H.R. No. 260
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The end of the 1992-1993 school year will also mark
    1-2  the end of an era for the San Elizario Independent School District
    1-3  when Lorenzo Loya retires as a member of the district's board of
    1-4  trustees after a long and distinguished tenure spanning half a
    1-5  century of service to the schoolchildren of the community; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, Asked to serve on the board at the age of 19 in
    1-7  1943, Mr. Loya remained on the board for the next 50 years, running
    1-8  unopposed in each school board election since then to become the
    1-9  longest serving school board member in Texas history, according to
   1-10  records of the Texas Association of School Boards; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, During his exceptional tenure on the board, Mr. Loya
   1-12  has witnessed and been part of many dramatic changes in the El Paso
   1-13  County community and in the school district serving its educational
   1-14  needs; and
   1-15        WHEREAS, When he began serving on the board, San Elizario was
   1-16  a small rural community, and the small school district served 40 to
   1-17  50 students, many of whom would not complete their high school
   1-18  education because of the agricultural nature of their families'
   1-19  pursuits; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, Fifty years later, the district now boasts of an
   1-21  enrollment of nearly 2,500 students and a greatly improved
   1-22  graduation rate, thanks in large measure to the dedicated efforts
   1-23  of Mr. Loya, who has continually stressed the importance of
   1-24  attaining a first rate education as a means of improving not only
    2-1  the quality of life for each individual but for the community at
    2-2  large as well; and
    2-3        WHEREAS, A product of the times and the economic
    2-4  circumstances that shaped the lives of everyone in the community
    2-5  during the Depression, Mr. Loya understood very well the value of a
    2-6  good education, having ended his own formal education at the eighth
    2-7  grade when he left school to help his family do farm work; and
    2-8        WHEREAS, Although he later found employment with Phelps
    2-9  Dodge, where he worked steadily for 37 years until he retired in
   2-10  1977, his 50-year tenure on the San Elizario school board provided
   2-11  him an excellent opportunity to encourage succeeding generations of
   2-12  the community's youth to finish high school and to continue their
   2-13  postsecondary education whenever possible so that they might enjoy
   2-14  career and professional opportunities he never had; and
   2-15        WHEREAS, His commitment to these goals and aspirations is
   2-16  manifest in all of his endeavors, both great and small, from
   2-17  providing space in his home for a schoolteacher wanting to tutor
   2-18  students after school to convincing friends and neighbors of the
   2-19  need to support a $3 million bond issue and hefty tax increase that
   2-20  enabled the district to build a new primary school a few years ago;
   2-21  and
   2-22        WHEREAS, Throughout the years he also has stressed the
   2-23  responsibility each individual bears in striving for success,
   2-24  recognizing that each success story provides yet another role model
   2-25  for the children in this predominantly Hispanic community to admire
   2-26  and emulate; and
   2-27        WHEREAS, Given his record of service to the community over
    3-1  the years, it is indeed fitting that the community will pay the
    3-2  most appropriate tribute it can give to one of its most highly
    3-3  esteemed citizens when it renames San Elizario Primary School in
    3-4  his honor in May 1993 as part of his retirement celebration; and
    3-5        WHEREAS, Throughout his outstanding association with the
    3-6  community, Mr. Loya has adhered to his principle of putting the
    3-7  community first, and the many generations of San Elizario
    3-8  schoolchildren who have passed through the district's schools have
    3-9  benefited as a result; his vision, leadership, and commendable
   3-10  dedication will be greatly missed; now, therefore, be it
   3-11        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
   3-12  Legislature hereby honor Lorenzo Loya for his half century of
   3-13  outstanding service as a member of the board of trustees of the San
   3-14  Elizario Independent School District and extend best wishes on the
   3-15  occasion of his retirement from the school board; and, be it
   3-16  further
   3-17        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   3-18  prepared for Mr. Loya as an expression of high esteem by the Texas
   3-19  House of Representatives.
   3-20  prepared for Mr. Loya as an expression of high esteem by the Texas
   3-21  House of Representatives.
   3-22                                                                Parra
   3-23                                                      H.R. No. 260
   3-24                                      _______________________________
   3-25                                            Speaker of the House
   3-26        I certify that H.R. No. 260 was adopted by the House on
   3-27  February 16, 1993, by a non-record vote.
    4-1                                      _______________________________
    4-2                                          Chief Clerk of the House