By:  Seidlits                                         H.C.R. No. 72
       73R5811 KMP-D
                                 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Texas Legislature is proud to honor Sherman
    1-2  businessman and civic leader Ben Blackburn for his outstanding
    1-3  contributions to the residents of Sherman and Grayson County; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, Born on October 8, 1906, in Reyno, Arkansas,
    1-5  Mr. Blackburn attended classes in  a two-room country schoolhouse
    1-6  as a boy; throughout his life, he has remained faithful to these
    1-7  small-town roots, dedicating himself to improving the lives of
    1-8  those in his family and community; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, This exceptional gentleman and his wife, Irma, were
   1-10  married in 1924, and soon thereafter he embarked on a successful
   1-11  career in milling while continuing to further his education; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, During his 10-year apprenticeship in grain
   1-13  processing at Valier and Spies Milling Company in St. Louis,
   1-14  Missouri, Mr. Blackburn studied engineering and business through
   1-15  the La Salle Extension University correspondence program; he also
   1-16  attended night classes in mathematics and engineering at Washington
   1-17  University, one of the most prestigious universities in the
   1-18  Midwest; and
   1-19        WHEREAS, For three decades, this diligent entrepreneur won
   1-20  the respect and admiration of his many peers, operating mills that
   1-21  processed between 500 and 50,000 hundredweight per day in many
   1-22  states, including Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Maryland, Kansas, and
   1-23  Texas; and
   1-24        WHEREAS, Moving to his adopted hometown of Sherman, Texas, in
    2-1  1950, Mr. Blackburn joined Fant Milling as general superintendent;
    2-2  responding to changes in the Texas economy, he changed careers at
    2-3  age 51, when he was hired as manager of Texoma, Inc., a
    2-4  manufacturer of drilling equipment; and
    2-5        WHEREAS, Having worked his way up to become president and
    2-6  chief executive officer  of the company that had evolved into
    2-7  Reedrill, Inc., he has won countless awards from business and
    2-8  professional organizations; an honorary life member of the Texas
    2-9  Association of Business and the International Association of
   2-10  Operative Millers, he won the first exceptional service award ever
   2-11  given by the Texas Electric Co-operatives and was honored with the
   2-12  Sherman Chamber of Commerce presidential award;  and
   2-13        WHEREAS, During the last four decades, this distinguished
   2-14  citizen has built a distinguished record of service to his
   2-15  community; he has been an elder of the Presbyterian church, a
   2-16  charter member of Goals for Sherman, and a board member of Goodwill
   2-17  Industry of Northeast Texas; and
   2-18        WHEREAS, Mr. Blackburn also has served as director of the Red
   2-19  River Authority, the Greater Grayson Forum, and MHMR of Texoma
   2-20  Region; of all his accomplishments, however, he is perhaps most
   2-21  proud of the role he played in the completion of the Grayson County
   2-22  Justice Center; and
   2-23        WHEREAS, In recognition of his tireless work in behalf of his
   2-24  community, this admirable civic leader has garnered numerous awards
   2-25  from the Grayson County Commissioners Court, the Texoma Regional
   2-26  Planning Commission, and other local organizations; and
   2-27        WHEREAS, Despite his many civic and professional activities,
    3-1  Mr. Blackburn is above all else a devoted family man who enjoys a
    3-2  happy and rewarding marriage with his wife, Irma, and who cherishes
    3-3  his daughter, two grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren; and
    3-4        WHEREAS, This remarkable gentleman is known to all for his
    3-5  warmth, generosity, and delightful sense of humor, and his presence
    3-6  will be deeply missed by the residents of Sherman when he moves to
    3-7  Louisville, Kentucky, to be near his daughter; and
    3-8        WHEREAS, An inspiration to all Texans, his many
    3-9  accomplishments are indeed worthy of our highest praise and
   3-10  recognition; now, therefore, be it
   3-11        RESOLVED, That the 73rd Legislature of the State of Texas
   3-12  hereby honor Ben Blackburn for his many exemplary contributions to
   3-13  his community and state; and, be it further
   3-14        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   3-15  prepared for Mr. Blackburn as an expression of high regard by the
   3-16  Legislature of the State of Texas.