1-1  By:  Coleman (Senate Sponsor - Henderson)             H.B. No. 2282
    1-2        (In the Senate - Received from the House April 26, 1993;
    1-3  April 27, 1993, read first time and referred to Committee on
    1-4  Intergovernmental Relations; April 29, 1993, reported adversely,
    1-5  with favorable Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 8,
    1-6  Nays 0; April 29, 1993, sent to printer.)
    1-7                            COMMITTEE VOTE
    1-8                          Yea     Nay      PNV      Absent 
    1-9        Armbrister         x                               
   1-10        Leedom             x                               
   1-11        Carriker                                       x   
   1-12        Henderson          x                               
   1-13        Madla              x                               
   1-14        Moncrief                                       x   
   1-15        Patterson          x                               
   1-16        Rosson             x                               
   1-17        Shapiro            x                               
   1-18        Wentworth          x                               
   1-19        Whitmire                                       x   
   1-20  COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR H.B. No. 2282               By:  Henderson
   1-21                         A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
   1-22                                AN ACT
   1-23  relating to certain hotel facilities.
   1-25        SECTION 1.  Section 351.001(2), Tax Code, is amended to read
   1-26  as follows:
   1-27              (2)  "Convention center facilities" or "convention
   1-28  center complex" means civic centers, civic center buildings,
   1-29  auditoriums, exhibition halls, and coliseums that are owned by the
   1-30  municipality or other governmental entity or that are managed in
   1-31  whole or part by the municipality, hotels owned by the municipality
   1-32  or a nonprofit municipally sponsored local government corporation
   1-33  created pursuant to the Texas Transportation Corporation Act
   1-34  (Article 1528l, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) within 1,000 feet of
   1-35  a convention center owned by a municipality with a population of
   1-36  1,500,000 or more.  The term includes parking areas or facilities
   1-37  that are for the parking or storage of conveyances and that are
   1-38  located at or in the <immediate> vicinity of other convention
   1-39  center facilities.
   1-40        SECTION 2.  Section 352.101(a), Tax Code, is amended to read
   1-41  as follows:
   1-42        (a)  The revenue from a tax imposed under this chapter by a
   1-43  county having a population of more than two million may be used
   1-44  only for:
   1-45              (1)  the acquisition of sites for and the construction,
   1-46  improvement, enlarging, equipping, repairing, operation, and
   1-47  maintenance of public improvements such as civic centers, civic
   1-48  center buildings, auditoriums, exhibition halls, coliseums, and
   1-49  stadiums, including sports and other facilities that serve the
   1-50  purpose of attracting visitors and tourists to the county, and
   1-51  parking areas or facilities for the parking or storage of motor
   1-52  vehicles or other conveyances, hotels owned by a municipality or a
   1-53  nonprofit municipally sponsored local government corporation
   1-54  created pursuant to the Texas Transportation Corporation Act
   1-55  (Article 1528l, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) within 1,000 feet of
   1-56  a convention center owned by a municipality with a population of
   1-57  1,500,000 or more <located at or in the immediate vicinity of the
   1-58  facilities>;
   1-59              (2)  the furnishing of facilities, personnel, and
   1-60  materials for the registration of convention delegates or
   1-61  registrants; and
   1-62              (3)  general promotion and tourist advertising of the
   1-63  county and its vicinity and conducting a solicitation program to
   1-64  attract conventions and visitors, any of which may be conducted by
   1-65  the county or through contracts with persons or organizations
   1-66  selected by the county.
   1-67        SECTION 3.  Section 351.102(a), Tax Code, is amended to read
   1-68  as follows:
    2-1        (a)  Subject to the limitations provided by this subchapter,
    2-2  a municipality may pledge the revenue derived from the tax imposed
    2-3  under this chapter for the payment of bonds that are issued under
    2-4  Section 3, Chapter 63, Acts of the 59th Legislature, Regular
    2-5  Session, 1965 (Article 1269j-4.1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
    2-6  for one or more of the purposes provided by Section 351.101 or, in
    2-7  the case of a municipality of 1,500,000 or more, for the payment of
    2-8  principal of or interest on bonds or other obligations of a
    2-9  municipally sponsored local government corporation created pursuant
   2-10  to the Texas Transportation Corporation Act (Article 1528l,
   2-11  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) that were issued to pay the cost of
   2-12  the acquisition and construction of a convention center hotel;
   2-13  provided, however, such pledge may only be that portion of the tax
   2-14  collected at such hotel.
   2-15        SECTION 4.  Section 2(a), Chapter 63, Acts of the 59th
   2-16  Legislature, Regular Session, 1965 (Article 1269j-4.1, Vernon's
   2-17  Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   2-18        (a)  Any such city is hereby authorized to establish,
   2-19  acquire, lease as lessee or lessor, purchase, construct, improve,
   2-20  enlarge, equip, repair, operate or maintain (any or all) <public>
   2-21  improvements such as civic centers, civic center buildings,
   2-22  auditoriums, opera houses, music halls, exhibition halls,
   2-23  coliseums, museums, libraries, or other city buildings (either or
   2-24  all), <and> golf courses, tennis courts, and other similar
   2-25  recreational facilities, hotels owned by a municipality or a
   2-26  nonprofit municipally sponsored local government corporation
   2-27  created pursuant to the Texas Transportation Corporation Act
   2-28  (Article 1528l, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) within 1,000 feet of
   2-29  a convention center owned by a municipality with a population of
   2-30  1,500,000 or more, and to establish, acquire, lease as lessee or
   2-31  lessor, purchase, construct, improve, enlarge, equip, repair,
   2-32  operate or maintain (any or all) structures, parking areas, or
   2-33  facilities, located at or in the immediate vicinity of such public
   2-34  improvements, to be used in connection with such <public>
   2-35  improvements for off-street parking or storage of motor vehicles or
   2-36  other conveyances; and provided that any such lease shall be on
   2-37  such terms and conditions as said city shall deem appropriate.
   2-38        SECTION 5.  Section 3(a)(11), Texas Enterprise Zone Act
   2-39  (Article 5190.7, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read
   2-40  as follows:
   2-41              (11)  "Qualified business" means a person, including a
   2-42  corporation or other entity, that the department, for purposes of
   2-43  state benefits under this Act, and a governing body, for purposes
   2-44  of local benefits, certifies to have met the following criteria:
   2-45                    (A)  the person is engaged in or has provided
   2-46  substantial commitment to initiate the active conduct of a trade or
   2-47  business in the zone; and
   2-48                    (B)  at least 25 percent of the business's new
   2-49  employees in the zone are residents of any zone within the
   2-50  governing body's or bodies' jurisdiction or economically
   2-51  disadvantaged individuals; or
   2-52                    (C)  is a qualified hotel project that is owned
   2-53  by a municipality with a population of 1,500,000 or more or a
   2-54  nonprofit municipally sponsored local government corporation
   2-55  created pursuant to the Texas Transportation Corporation Act
   2-56  (Article 1528l, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
   2-57        SECTION 6.  Section 3(a), Texas Enterprise Zone Act (Article
   2-58  5190.7, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by adding
   2-59  Subdivisions (14) and (15) to read as follows:
   2-60              (14)  "Qualified hotel project" means a hotel proposed
   2-61  to be constructed by a municipality or a nonprofit municipally
   2-62  sponsored local government corporation created pursuant to the
   2-63  Texas Transportation Corporation Act (Article 1528l, Vernon's Texas
   2-64  Civil Statutes) that is within 1,000 feet of a convention center
   2-65  owned by a municipality having a population of 1,500,000 or more,
   2-66  including all facilities ancillary thereto such as shops and
   2-67  parking facilities.
   2-68        A qualified hotel project shall be deemed to have met the
   2-69  employment, income, and other criteria of a qualified business and
   2-70  an enterprise project, and the enterprise zone in which the
    3-1  qualified hotel project is located shall be deemed to have met all
    3-2  qualifications of this Act to permit the department to designate
    3-3  the qualified hotel project as an enterprise project.
    3-4              (15)  "Eligible taxable proceeds" means taxable
    3-5  proceeds generated, paid, or collected by a qualified hotel project
    3-6  or a business at a qualified hotel project, including hotel
    3-7  occupancy taxes, ad valorem taxes, sales and use taxes, and mixed
    3-8  beverage taxes.
    3-9        SECTION 7.  Section 13, Texas Enterprise Zone Act (Article
   3-10  5190.7, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
   3-11  follows:
   3-13  (a)  To promote the public health, safety, or welfare, the
   3-14  governing body of a municipality or county may establish a program
   3-15  by which it reduces or eliminates any fees or taxes, other than
   3-16  sales and use or property taxes, that it imposes on a qualified
   3-17  business or qualified employee.  The governing body of a
   3-18  municipality or county may not reduce or eliminate local sales and
   3-19  use taxes except to the extent it grants a rebate or refund or
   3-20  provides a payment under this section or Section 12 of this Act.
   3-21        (b)  A municipality, county, political subdivision, or other
   3-22  governmental body may enter into an agreement to rebate, refund, or
   3-23  pay eligible taxable proceeds to the owner of the qualified hotel
   3-24  project at which such eligible taxable proceeds were generated or
   3-25  collected for a period not to exceed ten years.  A municipality
   3-26  with a population of 1,500,000 or more may enter into an agreement
   3-27  to guarantee from hotel occupancy taxes the bonds or other
   3-28  obligations of a municipally sponsored local government corporation
   3-29  created pursuant to the Texas Transportation Corporation Act
   3-30  (Article 1528l, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) that were issued or
   3-31  incurred to pay the cost of constructing, remodeling, or
   3-32  rehabilitating a qualified hotel project.  Any agreement must be in
   3-33  writing, contain an expiration date, and require the beneficiary to
   3-34  provide documentation necessary to support a claim.  The
   3-35  municipality, county, political subdivision, or other governmental
   3-36  body that enters into any such agreement shall make the rebate,
   3-37  refund, or payment directly to the beneficiary set out in the
   3-38  agreement.
   3-39        SECTION 8.  The Texas Enterprise Zone Act (Article 5190.7,
   3-40  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by adding Section 10A to
   3-41  read as follows:
   3-43  ENTERPRISE PROJECT.  A qualified hotel project may be designated by
   3-44  the department as an enterprise project prior to or after August
   3-45  31, 1993.  New permanent jobs created by the qualified hotel
   3-46  project shall not be considered in determining the number of
   3-47  enterprise projects that the department may approve pursuant to the
   3-48  other provisions of this Act.
   3-49        SECTION 9.  Section 151.429(e), Tax Code, is amended to read
   3-50  as follows:
   3-51        (e)  In this section, "enterprise project," "enterprise
   3-52  zone," "qualified hotel project," "new permanent job," and
   3-53  "qualified employee" have the meanings assigned to those terms by
   3-54  Section 3, Texas Enterprise Zone Act (Article 5190.7, Vernon's
   3-55  Texas Civil Statutes).
   3-56        SECTION 10.  Section 151.429, Tax Code, is amended by adding
   3-57  Subsection (h) to read as follows:
   3-58        (h)  Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section,
   3-59  the owner of a qualified hotel project shall receive a rebate,
   3-60  refund, or payment of 100 percent of the sales and use taxes paid
   3-61  or collected by the qualified hotel project or businesses located
   3-62  in the qualified hotel project pursuant to this chapter and 100
   3-63  percent of the hotel occupancy taxes paid by persons for the use or
   3-64  possession of or for the right to the use or possession of a room
   3-65  or space at the qualified hotel project pursuant to the provisions
   3-66  of Chapter 156 during the first seven years after such qualified
   3-67  hotel project is open for initial occupancy.
   3-68        SECTION 11.  The legislature recommends to the governing body
   3-69  of a municipality having a population of 1.5 million or more
   3-70  operating a qualified hotel project under this Act that it adopt
    4-1  the aggregate goals for the municipality's contracting with
    4-2  minority and women enterprises set forth in the June 1992, report
    4-3  of Texas Southern University as specified for the categories of
    4-4  construction, procurement, and professional services.  A cause of
    4-5  action may not be maintained to enforce this Section or to recover
    4-6  damages based on the failure of the municipality to follow the
    4-7  recommendation of this Section.
    4-8        SECTION 12.  The importance of this legislation and the
    4-9  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   4-10  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   4-11  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   4-12  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   4-13  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   4-14  passage, and it is so enacted.
   4-15                               * * * * *
   4-16                                                         Austin,
   4-17  Texas
   4-18                                                         April 29, 1993
   4-19  Hon. Bob Bullock
   4-20  President of the Senate
   4-21  Sir:
   4-22  We, your Committee on Intergovernmental Relations to which was
   4-23  referred H.B. No. 2282, have had the same under consideration, and
   4-24  I am instructed to report it back to the Senate with the
   4-25  recommendation that it do not pass, but that the Committee
   4-26  Substitute adopted in lieu thereof do pass and be printed.
   4-27                                                         Armbrister,
   4-28  Chairman
   4-29                               * * * * *
   4-30                               WITNESSES
   4-31                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
   4-32  ___________________________________________________________________
   4-33  Name:  Morgan A. Hill                            x
   4-34  Representing:  Self
   4-35  City:  Houston
   4-36  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   4-37  Name:  Michael White                             x
   4-38  Representing:  Greater Houston Partnership
   4-39  City:  Houston
   4-40  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   4-41  Name:  Robert R. Randolph                        x
   4-42  Representing:  Central Houston Inc.
   4-43  City:  Houston
   4-44  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   4-45  Name:  Jordy Tollett                             x
   4-46  Representing:  City of Houston
   4-47  City:  Houston
   4-48  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   4-49  Name:  Eddie Webster                             x
   4-50  Representing:  Houston Convention Visitor B.
   4-51  City:  Houston
   4-52  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   4-53  Name:  Robert Eury                               x
   4-54  Representing:  Central Houston, Inc.
   4-55  City:  Houston
   4-56  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   4-57  Name:  Jim Short                                 x
   4-58  Representing:  Self
   4-59  City:  Fulshear
   4-60  -------------------------------------------------------------------