the date that the notice of
    4-1  delinquency was received by the obligor.  If movant is pleading
    4-2  repeated violations of the court order, it is permissible to plead
    4-3  anticipated future violations of a similar nature that may arise
    4-4  between the filing of the motion or the notice of delinquency and
    4-5  the date of the hearing or the issuance of a writ of withholding
    4-6  from earnings for child support.  Any defect in pleadings will be
    4-7  considered waived unless respondent specially excepts in writing
    4-8  and cites with particularity the alleged defect, obscurity, or
    4-9  other ambiguity in the motion for enforcement.  Any such defensive
   4-10  pleading must be heard by the court before hearing the motion to
   4-11  stay issuance.  If any exceptions are sustained by the court, the
   4-12  movant shall be given an opportunity to replead and shall continue
   4-13  the hearing to a date certain without the requirement of additional
   4-14  service.
   4-15        SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
   4-16        SECTION 6.  The importance of this legislation and the
   4-17  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   4-18  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   4-19  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   4-20  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.