1-1  By:  Pitts (Senate Sponsor - Sibley)                  H.B. No. 2680
    1-2        (In the Senate - Received from the House April 29, 1993;
    1-3  April 30, 1993, read first time and referred to Committee on
    1-4  International Relations, Trade, and Technology; May 5, 1993,
    1-5  reported favorably by the following vote:  Yeas 7, Nays 0;
    1-6  May 5, 1993, sent to printer.)
    1-7                            COMMITTEE VOTE
    1-8                          Yea     Nay      PNV      Absent 
    1-9        Truan              x                               
   1-10        Barrientos         x                               
   1-11        Bivins             x                               
   1-12        Brown                                          x   
   1-13        Carriker                                       x   
   1-14        Harris of Tarrant  x                               
   1-15        Lucio              x                               
   1-16        Rosson             x                               
   1-17        Wentworth          x                               
   1-18                         A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
   1-19                                AN ACT
   1-20  relating to certain activities near a site related to the
   1-21  superconducting super collider; providing penalties.
   1-23        SECTION 1.  In this Act:
   1-24              (1)  "Interaction region of the super collider" means
   1-25  an area above, below, or adjacent to a tunnel or other improvement
   1-26  used in any way with the super collider or an area designated by
   1-27  the United States Department of Energy as an interaction region of
   1-28  the super collider.
   1-29              (2)  "Super collider" means the superconducting super
   1-30  collider scientific project constructed and operated in Ellis
   1-31  County.
   1-32        SECTION 2.  A person may not conduct blasting, rock quarry
   1-33  operations, or another activity that causes ground motion in excess
   1-34  of one micron in frequencies of five hertz or less as measured at
   1-35  an interaction region of the super collider.
   1-36        SECTION 3.  The United States Department of Energy may bring
   1-37  an action to enjoin a violation of this Act.
   1-38        SECTION 4.  (a)  A person who violates this Act commits an
   1-39  offense.
   1-40        (b)  An offense under this section is punishable by a fine of
   1-41  not less than $100 or more than $1,000, confinement in jail for not
   1-42  more than one year, or both.
   1-43        SECTION 5.  Subchapter H, Chapter 231, Local Government Code,
   1-44  is repealed, and a regulation adopted under that subchapter or an
   1-45  interlocal agreement entered to carry out that subchapter is void.
   1-46        SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
   1-47        SECTION 7.  The importance of this legislation and the
   1-48  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   1-49  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   1-50  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   1-51  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
   1-52                               * * * * *
   1-53                                                         Austin,
   1-54  Texas
   1-55                                                         May 5, 1993
   1-56  Hon. Bob Bullock
   1-57  President of the Senate
   1-58  Sir:
   1-59  We, your Committee on International Relations, Trade, and
   1-60  Technology to which was referred H.B. No. 2680, have had the same
   1-61  under consideration, and I am instructed to report it back to the
   1-62  Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.
   1-63                                                         Truan,
   1-64  Chairman
   1-65                               * * * * *
   1-66                               WITNESSES
   1-67                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
   1-68  ___________________________________________________________________
    2-1  Name:  Ken Welch                                               x
    2-2  Representing:  Tx National Research Lab Comm.
    2-3  City:  De Soto
    2-4  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    2-5  Name:  Gregory M. Haas                                         x
    2-6  Representing:  U.S.D.O.E.
    2-7  City:  Dallas
    2-8  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    2-9  Name:  Ms. Karen Weaver   Ellis Cty              x
   2-10  Representing:  Citizens for Respon. Govt.
   2-11  City:  Ennis
   2-12  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-13  Name:  Mr. Glendell Cosyner                      x
   2-14  Representing:  Self & 25 citizens of Ennis
   2-15  City:  Ennis
   2-16  -------------------------------------------------------------------