By:  Johnson                                          H.B. No. 2864
       73R7888 JJT-F
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the creation, administration, powers, duties,
    1-3  functions, operations, and financing of the Brookeland Municipal
    1-4  Utility District; providing for the authorization of bonds and the
    1-5  levy of property taxes.
    1-8  conservation and reclamation district, to be known as the
    1-9  Brookeland Municipal Utility District, is created in Jasper County,
   1-10  subject to approval at a confirmation election under Section 11 of
   1-11  this Act.  The district is a governmental agency and a body politic
   1-12  and corporate.
   1-13        (b)  The district is created under and is essential to
   1-14  accomplish the purposes of Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas
   1-15  Constitution.
   1-16        SECTION 2.  DEFINITION.  In this Act, "district" means the
   1-17  Brookeland Municipal Utility District.
   1-18        SECTION 3.  BOUNDARIES.  The district includes the territory
   1-19  contained within the following area:
   1-23        S. W. BLOUNT, JR. SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 493, SABINE
    2-2        526, JASPER COUNTY, TEXAS, AND SAID 1580 ACRES, MORE OR
    2-4        BEGINNING at a point at the intersection of the
    2-5        centerline of U.S. Highway No.  96 and the centerline
    2-6        of Mill Creek, said point being 400 feet, more or less,
    2-7        north of the intersection of the centerlines of U.S.
    2-8        Highway 96 and State Highway No. 149 in Jasper County;
    2-9        THENCE West for a distance of 1700 feet, more or less,
   2-10        to the United States Corp of Engineer Boundary line for
   2-11        Sam Rayburn Reservoir;
   2-12        THENCE in a northerly direction with the meanders of
   2-13        the United States Corp of Engineers Boundary line for
   2-14        the Sam Rayburn Reservoir for a distance of 13 miles,
   2-15        more or less, to a point at the intersection of said
   2-16        boundary line and the west right-of-way line of the
   2-17        Gulf Coast and Santa Fe Railroad, said point being
   2-18        located, along the west right-of-way line of said
   2-19        railroad, a distance of 7500 feet more or less, north
   2-20        of the Sabine County and Jasper County line;
   2-21        THENCE in a southerly direction with the west
   2-22        right-of-way line of said railroad for a distance of
   2-23        9500 feet, more or less, to a point for corner at the
   2-24        intersection of said railroad right-of-way and the
   2-25        north boundary line of the City of Browndell, Texas;
   2-26        said point being located 2350 feet, more or less, in a
   2-27        southerly direction along the said railroad
    3-1        right-of-way from the Sabine and Jasper county line;
    3-2        THENCE in a northwesterly direction with the northerly
    3-3        boundary line of said City of Browndell for a distance
    3-4        of 5100 feet, more or less, to point for corner in the
    3-5        east right-of-way line of said U.S. Highway No. 96;
    3-6        THENCE in a southerly direction along the east
    3-7        right-of-way line of U.S.  Highway No. 96 for a
    3-8        distance of 3000 feet, more or less, to the PLACE OF
    3-9        BEGINNING.
   3-10        SECTION 4.  FINDINGS RELATING TO BOUNDARIES.  The legislature
   3-11  finds that the boundaries and field notes of the district form a
   3-12  closure.  A mistake in the field notes or in copying the field
   3-13  notes in the legislative process does not affect the organization,
   3-14  existence, or validity of the district, the right of the district
   3-15  to issue bonds or refunding bonds or to pay the principal of or
   3-16  interest on the bonds, the right of the district to levy and
   3-17  collect taxes, or the legality or operation of the district or its
   3-18  governing body.
   3-19        SECTION 5.  FINDING OF BENEFIT.  All of the land and other
   3-20  property included within the boundaries of the district will be
   3-21  benefited by the works and projects that are to be accomplished by
   3-22  the district under powers conferred by Article XVI, Section 59, of
   3-23  the Texas Constitution.  The district is created to serve a public
   3-24  use and benefit.
   3-25        SECTION 6.  POWERS.  (a)  The district has all of the rights,
   3-26  powers, privileges, authority, functions, and duties conferred by
   3-27  the general law of this state, including those conferred by
    4-1  Chapters 50 and 54, Water Code, applicable to municipal utility
    4-2  districts created under Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas
    4-3  Constitution.  This Act prevails over any provision of general law
    4-4  that is in conflict or inconsistent with this Act.
    4-5        (b)  The rights, powers, privileges, authority, functions,
    4-6  and duties granted to the district are subject to the continuing
    4-7  right of supervision of the state, to be exercised by and through
    4-8  the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.
    4-9        SECTION 7.  BONDS.  The district may issue bonds to provide
   4-10  all improvements and the maintenance of the improvements necessary
   4-11  to accomplish the purposes of Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas
   4-12  Constitution and this Act.
   4-13        SECTION 8.  TAXING AUTHORITY.  (a)  The district may levy,
   4-14  assess, and collect equitably distributed taxes necessary:
   4-15              (1)  to pay the interest on bonds issued by the
   4-16  district;
   4-17              (2)  to create a sinking fund for the payment of the
   4-18  bonds; and
   4-19              (3)  for the maintenance of the district and
   4-20  improvements.
   4-21        (b)  The district may levy, assess, collect, and pledge to
   4-22  the payment of bonds all or a portion of:
   4-23              (1)  an annual ad valorem tax on all taxable property
   4-24  within the district without limit as to rate or amount; or
   4-25              (2)  a tax, annual or otherwise, on all taxable real
   4-26  property in the district apportioned according to a special benefit
   4-27  received by the property as a result of district improvements.
    5-1        (c)  Any property within 100 feet of a water line, a sewer
    5-2  line, or both is deemed to receive a special benefit, and the
    5-3  district may impose on the property the tax authorized by
    5-4  Subsection (b)(2) of this section.
    5-5        (d)  Before any tax is levied, the board of directors shall
    5-6  hold a public hearing in the district.  The board of directors
    5-7  shall publish notice of the hearing in a newspaper of general
    5-8  circulation in the district once a week for two consecutive weeks,
    5-9  the date of the first publication to be not later than 14 days
   5-10  before the date of the hearing.  The board of directors may not
   5-11  levy a tax unless the tax is approved at an election called and
   5-12  conducted in the manner provided by Subchapter F, Chapter 54, Water
   5-13  Code, for a bond election.  The board of directors shall draft a
   5-14  reasonable ballot proposition for the election.  Taxes levied by
   5-15  the district shall be equitably distributed.  The annual ad valorem
   5-16  tax shall be levied on an equal and uniform basis.
   5-17        SECTION 9.  MAINTENANCE TAX.  (a)  The district may levy and
   5-18  collect a tax for maintenance purposes, including planning,
   5-19  maintaining, repairing, and operating all necessary plants, works,
   5-20  facilities, improvements, appliances, and equipment of the district
   5-21  and paying costs of proper services, engineering, and legal fees
   5-22  and organization and administrative expenses.
   5-23        (b)  A maintenance tax may not be levied by the district
   5-24  until it is approved by a majority of the voters who vote in an
   5-25  election held for that purpose.
   5-26        (c)  The maintenance tax election may be held at the same
   5-27  time and in conjunction with the election to authorize bonds.  The
    6-1  election must be called and conducted in the manner provided by
    6-2  Subchapter F, Chapter 54, Water Code, for a bond election.  The
    6-3  board of directors shall draft a reasonable ballot proposition for
    6-4  the election.
    6-5        SECTION 10.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  (a)  The district is
    6-6  governed by a board of five directors.
    6-7        (b)  Except for the temporary and initial directors, each
    6-8  director shall serve for the term of office provided for directors
    6-9  under Chapter 54, Water Code, and until the director's successor is
   6-10  elected and has qualified.
   6-11        (c)  Each director shall qualify to serve as director in the
   6-12  manner provided by Chapter 54, Water Code.
   6-13        (d)  The temporary board of directors of the district is
   6-14  composed of:
   6-15              (1)  Coy Pinnix;
   6-16              (2)  Doris Hamilton;
   6-17              (3)  Wilburn Weaver;
   6-18              (4)  Richard Chapman; and
   6-19              (5)  Mrs. J. C. Linscomb.
   6-20        (e)  If a temporary director fails to qualify for office, the
   6-21  temporary directors who qualify for office shall appoint a person
   6-22  to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.  If at any time the
   6-23  number of qualified directors is fewer than three because of the
   6-24  failure or refusal of one or more directors to qualify to serve,
   6-25  because of death or incapacitation, or for any other reason, the
   6-26  Commissioners Court of Jasper County shall appoint the necessary
   6-27  number of directors to fill all vacancies on the board.
    7-1        (f)  The temporary directors shall serve until initial
    7-2  directors are elected as provided by Section 11 of this Act and
    7-3  Chapter 54, Water Code, and have qualified.
    7-5  election shall be called and held to confirm establishment of the
    7-6  district and to elect five initial directors as provided by Chapter
    7-7  54, Water Code.
    7-8        (b)  Section 41.001(a), Election Code, does not apply to an
    7-9  election under this section.
   7-10        SECTION 12.  ELECTION OF DIRECTORS.  On the first Saturday in
   7-11  May of the second year after the year in which the confirmation
   7-12  election is held, an election shall be held in the district for the
   7-13  election of two directors, each of whom shall serve a two-year
   7-14  term, and three directors, each of whom shall serve a four-year
   7-15  term.  On the first Saturday in May of each subsequent second year,
   7-16  the appropriate number of directors shall be elected to the board.
   7-17        SECTION 13.  ADDITIONAL AUTHORITY.  (a)  The district may
   7-18  enter into contracts for:
   7-19              (1)  the purchase or sale of both raw and treated
   7-20  water;
   7-21              (2)  the transportation, treatment, and disposal of the
   7-22  district's domestic, industrial, or communal wastes;
   7-23              (3)  the transportation, treatment, and disposal of
   7-24  domestic, industrial, or communal wastes as provided by Chapter 30,
   7-25  Water Code;
   7-26              (4)  the purchase, lease, use, management, control, or
   7-27  operation of water treatment or distribution facilities, sewer
    8-1  collection and treatment facilities, or all or part of facilities
    8-2  or systems owned by other political subdivisions; and
    8-3              (5)  planning, surveying, investigating, or preparing
    8-4  reports of any kind.
    8-5        (b)  The district may acquire, develop, and use underground
    8-6  or surface water rights.
    8-7        SECTION 14.  DISTRICT FACILITIES.  (a)  The district may
    8-8  adopt standard specifications for facilities that are designed or
    8-9  constructed to provide:
   8-10              (1)  storage, treatment, or transportation of water for
   8-11  domestic, municipal, or industrial purposes;
   8-12              (2)  collection, treatment, and disposal of sewage; or
   8-13              (3)  disposal of solid wastes.
   8-14        (b)  The board shall hold a public hearing on the adoption of
   8-15  standard specifications for facilities of the district.  The board
   8-16  shall give notice of the hearing to the Texas Natural Resource
   8-17  Conservation Commission and shall publish notice of the hearing in
   8-18  a newspaper with general circulation in the district not later than
   8-19  the 10th day before the date set for the hearing.
   8-20        (c)  A person adversely affected by a standard specification
   8-21  may bring suit in the district court of Jasper County for a
   8-22  declaratory judgment on the validity of the specification.  The
   8-23  court may declare the specification invalid only if the court finds
   8-24  the adoption of the standard to be arbitrary, capricious, or an
   8-25  abuse of discretion.
   8-26        (d)  The district may bring suit to enjoin the construction
   8-27  of a facility subject to the specifications or addition to an
    9-1  existing facility subject to the specifications or against a
    9-2  facility whose operations are not in compliance with the
    9-3  specifications.
    9-4        (e)  The specifications shall be filed with the Texas Natural
    9-5  Resource Conservation Commission.
    9-6        (f)  Specifications adopted under this section do not apply
    9-7  to a facility within the boundaries or extraterritorial
    9-8  jurisdiction of a municipality unless the governing body of the
    9-9  municipality approves the specifications by resolution.
   9-11  SYSTEMS.  (a)  The district may acquire any existing water system,
   9-12  sewer system, or water and sewer system that serves all or part of
   9-13  the territory located inside or outside the district's boundaries.
   9-14        (b)  The district may improve and extend an acquired system
   9-15  or may construct a water system, sewer system, or water and sewer
   9-16  system.
   9-17        (c)  Construction contracts are governed by the competitive
   9-18  bidding requirement provided by Subchapter B, Chapter 271, Local
   9-19  Government Code, but contracts for the acquisition of existing
   9-20  water or sewer facilities may be made on terms to which the parties
   9-21  agree.
   9-23  (a)  The proper and legal notice of the intention to introduce this
   9-24  Act, setting forth the general substance of this Act, has been
   9-25  published as provided by law, and the notice and a copy of this Act
   9-26  have been furnished to all persons, agencies, officials, or
   9-27  entities to which they are required to be furnished by the
   10-1  constitution and laws of this state, including the governor, who
   10-2  has submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Natural Resource
   10-3  Conservation Commission.
   10-4        (b)  The legislature finds that the Texas Natural Resource
   10-5  Conservation Commission has filed its recommendations relating to
   10-6  this Act with the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the
   10-7  house of representatives within the required time.
   10-8        (c)  The general law relating to consent by political
   10-9  subdivisions to the creation of conservation and reclamation
  10-10  districts and the inclusion of land in those districts has been
  10-11  complied with, and all requirements of the constitution and laws of
  10-12  this state and the rules and procedures of this legislature with
  10-13  respect to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act have
  10-14  been fulfilled and accomplished.
  10-15        SECTION 17.  TRANSITION PROVISION.  A reference in this Act
  10-16  to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission means the
  10-17  Texas Water Commission until the name of the Texas Water Commission
  10-18  is changed to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission as
  10-19  provided by Section 1.085, Chapter 3, Acts of the 72nd Legislature,
  10-20  1st Called Session, 1991.
  10-21        SECTION 18.  EMERGENCY.  The importance of this legislation
  10-22  and the crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  10-23  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  10-24  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  10-25  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
  10-26  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
  10-27  passage, and it is so enacted.