By Hirschi                                            H.B. No. 1978
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to bicycle safety training courses.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Subtitle A, Title 9, Health and Safety Code, is
    1-5  amended by adding Chapter 757 to read as follows:
    1-6                     CHAPTER 757.  BICYCLE SAFETY
    1-7        Sec. 757.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
    1-8              (1)  "Bicycle" means a human-powered vehicle with two
    1-9  wheels in tandem designed to transport by a pedaling action of a
   1-10  person seated on a saddle seat.
   1-11              (2)  "Department" means the Department of Public
   1-12  Safety.
   1-13              (3)  "Operator" means a person who travels by pedaling
   1-14  on a bicycle seated on a saddle seat.
   1-15              (4)  "Other public right-of-way" means any
   1-16  right-of-way, other than a public roadway or public bicycle path,
   1-17  that is accessible by the public and  designed for use by vehicular
   1-18  or pedestrian traffic.
   1-19              (5)  "Public bicycle path" means a right-of-way under
   1-20  the jurisdiction and control of this state or a local political
   1-21  subdivision for use primarily by bicycles or by bicycles and
   1-22  pedestrians.
   1-23              (6)  "Public roadway" means a right-of-way under the
   1-24  jurisdiction and control of this state or a local political
    2-1  subdivision for use primarily by motor vehicles.
    2-2              (7)  "Tricycle" means a three-wheeled human-powered
    2-3  vehicle that is designed to have a seat no more than two feet from
    2-4  the ground and be used as a toy by a child younger than six years
    2-5  of age.
    2-6        Sec. 757.002.  BICYCLE SAFETY EDUCATION PROGRAM.  (a)  The
    2-7  department may establish and administer a statewide bicycle safety
    2-8  education program and may adopt rules to implement the program.
    2-9  The program must include instruction concerning:
   2-10              (1)  the safe handling and use of bicycles;
   2-11              (2)  high risk traffic situations;
   2-12              (3)  bicycle and traffic handling skills;
   2-13              (4)  on-bike training;
   2-14              (5)  correct use of bicycle helmets; and
   2-15              (6)  traffic laws and regulations.
   2-16        (b)  The department may issue a certificate or other evidence
   2-17  of completion to a person who has successfully completed a bicycle
   2-18  education course.
   2-19        (c)  Subject to the establishment of a bicycle education
   2-20  program by the department, a person born after December 31, 1985,
   2-21  who resides in a metropolitan statistical area as defined by the
   2-22  United States Office of Management and Budget should complete a
   2-23  bicycle education course approved by the department before
   2-24  operating a bicycle on a public roadway, public bicycle path, or
   2-25  other public right-of-way.  The course should be completed before
   2-26  the person's 10th birthday.
   2-27        (d)  The department may charge a fee for the course not to
    3-1  exceed $15.
    3-2        (e)  The department may:
    3-3              (1)  determine the qualifications for an instructor in
    3-4  the bicycle education program;
    3-5              (2)  use volunteer instructors; and
    3-6              (3)  certify organizations to recruit and train
    3-7  instructors for the program.
    3-8        (f)  In administering this section, the department may
    3-9  contract with an educational institution, state agency, local
   3-10  government, or nonprofit organization interested in bicycle
   3-11  education.
   3-12        (g)  The department may accept gifts, grants, and donations
   3-13  to be used in administering this section.
   3-14        Sec. 757.003.  FUND.  (a)  A fee collected by the department
   3-15  under this chapter shall be deposited in the state treasury to the
   3-16  credit of the bicycle safety fund.  The department by rule may
   3-17  establish a procedure to allow an educational institution, state
   3-18  agency, local government, or nonprofit organization interested in
   3-19  bicycle safety to retain an amount from the fees collected to cover
   3-20  actual and necessary expenses.
   3-21        (b)  The fund may be used by the department only to:
   3-22              (1)  defray the costs of administering this chapter;
   3-23              (2)  provide a bicycle training course for a child
   3-24  younger than 10 years of age who comes from a low income family;
   3-25  and
   3-26              (3)  if funding permits, assist children from low
   3-27  income families in purchasing bicycle helmets.
    4-1        SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect January 1, 1994.
    4-2        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
    4-3  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    4-4  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    4-5  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    4-6  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.