By:  Place                                             H.R. No. 273
       73R3161 KMP-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to
    1-2  congratulate the Dublin Chamber of Commerce on being one of only
    1-3  five organizations statewide to receive the Texas Chamber of
    1-4  Commerce chamber achievement award; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, This prestigious honor recognizes outstanding
    1-6  projects that have made positive impacts on Texas communities and
    1-7  businesses; the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, which garnered the
    1-8  grand prize award in the category for towns with 15,000 or fewer
    1-9  residents, was honored for its "Supporting the Industry that
   1-10  Supports Us" project, a program that has successfully united the
   1-11  local business and dairy communities; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, When members of the Dublin community grew concerned
   1-13  about the environmental impact of local dairy operations, local
   1-14  businesses, which depend largely on the dairy industry for their
   1-15  economic survival, embarked on an ambitious campaign to improve
   1-16  dairy-merchant relations and to promote environmental
   1-17  responsibility in dairy operations; and
   1-18        WHEREAS, "Supporting the Industry that Supports Us" has
   1-19  increased local residents' expression of their appreciation of the
   1-20  dairy industry with a billboard, bumper stickers, and marquee
   1-21  signs, as well as a downtown beautification program in which shop
   1-22  windows were festively decorated with farm and dairy scenes; the
   1-23  Dublin Chamber of Commerce also has organized a legislative
   1-24  letter-writing campaign and hosted a "Fun Day picnic" that brought
    2-1  together merchants and dairy farmers; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, The impact of this visionary project has been
    2-3  overwhelmingly positive; as more local dairy farmers have joined
    2-4  the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, the organization has responded by
    2-5  creating a special agricultural division and becoming actively
    2-6  involved in the Texas Association of Dairymen; and
    2-7        WHEREAS, The dairy community has enthusiastically welcomed
    2-8  the support and looks forward to hosting a picnic for the business
    2-9  community in 1993; in addition, dairy farmers have raised nearly
   2-10  $7,000 that will be used to purchase new playground equipment for
   2-11  the Dublin town park; and
   2-12        WHEREAS, The members of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce are
   2-13  indeed worthy of special legislative recognition and support for
   2-14  their remarkable program to promote better relations between the
   2-15  dairy and other business interests of its community; now,
   2-16  therefore, be it
   2-17        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
   2-18  Legislature hereby congratulate the Dublin Chamber of Commerce on
   2-19  its receipt of a chamber achievement award from the Texas Chamber
   2-20  of Commerce and commend its members for their outstanding
   2-21  contributions to their community and state; and, be it further
   2-22        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-23  prepared for prominent display at the Dublin Chamber of Commerce as
   2-24  an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.