By:  Coleman                                         H.C.R. No. 147
       73R10612 WMS-D
                                 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
    1-1        WHEREAS, Public television is a broad-based resource that not
    1-2  only entertains and enlightens many Texans but also has the
    1-3  potential to benefit greatly the lives of people of all ages and
    1-4  interests; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, When President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the
    1-6  Public Broadcasting Act in 1967, public television broadcasting in
    1-7  Texas already had enjoyed a long history of excellence dating back
    1-8  to May 25, 1953, when station KUHT first went on the air in
    1-9  Houston; and
   1-10        WHEREAS, Since that time 13 other public television stations
   1-11  across the state have joined pioneering KUHT to bring quality
   1-12  programming within the reach of 98 percent of all Texans; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, Each of the 14 Texas public television stations is
   1-14  equipped with a satellite receiver to import programming from a
   1-15  myriad of sources and can originate widespread distribution of
   1-16  programming via nationwide fiber-optic networks or satellite uplink
   1-17  technology; and
   1-18        WHEREAS, Texas public television stations are committed to
   1-19  serving the state's diverse citizenry by providing quality
   1-20  programming that embraces different age groups, ethnicities, and
   1-21  cultures; and
   1-22        WHEREAS, The technological infrastructure at the disposal of
   1-23  Texas public broadcasters constitutes a significant resource whose
   1-24  unique potential has yet to be fully determined, and the
    2-1  possibility of deriving even greater benefit for the citizens of
    2-2  this state through innovative uses of current technology and of
    2-3  developments yet unforeseen should not remain unexplored; now,
    2-4  therefore, be it
    2-5        RESOLVED, That the 73rd Legislature of the State of Texas
    2-6  hereby request the lieutenant governor and speaker of the house of
    2-7  representatives to create a joint interim committee to study how
    2-8  the considerable resources of public television might best be used
    2-9  to further enhance service to the people of Texas; and, be it
   2-10  further
   2-11        RESOLVED, That the committee report its findings and
   2-12  recommendations to the 74th Legislature when it convenes in January
   2-13  1995; and, be it further
   2-14        RESOLVED, That the committee's proceedings and operations be
   2-15  governed by such general rules and policies for joint interim
   2-16  committees as the 73rd Legislature may adopt, and that such rules
   2-17  and policies supersede the provisions of this resolution to the
   2-18  extent of any conflict.