1-1  By:  Rabuck (Senate Sponsor - Parker)                 H.B. No. 2815
    1-2        (In the Senate - Received from the House April 19, 1993;
    1-3  April 19, 1993, read first time and referred to Committee on
    1-4  Natural Resources; May 21, 1993, reported adversely, with favorable
    1-5  Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 9, Nays 0;
    1-6  May 21, 1993, sent to printer.)
    1-7                            COMMITTEE VOTE
    1-8                          Yea     Nay      PNV      Absent 
    1-9        Sims               x                               
   1-10        Truan              x                               
   1-11        Armbrister         x                               
   1-12        Barrientos         x                               
   1-13        Bivins             x                               
   1-14        Brown                                          x   
   1-15        Carriker           x                               
   1-16        Lucio              x                               
   1-17        Montford                                       x   
   1-18        Ratliff            x                               
   1-19        Shelley            x                               
   1-20  COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR H.B. No. 2815                By:  Carriker
   1-21                         A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
   1-22                                AN ACT
   1-23  relating to the creation, administration, powers, duties,
   1-24  operation, and financing of the Chateau Woods Municipal Utility
   1-25  District and the abolition of the city of Chateau Woods.
   1-27        SECTION 1.  CREATION.  (a)  A conservation and reclamation
   1-28  district, to be known as Chateau Woods Municipal Utility District,
   1-29  is created in Montgomery County, subject to approval at an election
   1-30  under Section 9 of this Act.  The district is a governmental agency
   1-31  and a body politic and corporate.
   1-32        (b)  The district is created under and is essential to
   1-33  accomplish the purposes of Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas
   1-34  Constitution.
   1-35        SECTION 2.  DEFINITIONS.  In this Act:
   1-36              (1)  "City" means the city of Chateau Woods.
   1-37              (2)  "District" means Chateau Woods Municipal Utility
   1-38  District.
   1-39        SECTION 3.  BOUNDARIES.  (a)  The district includes the
   1-40  territory contained within the corporate boundaries of the city of
   1-41  Chateau Woods:
   1-42        BEING 412.3198 acres of land, more or less, situated in the
   1-43  Montgomery County School Land Survey, Abstract Number 350 and the
   1-44  R. Ross Survey, Abstract Number 471, in Montgomery County, Texas,
   1-45  and being referenced to Volume 929, Page 556 of the Deed Records of
   1-46  Montgomery County, Texas; said 412.3198 acres being more
   1-47  particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
   1-48        COMMENCING at a point at the Northeast corner of the Charles
   1-49  Eisterwall Survey, Abstract Number 191 at the Northeast corner of
   1-50  Oak Ridge North, Section 10, the map or plat thereof recorded in
   1-51  Cabinet A, Sheet 51 of the Map Records of Montgomery County, Texas;
   1-52  Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Lambert Projection, South
   1-53  Central Zone;
   1-54        THENCE South 02 degrees 26 minutes 26 seconds East, a
   1-55  distance of 1444.80 feet along the East line of the Charles
   1-56  Eisterwall Survey and the Westerly line of the Montgomery County,
   1-57  School Land Survey, Abstract Number 350, same being the East line
   1-58  of Oak Ridge North, Section 10, to a 5/8 inch iron rod, found in
   1-59  the Northerly right-of-way line of Woodson Road, based on a width
   1-60  of 60 feet, for the most Westerly Northwest corner and POINT OF
   1-61  BEGINNING of the herein described tract;
   1-62        THENCE North 80 degrees 48 minutes 29 seconds East, a
   1-63  distance of 936.80 feet along the Northerly line of Woodson Road to
   1-64  a point for an interior corner in the Westerly line of Lake Chateau
   1-65  Woods, Section Two, the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 7,
   1-66  Page 137 of the map records of Montgomery County, Texas;
   1-67        THENCE North 12 degrees 05 minutes 17 seconds West, a
   1-68  distance of 799.11 feet along the West line of Lake Chateau Woods,
    2-1  Section Two to a 1/2 inch iron rod, found for the most Northerly
    2-2  Northwest corner of the herein described tract and being the
    2-3  Northwest corner of Lot 1A, Block 1, Lake Chateau Woods, Section
    2-4  Two;
    2-5        THENCE North 84 degrees 09 minutes 43 seconds East, a
    2-6  distance of 201.02 feet along the North line of Lake Chateau Woods,
    2-7  Section Two, to a 1/2 inch iron pipe, found for the Northeast
    2-8  corner of Lot 1B and the Northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Lake
    2-9  Chateau Woods, Section Two;
   2-10        THENCE North 88 degrees 02 minutes 38 seconds East, a
   2-11  distance of 215.07 feet along the North line of Lake Chateau Woods,
   2-12  Section Two, to a 1/2 inch iron pipe, found for the Northeast
   2-13  corner of Lot 2 and the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Lake
   2-14  Chateau Woods, Section Two;
   2-15        THENCE North 89 degrees 12 minutes 31 seconds East, a
   2-16  distance of 657.33 feet along the North line of Lake Chateau Woods,
   2-17  Section Two, to a point for angle;
   2-18        THENCE North 77 degrees 00 minutes 08 seconds East, a
   2-19  distance of 186.50 feet along the North line of Lake Chateau Woods,
   2-20  Section Two, to a point for angle;
   2-21        THENCE North 88 degrees 22 minutes 08 seconds East, a
   2-22  distance of 502.50 feet along the North line of Lake Chateau Woods,
   2-23  Section Two, to a point at the Northeast corner of Lake Chateau
   2-24  Woods, Section Two and the Northwest corner of Lake Chateau Woods,
   2-25  Section Four, the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 7, Page
   2-26  223 of the Map Records, Montgomery County, Texas;
   2-27        THENCE North 88 degrees 10 minutes 08 seconds East, a
   2-28  distance of 1708.60 feet along the North line of Lake Chateau
   2-29  Woods, Section Four, and the North line of Lake Chateau Woods,
   2-30  Section Five, the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 7, Page
   2-31  225 of the Map Records of Montgomery County, Texas, to a 3 inch
   2-32  iron pipe, found for an interior corner at the Northeast corner of
   2-33  Lake Chateau Woods, Section Five in the West line of Lake Chateau
   2-34  Woods, Section Six, the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 7,
   2-35  Page 275 of the Map Records of Montgomery County, Texas;
   2-36        THENCE North 02 degrees 52 minutes 52 seconds West, a
   2-37  distance of 452.37 feet along the most Westerly West line of Lake
   2-38  Chateau Woods Section Six to a 1/2 inch iron rod, found for the
   2-39  Northwest corner of Lake Chateau Woods, Section Six;
   2-40        THENCE North 88 degrees 46 minutes 08 seconds East, a
   2-41  distance of 2545.50 feet along the North line of Lake Chateau
   2-42  Woods, Section Six, to a point for the Northeast corner of Section
   2-43  Seven, the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 7, Page 283 of
   2-44  the Map Records of Montgomery County, Texas, and the most Southerly
   2-45  Northeast corner of Lake Chateau Woods, Section Eight, an
   2-46  unrecorded subdivision;
   2-47        THENCE North 88 degrees 49 minutes 08 seconds East, a
   2-48  distance of 397.00 feet along the most Westerly North line of Lake
   2-49  Chateau Woods, Section Eight, to a point for the Northeast corner
   2-50  of Lot 3, Block 4 in the West line of Lot 6, Block 4, Lake Chateau
   2-51  Woods, Section Eight; said corner being in the West line of the R.
   2-52  Ross Survey, Abstract Number 471, common to the East line of the
   2-53  Montgomery County School Land Survey, Abstract Number 350;
   2-54        THENCE North 01 degrees 00 minutes 52 seconds West, a
   2-55  distance of 793.30 feet along the West line of Lake Chateau Woods,
   2-56  Section Eight, and the West line of the R. Ross Survey to a an
   2-57  angle point in the East line of that certain 8.21 acre tract
   2-58  recorded in Volume 609, page 149 of the Deed Records of Montgomery
   2-59  County, Texas;
   2-60        THENCE North 01 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds West, a
   2-61  distance of 478.35 feet along the West line of Lake Chateau Woods,
   2-62  Section Eight and the West line of the R. Ross Survey to a fence
   2-63  post found for the Northwest corner of Lot 20, Block 4, Lake
   2-64  Chateau Woods, Section Eight, and being in the Southerly line of
   2-65  Sleepy Hollow Road
   2-66        THENCE North 85 degrees 47 minutes 49 seconds East, a
   2-67  distance of 1656.00 feet along the South line of Sleepy Hollow Road
   2-68  to a point for the Northeast corner of the herein described tract
   2-69  and from which a nail is referenced North 31 degrees 16 minutes 12
   2-70  seconds West, 29.54 feet and a tree with old barbed wire referenced
    3-1  South 50 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds West, 21.03 feet;
    3-2        THENCE South 01 degrees 01 minutes 56 seconds East, passing
    3-3  at a distance of 1981.40 feet, a point located on the East line of
    3-4  the herein described tract referencing a 3/4 inch iron pipe, found
    3-5  West, 140.00 feet of said West line and being the Southeast
    3-6  intersection corner of Blue Ridge Drive and Longleaf Drive; in all,
    3-7  a distance of 4976.00 feet along the East line of the herein
    3-8  described tract to a 3/4 inch iron pipe, found for the Southeast
    3-9  corner of the herein described tract and the Southeast corner of
   3-10  Lot 6, Block 6, Lake Chateau Woods, Section Seven as recorded in
   3-11  Volume 7, Page 283 of the Map Records of Montgomery County, Texas;
   3-12  said Southeast corner being in the North line of the Thomas Toby
   3-13  Survey, Abstract Number 579 common to the Southerly line of the
   3-14  Montgomery County School Land Survey, Abstract Number 350;
   3-15        THENCE South 88 degrees 25 minutes 27 seconds West, a
   3-16  distance of 2395.11 feet along the common line of the Thomas Toby
   3-17  Survey and the Montgomery County School Land Survey and the South
   3-18  line of Lake Chateau Woods, Section 7, to a 3 inch iron pipe, found
   3-19  for the most Southerly Southwest corner of the herein described
   3-20  tract and the Southwest corner of Lot 26, Block II, Lake Chateau
   3-21  Woods, Section Six as recorded in Volume 7, Page 25 of the Map
   3-22  Records of Montgomery County, Texas;
   3-23        THENCE North 02 degrees 13 minutes 11 seconds West, a
   3-24  distance of 3123.84 feet along the West line of Lake Chateau Woods,
   3-25  Section Six to a 5/8 inch iron rod, found for the Northwest corner
   3-26  of Lot 11A, Block II and an angle point for Lot 9B, Block II, Lake
   3-27  Chateau Woods, Section Six;
   3-28        THENCE South 87 degrees 40 minutes 29 seconds West, a
   3-29  distance of 2126.00 feet along the South line of Lake Chateau
   3-30  Woods, Section Six to a point for the most Westerly Southwest
   3-31  corner of Lake Chateau Woods, Section Six in the East line of Lake
   3-32  Chateau Woods, Section Five;
   3-33        THENCE South 02 degrees 42 minutes 28 seconds East, a
   3-34  distance of 1484.00 feet along the East line of Lake Chateau Woods,
   3-35  Section Five, to a 3 inch iron pipe, found for the Southeast corner
   3-36  of Lake Chateau Woods, Section Five;
   3-37        THENCE South 88 degrees 35 minutes 50 seconds West, a
   3-38  distance of 1727.05 feet along the South line of Lake Chateau
   3-39  Woods, Section Five, to a 1/2 inch copper weld, found for the
   3-40  Southwest corner of Lake Chateau Woods, Section Three as recorded
   3-41  in Volume 7, Page 223 of the Map Records of Montgomery County,
   3-42  Texas; same being the Southeast corner of Lake Chateau Woods,
   3-43  Section One;
   3-44        THENCE South 89 degrees 42 minutes 50 seconds West, a
   3-45  distance of 174.00 feet along the South line of Lake Chateau Woods,
   3-46  Section One to a point for angle;
   3-47        THENCE South 88 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West, a
   3-48  distance of 400.00 feet along the South line of Lake Chateau Woods,
   3-49  Section One to a point for angle;
   3-50        THENCE South 85 degrees 23 minutes 19 seconds West, a
   3-51  distance of 346.39 feet along the South line of Lake Chateau Woods,
   3-52  Section One to a 1/2 inch iron rod, found for a point for angle;
   3-53        THENCE South 84 degrees 27 minutes 19 seconds West, a
   3-54  distance of 564.00 feet along the South line of Lake Chateau Woods,
   3-55  Section One to a 1/2 inch iron rod, found for an angle point in the
   3-56  herein described tract and the Southwest corner of Lake Chateau
   3-57  Woods, Section One, same being the original point of beginning
   3-58  describing the Corporate Limits of Chateau Woods as recorded in
   3-59  Volume 929, Page 556 of the Deed Records of Montgomery County,
   3-60  Texas;
   3-61        THENCE continuing South 84 degrees 27 minutes 19 seconds
   3-62  West, a distance of 395.00 feet crossing the complete right-of-way
   3-63  for the Missouri-Pacific Rail Road, to a point for corner of the
   3-64  herein described tract and being that same corner referenced in the
   3-65  14.675 acre annexation August, 1985;
   3-66        THENCE North 19 degrees 40 minutes 47 seconds West, a
   3-67  distance of 226.91 feet to a 3/4 inch iron rod, found for corner
   3-68  and being in the East line of Blueberry Hill Estates as recorded in
   3-69  Volume 7, Page 217 of the Map records of Montgomery County, Texas;
   3-70        THENCE South 87 degrees 35 minutes 17 seconds West, a
    4-1  distance of 331.58 feet severing Blueberry Hill estates, to a 3/4
    4-2  inch iron rod, found in the West right-of-way line of Blueberry
    4-3  Hill Drive, based on a width of 60 feet;
    4-4        THENCE South 87 degrees 36 minutes 31 seconds West, a
    4-5  distance of 263.66 feet to a fence post found at corner in the East
    4-6  line of Oak Ridge North, Section 9 as recorded in Cabinet A, Sheet
    4-7  5 of the Map Records of Montgomery County, Texas, same being the
    4-8  West line of Blueberry Hill Estates, in the East line of the
    4-9  Montgomery County School Land Survey, A-350 common to the East line
   4-10  of the Charles Eisterwall Survey, A-191;
   4-11        THENCE North 02 degrees 14 minutes 57 seconds West, a
   4-12  distance of 423.68 feet along the East line of the Charles
   4-13  Eisterwall Survey and the West line of the Montgomery County School
   4-14  Land Survey to a 1/2 inch iron rod, found for the Northeast corner
   4-15  of Oak Ridge North, Section 9, and the Northwest corner of
   4-16  Blueberry Hill estates, in the South right-of-way line of Woodson
   4-17  Road for an angle point in the West line of the herein described
   4-18  tract;
   4-19        THENCE North 00 degrees 36 minutes 25 seconds East, a
   4-20  distance of 61.18 feet crossing Woodson Road, back to the POINT OF
   4-21  BEGINNING of the herein described tract, containing 412.3198 acres
   4-22  of land, more or less, based on the survey and plat prepared by
   4-23  Michael Glezman Surveying, dated January, 1993.
   4-24        (b)  If, on the day preceding the date on which the canvass
   4-25  of the election authorized by Section 9 of this Act is completed,
   4-26  the corporate boundaries of the city of Chateau Woods are not as
   4-27  described in Subsection (a) of this section, the district includes
   4-28  the territory included within the corporate boundaries of Chateau
   4-29  Woods on that day.
   4-30        SECTION 4.  FINDING OF BENEFIT.  All of the land and other
   4-31  property included within the boundaries of the district will be
   4-32  benefited by the works and projects that are to be accomplished by
   4-33  the district under powers conferred by Article XVI, Section 59, of
   4-34  the Texas Constitution.  The district is created to serve a public
   4-35  use and benefit.
   4-36        SECTION 5.  POWERS.  (a)  The district has all of the rights,
   4-37  powers, privileges, authority, functions, and duties provided by
   4-38  the general law of this state, including Chapters 50 and 54, Water
   4-39  Code, applicable to municipal utility districts created under
   4-40  Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas Constitution.  This Act
   4-41  prevails over any provision of general law that is in conflict or
   4-42  inconsistent with this Act.
   4-43        (b)  The rights, powers, privileges, authority, functions,
   4-44  and duties of the district are subject to the continuing right of
   4-45  supervision of the state to be exercised by and through the Texas
   4-46  Water Commission.
   4-47        SECTION 6.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  (a)  The district is
   4-48  governed by a board of five directors.
   4-49        (b)  A vacancy in the office of director shall be filled by
   4-50  appointment of the board until the next election for directors.  If
   4-51  the position is not scheduled to be filled at the election, the
   4-52  person elected to fill the position shall serve only for the
   4-53  remainder of the unexpired term.
   4-54        (c)  To be eligible to serve as director, a person must be a
   4-55  registered voter and reside in the district.
   4-56        SECTION 7.  SERVICE OF DIRECTORS.  (a)  Temporary directors
   4-57  serve until initial directors are elected under Section 11 of this
   4-58  Act.
   4-59        (b)  Initial directors serve until permanent directors are
   4-60  elected under Section 15 of this Act.
   4-61        (c)  Permanent directors serve staggered four-year terms.
   4-62        (d)  Each director must qualify to serve as director in the
   4-63  manner provided by Sections 54.025 and 54.116, Water Code.
   4-64        (e)  A director serves until the director's successor has
   4-65  qualified.
   4-66        SECTION 8.  TEMPORARY DIRECTORS.  (a)  The temporary board of
   4-67  directors is composed of:
   4-68              (1)  Loretta Brown
   4-69              (2)  Kenneth Smith
   4-70              (3)  Eugene Mertz
    5-1              (4)  Betty Lambright
    5-2              (5)  Leon Jones
    5-3        (b)  If a temporary director fails to qualify for office, the
    5-4  temporary directors who have qualified shall appoint a person to
    5-5  fill the vacancy.  If at any time there are fewer than three
    5-6  qualified temporary directors, the Texas Water Commission shall
    5-7  appoint the necessary number of persons to fill all vacancies on
    5-8  the board.
   5-10  ELECT INITIAL DIRECTORS.  The mayor of the city of Chateau Woods
   5-11  shall call an election to be held on August 14, 1993, to abolish
   5-12  the city, to confirm the creation of the district, and to elect
   5-13  five initial directors of the district.  The city shall pay the
   5-14  costs of the election.
   5-15        SECTION 10.  BALLOT PROPOSITION.  The ballot for the election
   5-16  to abolish the city of Chateau Woods and to confirm the creation of
   5-17  the district shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
   5-18  proposition:  "The abolition of the city of Chateau Woods; the
   5-19  creation of the Chateau Woods Municipal Utility  District;  the
   5-20  transfer to the district of the assets and obligations of the city
   5-21  of Chateau Woods relating to the city's water and sewer system; and
   5-22  the levy of an ad valorem tax at a  rate equal to the rate
   5-23  previously set by the city to pay the bonded indebtedness of the
   5-24  city relating to the city's water and sewer system."
   5-25        SECTION 11.  ELECTION OF INITIAL DIRECTORS.  (a)  A person
   5-26  who desires to be a candidate for the office of initial director
   5-27  may file an application with the mayor of the city of Chateau Woods
   5-28  and the temporary board of directors to have the candidate's name
   5-29  printed on the ballot as provided by Section 51.075, Water Code.
   5-30        (b)  At the election to abolish the city, confirm the
   5-31  creation of the district, and elect initial directors,  the mayor
   5-32  and the temporary board of directors shall have the names of the
   5-33  five persons serving as temporary directors placed on the ballot
   5-34  together with the name of any candidate filing for the office of
   5-35  director as provided by Subsection (a) of this section and blank
   5-36  spaces to write in the names of other persons.  If the city is
   5-37  abolished and the district is created at the election, the mayor
   5-38  and the temporary directors, at the time the vote is canvassed,
   5-39  shall declare the five persons who receive the most votes to be
   5-40  elected as the initial  directors and shall include the results of
   5-41  the directors' election in the election report to the Texas Water
   5-42  Commission.  If the city is not abolished and the district is not
   5-43  created, the election of the temporary board of directors has no
   5-44  effect.
   5-46  (a)  The city is abolished and the district is created if a
   5-47  majority of the voters in the city of Chateau Woods voting in the
   5-48  election held under this Act favor the proposition.
   5-49        (b)  The district is not created and the city is not
   5-50  abolished if a majority of the voters in the election do not favor
   5-51  the proposition.
   5-53  TRANSFER OF ASSETS.   If the city of Chateau Woods is abolished and
   5-54  the district is created under this Act:
   5-55              (1)  the abolition of the city shall be declared and
   5-56  certified as provided by Section 62.004, Local Government Code;
   5-57              (2)  all assets and obligations of the city, other than
   5-58  assets and obligations related to the city's water and sewer
   5-59  systems, shall be disposed of as provided by Subchapter E, Chapter
   5-60  62, Local Government Code, and any assets remaining after all debts
   5-61  have been satisfied may be transferred to the district; and
   5-62              (3)  all assets and obligations of the city relating to
   5-63  the city's water and sewer system, including delinquent taxes owed
   5-64  to the city, are transferred to the district on the 30th day after
   5-65  the date of the canvass of the election has been completed.
   5-66        SECTION 14.  APPLICATION OF OTHER LAW.   Except as provided
   5-67  by this section and by Sections 8-12 of this Act,   the election
   5-68  authorized by Section 9 of this Act shall be conducted as provided
   5-69  by Chapter 54, Water Code, and by the Election Code.
   5-70        SECTION 15.  ELECTION OF DIRECTORS.   On the first Saturday
    6-1  in May of the second year after the year in which the election
    6-2  authorized by Section 9 of this Act is held, an election shall be
    6-3  held in the district for the election of two directors who shall
    6-4  each serve two-year terms and three directors who shall each serve
    6-5  four-year terms.  Thereafter, on the same date in each subsequent
    6-6  second year, the appropriate number of directors shall be elected
    6-7  to the board.
    6-9  (a)  The proper and legal notice of the intention to introduce this
   6-10  Act, setting forth the general substance of this Act, has been
   6-11  published as provided by law, and the notice and a copy of this Act
   6-12  have been furnished to all persons, agencies, officials, or
   6-13  entities to which they are required to be furnished by the
   6-14  constitution and other laws of this state, including the governor,
   6-15  who has submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Water Commission.
   6-16        (b)  The Texas Water Commission has filed its recommendations
   6-17  relating to this Act with the governor, lieutenant governor, and
   6-18  speaker of the house of representatives within the required time.
   6-19        (c)  All requirements of the constitution and laws of this
   6-20  state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect
   6-21  to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act are fulfilled
   6-22  and accomplished.
   6-23        SECTION 17.  EMERGENCY.  The importance of this legislation
   6-24  and the crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   6-25  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   6-26  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   6-27  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   6-28  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   6-29  passage, and it is so enacted.
   6-30                               * * * * *
   6-31                                                         Austin,
   6-32  Texas
   6-33                                                         May 21, 1993
   6-34  Hon. Bob Bullock
   6-35  President of the Senate
   6-36  Sir:
   6-37  We, your Committee on Natural Resources to which was referred H.B.
   6-38  No. 2815, have had the same under consideration, and I am
   6-39  instructed to report it back to the Senate with the recommendation
   6-40  that it do not pass, but that the Committee Substitute adopted in
   6-41  lieu thereof do pass and be printed.
   6-42                                                         Sims,
   6-43  Chairman
   6-44                               * * * * *
   6-45                               WITNESSES
   6-46                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
   6-47  ___________________________________________________________________
   6-48  Name:  John Brown                                x
   6-49  Representing:  City of Chateau Woods
   6-50  City:  Conroe
   6-51  -------------------------------------------------------------------