H.R. No. 259
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor
    1-2  A. W. "Dub" Riter, Jr., who was recently honored by the Texas
    1-3  Chamber of Commerce as Outstanding East Texan of 1992; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, This exceptional individual has made significant
    1-5  contributions to the Tyler community for over three decades as a
    1-6  business and civic leader; and
    1-7        WHEREAS, A dynamic financial presence, Mr. Riter has served
    1-8  as a board member and vice-chair of administration and finance of
    1-9  the Texas Chamber of Commerce and as a board member of the Tyler
   1-10  Area Chamber of Commerce; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, Mr. Riter has pursued a rewarding career with
   1-12  NationsBank Texas and its predecessor companies, serving as
   1-13  president and director since 1963, as chairman of the bank's
   1-14  executive committee since 1973, and as chairman of the board and
   1-15  chief executive officer since 1979; he also was a member of the
   1-16  board of directors of NCNB Texas-Tyler until 1991 and retired as
   1-17  senior board chairman in 1988; and
   1-18        WHEREAS, His extensive achievements in the world of banking
   1-19  also include serving as a Class A Director of the Federal Reserve
   1-20  Bank of Dallas from 1969 to 1974, where he was chairman and a
   1-21  member of the bank's advisory council of financial institutions;
   1-22  Mr. Riter was a board member of Interfirst Corporation from 1982 to
   1-23  1987 and has capably represented the interests of his chosen
   1-24  profession as president of the Texas Bankers Association from 1984
    2-1  to 1985; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, Deeply committed to the betterment of his fellow
    2-3  Texans, he has served with distinction as a member of the board of
    2-4  trustees of the Texas Growth Fund Board and the Teachers Retirement
    2-5  System since his appointment by Governor Bill Clements, and he now
    2-6  serves as vice-chair on the board of the Teachers Retirement
    2-7  System; Mr. Riter is also a life member of the Texas Research
    2-8  League and spent two terms as president of the Texas Taxpayers
    2-9  Association; and
   2-10        WHEREAS, In recognition of his tireless contributions to the
   2-11  East Texas community, Mr. Riter has received many well-deserved
   2-12  awards, including the W. C. Windsor Award as Tyler's Outstanding
   2-13  Young Man of the Year in 1956, the T. B. Butler Award as Tyler's
   2-14  Most Outstanding Citizen in 1968, and the Patriot of the Year Award
   2-15  from The University of Texas at Tyler in 1987, and in 1985 he was
   2-16  inducted into the Hall of Fame at the New Mexico Military
   2-17  Institute; and
   2-18        WHEREAS, Numerous organizations have benefited immeasurably
   2-19  by having "Dub" Riter, Jr., as a board member, among them the East
   2-20  Texas Community Foundation, East Texas Medical Center Regional
   2-21  Healthcare System, Mother Frances Hospital Foundation, Salvation
   2-22  Army, Texas College, United Way, The University of Texas at Tyler
   2-23  Development Board, Tyler Industrial Foundation, East Texas Fair
   2-24  Association, East Texas Mental Health Association, Greater Tyler
   2-25  Drug Free Business Initiative, Junior Achievement of Greater Tyler,
   2-26  Regional East Texas Food Bank, TISD Foundation, and the Tyler Rose
   2-27  Museum, Inc.; and
    3-1        WHEREAS, This esteemed gentleman's exemplary dedication to
    3-2  his community has profoundly benefited the Tyler area, and his
    3-3  accomplishments are indeed deserving of special praise and
    3-4  recognition on the occasion of his most recent honor; now,
    3-5  therefore, be it
    3-6        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
    3-7  Legislature hereby honor A. W. "Dub" Riter, Jr., on being named
    3-8  Outstanding East Texan of 1992 by the Texas Chamber of Commerce and
    3-9  extend to him best wishes for continued success in the future; and,
   3-10  be it further
   3-11        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   3-12  prepared for Mr. Riter as an expression of high regard by the Texas
   3-13  House of Representatives.
   3-14  prepared for Mr. Riter as an expression of high regard by the Texas
   3-15  House of Representatives.
   3-16                                                                Kamel
   3-17                                                      H.R. No. 259
   3-18                                      _______________________________
   3-19                                            Speaker of the House
   3-20        I certify that H.R. No. 259 was adopted by the House on March
   3-21  11, 1993, by a non-record vote.
   3-22                                      _______________________________
   3-23                                          Chief Clerk of the House