H.R. No. 152
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives wishes to join
    1-2  with the family, friends, colleagues, and many admirers of United
    1-3  States Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall in grieving the
    1-4  passing of this legendary jurist and civil rights leader on January
    1-5  24, 1993, at the age of 84; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, Born July 2, 1908, in Baltimore, Maryland, he earned
    1-7  his undergraduate education at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania
    1-8  and continued his education at Howard University Law School,
    1-9  graduating first in his class in 1933; and
   1-10        WHEREAS, By the time President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed
   1-11  Justice Marshall to succeed Justice Tom C. Clark on the Supreme
   1-12  Court in 1967, Justice Marshall had already had a remarkable
   1-13  career; and
   1-14        WHEREAS, For more than two decades, Justice Marshall served
   1-15  as the director-counsel for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational
   1-16  Fund, Inc., which he created in the 1930s; it was during this time
   1-17  that he first became a tireless force in the civil rights movement,
   1-18  crafting the strategy that would require the courts to provide a
   1-19  definition of equality that would assure African-Americans the full
   1-20  rights of citizenship; and
   1-21        WHEREAS, Displaying the keen intellect and insightful grasp
   1-22  of legal issues that would become the hallmarks of his career, he
   1-23  argued 32 cases before the Supreme Court and won 29 of them; and
   1-24        WHEREAS, One of these cases, Smith v. Allwright, which
    2-1  Justice Marshall argued before the court in 1944, resulted in the
    2-2  court's striking down Texas' all-white primary system; in another,
    2-3  Sweatt v. Painter, The University of Texas School of Law was
    2-4  ordered to drop all racial restrictions on enrollment as a result
    2-5  of his enormous talent and determination as an attorney; and
    2-6        WHEREAS, Perhaps Justice Marshall's greatest legal victory
    2-7  came in 1954 with the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of
    2-8  Education, which put an end to the "separate but equal" system of
    2-9  racial segregation that was then in effect in the public schools of
   2-10  21 states; and
   2-11        WHEREAS, In 1961, he was named to the 2nd United States
   2-12  Circuit Court of Appeals in New York City by President John F.
   2-13  Kennedy, and, during the four years he served as a federal appeals
   2-14  court judge, Justice Marshall rendered 112 opinions, none of which
   2-15  was ever overturned on appeal; in fact, several of his dissenting
   2-16  opinions later became majority opinions of the Supreme Court; and
   2-17        WHEREAS, The country's first African-American solicitor
   2-18  general, from 1965 to 1967, he played a pivotal role in advancing
   2-19  the Johnson administration's civil and constitutional rights
   2-20  agenda; and
   2-21        WHEREAS, During his nearly quarter-century of service on the
   2-22  nation's highest bench, Justice Marshall remained a staunch
   2-23  defender of individual rights, always serving as a strong advocate
   2-24  in behalf of minorities and the underprivileged; and
   2-25        WHEREAS, Throughout his life, Supreme Court Justice Thurgood
   2-26  Marshall demonstrated unfailing wisdom, courage, and dedication to
   2-27  that which he knew to be right; his deep commitment to creating an
    3-1  environment that would ensure the dignity and basic rights of all
    3-2  citizens has profoundly influenced the very fabric of this nation,
    3-3  and the unique spirit of this visionary leader will surely live on
    3-4  in the lasting legacy of accomplishments he leaves behind; now,
    3-5  therefore, be it
    3-6        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
    3-7  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Supreme Court Justice
    3-8  Thurgood Marshall and extend sincere sympathy to his wife, Cecilia,
    3-9  to his sons, John Marshall and Thurgood Marshall, Jr., and to the
   3-10  many other relatives and friends of this legendary jurist; and, be
   3-11  it further
   3-12        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   3-13  prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas
   3-14  House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of
   3-15  United States Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.
   3-16  House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of
   3-17  United States Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.
   3-18                                                      Jones of Dallas
   3-19                                                      H.R. No. 152
   3-20  Laney                   Gallegos                 Munoz
   3-21  Alexander               Giddings                 Naishtat
   3-22  Allen                   Glaze                    Nieto
   3-23  Alonzo                  Goodman                  Oakley
   3-24  Alvarado                Goolsby                  Ogden
   3-25  Averitt                 Granoff                  Oliveira
   3-26  Bailey                  Gray                     Park
   3-27  Berlanga                Greenberg                Parra
    4-1  Black                   Grusendorf               Patterson
    4-2  Blackwood               Gutierrez                Pitts
    4-3  Bomer                   Haggerty                 Place
    4-4  Bosse                   Hamric                   Price
    4-5  Brady                   Harris                   Puente
    4-6  Brimer                  Hartnett                 Rabuck
    4-7  Cain                    Heflin                   Ramsay
    4-8  Campbell                Hernandez                Rangel
    4-9  Carona                  Hightower                Raymond
   4-10  Carter                  Hilbert                  Rodriguez
   4-11  Cavazos                 Hilderbran               Romo
   4-12  Chisum                  Hill                     Rudd
   4-13  Clemons                 Hirschi                  Sadler
   4-14  Coleman                 Hochberg                 Saunders
   4-15  Combs                   Holzheauser              Schechter
   4-16  Conley                  Horn                     Seidlits
   4-17  Cook                    Hudson                   Shields
   4-18  Corte                   Hunter of Taylor         Siebert
   4-19  Counts                  Hunter of Nueces         A. Smith of Harris
   4-20  Crabb                   Jackson                  D. Smith of Harris
   4-21  Craddick                James                    Smithee
   4-22  Cuellar of Webb         Johnson                  Solis
   4-23  Cuellar of Hidalgo      Jones of Lubbock         Stiles
   4-24  Culberson               Jones of Dallas          Swinford
   4-25  Danburg                 Junell                   Tallas
   4-26  Davila                  Kamel                    Talton
   4-27  Davis                   Krusee                   Telford
    5-1  De La Garza             Kubiak                   Thompson of Tarrant
    5-2  Dear                    Kuempel                  Thompson of Harris
    5-3  Delco                   Lewis                    Turner of Coleman
    5-4  Delisi                  Linebarger               Turner of Harris
    5-5  Denton                  Longoria                 Uher
    5-6  Driver                  McCall                   Van de Putte
    5-7  Duncan                  McCoulskey               Vowell
    5-8  Dutton                  McDonald                 West
    5-9  Earley                  Madden                   Williamson
   5-10  Eckels                  Marchant                 Willis
   5-11  Edwards                 Martin                   Wilson
   5-12  Erickson                Maxey                    Wolens
   5-13  Finnell                 Moffat                   Yarbrough
   5-14  Flores                  Moreno                   Yost
   5-15  Gallego                 Mowery                   Zbranek
   5-16                                                      H.R. No. 152
   5-17                                      _______________________________
   5-18                                            Speaker of the House
   5-19        I certify that H.R. No. 152 was unanimously adopted by a
   5-20  rising vote of the House on February 2, 1993.
   5-21                                      _______________________________
   5-22                                          Chief Clerk of the House