By Cuellar of Webb, et al.                            H.B. No. 2079
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the enforcement of certain public health and safety
    1-3  laws.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Section 341.012(d), Health and Safety Code, is
    1-6  amended to read as follows:
    1-7        (d)  If the public health nuisance is not abated within the
    1-8  time specified by the notice, the local health authority shall
    1-9  notify the prosecuting attorney who received the copy of the
   1-10  original notice.  The prosecuting attorney:
   1-11              (1)  shall immediately institute proceedings to abate
   1-12  the public health nuisance; or
   1-13              (2)  request the attorney general to institute the
   1-14  proceedings or provide assistance in the prosecution of the
   1-15  proceedings, including participation as an assistant prosecutor
   1-16  when appointed by the prosecuting attorney.
   1-17        SECTION 2.  Section 341.092, Health and Safety Code, is
   1-18  amended by amending Subsections (d), (f), and (i) and adding
   1-19  Subsection (j) to read as follows:
   1-20        (d)  If it appears that a person has violated, is violating,
   1-21  or is threatening to violate this chapter or a rule adopted under
   1-22  this chapter, the department, a county, <or> a municipality, or the
   1-23  attorney general on request by the district attorney, criminal
   1-24  district attorney, county attorney, or, with the approval of the
    2-1  governing body of the municipality, the attorney for the
    2-2  municipality may institute a civil suit in a district court for:
    2-3              (1)  injunctive relief to restrain the person from
    2-4  continuing the violation or threat of violation;
    2-5              (2)  the assessment and recovery of a civil penalty; or
    2-6              (3)  both injunctive relief and a civil penalty.
    2-7        (f)  On the department's request, or as otherwise provided by
    2-8  this chapter, the attorney general shall institute and conduct a
    2-9  suit in the name of the state for injunctive relief, to recover a
   2-10  civil penalty, or for both injunctive relief and civil penalty.
   2-11        (i)  Civil penalties recovered in a suit brought under this
   2-12  section by a county or municipality through its own attorney shall
   2-13  be equally divided between:
   2-14              (1)  the state; and
   2-15              (2)  the county or municipality that first brought the
   2-16  suit.
   2-17        (j)  The state is entitled to civil penalties recovered in a
   2-18  suit instituted by the attorney general.
   2-19        SECTION 3.  Section 366.093, Health and Safety Code, is
   2-20  amended to read as follows:
   2-21        Sec. 366.093.  Legal Proceedings.  (a)  A prosecuting
   2-22  attorney who receives a report from the department or an authorized
   2-23  agent of a violation of this chapter or a rule adopted under this
   2-24  chapter shall:
   2-25              (1)  begin appropriate proceedings in the proper court
   2-26  without unnecessary delay; and
   2-27              (2)  prosecute the cause as required by law.
    3-1        (b)  The attorney general, on request of the prosecuting
    3-2  attorney, may institute or assist in the prosecution.
    3-3        SECTION 4.  Sections 16.343(b) and (c), Water Code, are
    3-4  amended to read as follows:
    3-5        (b)  The model rules must:
    3-6              (1)  assure that adequate drinking water is available
    3-7  to the residential areas in accordance with Chapter 341, Health and
    3-8  Safety Code, and the Rules and Regulations for Public Water Systems
    3-9  and the Drinking Water Standards Governing Water Quality and
   3-10  Reporting Requirements for Public Water Supply Systems adopted by
   3-11  the Texas Board of Health and other law and rules applicable to
   3-12  drinking water; and
   3-13              (2)  provide criteria applicable to tracts that were
   3-14  divided into two or more parts to lay out a subdivision and were
   3-15  not platted before September 1, 1989.
   3-16        (c)  The model rules must:
   3-17              (1)  assure that adequate sewer facilities are
   3-18  available to the residential areas through either septic tanks or
   3-19  an organized sewage disposal system that is a publicly or privately
   3-20  owned system for the collection, treatment, and disposal of sewage
   3-21  operated in accordance with the terms and conditions of a valid
   3-22  waste discharge permit issued by the Texas Water Commission or
   3-23  private sewage facilities in accordance with Chapter 366, Health
   3-24  and Safety Code, and the Construction Standards for On-Site
   3-25  Sewerage Facilities adopted by the Texas Department of Health and
   3-26  other law and rules applicable to sewage facilities; and
   3-27              (2)  provide criteria applicable to tracts that were
    4-1  divided into two or more parts to lay out a subdivision and were
    4-2  not platted before September 1, 1989.
    4-3        SECTION 5.  Section 232.0049, Local Government Code, is
    4-4  amended by amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsections
    4-5  (e), (f), and (g) to read as follows:
    4-6        (a)  The attorney general, the county attorney, or other
    4-7  prosecuting attorney for the county may take any action necessary
    4-8  in a court of competent jurisdiction to:
    4-9              (1)  enjoin the violation or threatened violation of
   4-10  the model rules adopted under Section 16.343, Water Code;
   4-11              (2)  enjoin the violation or threatened violation of a
   4-12  requirement adopted by the commissioners court under this chapter;
   4-13              (3)  recover as damages payable to the state or to the
   4-14  affected county an amount adequate for the county to undertake the
   4-15  construction or other activity necessary to bring about compliance
   4-16  with a requirement adopted by the commissioners court under this
   4-17  chapter; and
   4-18              (4)  assess and recover civil or criminal penalties
   4-19  <may take any action necessary to enforce a requirement imposed by
   4-20  or under Section 232.0035 or 232.0036 or to ensure that water and
   4-21  sewer service facilities are constructed or installed to service a
   4-22  subdivision in compliance with the model rules adopted under
   4-23  Section 16.343, Water Code>.
   4-24        (b)  A person who <violates Section 232.0035 or 232.0036 or>
   4-25  fails to timely provide for the construction or installation of
   4-26  water or sewer service facilities that the person described on the
   4-27  plat or on the document attached to the plat or who otherwise
    5-1  violates<, as required by> Section 232.0035 or 232.0036 or a rule
    5-2  or requirement adopted by the commissioners court under this
    5-3  chapter<,> is subject to a civil penalty of not less than $500 nor
    5-4  more than $1,000 for each violation and for each day of a
    5-5  continuing violation but not to exceed $5,000 each day and shall
    5-6  also pay <plus> court costs and attorney's fees.
    5-7        (e)  In a suit under this section to enjoin a violation or
    5-8  threatened violation of Section 232.0035 or 232.0036 or a rule or
    5-9  requirement adopted by the commissioners court under this chapter,
   5-10  the court shall grant the attorney general, county attorney, or
   5-11  other prosecuting attorney any injunctive relief that the facts may
   5-12  warrant without bond or other undertaking.
   5-13        (f)  Civil penalties recovered in a suit brought under this
   5-14  section by a county or its prosecuting attorney shall be equally
   5-15  divided between the state and the county.
   5-16        (g)  This section applies in a county that is an affected
   5-17  county as defined by Section 16.341, Water Code.
   5-18        SECTION 6.  (a)  The change in law made by Section 232.0049,
   5-19  Local Government Code, as amended by this Act, applies only to an
   5-20  offense committed or violation that occurs on or after the
   5-21  effective date of this Act.  For purposes of this section, an
   5-22  offense is committed or a violation occurs before the effective
   5-23  date of this Act if any element of the offense or violation occurs
   5-24  before that date.
   5-25        (b)  An offense committed or a violation that occurs before
   5-26  the effective date of this Act is covered by the law in effect when
   5-27  the offense was committed or the violation occurred, and the former
    6-1  law is continued in effect for that purpose.
    6-2        SECTION 7.  This Act does not affect the transfer of powers,
    6-3  duties, rights, and obligations made by Chapter 3, Acts of the 72nd
    6-4  Legislature, 1st Called Session, 1991.
    6-5        SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
    6-6        SECTION 9.  The importance of this legislation and the
    6-7  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    6-8  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    6-9  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   6-10  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.