73R9134 CBH-F
          By Berlanga                                           H.B. No. 1880
          Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1880:
          By Berlanga                                       C.S.H.B. No. 1880
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the establishment, certification, organization, and
    1-3  regulation of dental referral plan organizations.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Subchapter E, Chapter 21, Insurance Code, is
    1-6  amended by adding Article 21.53B to read as follows:
    1-8        Sec. 1.  SHORT TITLE.  This article may be cited as the Texas
    1-9  Dental Referral Plan Organization Act.
   1-10        Sec. 2.  DEFINITIONS.  In this article:
   1-11              (1)  "Dental care" means those services specifically
   1-12  defined as practicing dentistry under the laws of this state.
   1-13              (2)  "Dental care service" means a service incident to
   1-14  the furnishing of dental care.
   1-15              (3)  "Dental referral plan" means a plan under which a
   1-16  person undertakes to arrange for the availability of dental care
   1-17  services from one or more participating dentists on a
   1-18  fee-for-service basis according to predetermined fees.  The term
   1-19  does not include a plan in which a part of the plan consists of
   1-20  arranging for, or the provision of, dental care services on a
   1-21  pre-paid basis through insurance or otherwise, or the
   1-22  indemnification against or reimbursement for the cost of dental
   1-23  care services.
   1-24              (4)  "Dental referral plan organization" means a person
    2-1  that arranges for or provides a dental referral plan to the
    2-2  person's members for a fee or other consideration.
    2-3              (5)  "Dentist" means a person licensed to practice
    2-4  dentistry in this state.
    2-5              (6)  "Member" means an individual who is enrolled in a
    2-6  dental referral plan and therefore is eligible to seek dental care
    2-7  services from a participating dentist according to predetermined
    2-8  fees.
    2-9              (7)  "Person" means an individual, partnership,
   2-10  association, organization, trust, or corporation or other entity.
   2-12  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person may apply to
   2-13  the commissioner for and obtain a certificate of authority to
   2-14  establish and operate a dental referral plan organization in
   2-15  accordance with this article.
   2-16        (b)  A person may not establish or operate a dental referral
   2-17  plan organization in this state, or sell or offer to sell or
   2-18  solicit offers to purchase or receive advance or periodic
   2-19  consideration in conjunction with a dental referral plan, unless
   2-20  the person has a valid certificate of authority under this article.
   2-21        (c)  A foreign corporation registered to do business in this
   2-22  state as a foreign corporation under the Texas Business Corporation
   2-23  Act may obtain a certificate of authority in accordance with this
   2-24  article and other applicable state statutes.
   2-25        Sec. 4.  INITIAL CERTIFICATE.  (a)  An applicant for an
   2-26  initial certificate of authority must submit an application on a
   2-27  form prescribed by the commissioner.  The application must:
    3-1              (1)  be accompanied by the nonrefundable application
    3-2  fee prescribed by Section 19 of this article;
    3-3              (2)  be verified by the applicant or by an officer or
    3-4  other authorized representative of the applicant; and
    3-5              (3)  include:
    3-6                    (A)  a copy of the applicant's basic
    3-7  organizational document, if any, including the articles of
    3-8  incorporation, articles of association, partnership agreement, or
    3-9  trust agreement, as applicable, any documents evidencing assumed
   3-10  names used, other applicable documents, and all amendments;
   3-11                    (B)  a copy of the bylaws, rules, or similar
   3-12  documents, if any, regulating the conduct of the applicant's
   3-13  internal affairs;
   3-14                    (C)  a list of the names, addresses, and official
   3-15  positions of the persons who are to be responsible for the conduct
   3-16  of the applicant's affairs, including each member of the board of
   3-17  directors, board of trustees, executive committee, or other
   3-18  governing body or committee, the principal officers if a
   3-19  corporation, and the partners or members if a partnership or
   3-20  association;
   3-21                    (D)  a sample copy of the form of a contract made
   3-22  or to be made between a dentist, other provider, or person listed
   3-23  in Paragraph (C) of this subdivision and the applicant;
   3-24                    (E)  a sample copy of the form of the schedule of
   3-25  dental care service fees to be issued by the applicant under
   3-26  Section 9 of this article;
   3-27                    (F)  a current audited financial statement that
    4-1  includes:
    4-2                          (i)  a balance sheet;
    4-3                          (ii)  a statement of income and retained
    4-4  earnings; and
    4-5                          (iii)  a statement of cash flow;
    4-6                    (G)  a statement reasonably describing the
    4-7  geographic or metropolitan area, or both if applicable, to be
    4-8  served by the applicant;
    4-9                    (H)  a description of the procedures to be used
   4-10  by the applicant under Section 10 of this article in resolving a
   4-11  complaint from a member or participating dentist;
   4-12                    (I)  a copy of the dental referral plan
   4-13  organization's surety bond as required by Section 11(b) of this
   4-14  article; and
   4-15                    (J)  other information as the commissioner may
   4-16  require to make the determinations required by this article.
   4-17        (b)  The commissioner shall review an application when filed.
   4-18  The commissioner shall promptly notify the applicant of any
   4-19  deficiencies in the application and shall give the applicant an
   4-20  adequate opportunity to correct the deficiencies.  The commissioner
   4-21  may delay final action on the application to give the applicant an
   4-22  opportunity to correct the deficiencies.
   4-23        (c)  If possible, the commissioner shall issue the
   4-24  certificate or deny the application not later than the 60th day
   4-25  after the date the commissioner receives the application.  However,
   4-26  the applicant may request and the commissioner may grant a delay if
   4-27  necessary.
    5-1        (d)  The commissioner shall issue the certificate if the
    5-2  commissioner is satisfied that:
    5-3              (1)  each item in the application appears satisfactory;
    5-4              (2)  each person responsible for the conduct of the
    5-5  applicant's affairs is competent, trustworthy, and of good
    5-6  reputation;
    5-7              (3)  the dental referral plan organization constitutes
    5-8  an appropriate mechanism that effectively provides or arranges for
    5-9  the availability of dental care services on a fee-for-service basis
   5-10  at predetermined rates;
   5-11              (4)  the dental referral plan organization is fully
   5-12  responsible and may reasonably be expected to meet its obligations
   5-13  to members and prospective members; and
   5-14              (5)  the proposed method of operation, as shown by the
   5-15  information submitted under this section, or as determined by
   5-16  independent investigation by the commissioner, is not contrary to
   5-17  state law.
   5-18        (e)  In making the determination under Subsection (d)(4) of
   5-19  this section, the commissioner shall consider:
   5-20              (1)  the dental referral plan organization's
   5-21  arrangement for availability of dental care services on a
   5-22  fee-for-service basis at predetermined rates, including the number
   5-23  of participating dentists as compared with the projected number of
   5-24  members, and its contractual relationships with its participating
   5-25  dentists;
   5-26              (2)  the schedule of dental care service fees; and
   5-27              (3)  the organization's financial soundness and the
    6-1  adequacy of its working capital.
    6-2        (f)  If after reviewing the application and giving the
    6-3  applicant a reasonable opportunity to correct any deficiencies the
    6-4  commissioner is of the opinion that the dental referral plan
    6-5  organization's proposed plan of operation does not meet the
    6-6  requirements of this section, the commissioner shall deny the
    6-7  application.  The commissioner shall notify the applicant of the
    6-8  denial and shall specify the reasons for the denial.
    6-9        Sec. 5.  RENEWAL.  (a)  A certificate of authority expires
   6-10  annually on April 1.
   6-11        (b)  An applicant must submit an application for renewal on a
   6-12  form prescribed by the commissioner.  The application must:
   6-13              (1)  be accompanied by the nonrefundable renewal fee
   6-14  prescribed by Section 19 of this article; and
   6-15              (2)  include any modifications or amendments of
   6-16  information required under Section 4(a) of this article as
   6-17  necessary to reflect any changes since the issuance of the
   6-18  preceding certificate.
   6-19        (c)  The commissioner is considered to have approved a
   6-20  modification or amendment unless the commissioner specifically
   6-21  disapproves of the change not later than the 30th day after the
   6-22  date the commissioner receives the information.  However, the
   6-23  commissioner may postpone action on the amendment or modification
   6-24  for an additional 30 days if necessary.
   6-25        (d)  A dental referral plan organization that files an
   6-26  application for renewal under this section may continue to operate
   6-27  while the application is pending.
    7-1        (e)  Sections 4(c)-(f) of this article apply to an
    7-2  application for renewal.
    7-3        Sec. 6.  ANNUAL REPORT.  (a)  A dental referral plan
    7-4  organization shall file with an application for renewal of a
    7-5  certificate of authority a report covering the preceding calendar
    7-6  year.
    7-7        (b)  The annual report shall include an audited financial
    7-8  statement of the dental referral plan organization for the
    7-9  preceding year that is attested to by an independent certified
   7-10  public accountant.  The financial statement must include a balance
   7-11  sheet, statement of income and retained earnings, and statement of
   7-12  cash flow.
   7-13        Sec. 7.  NOTIFICATION OF CHANGE.  If a change in the
   7-14  ownership or control of a dental referral plan organization occurs,
   7-15  the organization shall file with the commissioner information
   7-16  relating to the change not later than the 15th day of the first
   7-17  month that begins after the month in which the change of ownership
   7-18  or control occurs.
   7-20  dental referral plan organization may arrange for the availability
   7-21  of dental care services on a fee-for-service basis according to
   7-22  predetermined rates with dentists or groups of dentists who have
   7-23  independent contracts with the organization.  A fee must be charged
   7-24  for each service available under the plan.  A dental referral plan
   7-25  organization may not:
   7-26              (1)  pay consideration to a dentist in a manner that
   7-27  would  constitute payment for dental care services rendered to a
    8-1  member; or
    8-2              (2)  employ or contract with a dentist in a manner that
    8-3  is prohibited by a licensing law of this state under which the
    8-4  dentist is licensed.
    8-5        (b)  A dental referral plan organization may contract with a
    8-6  person for the performance on its behalf of functions such as
    8-7  marketing, enrollment, and administration.  A person who renders
    8-8  administrative services on behalf of an organization is not
    8-9  considered an "administrator" for purposes of Article 21.07-6 of
   8-10  this code.
   8-11        (c)  In addition to the powers provided by this article, a
   8-12  dental referral plan organization has all powers given to a
   8-13  corporation, partnership, or association under the entity's
   8-14  organizational documents that do not conflict with this article or
   8-15  other applicable law.
   8-16        Sec. 9.  SCHEDULE OF DENTAL CARE SERVICE FEES.  (a)  A member
   8-17  of a dental referral plan organization who resides in this state is
   8-18  entitled to receive a schedule of dental care service fees that
   8-19  lists the predetermined fees for the dental care services available
   8-20  from the participating dentists.
   8-21        (b)  A schedule of dental care service fees may not contain a
   8-22  provision or statement that is unjust, unfair, inequitable,
   8-23  misleading, or deceptive or that encourages misrepresentation.
   8-24        (c)  At a minimum, a schedule of dental care service fees
   8-25  shall contain:
   8-26              (1)  a clear and complete statement of the dental care
   8-27  services that are available from the participating dentists and any
    9-1  limitation or exclusion on the services available, including any
    9-2  payment features; and
    9-3              (2)  a clear and complete statement that:
    9-4                    (A)  the dental referral plan does not constitute
    9-5  dental insurance and is not a health maintenance organization
    9-6  contract; and
    9-7                    (B)  the dental referral plan does not reimburse
    9-8  the dentists or indemnify its members for the cost of dental care
    9-9  services received by the members.
   9-10        (d)  A schedule of dental care services may not be issued or
   9-11  delivered to a person until a copy has been filed with and approved
   9-12  by the commissioner.
   9-13        (e)  The commissioner, after notice and hearing, may
   9-14  disapprove any schedule that the commissioner determines violates
   9-15  or does not comply with this article or a rule adopted by the
   9-16  commissioner under this article.  A dental referral plan
   9-17  organization may not issue a disapproved schedule.  The
   9-18  commissioner shall notify the applicant of the disapproval of a
   9-19  schedule and specify the reason for the disapproval.  The
   9-20  commissioner is considered to have approved a schedule unless the
   9-21  commissioner disapproves the schedule not later than the 30th day
   9-22  after the date the schedule is filed.  However, the commissioner
   9-23  may by written notice postpone action on the schedule for an
   9-24  additional 30 days if necessary.
   9-25        (f)  The commissioner may require the dental referral plan
   9-26  organization to submit any relevant information the commissioner
   9-27  considers necessary in considering a filing made under this
   10-1  section.
   10-2        Sec. 10.  COMPLAINT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE.  (a)  A dental
   10-3  referral plan organization shall establish and maintain a complaint
   10-4  resolution system to provide reasonable procedures for the
   10-5  resolution of written complaints initiated by members that relate
   10-6  to the dental referral plan.
   10-7        (b)  The commissioner may examine the complaint resolution
   10-8  system.
   10-9        Sec. 11.  PROTECTION AGAINST INSOLVENCY.  (a)  A dental
  10-10  referral plan organization to which a certificate of authority is
  10-11  issued shall maintain a minimum surplus, net of accrued
  10-12  liabilities, of not less than $100,000.  The minimum surplus may
  10-13  consist only of cash, bonds of the United States, bonds of this
  10-14  state, or a combination of those items.  If a dental referral plan
  10-15  organization fails to comply with the surplus requirement of this
  10-16  section, the commissioner shall take appropriate action to assure
  10-17  that the continued operation of the dental referral plan
  10-18  organization is not hazardous to its members.  The commissioner may
  10-19  suspend, revoke, or fail to renew a certificate of authority for
  10-20  failure to comply with this section.
  10-21        (b)  A dental referral plan organization shall post with the
  10-22  state treasury a surety bond in the amount of $100,000 on a form
  10-23  approved by the commissioner to secure the debts and obligations of
  10-24  the organization to its members.
  10-25        Sec. 12.  PROHIBITED PRACTICES.  (a)  A dental referral plan
  10-26  organization or a representative of an organization may not cause
  10-27  or knowingly permit the use of:
   11-1              (1)  advertising that is untrue or is misleading;
   11-2              (2)  a solicitation that is untrue or misleading; or
   11-3              (3)  a schedule issued to members that is deceptive.
   11-4        (b)  The Deceptive Trade Practices-Consumer Protection Act
   11-5  (Subchapter E, Chapter 17, Business & Commerce Code) and its
   11-6  subsequent amendments apply to:
   11-7              (1)  a dental referral plan organization;
   11-8              (2)  the schedule of dental care service fees issued by
   11-9  a dental referral plan organization; and
  11-10              (3)  the sale of a dental referral plan by a
  11-11  representative of a dental referral plan organization.
  11-13  CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY.  (a)  The commissioner may suspend or
  11-14  revoke a certificate of authority issued to a dental referral plan
  11-15  organization under this article if the commissioner finds that:
  11-16              (1)  the dental referral plan organization is operating
  11-17  significantly in contravention of its basic organizational
  11-18  documents or its dental referral plan, or in a manner contrary to
  11-19  that described in and reasonably inferred from any other
  11-20  information submitted under Section 4 of this article;
  11-21              (2)  the dental referral plan organization has issued
  11-22  or used a schedule of dental care service fees that does not comply
  11-23  with Section 9 of this article;
  11-24              (3)  the dental referral plan organization cannot meet
  11-25  its obligations to its members or prospective members;
  11-26              (4)  the dental referral plan organization has failed
  11-27  to implement or maintain the complaint resolution system required
   12-1  by Section 10 of this article in a manner that allows for the
   12-2  reasonable resolution of valid complaints;
   12-3              (5)  the dental referral plan organization has
   12-4  advertised or marketed its dental referral plan in an untrue,
   12-5  misrepresentative, misleading, deceptive, or unfair manner;
   12-6              (6)  the continued operation of the dental referral
   12-7  plan organization would be hazardous to its members; or
   12-8              (7)  the dental referral plan organization has
   12-9  otherwise failed to comply substantially with this article or with
  12-10  a rule adopted under this article.
  12-11        (b)  A dental referral plan organization may not, during the
  12-12  time a certificate of authority is suspended, enroll additional
  12-13  members or engage in advertising or solicitation.
  12-14        (c)  A dental referral plan organization whose certificate of
  12-15  authority is revoked or not renewed shall proceed to wind up its
  12-16  affairs immediately after the effective date of the order of
  12-17  revocation or the expiration date of its previous certificate of
  12-18  authority.  The organization may not:
  12-19              (1)  conduct further business except as essential to
  12-20  the orderly conclusion of the organization's affairs; or
  12-21              (2)  engage in further advertising or solicitation.
  12-22        (d)  The commissioner may, by written order, permit further
  12-23  operation of the organization as the commissioner may find is in
  12-24  the best interest of the members of the organization.
  12-25        Sec. 14.  RULES AND REGULATIONS.  The board may adopt
  12-26  reasonable rules as are necessary and proper to carry out this
  12-27  article.
   13-1        Sec. 15.  APPEALS.  (a)  A person who is affected by a rule,
   13-2  ruling, or decision of the department is entitled to have the rule,
   13-3  ruling, or decision reviewed by the board in accordance with the
   13-4  procedures prescribed by Article 1.04 of this code.  The hearings
   13-5  requirements for a contested case prescribed by the Administrative
   13-6  Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas
   13-7  Civil Statutes) and its subsequent amendments apply to an appeal of
   13-8  a rule, ruling, or decision under this article.
   13-9        (b)  A person may appeal a board decision in accordance with
  13-10  Article 1.04 of this code.  The decision of the board may not be
  13-11  stayed except on application to the district court and after notice
  13-12  to the board.  The proceeding on appeal is by trial de novo.
  13-13  Either party to the appeal may appeal to the appellate court having
  13-14  jurisdiction of the cause and the appeal shall at once be
  13-15  returnable to the appellate court having jurisdiction of the cause.
  13-16  The appeal has precedence in the appellate court over all pending
  13-17  causes of different nature.
  13-19  (a)  A solicitation of a member by a representative of a dental
  13-20  referral plan organization that has a certificate of authority does
  13-21  not violate a provision of law relating to solicitation or
  13-22  advertising by a dentist.
  13-23        (b)  This article does not permit a dental referral plan
  13-24  organization to practice dentistry as defined by the laws of this
  13-25  state.  A dental referral plan organization is not exempt from
  13-26  those laws.
  13-27        (c)  The provision of factually accurate information
   14-1  regarding dental care services, charges, and names and locations of
   14-2  participating dentists by the dental referral plan organization or
   14-3  its representatives to a potential member is not a violation of a
   14-4  law relating to solicitation or advertising by a dentist.  The
   14-5  information with respect to a participating dentist is not
   14-6  considered contrary to or in conflict with a law or regulation in
   14-7  the practice of dentistry.
   14-8        (d)  Except as herein provided, dental referral plans and
   14-9  dental referral plan organizations shall be governed by this
  14-10  article and shall be exempt from all other provisions of the
  14-11  insurance laws of this state, not only in governmental relations
  14-12  with the state but for every other purpose.  No insurance law
  14-13  enacted after the effective date of this article shall apply to
  14-14  them, unless they be expressly designated therein.
  14-15        Sec. 17.  PUBLIC RECORD.  An application, filing, or report
  14-16  required under this article is a public document, except that a
  14-17  report of an examination conducted by the department of a dental
  14-18  referral plan organization is considered a confidential document.
  14-19  That document may be released if, in the opinion of the
  14-20  commissioner, release is in the public interest.
  14-21        Sec. 18.  INJUNCTIONS.  The commissioner may bring suit in a
  14-22  district court of Travis County against a dental referral plan
  14-23  organization or other person that appears to be violating or has
  14-24  violated this article or a rule issued under this article.  The
  14-25  commissioner may obtain injunctive and other relief as the court
  14-26  may consider appropriate.
  14-27        Sec. 19.  FEES.  (a)  A dental referral plan organization
   15-1  subject to this article shall pay to the department the following
   15-2  fees:
   15-3              (1)  for filing the original application for
   15-4  certificate of authority, a fee in an amount not to exceed $2,500
   15-5  as determined by the board;
   15-6              (2)  for annual renewal of the certificate of authority
   15-7  under this article, a fee in an amount not to exceed $2,500 as
   15-8  determined by the board;
   15-9              (3)  for filing the annual report as required under
  15-10  this article, a fee in an amount not to exceed $500; and
  15-11              (4)  for filing each schedule of dental care service
  15-12  fees as required under this article, a fee in an amount not to
  15-13  exceed $100.
  15-14        (b)  The board shall, within the limits prescribed by this
  15-15  section, set the fees to be charged under this section.
  15-16        (c)  The commissioner shall deposit fees collected under this
  15-17  section in the state treasury to the credit of the department's
  15-18  operating fund.
  15-19        SECTION 2.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
  15-20        (b)  An existing dental referral plan organization must file
  15-21  an application for an initial certificate of authority not later
  15-22  than December 1, 1993.
  15-23        (c)  An applicant may continue to operate until the
  15-24  Commissioner of Insurance acts on the application.  The applicant
  15-25  is considered for the purposes of Article 21.53B, Insurance Code,
  15-26  as added by this Act, to have a valid certificate while the
  15-27  application is pending.
   16-1        (d)  If the commissioner denies an application for a
   16-2  certificate of authority, the dental referral plan organization
   16-3  shall proceed to wind up its affairs in accordance with Section 13,
   16-4  Article 21.53B, Insurance Code, as added by this Act.
   16-5        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
   16-6  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   16-7  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   16-8  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   16-9  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.