By Greenberg                                          H.C.R. No. 93
                              HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
    1-1        WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is
    1-2  responsible for operating the state government's correctional
    1-3  institutions and otherwise coordinating the state's criminal
    1-4  justice activities; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, the State's criminal justice system is fragmented,
    1-6  and as a result, responsibilities and funding are scattered among
    1-7  hundreds of state and local agencies; and
    1-8        WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the State that the
    1-9  current structure and operation of the criminal justice system be
   1-10  reviewed in order that improvements may be identified and
   1-11  implemented, therefore, be it
   1-12        RESOLVED, that the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
   1-13  undergo a comprehensive performance review during the 1994-95
   1-14  biennium, such review to be performed by the state auditor, an
   1-15  independent consultant, or the Texas performance review staff of
   1-16  the Comptroller of Public Accounts; and be it
   1-17        FURTHER RESOLVED, that the performance review specifically
   1-18  address problems and make recommendations relative to the
   1-19  elimination of program duplication, the increase of coordination of
   1-20  the components of the criminal justice system, the exploration of
   1-21  alternative sanctions and/or sentencing for offenders, and the more
   1-22  efficient and cost effective use of resources of the Department of
   1-23  Criminal Justice, and prepare a detailed report on the results of
    2-1  the performance review; and be it
    2-2        FURTHER RESOLVED, that the firm or agency conducting the
    2-3  performance review present the report of the results of the
    2-4  performance review to the Legislature as soon as possible, but in
    2-5  no event later than July 1, 1994.