H.B. No. 2714
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the provision of water and sewer service to annexed
    1-3  areas of certain municipalities.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Section 5.235(n), Water Code, is amended to read
    1-6  as follows:
    1-7        (n)(1)  Each provider of potable water or sewer utility
    1-8  service shall collect a regulatory assessment from each retail
    1-9  customer as follows:
   1-10                    (A)  A public utility as defined in Section
   1-11  13.002 of this code shall collect from each retail customer a
   1-12  regulatory assessment equal to one percent of the charge for retail
   1-13  water or sewer service.
   1-14                    (B)  A water supply or sewer service corporation
   1-15  as defined in Section 13.002 of this code shall collect from each
   1-16  retail customer a regulatory assessment equal to one-half of one
   1-17  percent of the charge for retail water or sewer service.
   1-18                    (C)  A district as defined in Section 50.001 of
   1-19  this code that provides potable water or sewer utility service to
   1-20  retail customers shall collect from each retail customer a
   1-21  regulatory assessment equal to one-half of one percent of the
   1-22  charge for retail water or sewer service.
   1-23              (2)  The regulatory assessment may be listed on the
    2-1  customer's bill as a separate item and shall be collected in
    2-2  addition to other charges for utility services.
    2-3              (3)  The commission shall use the assessments collected
    2-4  from districts solely to pay costs and expenses incurred by the
    2-5  commission in the regulation of districts.
    2-6              (4)  The commission shall use the assessments collected
    2-7  from water supply or sewer service corporations solely to pay costs
    2-8  and expenses incurred by the commission in the regulation of water
    2-9  supply or sewer service corporations.
   2-10              (5)  The commission shall use the assessments collected
   2-11  from public utilities solely to pay costs and expenses incurred by
   2-12  the commission in the regulation of public utilities.
   2-13              (6)  The commission shall annually use a portion of the
   2-14  assessments to provide on-site technical assistance and training to
   2-15  public utilities, water supply or sewer service corporations, and
   2-16  districts.  The commission shall contract with others to provide
   2-17  the services.
   2-18              (7)  Except as provided by Paragraph (A) of this
   2-19  subdivision, assessments collected from retail customers for the
   2-20  prior 12 months are due on January 15 of each year.  The executive
   2-21  director shall collect all assessments from the utility service
   2-22  providers, and those funds shall be paid into the state treasury
   2-23  and credited to the water utility fund.
   2-24                    (A)  A utility service provider may make
   2-25  quarterly payments due on January 15, April 15, July 15, and
    3-1  October 15 of each year.  If payments are made quarterly and
    3-2  received by the commission not later than the 30th day after the
    3-3  due date, the utility service provider may retain an administrative
    3-4  fee equal to 10 percent of the amount due for costs incurred in
    3-5  collecting and remitting the assessment.
    3-6                    (B)  The commission shall assess on a utility
    3-7  service provider a penalty equal to 10 percent of the amount due
    3-8  for any payment received after January 31.  Funds delinquent for
    3-9  more than 30 days shall draw interest at the rate of 10 percent a
   3-10  year on the assessment and penalty due.
   3-11                    (C)  The commission shall assess a penalty
   3-12  against a municipality with a population of more than 1.5 million
   3-13  that does not provide municipal water and sewer services in an
   3-14  annexed area <on or before 4-1/2  years after the annexation takes
   3-15  effect> in accordance with Section 43.0565 <43.056>, Local
   3-16  Government Code.  A penalty assessed under this paragraph shall be
   3-17  not more than $1,000 for each day the services are not provided
   3-18  after March 1, 1998, for areas annexed before January 1, 1993, or
   3-19  not provided within 4-1/2 years after the effective date of the
   3-20  annexation for areas annexed on or after January 1, 1993 <4-1/2
   3-21  years after the annexation>.  A penalty collected under this
   3-22  paragraph shall be deposited into a special fund in the state
   3-23  treasury to be used to provide water and sewer service to residents
   3-24  of the city.
   3-25              (8)  The regulatory assessment does not apply to water
    4-1  that has not been treated for the purpose of human consumption.
    4-2        SECTION 2.  Subchapter C, Chapter 43, Local Government Code,
    4-3  is amended by adding Section 43.0565 to read as follows:
    4-4        Sec. 43.0565.  PROVISION OF WATER OR SEWER SERVICE IN
    4-5  POPULOUS MUNICIPALITY.  (a)  The requirements of this section are
    4-6  in addition to those prescribed by Section 43.056.
    4-7        (b)  A municipality with a population of more than 1.5
    4-8  million that includes within its boundaries annexed areas without
    4-9  water service, sewer service, or both:
   4-10              (1)  shall develop a service plan that:
   4-11                    (A)  must identify developed tracts in annexed
   4-12  areas of the municipality that do not have water service, sewer
   4-13  service, or both and must provide a procedure for providing water
   4-14  service, sewer service, or both to those developed tracts;
   4-15                    (B)  must establish a timetable for providing
   4-16  service based on a priority system that considers potential health
   4-17  hazards, population density, the number of existing buildings, the
   4-18  reasonable cost of providing service, and the desires of the
   4-19  residents;
   4-20                    (C)  must include a capital improvements plan
   4-21  committing the necessary financing;
   4-22                    (D)  may relieve the municipality from an
   4-23  obligation to provide water service, sewer service, or both in an
   4-24  area described in the service plan if a majority of the households
   4-25  in the area sign a petition stating they do not want to receive the
    5-1  services; and
    5-2                    (E)  may require property owners to connect to
    5-3  service lines constructed to serve their area;
    5-4              (2)  shall provide water service, sewer service, or
    5-5  both to at least 75 percent of the residential buildings in annexed
    5-6  areas of the municipality that did not have water service, sewer
    5-7  service, or both on September 1, 1991;
    5-8              (3)  shall provide water service to each area annexed
    5-9  before January 1, 1993, if the area or subdivision as described in
   5-10  the service plan contains at least 25 residences without water
   5-11  service, unless a majority of the households in the area state in a
   5-12  petition that they do not want municipal water service; and
   5-13              (4)  is subject to the penalty prescribed by Section
   5-14  5.235(n)(7)(C), Water Code, for the failure to provide services.
   5-15        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
   5-16  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   5-17  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   5-18  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   5-19  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   5-20  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   5-21  passage, and it is so enacted.