By Grusendorf                                         H.B. No. 2408
          Substitute the following for H.B. No. 2408:
          By Carter                                         C.S.H.B. No. 2408
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the regulation of persons who represent or advise
    1-3  others in the buying or selling of a business; providing a criminal
    1-4  penalty.
    1-6        SECTION 1.  Title 132A, Revised Statutes, is amended by
    1-7  adding Article 9103 to read as follows:
    1-8        Art. 9103.  REGULATION OF BUSINESS BROKERS
    1-9        Sec. 1.  DEFINITIONS.  In this article:
   1-10              (1)  "Business broker" means a person who performs
   1-11  business brokerage services.
   1-12              (2)  "Business brokerage services" means services
   1-13  rendered while functioning as an intermediary through a fiduciary
   1-14  relationship to a person buying or selling a business, including
   1-15  any aspect relating to the buying or selling of any business,
   1-16  business assets, or securities of a business, subject to Section
   1-17  12, The Securities Act (Article 581-12, Vernon's Texas Civil
   1-18  Statutes), to accomplish the sale of the business, whether or not
   1-19  the business is active, inactive, or proposed.
   1-20              (3)  "Commission" means the Texas Commission of
   1-21  Licensing and Regulation.
   1-22              (4)  "Commissioner" means the commissioner of licensing
   1-23  and regulation.
    2-1              (5)  "Council" means the Business Brokers Advisory
    2-2  Council.
    2-3              (6)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
    2-4  Licensing and Regulation.
    2-5              (7)  "Person" includes a corporation, organization,
    2-6  government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust,
    2-7  estate, trust, partnership, association, and any other legal
    2-8  entity.
   2-10  person may not perform business brokerage services for compensation
   2-11  unless the person is an individual licensed as a business broker
   2-12  under this article.
   2-13        (b)  A person may not represent that the person is a business
   2-14  broker or authorized to perform business brokerage services for
   2-15  compensation unless the person is licensed under this article.
   2-16        Sec. 3.  EXEMPTIONS.  This article does not apply to:
   2-17              (1)  an individual acting under a general power of
   2-18  attorney unless the individual represents that the individual is a
   2-19  business broker;
   2-20              (2)  an individual licensed to practice law in this
   2-21  state;
   2-22              (3)  an individual who merely introduces parties to a
   2-23  business opportunity transaction but is not involved in the
   2-24  negotiation of the sale or purchase of the business or its assets
   2-25  or securities;
    3-1              (4)  an employee of a business owner or of an
    3-2  affiliated or subsidiary company of a business owner if the
    3-3  employee performs business brokerage services solely for the
    3-4  benefit of the business owner or for a partnership, joint venture,
    3-5  or corporation in which the business owner owns an interest and
    3-6  that functions as a buyer or seller; or
    3-7              (5)  a public employee or officer who provides
    3-8  assistance to a business owner in the course of the public
    3-9  employee's or officer's duties.
   3-10        Sec. 4.  VOLUNTARY LICENSING.   An individual who is exempt
   3-11  from licensing under Section 3 of this article may apply for and
   3-12  obtain a license under this article if the individual meets the
   3-13  requirements imposed by Sections 5 and 6(a) of this article.  An
   3-14  individual exempt from licensing under this article who elects to
   3-15  be licensed under this  article is subject to this article.
   3-16        Sec. 5.  ELIGIBILITY FOR LICENSE.  To be eligible to obtain a
   3-17  license as a business broker under this article, a person must:
   3-18              (1)  be an individual at least 18 years of age;
   3-19              (2)  hold a high school diploma or an equivalent
   3-20  credential;
   3-21              (3)  pay the fees required by the commission;
   3-22              (4)  establish a place of business in this state or
   3-23  designate an agent for service of legal process who is a resident
   3-24  of this state;
   3-25              (5)  complete at least 15 classroom hours of
    4-1  educational courses approved by the commissioner, at least four
    4-2  hours of which must include instruction on law and legal issues in
    4-3  this state related to business brokerage services; and
    4-4              (6)  meet any additional qualifications required by
    4-5  this article or by the commissioner in the exercise of the
    4-6  commissioner's authority under this article or under Article 9100,
    4-7  Revised Statutes.
    4-9  An applicant for licensure must file an application with the
   4-10  department on a printed form prescribed by the commissioner.  The
   4-11  application must be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee
   4-12  and a license fee that shall be refunded if the commissioner does
   4-13  not approve the application.
   4-14        (b)  The commissioner shall approve or deny an initial
   4-15  application not later than the 31st day after the date on which the
   4-16  department receives the application.
   4-17        (c)  The commissioner shall issue to each applicant who
   4-18  qualifies for licensing under this article the appropriate license.
   4-19  Except as otherwise provided by the commission, a license is valid
   4-20  for two years from the date of issuance.
   4-21        Sec. 7.  RENEWAL OF LICENSE.  (a)  On the timely receipt of
   4-22  the required renewal fee, the commissioner shall issue to an
   4-23  eligible licensed business broker a certificate of renewal of
   4-24  license that is valid for two years after the date of issuance.
   4-25        (b)  The commissioner by rule shall require that a licensee
    5-1  seeking renewal of a license complete during the two years
    5-2  preceding the date of renewal a minimum of 15 classroom hours of
    5-3  continuing education courses, recognized by the commissioner, as a
    5-4  prerequisite to the renewal.  The rules must require that at least
    5-5  four of the 15 hours required include instruction on law and legal
    5-6  issues in this state related to business brokerage services.
    5-7        (c)  If an individual's license has expired, the individual
    5-8  may renew the license not later than the 30th day after the date of
    5-9  expiration by paying the unpaid renewal fee plus a late license
   5-10  renewal fee.  An individual may not renew an expired license later
   5-11  than the 30th day after the date of expiration but may obtain a new
   5-12  license by complying with the requirements for an original license.
   5-14  STATE.  The commissioner may waive any licensing requirement for an
   5-15  applicant who holds a valid registration certificate or license
   5-16  issued by another state that has requirements that were, on the
   5-17  date of the registration or licensing, substantially equal to the
   5-18  licensing requirements of this state.  An applicant for licensing
   5-19  under this section shall apply in the same manner as any other
   5-20  applicant and shall furnish the department with documents and other
   5-21  evidence substantiating the applicant's qualifications as required
   5-22  by the department.
   5-23        Sec. 9.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF COMMISSIONER.  (a)  The
   5-24  commissioner by rule shall adopt and shall enforce standards of
   5-25  practice, conduct, and ethics for licensees.
    6-1        (b)  The commissioner by rule shall recognize appropriate
    6-2  continuing education programs for licensees under this article.
    6-3  The commissioner may recognize a private provider of an educational
    6-4  program or course if the provider:
    6-5              (1)  applies with the department on a printed form
    6-6  prescribed by the commissioner;
    6-7              (2)  pays a nonrefundable application fee established
    6-8  by the commission; and
    6-9              (3)  pays an educational provider's fee established by
   6-10  the commission that shall be refunded if the commissioner does not
   6-11  recognize the provider's educational program or course offering.
   6-12        (c)  The commissioner by rule may adopt and authorize the use
   6-13  of standard forms for the use of licensed business brokers to
   6-14  facilitate the buying and selling of businesses and reduce
   6-15  controversies while providing safeguards adequate to protect the
   6-16  interests of the principals to a transaction.
   6-17        (d)  In the best interests of the public the commissioner by
   6-18  rule may require a business broker to use contract forms adopted by
   6-19  the commissioner.  The commissioner may not prohibit a business
   6-20  broker from using a contract form binding the sale, exchange,
   6-21  option, lease, or rental of an interest in property that has been
   6-22  prepared by the property owner or prepared by an attorney and
   6-23  required by the property owner.
   6-24        Sec. 10.  UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW.  (a)  The
   6-25  commissioner shall suspend or revoke a license granted under this
    7-1  article on proof that the licensee, if not licensed and authorized
    7-2  to practice law in this state, for a consideration, reward, or
    7-3  pecuniary benefit, present or anticipated, direct or indirect, or
    7-4  in connection with or as a part of the licensee's employment,
    7-5  agency, or fiduciary relationship as a licensee:
    7-6              (1)  drew a deed, note, deed of trust, will, or other
    7-7  written instrument that may transfer or otherwise affect the title
    7-8  to or an interest in property, except as provided by Subsection (b)
    7-9  of this section; or
   7-10              (2)  advised or counseled a person as to the validity
   7-11  or legal sufficiency of an instrument or as to the validity of
   7-12  title to property.
   7-13        (b)  Notwithstanding other law, the completion of a contract
   7-14  form that binds the sale, exchange, option, lease, or rental of any
   7-15  interest in property by a licensed business broker incident to the
   7-16  performance of business brokerage services does not constitute the
   7-17  unauthorized or illegal practice of law in this state if the form:
   7-18              (1)  is a standard form adopted for use by the
   7-19  commissioner for the particular kind of transaction involved;
   7-20              (2)  was prepared by an attorney-at-law licensed by
   7-21  this state and approved by the attorney for the particular kind of
   7-22  transaction involved; or
   7-23              (3)  was prepared by the property owner or prepared by
   7-24  an attorney and required by the property owner.
   7-25        Sec. 11.  DISCIPLINARY ACTION.  The commissioner may deny,
    8-1  suspend, or revoke a license, impose administrative sanctions and
    8-2  penalties, or seek injunctive relief and civil penalties against a
    8-3  licensee as provided by Sections 17 and 18, Article 9100, Revised
    8-4  Statutes, if the licensee:
    8-5              (1)  violates this article or a rule applicable to the
    8-6  licensee adopted under this article;
    8-7              (2)  is grossly incompetent in the performance of
    8-8  business brokerage services;
    8-9              (3)  commits dishonest or fraudulent acts while
   8-10  performing business brokerage services;
   8-11              (4)  violates the standards of ethics adopted under
   8-12  this article; or
   8-13              (5)  while performing business brokerage services, is
   8-14  guilty of:
   8-15                    (A)  making a material misrepresentation or
   8-16  failing to disclose to a potential purchaser any latent defect or
   8-17  any false representation known to the licensee;
   8-18                    (B)  making a false promise of a character likely
   8-19  to influence, persuade, or induce any person to enter into a
   8-20  contract or agreement when the licensee could not or did not intend
   8-21  to keep the promise;
   8-22                    (C)  pursuing a continued and flagrant course of
   8-23  misrepresentation or making false promises through advertising or
   8-24  otherwise;
   8-25                    (D)  failing to make clear, to all parties to a
    9-1  transaction, which party the licensee is acting for or receiving
    9-2  compensation from more than one party except with the full
    9-3  knowledge and consent of all parties;
    9-4                    (E)  failing within a reasonable time to properly
    9-5  account for or remit money coming into the licensee's possession
    9-6  that belongs to others or commingling money belonging to others
    9-7  with the licensee's own funds;
    9-8                    (F)  paying a commission or fees to or dividing a
    9-9  commission or fees with a person who is:
   9-10                          (i)  not licensed under this article and
   9-11  not exempt from licensing under this article; or
   9-12                          (ii)  not licensed to sell businesses and
   9-13  not exempt  from licensing in another jurisdiction for compensation
   9-14  for services as a business broker;
   9-15                    (G)  failing to specify in a listing contract a
   9-16  definite termination date that is not subject to prior notice;
   9-17                    (H)  accepting, receiving, or charging an
   9-18  undisclosed commission, rebate, or direct profit on expenditures
   9-19  made for a principal;
   9-20                    (I)  soliciting, selling, or offering for sale a
   9-21  business under a scheme or program that constitutes a lottery or
   9-22  deceptive practice;
   9-23                    (J)  acting in the dual capacity of business
   9-24  broker and undisclosed principal in a transaction;
   9-25                    (K)  guaranteeing, authorizing, or permitting a
   10-1  person to guarantee that future profits will result from a resale
   10-2  of a business;
   10-3                    (L)  placing a sign on property offering it for
   10-4  sale without the written consent of the owner or the owner's
   10-5  authorized agent;
   10-6                    (M)  inducing or attempting to induce a party to
   10-7  a contract of sale to break the contract for the purpose of
   10-8  substituting a new contract;
   10-9                    (N)  negotiating or attempting to negotiate the
  10-10  sale or exchange of a business with an owner, knowing that the
  10-11  owner had a written outstanding contract granting exclusive agency
  10-12  in connection with the business to another business broker;
  10-13                    (O)  offering a business for sale without the
  10-14  knowledge and consent of the owner or the owner's authorized agent
  10-15  or on terms other than those authorized by the owner or the owner's
  10-16  authorized agent;
  10-17                    (P)  publishing or causing to be published an
  10-18  advertisement, including advertising by newspaper, radio,
  10-19  television, or display, that is misleading or likely to deceive the
  10-20  public, that in any manner tends to create a misleading impression,
  10-21  or that fails to identify the person causing the advertisement to
  10-22  be published as a licensed business broker;
  10-23                    (Q)  having knowingly withheld from or inserted
  10-24  in a statement of account or invoice a statement that made the
  10-25  account or invoice inaccurate in a material way;
   11-1                    (R)  publishing or circulating an unjustified or
   11-2  unwarranted threat of legal proceedings or other action;
   11-3                    (S)  establishing an association, by employment
   11-4  or otherwise, with an unlicensed person who is expected or required
   11-5  to act as a business broker or aiding or abetting or conspiring
   11-6  with a person to circumvent the requirements of this article;
   11-7                    (T)  failing or refusing on demand to furnish
   11-8  copies of a document pertaining to a transaction dealing with
   11-9  business brokerage to a person whose signature is affixed to the
  11-10  document;
  11-11                    (U)  conduct that constitutes dishonest dealings,
  11-12  bad faith, or untrustworthiness; or
  11-13                    (V)  discriminating against an owner or potential
  11-14  owner on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
  11-15  or ancestry, including directing a prospective business buyer
  11-16  interested in equivalent businesses to a different business area
  11-17  according to the race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or
  11-18  ancestry of the potential owner.
  11-19        Sec. 12.  CRIMINAL PENALTY.  (a)  A person commits an offense
  11-20  if the person performs or offers to perform business brokerage
  11-21  services for compensation and the person is not licensed under this
  11-22  article.
  11-23        (b)  A person commits an offense if the person represents
  11-24  that the person is a business broker, agent, counselor, advisor, or
  11-25  representative, knowing that the person is required to be licensed
   12-1  under this article and is not licensed.
   12-2        (c)  An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.
   12-3        Sec. 13.  FUNDS RECEIVED BY DEPARTMENT.  (a)  The department
   12-4  shall receive and account for all fees collected or money derived
   12-5  under this article.
   12-6        (b)  The department shall deposit all money received under
   12-7  this article to the credit of the general revenue fund in the state
   12-8  treasury not later than the third working day after the date the
   12-9  money is received.
  12-10        Sec. 14.  BUSINESS BROKER-LAWYER COMMITTEE.  (a)  The
  12-11  Business Broker-Lawyer Committee is established.  The committee is
  12-12  composed of six members, three of whom are appointed by the
  12-13  commission and three who are members of the State Bar of Texas
  12-14  appointed by the president of the State Bar of Texas.  The members
  12-15  of the committee hold office for staggered terms of six years, with
  12-16  the terms of one commission appointee and one State Bar appointee
  12-17  expiring February 1 of each odd-numbered year.  Each member holds
  12-18  office until the member's successor is appointed.  A vacancy for
  12-19  any cause shall be filled for the expired term by the agency making
  12-20  the original appointment.  Appointments to the committee shall be
  12-21  made without regard to race, creed, sex, religion, or national
  12-22  origin.
  12-23        (b)  The Business Broker-Lawyer Committee shall advise the
  12-24  commissioner in the adoption of rules on contract forms under
  12-25  Section 9(d) of this article.
   13-2  ADMINISTRATION.  (a)  The Business Brokers Advisory Council is
   13-3  composed of six members appointed by the commission, two of whom
   13-4  are public members and four of whom are business broker members.
   13-5  To be eligible for appointment as a business broker member, the
   13-6  member must:
   13-7              (1)  be licensed under this article to engage in
   13-8  business brokerage services;
   13-9              (2)  subscribe to a code of professional conduct or
  13-10  ethics;
  13-11              (3)  be a resident of this state for the five years
  13-12  preceding the date of the appointment; and
  13-13              (4)  have performed business brokerage services as the
  13-14  individual's primary occupation continuously for the five years
  13-15  preceding the date of the appointment.
  13-16        (b)  An individual is not eligible for appointment as a
  13-17  member of the council if the individual is required to register
  13-18  with the secretary of state under Chapter 305, Government Code.
  13-19        (c)  Before March 1 of each year, the members of the council
  13-20  shall elect one member to serve as presiding officer of the council
  13-21  until the last day of February of the following year.
  13-22        (d)  Members of the council serve for staggered three-year
  13-23  terms with the terms of two members expiring February 1 of each
  13-24  year.  In the event of a vacancy during a member's term, the
  13-25  commission shall appoint to fill the unexpired part of the term a
   14-1  replacement who meets the qualifications of the vacated office.
   14-2        (e)  A member of the council is not entitled to receive
   14-3  compensation for serving as a member.  A member is entitled to
   14-4  reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in performing duties
   14-5  as a member, subject to applicable limitations in the General
   14-6  Appropriations Act.
   14-7        (f)  The council shall meet at least semiannually at the call
   14-8  of the presiding officer or at the call of a majority of its
   14-9  members.  A decision of the council is not effective unless it
  14-10  receives the affirmative vote of at least four members.
  14-12  council shall advise the commission and the commissioner and make
  14-13  recommendations on:
  14-14              (1)  the standards of practice, conduct, and ethics for
  14-15  licensees to be adopted under this article;
  14-16              (2)  amounts for fees set under this article;
  14-17              (3)  contents for a license examination, if any, and
  14-18  standards of acceptable performance;
  14-19              (4)  guidelines for approving continuing education
  14-20  programs and educational courses for licensees that are offered,
  14-21  sponsored, or accepted  by any public or recognized private
  14-22  provider, including:
  14-23                    (A)  the Texas Association of Business Brokers;
  14-24                    (B)  the State Bar of Texas;
  14-25                    (C)  the Texas Real Estate Commission;
   15-1                    (D)  the Texas Society of Certified Public
   15-2  Accountants;
   15-3                    (E)  any institution of higher education that
   15-4  meets program and accreditation standards comparable to public
   15-5  institutions of higher education as determined by the Texas Higher
   15-6  Education Coordinating Board; and
   15-7                    (F)  a nonprofit voluntary trade association,
   15-8  institute, or organization whose membership is primarily composed
   15-9  of persons who represent practitioners of business brokerage and
  15-10  that:
  15-11                          (i)  has written requirements of experience
  15-12  and examination as a prerequisite for an individual's membership or
  15-13  for granting professional designation to its members;
  15-14                          (ii)  requires its members to subscribe to
  15-15  a code of professional conduct or ethics; and
  15-16                          (iii)  is approved in writing by the
  15-17  commissioner; and
  15-18              (5)  educational requirements for initial and renewal
  15-19  applicants.
  15-20        SECTION 2.  Section 12, The Securities Act (Article 581-12,
  15-21  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
  15-22        Sec. 12.  Registration of Persons Selling.  A.  Except as
  15-23  provided by Subsection B of this section and <in> Section 5 of this
  15-24  Act, no person, firm, corporation or dealer shall, directly or
  15-25  through agents or salesmen, offer for sale, sell or make a sale of
   16-1  any securities in this state without first being registered as in
   16-2  this Act provided.  No salesman or agent shall, in behalf of any
   16-3  dealer, sell, offer for sale, or make sale of any securities within
   16-4  the state unless registered as a salesman or agent of a registered
   16-5  dealer under the provisions of this Act.
   16-6        B.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, a person
   16-7  licensed under Article 9103, Revised Statutes, is not required to
   16-8  register as a dealer, agent, or salesman to engage in business
   16-9  brokerage services, as defined by that article, if the person acts
  16-10  as a broker between and among principals for the sale in a single
  16-11  transaction of a majority of the stock or equity securities of
  16-12  privately held businesses incidental to a privately negotiated
  16-13  purchase agreement under which the managerial control of the
  16-14  business will devolve upon the purchaser or purchasers.
  16-15        SECTION 3.  Section 3, The Real Estate License Act (Article
  16-16  6573a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
  16-17  follows:
  16-18        Sec. 3.  The provisions of this Act shall not apply to any of
  16-19  the following persons and transactions, and each and all of the
  16-20  following persons and transactions are hereby exempted from the
  16-21  provisions of this Act:
  16-22              (1)  an attorney at law licensed in this state or in
  16-23  any other state;
  16-24              (2)  an attorney in fact under a duly executed power of
  16-25  attorney authorizing the consummation of a real estate transaction;
   17-1              (3)  a public official in the conduct of his official
   17-2  duties;
   17-3              (4)  a person calling the sale of real estate by
   17-4  auction under the authority of a license issued by this state
   17-5  provided the person does not perform any other act of a real estate
   17-6  broker or salesman as defined by this Act;
   17-7              (5)  a person acting under a court order or under the
   17-8  authority of a will or a written trust instrument;
   17-9              (6)  a salesperson employed by an owner in the sale of
  17-10  structures and land on which said structures are situated, provided
  17-11  such structures are erected by the owner in the due course of his
  17-12  business;
  17-13              (7)  an on-site manager of an apartment complex;
  17-14              (8)  transactions involving the sale, lease, or
  17-15  transfer of any mineral or mining interest in real property;
  17-16              (9)  an owner or his employees in renting or leasing
  17-17  his own real estate whether improved or unimproved;
  17-18              (10)  transactions involving the sale, lease, or
  17-19  transfer of cemetery lots; <or>
  17-20              (11)  transactions involving the renting, leasing, or
  17-21  management of hotels or motels; or
  17-22              (12)  an individual licensed as a business broker under
  17-23  Article 9103, Revised Statutes, and performing business brokerage
  17-24  services as defined in that article for a transaction in which the
  17-25  value of real estate or an interest in real estate is less than 50
   18-1  percent of the value of the total purchase price of the business.
   18-2        SECTION 4.  Section 18(b), Texas Appraiser Licensing and
   18-3  Certification Act (Article 6573a.2, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
   18-4  is amended to read as follows:
   18-5        (b)  This Act does not prohibit:
   18-6              (1)  a real estate broker or salesman licensed under
   18-7  The Real Estate License Act (Article 6573a, Vernon's Texas Civil
   18-8  Statutes) but not licensed or certified under this Act from
   18-9  performing an appraisal in a nonfederally related transaction; <or>
  18-10              (2)  the requirement of a real estate broker's or
  18-11  salesman's license for an appraisal in nonfederally related
  18-12  transactions by a person not licensed or certified under this Act;
  18-13  or
  18-14              (3)  a business broker licensed under Article 9103,
  18-15  Revised Statutes, but not licensed or certified under this Act,
  18-16  from performing an appraisal of a business in connection with the
  18-17  sale or purchase of the business in a nonfederally related
  18-18  transaction.
  18-19        SECTION 5.  (a)  In appointing the initial members of the
  18-20  Business Broker-Lawyer Committee, the Texas Commission of Licensing
  18-21  and Regulation and the president of the State Bar of Texas shall
  18-22  each appoint one person to a term expiring February 1, 1995; one to
  18-23  a term expiring February 1, 1997; and one to a term expiring
  18-24  February 1, 1999.
  18-25        (b)  In appointing the initial members of the Business
   19-1  Brokers Advisory Council, the Texas Commission of Licensing and
   19-2  Regulation shall appoint two persons to terms expiring February 1,
   19-3  1994; two to terms expiring February 1, 1995; and two to terms
   19-4  expiring February 1, 1996.
   19-5        SECTION 6.  (a)  A person who actively practiced the
   19-6  occupation of business broker in this state for a continuous period
   19-7  of at least six months preceding the effective date of this Act is
   19-8  entitled to obtain a license under Article 9103, Revised Statutes,
   19-9  as added by this Act, without fulfilling the educational
  19-10  requirements prescribed by Section 5 of that article if the person
  19-11  possesses the other qualifications required by that article and if,
  19-12  before March 1, 1994, the person:
  19-13              (1)  submits an application as required by that
  19-14  article; and
  19-15              (2)  pays the required license fee.
  19-16        (b)  The commissioner of licensing and regulation by rule may
  19-17  establish the elements of active practice of the occupation of
  19-18  business broker for purposes of this section.
  19-19        SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993, except
  19-20  that Section 1 of this Act, to the extent it prohibits performing
  19-21  business brokerage services for compensation without a license,
  19-22  takes effect January 1, 1994.
  19-23        SECTION 8.  The importance of this legislation and the
  19-24  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  19-25  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   20-1  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   20-2  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.