By:  West, Buddy                                       H.R. No. 136
       73R3460 JLZ-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The citizens of Odessa are justifiably proud of
    1-2  their community's rich history, traditions, and record of
    1-3  achievements and of the important role it has played in the
    1-4  economic development not only of West Texas but of the entire
    1-5  state; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, Founded in 1881 as a stop on the Texas and Pacific
    1-7  Railroad, the community of Odessa has seen its colorful past and
    1-8  its economic development closely entwined with two of the most
    1-9  important foundations of the state's enduring legacy, farming and
   1-10  ranching and the oil and gas industry; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, The principal shipping point for the surrounding
   1-12  Plains livestock area, the city ushered in a new era in 1929-1930
   1-13  with the opening of the Penn oil field and the Crowden oil field;
   1-14  this significant event brought the fabled oil boom to West Texas,
   1-15  helping to sustain the Texas economy for much of the twentieth
   1-16  century, and ultimately added a new dimension to the state's
   1-17  already legendary image; and
   1-18        WHEREAS, Although the great wealth derived from this
   1-19  discovery of abundant energy sources propelled the city's dynamic
   1-20  growth and development, an equally important resource through the
   1-21  years has been the community's energetic and enterprising populace,
   1-22  and as concern grows about the depletion of exhaustible resources,
   1-23  it is this limitless human resource that holds the key to the
   1-24  city's and the state's future; and
    2-1        WHEREAS, Odessans have forged boldly ahead into new areas of
    2-2  endeavor with great success, and its cultural institutions such as
    2-3  the symphony and chorale, the Civic Music Association, the Permian
    2-4  Playhouse Theater, and the Globe of the Great Southwest have earned
    2-5  widespread acclaim for excellence in the performing arts; and
    2-6        WHEREAS, The city also boasts an excellent public school
    2-7  system and is home to several fine institutions of higher learning,
    2-8  The University of Texas of the Permian Basin and Odessa College;
    2-9  and
   2-10        WHEREAS, Noted for their great civic interest as well as
   2-11  pride in their community, the citizens of Odessa have also taken
   2-12  their citizenship responsibilities seriously and have worked
   2-13  diligently to maintain close contact with their elected
   2-14  representatives; and
   2-15        WHEREAS, In recent years, the citizens of Odessa, working
   2-16  with and through the Odessa Chamber of Commerce, have demonstrated
   2-17  this exemplary spirit of community pride and civic-mindedness by
   2-18  joining with their community's elected officials in a celebration
   2-19  of Odessa Day at the Capitol; and
   2-20        WHEREAS, In this and in all their endeavors, past and
   2-21  present, the citizens of Odessa have rightfully earned special
   2-22  praise and recognition, and the members of this body wish to take
   2-23  advantage of this occasion to join our fellow Texans in saluting
   2-24  this model community; now, therefore, be it
   2-25        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
   2-26  Legislature hereby recognize February 3, 1993, as Odessa Day at the
   2-27  Capitol and extend best wishes to all of the community's fine
    3-1  residents on this noteworthy occasion; and, be it further
    3-2        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    3-3  prepared for the Odessa Chamber of Commerce as an expression of
    3-4  high esteem by the Texas House of Representatives.