By:  Horn                                             H.B. No. 2518
       73R5015 CAS-D
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to parental access to certain assessment instruments
    1-3  administered by a school district.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Subchapter O, Chapter 21, Education Code, is
    1-6  amended by adding Section 21.562 to read as follows:
    1-7        Sec. 21.562.  PARENTAL ACCESS.  (a)  The parent of a student
    1-8  to whom an assessment instrument is administered under this
    1-9  subchapter is entitled to review the assessment instrument after
   1-10  the test has been administered but before the test is scheduled to
   1-11  be graded or, if the test will not be graded in the district,
   1-12  before the test is scheduled to be sent away for grading.
   1-13        (b)  After reviewing an assessment instrument under
   1-14  Subsection (a) of this section, if the parent finds that any
   1-15  question on the assessment instrument is not performance based or
   1-16  academic in nature and proves that fact to the satisfaction of the
   1-17  board of trustees of the district at a hearing held for that
   1-18  purpose, the parent may choose to have the student's assessment
   1-19  instrument withheld from grading.
   1-20        (c)  The State Board of Education shall adopt rules necessary
   1-21  to implement this section.
   1-22        SECTION 2.  Section 3(a), Chapter 424, Acts of the 63rd
   1-23  Legislature, Regular Session, 1973 (Article 6252-17a, Vernon's
   1-24  Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
    2-1        (a)  All information collected, assembled, or maintained by
    2-2  or for governmental bodies, except in those situations where the
    2-3  governmental body does not have either a right of access to or
    2-4  ownership of the information, pursuant to law or ordinance or in
    2-5  connection with the transaction of official business is public
    2-6  information and available to the public during normal business
    2-7  hours of any governmental body, with the following exceptions only:
    2-8              (1)  information deemed confidential by law, either
    2-9  Constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision;
   2-10              (2)  information in personnel files, the disclosure of
   2-11  which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
   2-12  privacy, and transcripts from institutions of higher education
   2-13  maintained in the personnel files of professional public school
   2-14  employees; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be
   2-15  construed to exempt from disclosure the degree obtained and the
   2-16  curriculum on such transcripts of professional public school
   2-17  employees, and further provided that all information in personnel
   2-18  files of an individual employee within a governmental body is to be
   2-19  made available to that individual employee or his designated
   2-20  representative as is public information under this Act;
   2-21              (3)  information relating to litigation of a criminal
   2-22  or civil nature and settlement negotiations, to which the state or
   2-23  political subdivision is, or may be, a party, or to which an
   2-24  officer or employee of the state or political subdivision, as a
   2-25  consequence of his office or employment, is or may be a party, that
   2-26  the attorney general or the respective attorneys of the various
   2-27  political subdivisions has determined should be withheld from
    3-1  public inspection;
    3-2              (4)  information which, if released, would give
    3-3  advantage to competitors or bidders;
    3-4              (5)  information pertaining to the location of real or
    3-5  personal property for public purposes prior to public announcement
    3-6  of the project, and information pertaining to appraisals or
    3-7  purchase price of real or personal property for public purposes
    3-8  prior to the formal award of contracts therefor;
    3-9              (6)  drafts and working papers involved in the
   3-10  preparation of proposed legislation;
   3-11              (7)  matters in which the duty of the Attorney General
   3-12  of Texas or an attorney of a political subdivision, to his client,
   3-13  pursuant to the Rules and Canons of Ethics of the State Bar of
   3-14  Texas are prohibited from disclosure, or which by order of a court
   3-15  are prohibited from disclosure;
   3-16              (8)  records of law enforcement agencies and
   3-17  prosecutors that deal with the detection, investigation, and
   3-18  prosecution of crime and the internal records and notations of such
   3-19  law enforcement agencies and prosecutors which are maintained for
   3-20  internal use in matters relating to law enforcement and
   3-21  prosecution;
   3-22              (9)  private correspondence and communications of an
   3-23  elected office holder relating to matters the disclosure of which
   3-24  would constitute an invasion of privacy;
   3-25              (10)  trade secrets and commercial or financial
   3-26  information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential
   3-27  by statute or judicial decision;
    4-1              (11)  inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or
    4-2  letters which would not be available by law to a party in
    4-3  litigation with the agency;
    4-4              (12)  information contained in or related to
    4-5  examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf
    4-6  of, or for the use of an agency responsible for the regulation or
    4-7  supervision of financial institutions, and/or securities, as that
    4-8  term is defined in the Texas Securities Act;
    4-9              (13)  geological and geophysical information and data
   4-10  including maps concerning wells, except information filed in
   4-11  connection with an application or proceeding before any agency or
   4-12  an electric log confidential under Subchapter M, Chapter 91,
   4-13  Natural Resources Code;
   4-14              (14)  student records at educational institutions
   4-15  funded wholly, or in part, by state revenue; but such records shall
   4-16  be made available upon request of educational institution
   4-17  personnel, the student involved, that student's parent, legal
   4-18  guardian, or spouse or a person conducting a child abuse
   4-19  investigation required by Section 34.05, Family Code;
   4-20              (15)  birth and death records maintained by the Bureau
   4-21  of Vital Statistics of the Texas Department of Health, except that:
   4-22                    (A)  a birth record is public information and
   4-23  available to the public on and after the 50th anniversary of the
   4-24  date on which the record is filed with the Bureau of Vital
   4-25  Statistics or local registration official; and
   4-26                    (B)  a death record is public information and
   4-27  available to the public on and after the 25th anniversary of the
    5-1  date on which the record is filed with the Bureau of Vital
    5-2  Statistics or local registration official;
    5-3              (16)  the audit working papers of the State Auditor;
    5-4              (17)  information relating to:
    5-5                    (A)  the home addresses or home telephone numbers
    5-6  of each official or employee or each former official or employee of
    5-7  a governmental body except as otherwise provided by Section 3A of
    5-8  this Act, or of peace officers as defined by Article 2.12, Code of
    5-9  Criminal Procedure, 1965, as amended, or by Section 51.212, Texas
   5-10  Education Code; or
   5-11                    (B)  the home addresses, home telephone numbers,
   5-12  or social security numbers of employees of the Texas Department of
   5-13  Criminal Justice, or the home or employment addresses or telephone
   5-14  numbers or the names or social security numbers of their family
   5-15  members;
   5-16              (18)  information contained on or derived from
   5-17  triplicate prescription forms filed with the Department of Public
   5-18  Safety pursuant to Section 481.075, Health and Safety Code;
   5-19              (19)  photographs that depict a peace officer as
   5-20  defined by Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, or a security
   5-21  officer commissioned under Section 51.212, Education Code, the
   5-22  release of which would endanger the life or physical safety of the
   5-23  officer unless:
   5-24                    (A)  the officer is under indictment or charged
   5-25  with an offense by information; or
   5-26                    (B)  the officer is a party in a fire or police
   5-27  civil service hearing or a case in arbitration; or
    6-1                    (C)  the photograph is introduced as evidence in
    6-2  a judicial proceeding;
    6-3              (20)  rare books and original manuscripts which were
    6-4  not created or maintained in the conduct of official business of a
    6-5  governmental body and which are held by any private or public
    6-6  archival and manuscript repository for the purposes of historical
    6-7  research;
    6-8              (21)  oral history interviews, personal papers,
    6-9  unpublished letters, and organizational records of nongovernmental
   6-10  entities, which were not created or maintained in the conduct of
   6-11  official business of a governmental body and which are held by any
   6-12  private or public archival and manuscript repository for the
   6-13  purposes of historical research, to the extent that the archival
   6-14  and manuscript repository and the donor of the interviews, papers,
   6-15  letters, and records may agree to limit disclosure of the item;
   6-16              (22)  curriculum objectives and test items developed by
   6-17  educational institutions that are funded wholly or in part by state
   6-18  revenue and test items developed by licensing agencies or
   6-19  governmental bodies, except as provided by Section 21.562,
   6-20  Education Code; and
   6-21              (23)  the names of applicants for the position of chief
   6-22  executive officer of institutions of higher education, except that
   6-23  the governing body of the institution of higher education must give
   6-24  public notice of the name or names of the finalists being
   6-25  considered for the position at least 21 days prior to the meeting
   6-26  at which final action or vote is to be taken on the employment of
   6-27  the individual.
    7-1        SECTION 3.  Section 21.562, Education Code, as added by this
    7-2  Act, applies beginning with the 1993-1994 school year.
    7-3        SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
    7-4  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    7-5  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    7-6  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    7-7  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
    7-8  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
    7-9  passage, and it is so enacted.